View Full Version : Roleplaying Evren's Quest - My experience playing solo with RPG Solo

2017-12-16, 07:58 AM
I decided I'd try giving https://www.rpgsolo.com/ a whirl, and while I'm at it I might as well set out to wreck the D&D 5e rules as thoroughly as I can. Don't know how long this will last, but the intention is to take this out to 20th level and beyond, zero to hero, clod to god. I'm going to using some houserules for epic levels I made (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u0DSY7RFPWT3P6HG6zu-qMlUUsKmkRzM4pl0p6DZIzY/edit#heading=h.idnwitntagh0) (not so much the epic levels, but the class levels as epic boons), which means I can eventually get to 20th level in every class. Eventually. I'll probably get bored long before that, though, but what the heck. It will at least be a good chance to play with some classes I wouldn't normally touch.

I've created a custom race for Evren base on James Musicus's Race Guide (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ViqLSEN67mmd2Lo_OJ-H5YX0fccsfI97kFaqx7V1Dmw/edit) limiting myself to 6 points. Here's Evren's stat block for 1st level:
1st level Barbarian
HP 13

STR 12
DEX 12
CON 12
INT 13
WIS 13
CHA 13

Medium sized.
Burrow speed of 30 feet. [2 points]
Swim speed of 30 feet. [1.5 points]
Spiderclimb. [1 point]
Tremorsense 60 feet. [0.5 points]
Lucky (from the halfling). [0.5 points]
Mask of the Wild. [0.5 points]

Skills: Athletics, Investigation, Perception, Stealth

Background: Hermit feature, skills/tools/languages customized

Speaks Common, Elvish, and Orcish.
Proficient in Alchemist's tools.
I'll post the logs in this thread. This section here will be devoted to being a table of contents with links to the individual postings.

Orcslayer Arc
Session 1 - Evren vs. Garok (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?544934-Evren-s-Quest-My-experience-playing-solo-with-RPG-Solo&p=22670370&viewfull=1#post22670370)
Session 2 - Orcs must die! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?544934-Evren-s-Quest-My-experience-playing-solo-with-RPG-Solo&p=22672622&viewfull=1#post22672622)
Session 3 - Evren Orcslayer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?544934-Evren-s-Quest-My-experience-playing-solo-with-RPG-Solo&p=22678503&viewfull=1#post22678503)

Feel free to comment to comment below if you find this story interesting. It's certainly been fun playing it so far.

2017-12-16, 08:02 AM
In a rather unfortunate turn of events, I had been on his way home after picking up books and supplies in town when a band of orcs popped out of nowhere and clobbered me. Possibly due to my unusual appearance, rather than killing me they had the decency to put me in a cage back in their warcamp. It didn't take long for me to realize this wasn't some sort of petting zoo, although it did involve rather a lot of physical interaction with the orcs' hands, and, when they were feeling particularly spirited, big, dirty sticks. They didn't seem disappointed when candy didn't come spilling out, but that certainly didn't stop them from trying it again later. This wasn't exactly the most pleasant period of my life, but I wouldn't say it was the worst, either.

It didn't take long for the orcs to discover my ability to tunnel through earth, and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for the meddling scouts. My prison now sits on a large, flat rock, and I have a heavy iron chain around my neck any time they let me out to do menial tasks for them. You might think that at this point I simply hadn't had another opportunity to escape yet, but in fact I could have left months ago if I had chosen to. But no, after all the humiliation and abuse these savages have heaped on me, escape isn't good enough. They have to pay for what they've done to me.

I haven't spent the year idle. I've been studying their brutish ways, learning to leverage their savagery to my own ends. It's certainly done wonders for my physique, although I'll be happy when I can go back to studying magic and forget all this nonsense. I had half expected someone to come in and clear the orcs out by now, but it's become clear that I'll have to take my fate into my own hands.

And that's why, for better or for worse, I've challenged the chieftain of the orcs to single combat. After they stopped laughing, I assured them that, no, really, I was serious. I was a little surprised when they agreed to let me fight without the chain on, but it seems they've arranged for the arena to be covered in wooden boards, too thick for me to burrow through. Fine, I had no intention of running anyway. I mean, unless I lost, which was probably what was going to happen. So yeah, I had every intention of running, but I still planned to try and win the fight.

Do they at least give me a weapon?


What about a shield?


And armor?

Yes, and...

It would appear that they don't have a lot of confidence in my fighting abilities. At least we agree on something. I don the chain shirt, select a flail for my weapon with a dagger as backup, and buckle on the shield. Ha ha, I'm going to die.

I step into the arena. This seemed like a much better idea when I was still locked in a cage, but here we are. This orc is one tough customer. Garok or something is his name. He has an eager smile on his face as he brandishes his greataxe. Hum, I had assumed that failure would simply mean returning to my cage, but I'm beginning to see that it might not be so easy on me if I lose. Oh well, too late to turn back now.

Roll for initiative.

7 = 6[d20]+1

16 = 15[d20]+1

Well, that's not good.

The Garok bumrushes me swings his axe.

24 = 19[d20]+5

10 = 7[d12]+3

I'm totally unprepared for the ferocity of his attack. I feel the strength drain from me under the savagery of his blows. I'm about to crumple, but I'm not done yet.

I've got nothing to lose and a lot of pent up anger. Now would be a good time to release it.

I swing my flail as hard as I can at Garok.

18 = 15[d20]+3


9 = 6[d8]+3

Garok stumbles back, surprised at the fury of my vengeance. A faint glimmer of fear begins to appear, but is quickly replaced by savage eagerness.

"Well well, looks like you've got some fight in you after all. I was afraid this would be boring," He grins cruelly.

Garok raises his axe again.

15 = 12[d20]+3

I knock it aside with my shield and return the grim smile.

"I've been saving it for a rainy day."

I swing my flail again, this time aiming for his unprotected legs.

17 = 14[d20]+3


5 = 2[d8]+3

I catch a piece of him, but it's mostly just surface damage.

"Well, we'll have to do this again the next time it rains. You know, so I can see you fight for real."

Garok takes another swing, this time coming in from my right so I can't block with my shield.

21 = 16[d20]+5


7 = 4[d12]+3

Already feeling weak from his earlier assault, I can't move fast enough to parry his axe. The blade bites into my shoulder and neck. My last thoughts as I collapse into a bloody heap are, "That's going to sting in the morning."

I awake back in my cage. A rough bandage is wrapped around my shoulder. It hurts like no one's business. Ah well, it was a noble effort. At least I'm not dead.

I test my arm. Sharp pain shoots through my brain. Okay then, I'll just give it a while to heal up then.

"Awake now?" the orc guard asks. "Heh, looks like you were all bark and no bite."

