View Full Version : Strange Aeons - GM wants to play it Core only

2017-12-18, 04:16 PM
Anyone play this adventure path and see problems ahead of us being limited to Core only material? The GM has access to everything he needs to run the adventure path (We all have a substantial game library) but for some reason, he wants us to use Core only to make characters. Unchained Rogue, Barbarian, and Monk are all ok (in that specific section of the Unchained book) but everything else remains and has to be chosen from Core where ever possible.

Personally, I feel severely restricted in character creation (and I had struggled to find a concept that I liked before I heard this news) but I can adapt. I'll probably just create a Sorcerer/Martial Class/Dragon Disciple (haven't decided on martial class yet) and go from there.


Anyway, this was the character list BEFORE the news came:
Empiricist Investigator
Spiritualist (no archetype)
Bloodrager (spell eater/Steel blood)
Shaman (Witchdoctor w/ Nature Spirit) *This was me*
Witch (no archetype)

2017-12-18, 05:53 PM
It“s a regular AP, so its designed to be run with core only and PB15 in mind. So yes, it works and you're not missing out anything doing so.

That said, this particular AP is very keyed towards occult classes, wizards and investigators, the standard H.P. Lovecraft types, so it robs the story of some depth not going for those classes.

2017-12-19, 07:59 PM
The biggest problem that might come up is that you won't even be able to get occult skill unlocks. It's been a while since I looked at the AP to know if they matter, and they probably don't, it's certainly a very occult-themed AP.