"Honestly, I did better than I was really expecting. If he hadn't rushed me at the start I might have actually stood a chance."

"You lucky you're still alive. Chief Garok was in a good mood after crushing you, so he had you treated so he could fight you again sometime."

"When it's raining. Right. Looks like it will be a while before my arm heals up, and I wouldn't want to disappoint him by fighting while injured."

It took a couple weeks to heal back up, two grueling weeks where I was still subjected to the cruelty of the orcs. But I knew it was just a matter of time before another opportunity presented itself.

Does some fortuitous event occur that could lead to my freedom?

No, but...

My chance has finally come. It's raining, so most everyone is inside their huts. A couple of sentries are standing guard near the fire pit in the center of the camp, a canopy erected overhead to shield the flame from the rain. They're looking the other way.

The cage is made of stout poles, but they're still quite flexible. I might be able to squeeze through.


Or not. I inspect the cage for any signs of weakness.

9 = 6[d20]+3

No, it looks pretty sturdy. The poles are lashes together quite tightly and tied off far too tightly for me to undo. Alright, I guess it's come to this. Time to resort to brute strength. I think angry thoughts as I grip the bars and try to pull them apart by force.

Strength(Athletics) with advantage due to rage:

21 = 20[d20]+1

2 = 1[d20]+1

With a crack, the bars snap under my fury. I quickly glance over to the guards to see if they hear me.

Yes, but...

I see them turn their heads to look. I cover up the broken bar with my body and grimace while rubbing my shoulder. They shrug and turn away again.

I take a moment to consider my options. I know which tent they keep the weapons in, but it's likely to be full of orcs right now. If I leave, it's only a matter of time before the sentries turn around and notice that I'm gone.

Do I see a cloak or something I could use to construct a decoy?


Shoot. I guess here goes nothing. I slip out and burrow into the wet earth. I go straight for the armory, which is undoubtedly full of orcs right now. Quietly, I tunnel up from beneath and pop my head inside.


15 = 12[d20]+3

Do I see any orcs?


How many?

4 = 4[d6]

Are any of them looking toward the weapon racks?


What I wouldn't give for minor illusion right about now. Sadly, I have yet to master that spell. But maybe...

I tunnel back below the tent. I know where each orc is, and can feel them moving around on the surface. One of them had a cup of some drink. I carefully reach up and pull it underground.

Dexterity(Sleight of Hand)

15 = 14[d20]+1

Success. I tunnel back to my corner of the tent. I can feel a commotion going on on the surface. I poke my head out again.

Are they distracted?


Are you kidding me? I wait a little while for someone to notice the missing cup.

Does something happen?


The dumb orc finally notices his drink is missing. He starts raising a ruckus, accusing the other orcs of stealing his drink while he was distracted with whatever dumb game they're playing. I stealthily reach for a shield.


19 = 16[d20]+3

And a longsword.

9 = 6[d20]+3

Crap, I think they spotted me. I dive back under the dirt with my stolen gear.

I don't have a moment to lose. I head straight for Garok's tent. I can feel him through the earth. I dive out of the earth and immediately strike.

Is he prepared for battle?

No, and...

I catch him completely by surprise.

Roll initiative.


3 = 2[d20]+1


15 = 14[d20]+1

My previous rage has burned itself out by now, so I work myself up again as I take a wide swing at the orc's unprotected flank.


22 = 19[d20]+3


11 = 8[d8]+3

He cries out in pain and rage as the blade bites into him. But it's not enough to stop him. I see him eye his battleaxe and ready myself in case he decides to go for it.

Does Garok try and grab his axe?


Instead he throws a punch as hard as he can at my head.


7 = 2[d20]+5

I duck and weave under the strike and aim my sword for his gut.


21 = 18[d20]+3


10 = 7[d8]+3

Garok rolls and misses the worst of the blow, but I still catch a piece of him. There is fear in his eyes.

"What's the matter, Garok? I thought you knew we'd be having a rematch. 'The next time it rains,' you said."

He throws another punch at me.

19 = 14[d20]+5



He clips me right on the jaw. My head spins for a moment but I quickly regain my composure. I give him a toothy grin.

"I thought you wanted to see me fight for real."


7 = 4[d20]+3

Garok sidesteps the blade as it bites into the dirt. I see him glance at his axe again.

Does Garok go for the axe?

Yes, but...

Before I can recover my blade, he gives me a shove before making a break for his axe. I pull myself up and get back into a fighting stance as he returns with his weapon.

"You sneaky bastard!" he snarls. "I'll put you right back in that cage, and this time I'll take your arm all the way off!"

"Thanks for reminding me," I say as I take a swing at his neck.

9 = 6[d20]+3

Garok parries it with his greataxe. He smiles.

"You're very brave attacking an unarmed orc. We both know this fight is over now that I have my axe."

He takes a great swing with his great axe.

6 = 1[d20]+5

Thanks to my great doddge it misses. Greatly.

"This fight was over when I caught you with your pants down."

I thrust into his unprotected chest.

12 = 9[d20]+3


10 = 7[d8]+3

Garok crumples to the floor, blood pouring out of his literal chest cavity. I pull my sword out and turn towards the door, expecting orcs to burst in and find their leader slain.

Do orcs bust in?

Yes, and...

Lovely, there are a lot of them. I glare at them and bellow in rage.

"Here me, I am Evren! Garok your chief is dead! I have slain him in on-on-one combat! Now bow to me, or suffer my wrath!"


12 = 11[d20]+1

Strength(Intimidation) with advantage due to rage:

9 = 8[d20]+1

The orcs whisper and point. They're not attacking, but they're not bowing, either. I try again.

"For one long year have I been your slave and plaything. No more! My anger burns hotter than a raging fire! My rage is as unquenchable as the pits of hell! Grovel before me lest I strike out in my wrath!"

Strength(Intimidation) with advantage due to rage:

3 = 2[d20]+1

7 = 6[d20]+1

Uh oh, they're starting to look pretty angry themselves. I give them a cool look.

"Well, if that's how you want to play. Better watch your backs now. Ta ta."

I burrow down into the earth again as they rush at me. Not today. But soon. I'll be coming for you.

As I slip away I head directly for the food stores.

Do I feel any orcs inside?


I pop up and grab some supplies.

Do I see a bag or something to carry things in?

No, but...

An iron pot, large enough to hold several days worth of rations. I stuff it full of food, grab a waterskin, and tunnel out.

I hole up inside my tunnel, making a small hole to the outside so I can breathe. I occasionally hear orcs running around on the surface, but none come close to me. I'm safe. I have food, and weapons. Their leader is slain, and the rest of them aren't as tough as he was. I'll be able to pick them off one by one until there are none left. Then I can finally head back to town. I wonder if my little hut on the outskirts of town is still there? Maybe the orcs looted it. Maybe someone else looted it. It has been a year. Oh well, there will be plenty of time to worry about starting over after I exact my revenge on the orcs.

To be continued...

Session Results
+1 club
+1 shield
+1 longsword
+1 iron pot
+5 rations
+1 waterskin
+150 XP

Whew! Not bad for a first session. I think I made a few spelling errors, and there was one point in the first fight where I rolled Garok's attack at +3 instead of +5, and it would have been a hit but I just rolled with it. Not that it mattered in the long run.

I was originally thinking of taking a level in Knowledge cleric for some magic and some more skills, but the way things are going I'll probably take a level of rogue first. Yes, I'm ignoring the ability score restrictions on multiclassing.

2017-12-17, 07:51 AM
My name is Evren. Just Evren. Perhaps I'll think of a cool surname to add someday. "Evren Orcslayer" is sounding pretty good about now. Anyway, its a name I chose for myself, since my master never gave me a name that I can remember. I think I saw it in a book, some mythical dragon in a faraway land.

I don't really know what I am. I was created by a powerful mage. Or summoned. I'm not sure. I remember little of my former master, as I ran away when I was still just a child. I think I may be part elemental, as I have a number of unique abilities that no other human, elf, dwarf, or other creature possesses. But maybe this is just an illusion, and my true origins lie elsewhere. My appearance certainly draws some attention. Dark skin, dark hair, I could pass for a human if not for my radiant pink eyes. I could pass for an elf if not for my round ears. Or a gnome if I wasn't so tall.

I seem to remember smuggling myself into an orphanage for a few years, but I left when that became unbearable. I was a little older, a little wiser, a littler stronger. Strong enough to fend for myself. For another few years I crawled the streets, using my abilities to steal what I needed to survive and escape threats. But too keenly I felt the parasitic drain I was on society that it hurt my pride, so I went clean. Found honest work and supported myself, then a teenager. I learned to read and write, and was drawn in to the study of magic and the cosmos. Perhaps there I would find the answers to my origin, and my destiny. Someone once told my that my destiny was a short life with an ignoble end. Screw that noise, I'll make my own destiny. And it was in the twilight of my adolescence that I pieced together something my former master had said of me. "Limitless potential." I might not be anything special now, but someday I could become something great. Maybe even a god. Who knows, we'll just have to wait and see.

Which leads me to my current predicament. Garok is dead, and the orcs who so recently held me captive are disorganized. The prudent thing to do would be retreat to civilization before they regroup. But the humiliation they've put me through demands I repay their savagery. I should strike hard and fast, picking them off one by one whenever I catch them alone until all are purged from this earth. I like to think I'm the villain of some orc story somewhere, and maybe the orc nerds dress up like me at their orc nerd gatherings dedicated to my story.

Unfortunately, I have another problem at hand that is at odds with slaughtering the orcs. I have no idea where I am. It's been a year since I was taken on the path back to my hut, and I spent most of the journey to the orc camp unconscious with a bag over my head. At one point I thought I might calculate my current location based on the position of the stars, until I realized that my knowledge of the various constellations was only passing and without a sextant I couldn't make the necessary measurements with the degree of accuracy they required, anyway.

I could look for a high place to climb up and see if I can see a city nearby. I don't even actually know how far from my old town I am. I could follow an orc scouting or raiding party to lead me to civilization, but they're unlikely to send anyone out until they reorganize, and even then it's likely that I'll be the one they're looking for. I could interrogate an orc for the information, but I'd have no way of knowing it was correct until leaving the orc camp, preferably with all the orcs dead. I could eavesdrop on the orcs and hope one of them let's the information slip. If all else fails, I've been watching the orcs for long enough to know that I should probably start walking south and west, and that I might find something down that way.

In any case, whatever I do, I'll need to do it soon.

Am I discovered by the orcs while I rest?


Good, my first step would be to restock on provisions and get myself more gear. But first, I do a quick tally of all the orcs I've seen to see how many there are in the camp.

14 = 2[d6]+3[d6]+4[d6]+5

14 orcs. Let's see, I estimate that I can kill maybe... 4 orcs a day? I'm not confident in my ability to take on more than one at a time, but maybe it will get easier as I pick them off. So this should only take 3 or 4 days.

This plain is rather featureless, although I can see a forest to the west and mountains to the north. I find a boulder and bury my iron pot and rations beneath it before heading back to the orc camp.

Tunneling below the camp, I make my way toward the supply tents. I know one has foodstuffs and the other has weapons. I want to find something to carry things in, a backpack or something, and I didn't see one in the food tent last time, so I'll check the weapon tent.

Do I detect anyone inside the tent?


13 = 10[d20]+3

No, and...

There seems to be no one around. Looks like I'm free to nip in and take whatever I need. Just in case, I cautiously peak my head out of the dirt and take a look.


17 = 14[d20]+3

Do I see anyone?


Just one?


One lone orc. Sitting quite motionless. I wonder what...

Is he dead?


Just sitting very still. Hmm, probably best to sneak up on him and take him out as quickly as I can. I draw my longsword, make sure my shield is strapped on. Quietly, I creep up on him. Maybe I can end this before he knows what even happened.


14 = 11[d20]+3

Roll Initiative!


15 = 14[d20]+1


17 = 16[d20]+1

I work myself up into a a quiet rage and swing my sword right at the orc's stupid head, hoping to end this in one blow.

Attack, with advantage due to prone:

21 = 18[d20]+3

7 = 4[d20]+3


11 = 8[d8]+3

At the last second, the orc turns and sees me. I take a chunk out of his head, but it's not enough to stop him. I can tell he's surprised. He reaches for his axe and stands up to take a proper swing at me.


12 = 7[d20]+5

I step to the side and avoid his swing. Time to end this. I bring the blade down in a vertical chop.


15 = 12[d20]+3


11 = 8[d8]+3

I cleave the orc in half, from his head to the middle of his chest. It's quite gruesome to behold. Thankfully, I'm not too squeamish about these sorts of things. 13 to go.

There shouldn't have been anyone around to hear our little tussle, then again there shouldn't have been anyone in here in the first place. Does someone come in?


I quickly clean my sword off and look around for supplies.

Do I see a backpack?

Yes, but...

It would seem the orc was wearing one and I just cut a big hole in it. Feh.

Do I see the chain shirt I wore during my first battle with Garok?


I put it on.

Am I disturbed while doing so?


Do I see a bow or crossbow?


Darn. What about a rapier?


What about the flail?

Yes, but...

Let me guess, another orc walks in?


Just one?

No, and...

A whole bunch of them. I quickly tunnel back into the ground before they spot me.


17 = 14[d20]+3

The other place I would look for supplies would be Garok's tent. It was quite well furnished.

Do I sense anyone inside?


15 = 12[d20]+3


As always, I tunnel in cautiously and take a look around.


21 = 18[d20]+3

Do I see anyone?

No, and...

I can hear shouting. I sounds like everyone is running over to the weapons tent, thanks to my recent kill over there. In retrospect, perhaps I should have buried the body so it wouldn't be found. On the other hand, that was a lot of blood and there was no way I was going to clean it up. Still, I should be left alone for a minute at least while they freak out.

Do I see a backpack somewhere?

Yes, and...

It's already loaded with several essentials. A bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a hempen rope of 50 feet. Hallelujah, I don't have to sleep in the cold, damp earth again. And I can eat with real utensils instead of my hands. This will keep me going until I'm done here, and will hopefully last until I can return to civilization.

What about weapons? Do I see a bow or crossbow?


I guess orcs aren't that great of archers. There's got to be some daggers here at least.


How many can I find?

4 = 4[d8]

I take all four and put them in my belt. I'm starting to feel the weight of the pack on my back, in addition to the armor I picked up earlier. It will slow me down a bit, but as long as I can tunnel to get away I'm not too worried about getting caught. Still, I should drop off some of these supplies in my hidey spot later.

Do I see any gold?


Shucks. Maybe I should search a bit harder.


18 = 15[d20]+3

Do I find any gold or treasure?

Yes, and...

Aha! Inside a dusty chest full of clothing, there appears to be a false bottom. I lift it up and see what's hidden inside.

5 = 5[d100]

22 = 3[d6]+6[d6]+6[d6]+2[d6]+5[d6]

Feh, just a bunch of copper pieces. Better than nothing. I pocket them.

Isn't there anything else in here?


Drat. Is there anything else of value in this tent?


Clearly, Garok's tent was cleaned out last night. Someone probably emptied the hidden compartment in his clothing chest already, and left the copper pieces on purpose. That, or Garok hid his loot somewhere else. Oh well, no time to dwell on that. There's killing to be done.

Do I detect someone approaching the tent?

No, but...

The lumbering stomps of an orc are unmistakable, but he's not headed into the tent. He appears to be... relieving himself on the edge of the tent. Oh boy, here I go killing again.

I burrow through the floor and circle around behind him. Quietly, I breach the surface directly behind him, sword drawn. I work myself into another cold fury.


17 = 14[d20]+3

Roll Initiative!


12 = 11[d20]+1


13 = 12[d20]+1

Caught with his pants down, literally. Of course, he won't need any pants if he doesn't have any legs. I swing low.


22 = 19[d20]+3


6 = 3[d8]+3

The sword bites into his leg, but doesn't go too deep. Even when caught by surprise, the orc's superior combat experience allows him to react before I can get a second attack in. He pulls a dagger out of his belt and slashes at me with a bellow.


14 = 9[d20]+5

The dagger rakes harmlessly across my chain shirt. Should have tried a thrust instead. Actually, that sounds like a good idea...


20 = 17[d20]+3


6 = 3[d8]+3

The orc steps to the side, but not before my blade grazes him as I stab forward. The orc calls out for allies. Well shoot, I'd better end this quickly and make my getaway.

Perhaps following my example, he thrusts his dagger hard at my exposed neck.


23 = 18[d20]+5


5 = 2[d4]+3

I roll to the side, but the dagger connects with my shoulder. I'm too worked up to feel the pain, so I don't even know if he penetrated the mail.

Has someone responded to the orc's call for aid?


How many? Just one?


6 = 6[d6]

Six of them. I can't take that many. I've got maybe one more chance to strike this orc down and then I need to leave.


11 = 8[d20]+3

Four of the other orcs rush up to me. The other two get within throwing distance and launch javelins at me.


18 = 13[d20]+5


4 = 1[d6]+3


18 = 13[d20]+5


8 = 5[d6]+3

Both javelins get a piece of me. Even through my rage I can see I'm beat. I duck under my shield and tunnel out. No point in taking unnecessary risks.

I'm tunneling slower because of all the gear I'm carrying. I make sure to kick up enough dirt behind me that they can't simply follow me, but I don't know if it's enough to slow them down.

Is it?


Thank goodness. I circle around to my hidey spot and place the backpack inside the iron pot. Now that my rage has subsided, I can see that I took quite a beating. I'm lucky to have made it out of there alive. I rest for a while and lick my wounds.

Am I disturbed while I rest?


Nightfall is approaching. The orcs will have the advantage over me once the sun goes down due to their darkvision. I have to move fast and strike while there's still light out.

I tunnel under the camp, using my tremorsense to see if I can detect a tent with only one orc inside.


18 = 15[d20]+3

Can I find a tent with only one orc inside?

No, and...

Looks like they're clustering together in groups to prevent any more ambushes. I breach the surface for air, then dive back in. Might as well explore some of the abandoned tents while I wait.

I pop up into one of the tents. Is there anything of value?

No, and...

There's an orc, and I didn't bother to sneak in this time. He's as surprised as I am.

Is he alone?


Roll Initiative!


15 = 14[d20]+1


17 = 16[d20]+1

The orc grabs his battleaxe and rushes me, taking a swing at my face.


12 = 7[d20]+5

I raise my shield and deflect the blow just in the nick of time. I suddenly get angry at myself for making such a stupid mistake. I pull out my longsword and swing wildly at him.


8 = 5[d20]+3

And I miss wildly.

Does he call for help?

Yes, but...

I hear him begin to shout, when he suddenly starts choking. Looks like he inhaled his own spit, poor guy.

Is he still able to take his turn?

Yes, but...

While trying to get his coughing under control, he makes a lame swing in my general direction.

Attack, with disadvantage

19 = 14[d20]+5

22 = 17[d20]+5


4 = 1[d8]+3

Somehow, he manages to give me a few scratches, nothing serious.

I swing as hard as I can at his extended weapon arm, hoping to take it clean off, or at least get him to drop his weapon.


8 = 5[d20]+3

He pulls his arm back just in time and goes in for another swing as gets his cough under control.


10 = 5[d20]+5

Where is he even swinging? That was a mile away. This fight doesn't seem to be going too well for either of us. Allow me to remedy that with a thrust to the gut.


4 = 1[d20]+3

Lucky reroll

11 = 8[d20]+3

Ack, this day is just going all kinds of wrong. If someone doesn't score a hit, this fight is going to drag on forever.

He grips his axe with both hands and swings like he's felling a tree.


13 = 8[d20]+5

I jump back as the blade whizzes in front of me. I mean, seriously, this is getting ridiculous. He's let his guard down, so I strike at his unprotected flank.


10 = 7[d20]+3

And miss completely. I can only keep my rage going for so long before it will burn itself out. Still, I've got a few more swings in me.

He takes another two handed swing at my face.


21 = 16[d20]+5


11 = 8[d10]+3

For a split second everything goes black as I feel my head jerk to one side. The next moment, everything is red and I can feel a hot liquid running down my face. I don't think I can take another hit like that.

Which is why I have to end this as quickly as I can.


20 = 17[d20]+3


5 = 2[d8]+3

I finally get a piece of him as my blade bites into his arm. He roars, whether in pain or rage, and takes another swing at me.


24 = 19[d20]+5


5 = 2[d10]+3

This one doesn't hit me nearly as badly, but I can see I'm bleeding pretty heavily right now, and he's barely injured. One more hit and I'm down. I desperately look around for something I can use.


10 = 7[d20]+3

Do I see anything?

Yes, but...

Nothing within reach. I duck under my shield and tunnel out. I'm going as fast as I can. Am I being pursued?

No, but...

I'm feeling a little light headed. I double around and collapse the tunnel behind me so they can follow. I poke a hole to the outside for air and curl up for a dirt nap.

Am I disturbed?


I wake up feeling much better. My wounds have scabbed over and are no longer a danger. I check myself for any serious injuries.


17 = 16[d20]+1

Fortunately, I appear to be fine. I poke my head out to check the time of day.

Is the sun up?

No, and...

It's still quite dark. Must be a couple hours to sunrise. What a waste of a day. Only one orc down. Oh well. I'm sure my efficiency will improve as I get more practice.

I tunnel back under the village, looking for potential victims. Do I find any loners?


21 = 18[d20]+3


Are they inside a tent?


Hmm, I circle around, looking for someone asleep in their tent. Is there anyone alone and in a tent?

Yes, but...

They're clearly moving around. Not asleep.

I circle back to the one outside. Is he still there?


Is he out of the view of any sentries?


I come to the surface and stealthily sneak up on him.


10 = 7[d20]+3

"Hmm?" I hear him say as he turns around right as I'm about to take a swing at him.

Roll Initiative!


10 = 9[d20]+1


2 = 1[d20]+1

Do I still manage to surprise the orc?


I take my swing.


14 = 11[d20]+3


11 = 8[d8]+3

I'm angry that he managed to spot me at the last minute, and my blade bites into him, deep. He gives a yelp of surprise and swings a glaive at me.


13 = 8[d20]+5

Too slow. I move in to finish the job with a swing at the neck.


8 = 5[d20]+3

He parries with his glaive and stabs at me with it.


24 = 19[d20]+5


8 = 5[d10]+3

The glaive catches me square in the middle of my chest. The chain shirt stops the blade, but the impact of the strike leaves me feeling bruised. I drive my blade up into his skull.


6 = 3[d20]+3

And miss. Please don't let this be a repeat of last time. He thrusts the butt end of the glaive at me, trying to push me back.


6 = 1[d20]+5

But misses. Come on, just find that orc's black heart.


21 = 18[d20]+3


11 = 8[d8]+3

I run him straight through, and he collapses in a heap. I quickly check him for valuables. Anything?


55 = 55[d100]

18 = 5[d6]+5[d6]+3[d6]+5[d6]

Some silver pieces. I pocket them and tunnel back into the earth before I'm spotted. My rage has run about half its course. I quickly make it toward the orc in the tent. How much of my rage is left?

3 = 3[d4]

No time to sneak, I burst through the floor and prepare to attack.

Have the orcs learned their lesson?


Ha ha, I would have thought they'd have placed something on the floors to stop me from tunneling through, but it seems not.

There's just one orc, right?

Yes, and...

He totally wasn't expecting me.

Roll Initiative!


17 = 16[d20]+1


19 = 18[d20]+1

I whip out my sword and put it through his gut.


18 = 15[d20]+3


10 = 7[d8]+3

My sword pierces his side, but clearly doesn't do enough damage to stop him outright.

Is he armed?


Does he run?


There's fear in his eyes. He makes a break for the entrance of the tent. Does he drop his guard?

No, but...

I don't have an opening to take a swing at him. I watch him run right to the edge of the tent. And bounce off. Uh, the exit is behind me you dunce. I run in to give the final blow, aiming for his neck.


10 = 7[d20]+3

He ducks under my strike and responds by shoving me hard.

Orc Strength(Athletics)

7 = 4[d20]+3

Evren Strength(Athletics) with advantage due to rage

17 = 14[d20]+3

14 = 11[d20]+3

But I stand my ground. I'm just too angry to get knocked over. But I can already feel the anger fading away. He makes a break for the exit, leaving me an opening to strike.


23 = 20[d20]+3


6 = 3[d8]+3

Before he can get away, my sword cuts through the back of his knee, causing him to collapse on the ground. I deliver the coup de grace, and revel in my victory. 3 down, 11 to go.

Does he have anything of value on him?


2 = 2[d100]

25 = 6[d6]+6[d6]+6[d6]+1[d6]+6[d6]

A few more copper pieces. I add them to what I already have. At least its starting to add up to a couple gold pieces worth.

I've still got enough left in me to take down another victim. I tunnel back below the camp, looking for any single orcs in my area.


19 = 16[d20]+3

Do I find anyone?


Well shoot. I return to the tent of the orc I just slew. I position myself on the edge, with a hole poked under the edge of the tent for air. And I wait.

Does someone come along anytime soon?


Are they alone?

No, but...

They're not entering the tent. I hear one of them call from the outside.

"Hey, Ocosh, you were supposed to go on watch already. I'm done standing out in the cold while the mole-rat is sneaking around. Come on, Ocosh!"

So I'm a mole-rat now? It's the sentries, who are always posted in pairs in order to prevent exactly what I'm trying to do. Any minute one or both are going to walk in and see Ocosh's body and raise the alarm. I silently burrow below the tent directly under Ocosh's corpse.


15 = 12[d20]+3

And pull Ocosh's body down into the dirt.

Dexterity(Sleight of Hand)

12 = 11[d20]+1

"I can hear you moving around in there, Ocosh! I'm going to rip your eyes out if you don't get out here right now!"

I hurriedly refluff the dirt to obscure traces of my tunneling.

Dexterity(Sleight of Hand)

3 = 2[d20]+1

Of course that would be when the orc decides to walk in. We gape in surprise at each other for a split second before going for our weapons.

Roll Initiative!


9 = 8[d20]+1


20 = 19[d20]+1

The orc runs up to me screaming and swings his flail at me.


9 = 4[d20]+5

I deflect it easily with my shield. I pull out my longsword, get myself all worked up, and thrust for his chest.


4 = 1[d20]+3

Lucky reroll 1s

18 = 15[d20]+3


6 = 3[d8]+3

My thrust misses the orc, and he looks rather smug about it, so I swipe my sword sideways right into that stupid face of his. It's not a solid hit, but it does draw some blood.

The orc bellows with rage.

Does the other orc come inside?

Yes, but...

"Heh, you show 'im, Drgog," the other orc says as he walks in. He sees me and freezes.

Drgog takes another swing at my head with his flail.


18 = 13[d20]+5


10 = 7[d8]+3

Ow my poor noggin. Once the room stops spinning, I quickly assess my position. Drgog is injured, and I may be able to drop him in another blow. But his companion is likely to rush me if I stick around.

I decide to take a risk and try to finish the job.


13 = 10[d20]+3


11 = 8[d8]+3

Drgog brings his flail up to catch my sword. I think I'm about to have my blow parried when he misses and my sword takes his head clean off. Now this is more like it. 4 down, 10 to go.

Does the other orc attack me?


Does he run away?


The remaining orc runs screaming out of the tent. I believe that's my cue. I quickly check Drgog for valuables. Anything?


Time to go. I tunnel out and make my way to the edge of the camp. Any signs of pursuit?


I circle around to my hidey spot and take a bite of hard bread and salty meat. I take a swig from the second waterskin. Hmm, looks like I'll need to find a stream to refill these later. I pull out the bedroll and curl up, safe and sound in my hidey hole with nothing but a tiny air hole on the surface to give it away. I can remember what it was like, sneaking around in the city. Less burrowing, more climbing. People rarely look up. A quick snatch and run away. Sometimes a surprise shove. Heh, I'll bet I could put some of those old lessons to use the next time I sneak out to kill an orc.

To be continued...

Session Results
+1 chain shirt
+1 explorer's pack
+4 daggers
-2 rations
+18sp, 47cp
+400 XP

Level Up!
+1st level rogue!
+5 hit points
+Persuasion proficiency
+Thieves' tools proficiency
+Expertise(Perception, Stealth)
+Sneak Attack (1d6)
+Thieves' Cant

For those returning to this thread, I made a few changes to Evren's initial skill set, nothing that would have really changed anything so far.

Also, it is gosh dang hard to play without a party. The upside? More XP for me. I'm more than halfway to 3rd level already, and I'm still on my first quest. Not impressed with the monetary rewards so far, though. Now that I've reached 2nd level, hopefully we won't have so many close calls.

I can't believe I almost made a Smash Mouth reference in the third paragraph and didn't even notice.

2017-12-19, 05:26 AM
Safe in my hole, I rest and recover from my injuries.

Am I disturbed?

No, and...

I awake feeling fully refreshed with all my wounds healed. It's about mid day now. I make a quick tally of my accomplishments the previous couple days. Garok, the orc chief, slain in single combat, 4 of his lackeys taken out in ambushes, with only 10 orcs remaining. There's a distinct possibility that the orcs may leave the area rather than stick around and wait to be killed by me. I can't keep watch all the time, and I don't know if I'd be able to track them if they left. Still, they'll likely try and hold their ground. I've got got some new tricks to try the next time I attack, so I may be able to move more efficiently from now on.

But first, I should really refill my waterskins. I search the area for a stream.

Wisdom(Survival) 1d20+1 = 15

Am I able to find a stream?


I refill my waterskins and return to my hidey hole to stow them with my other things. I need to travel light and move fast, so I can't weigh myself down with too much gear.

I set out for the orc camp once again, tunneling below the surface and using my tremorsense to try and locate potential targets.

Wisdom(Perception) 1d20+3 = 23

Am I able to locate any single orcs?


What about a cluster?


Do I feel any orcs?


I quietly poke my head out of the ground and look around.

Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 17

I check the camp thoroughly. Is there any sign the orcs are still here?


There doesn't seem to be anyone in the camp at the moment, but the armory and supply tents are still stocked. If they had left they would surely have emptied those and destroyed whatever they couldn't take with them. Still, it's odd that they'd leave the camp with no sentries. Whatever, this is my chance to grab some more loot. And instead of going out and trying to find them, I can wait for them to come back and pick them off as they return.

I carefully check each of the tents for weapons and valuables. Do I find any treasure?

No, and...

As I begin my search, it's cut short be the sound of returning orcs. Well that didn't take long.

Is it a group?


A large group?


Number of orcs: 1d4+1 = 4

Four of them. I can't take them many at the same time. I burrow into the ground and wait for them to spread out.

Do they spread out?


They all enter the same tent, looks like they're carrying something. Hmm, maybe I can change my tactics a bit and still take them out. I pull out a dagger and silently tunnel up directly below one of the orcs in the tent.

Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 16

Are the orcs putting something over the floor?


As I spring up from below the ground, I can see that the orcs appear to be laying planks over the floor of the tent. They haven't completed the task yet, but it won't be long before I won't be able to burrow into the tents anymore.

Roll Initiative!

Evren 1d20+1 = 14

Orcs 1d20+1 = 16

I burst through the floor and jam my dagger into the back of one of the orcs.

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 15, 17
Damage = 1d4 + 1d6 + 1 = 8

My blade strikes true and I hear the orc cry out in pain and surprise. Before the orcs can react, I disappear back into the earth.

I can hear them shouting and forming into a protective circle. I bide my time and wait until I can surprise them again.

Evren Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 19
Orcs Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 3

Evren Wisdom(Perception) 1d20+5 = 6 (nat 1)

With all the commotion on the surface, I've lost track of the orc I injured. No matter, they'll all get there's eventually. I silently burrow up below one of the orcs.

Is the way blocked?

Yes, and...

Maybe they're not so stupid after all. It seems they've thrown down their planks and taken a position on top of them. They aren't secured into the ground yet, so I might be able to move them by force, but I can't seem to get within melee range to make another attack. I burrow out a ways, searching for an opening. They couldn't have covered the entire tent floor yet.

I pop out of the dirt and hurl my dagger at one of the orcs.

Attack, with advantage
1d20+3 = 8, 13
Damage 1d4+1d6+1 = 8

Is it the same orc as before? 1d4 = 1, no.

My dagger buries itself into the chest of one of the orcs. It's a solid hit, but doesn't go deep enough to finish it off.

Are any of the orcs carrying ranged weapons?


Before I disappear back into the dirt, I can see the looks of dismay on the faces of the orcs as they grip axes and clubs. This is too easy. If they don't change tactics then I'll easily pick them all off.

I slow down for a moment to keep them guessing about where I'll pop up next.

Evren Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 18
Orcs Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 6

I move over a bit so I don't keep popping up in the same place. These tents aren't too big, though, so I don't have a lot of options. I pop out and throw another knife at the same orc I attacked last time.

Attack with advantage
1d20 +3 = 17, 18
Damage 1d4+1d6+1 = 9

The second dagger finishes the job as the orc collapses, clutching at its chest. I'm down to two daggers and 3 orcs, but I think I can do this.

However, that's when things take a turn for the worse. It seems each of the orcs had picked up whatever they had lying around and decided to chuck it at me the moment I popped up.

Orc1 Attack 1d20+3 = 4
Orc2 Attack 1d20+3 = 19
Damage 1+3 = 4
Orc3 Attack 1d20+3 = 10

Before I can disappear into my tunnel, a rock smacks me on the shoulder, while two other thrown projectiles miss me somehow. It's not a serious injury, but I'll have to be more careful now.

I hide in my tunnel again and wait for an opportunity to strike.

Evren Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 14
Orcs Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 17

I let myself get worked up over how things are turning out and pop up ready to throw another dagger. But this time they see me coming.

Orc1 Attack 1d20+3 = 11
Orc2 Attack 1d20+3 = 15
Orc3 Attack 1d20+3 = 11

Rocks, sticks, and other debris whiz by me as I pop out. Rather than waste a dagger on a spoiled surprise attack, I take a moment to see if I can pinpoint the orc I first wounded.

Wisdom(Perception) 1d20+5 = 6 (nat 1)

But I can't. I bury myself again and wait for a few second.

Evren Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 9
Orc1 Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 20
Orc2 Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 5
Orc3 Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 13

As I pop up again, I get some more projectiles thrown at me.

Orc1 Attack 1d20+3 = 22
Damage 4 => 2 due to rage
Orc3 Attack 1d20+3 = 23 (crit)
Damage 5 => 3 due to rage

Seems I've still caught one of them off-guard. I hurl my dagger with full force.

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 18, 22
Damage 1d4+1d6+3 = 6

Is it the same orc I first injured? 1d3 = 3, yes.

The dagger sinks in. The orc looks in pretty bad shape, but it still takes a shot at me.

Orc2 Attack 1d20+3 = 13

And misses. I burrow back into the earth and ready my last dagger.

Evren Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 7
Orc1 Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 7
Orc2 Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 6
Orc3 Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 17

As I pop back out, I prepare for another volley.

Orc1 Attack 1d20+3 = 17
Damage 4 => 2 due to rage
Orc3 Attack 1d20+3 = 18
Damage 4 => 2 due to rage

I hurl my last dagger, hoping to at least take out one more orc before retreating.

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 16, 8
Damage 1d4+1d6+3 = 6

Success. As the orc falls, I disappear back below the ground. Somehow, I managed to fight four orcs at once and still kill two of them. 6 down, 8 to go.

I'm feeling weak after my encounter, so I retreat for now.

Was this this armory tent?

Yes, but...

I might be able to find daggers elsewhere. The orcs are still waiting for me to pop back up, so I give them the slip and check out one of the other tents.

Do I find weapons?



Yes, and...

1d8 = 6

Not just one, but 6 more daggers. One of these orcs must be a knife nut.

Anything else of value here?

Yes, but...

Is it another group of orcs returning?

No, and...

The orcs seem to have wandered out of the tent and are actively hunting me down. They're on their way over here, so I don't have time to do more searching. Stealthily, I slip into the ground and ready another dagger. I might be able to finish this after all.

Evren Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 25

As with my initial attack, I tunnel up directly below one of them while they're still outside and jam a knife into its back.

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 14, 14
Damage 1d4+1d6+1 = 5

I take them off-guard again and score a hit. I disappear into the soil again and bide my time.

Evren Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 11
Orc1 Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 6
Orc3 Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 15

Do the orcs split up?


I weigh my options. They're out in the open, so I could easily tunnel up right below them and not waste a dagger. However, I think I have enough daggers to finish the job this time, and I don't want to take hit from their weapons. I tunnel a few feet away and pop out. One of them sees me and throws a rock.

Orc3 Attack 1d20+3 = 19
Damage 4

He clips me on the head before I hurl a dagger at the other one.

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 17, 18
Damage 1d4+1d6+1 = 8

I score another hit on the previously injured orc, but it's not enough to finish it off yet. It seems he was waiting with his weapon ready in order to attack if I tried to tunnel up right next to them, so he doesn't have anything ready to throw at me. I tunnel away, too hurt to continue fighting.

Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 19

I return to the armory tent and recover the four daggers I threw previously. I have 9 now. I check the two orcs I killed for any loot.

Do they have any treasure?

No, and...

Doesn't seem like there's anything in the tent worth taking.

I tunnel back out and try to find the orcs again.

Wisdom(Perception) 1d20+5 = 13
Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 22

It takes me a few minutes to find them again. They're still looking for me, but they have no idea where I am. I poke my head out to see if I can tell which one is injured.

Wisdom(Perception) 1d20+5 = 23

I see him, so I tunnel back down and get close enough to throw a dagger.

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 5, 20
Damage 1d4+1d6+1 = 8

The orc goes down. The other orc looks terrified.

Does he flee?


Admirably, he stands his ground. I'm still too weak to take him head-on, however.

Evren Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 6
Orc Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 13

As I'm tunneling away, I hear the orc run over to my position. I dive lower into the dirt as I hear an axe smash into the ground above me. I sit still for a moment to try and shake him off.

Evren Dexterity(Stleath) 1d20+5 = 9
Orc Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 6

When I think the coast is clear, I start moving again. I finally have a lone orc, but I'm feeling so weak that I know I'll go down if I take one more hit.

I slip into one of the other tents and look for valuables. Are there any?


What have these orcs been doing? They're carrying pennies and their tents are empty. Where's all the treasure? Ugh. I check another tent. Anything?

Yes, and...

Aha, finally, I found something! In fact...

Is it the chief's treasure hoard?


Treasure 1d100 = 35, 4d6 = 11sp

Some more silver. And, perhaps, a bow or crossbow?


Somewhere in this camp is the new chief's tent, and probably a lot of goodies waiting to be found. Anyway, I tunnel back out and search for the last remaining orc in the camp. I check the armory tent first, assuming he's given up searching for me and is laying a new floor.

Is he there?

Yes, and...

He's hard at work, I can here him pounding stakes into the ground to secure the planks to. Deciding to switch up my tactics a bit, I put away my shield and pull out a second dagger.

Do I find a spot in the tent to surface?

Yes, but...

It's not within melee range of the orc. Still, I make my way out of the dirt and creep toward him.

Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 22

Roll Initiative!

Evren 1d20+1 = 13
Orc 1d20+1 = 6

This is it! I work myself up into a rage and plunge both daggers into him!

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 5, 9

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 4, 7

At the last minute, he shifts to the side and my daggers both miss him!

In shame, I retreat and dive back into the dirt before he can retaliate.

I return to the orc I slew previously and recoup my two daggers, bringing my total back to 10. My resources are spent, and I just blew my one shot to end the last orc in camp. It seems he's laying low in the armory tent, waiting for his buddies to return.

Speaking of, do they?

No, but...

Before I can find another opportunity to finish the last orc, he suddenly leaves. If he escapes, he'll warn the others about what's happened here, and they might leave before I can finish them off. I pursue and wait for another chance to strike.

Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 6 (nat 1)

He hears me and dashes off before I get my chance.

Time to reassess things. I've taken out half the orcs, with still 7 to go. I'm spent, and need to recover, but I may not have time for a full rest. I bury myself in the middle of the camp with an air hole and rest for an hour.

Short rest healing
1d12+1 = 12, 1d8+1 = 6

I feel much better after treating my wounds, but it's time to go to work again.

Have the orcs returned?


All of them?

No, but...

Number of orcs 1d6 = 4

Seems another four orcs have come back to the camp.

Is one of them the survivor who escaped?


Wisdom(Perception) 1d20+5 = 17

Looks like the one who got away has returned with three of his buddies. They're carrying wood to make more floors. I pull out my two daggers and get in position behind them.

Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 21

Roll Initiative!

Evren 1d20+1 = 8
Orcs 1d20+1 = 17

I pop out and tag the one in the back.

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 21, 15
Damage 1d4+1d6+1 = 9

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 11, 20
Damage 1d4 = 2

I disappear back into the ground before they can respond. Just to be safe, I put one dagger away and get my shield out again. It occurs to me that I could pop out only far enough to throw a dagger and thus make myself a much smaller target to thrown rocks. I take a moment to hide my position.

Evren Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 9
Orc1 Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 16
Orc2 Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 20
Orc3 Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 4
Orc4 Wisdom(Perception) 1d20 = 16

Which orc did I injure? 1d4 = 2

I circle around and pop out to throw a dagger, knowing they'll be ready if I try to get into melee with them again. Three of them spot me and take a shot, including one holding a spear.

Orc1 Attack 1d20+5 = 15
Orc2 Attack 1d20+3 = 9
Orc4 Attack 1d20+3 = 14

The spear whistles past me, as do the rocks thrown by the other two. I launch a dagger at the one that failed to spot me.

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 14, 11
Damage 1d4+1d6+1 = 8

My dagger strikes true, as I'm apparently a better shot than the orcs. After giving my location away, the last orc takes a shot at me.

Orc3 Attack 1d20+3 = 16

The rock whistles over my head. I'd have gotten hit if I had popped out all the way. I retreat and hide again.

Evren Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 7
Orc1 6
Orc2 14
Orc3 19
Orc4 7

As I pop out, I am assailed by another volley of rocks.

Orc2 Attack 1d20+3 = 6
Orc3 Attack 1d20+3 = 4
Orc4 Attack 1d20+3 = 16

Two of the rocks are a mile away, but one of them whizzes right by my head. I hurl a dagger at the one that still has his head turned.

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 18, 19
Damage 1d4+1d6+1 = 4

My dagger grazes him, drawing blood but not hitting anything important. He turns and lobs his rock at me.

Orc1 Attack 1d20+3 = 18
Damage 4

This one clips me on the arm. Not a serious blow, but it stings.

I disappear below the surface and hide myself again.

Evren Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 9
Orc1 5
Orc2 10
Orc3 2
Orc4 20

Two of the orcs spot me as I resurface and hurl their stones at my head.

Orc2 Attack 1d20+3 = 5
Orc4 Attack 1d20+3 = 19
Damage 4

I take another hit, but launch another dagger at a previously injured orc.

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 11,13
Damage 1d4+1d6+1 = 8

And he goes down, a dagger in his throat. The last orc takes a parting shot at me as I dive back down.

Orc1 Attack 1d20+3 = 9

And misses. Two of the three orcs are injured, one heavily. I prepare for my next strike.

Evren Dex(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 21

This time when I come up, I surprise all of them. I take a shot at the most injured one, hoping to finish him off.

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 17, 14
Damage 8

Shot threw the heart, and I'm to blame. He goes down and I take another volley of rocks.

Orc1 Attack 1d20+3 = 19
Damage 4
Orc4 Attack 1d20+3 = 18
Damage 4

They both get a piece of me, and I know I'll go down if I take another hit. I retreat for now and wait. I just go straight down and then angle outward. They can't follow me here, so I get some distance from them.

I've slain 9 out of the 14 orcs, with only 5 left to go. I'm feeling spent again, but I feel confident that I can finish off the remaining injured orc should I get a chance to surprise them again. I trail them from a safe distance underground.

Do they enter one of the tents?


The armory tent?


I sense them going into the armory tent with their loads of wood. I ready my two daggers and maneuver to pop out right before they enter the tent. I try and tag the one I previously injured.

Dexterity(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 18

I lunge out and plunge both daggers into the orc.

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 19, 21
Damage 1d4+1d6+1 = 6

Attack with advantage
1d20+3 = 23 (crit), 10
Damage 2d4 = 5

The orc cries out as he goes down. 10 down, 4 to go. I immediately tunnel away and return to my hidey spot. Time to rest again.

Am I disturbed?

Yes, but...

It's a pack of wolves. Seems they can smell me. Or my food. I'm all rested up, but even so I'm not keen on facing these fearsome predators. I quietly gather all my gear and haul it away as I search for another landmark.

Dex(Stealth) 1d20+5 = 14

I seem to shake them off, probably because closing the tunnel behind me blocks off my scent. I find a new hidey spot. My work is almost done as it is, and I feel stronger than ever after killing so many of the orcs.

I tunnel back to the village. Is it abandoned?


Seems my work is already done. Rather than face my continued wrath, the orcs have opted to flee. They can't have gone far, though, as the sun is already down. I carefully scan the village for tracks.

Wisdom(Survival) 1d20+1 = 13

Is that sufficient to find tracks?


They are truly gone, then. A pity.

Is there anything of value remaining in the camp?


How hollow this feels. My revenge is incomplete, and my pockets are still mostly empty. And, to top it all off, I'm still not sure which way to go to get back to civilization. I return to my hidey spot and rest until morning.

Session Results
+2 daggers
+600 XP
+225 XP arc completion bonus!

Level Up!
+2nd level rogue!
+5 hit points
+Cunning Action

I started rolling my own dice for this one. Seems a little more expedient that using the built-in dice roller, plus I get to actually roll real dice.

And thus ends the orcslayer arc. Kind of anticlimactic, but I was starting to get bored with it anyway. I've reached third level, have some tricks under my belt. It's time to return to civilization and find some new quests.