View Full Version : valuing loot for artisans blessing

2017-12-19, 03:53 AM
about to play the fun looking forge cleric, and wondering how people would value items to be looted and converted into cash?

nobody loots weapons from mooks because who wants to be carrying 30 goblin swords. with artisans blessing the cleric can now Hoover up the dungeon, pile up the metal items and convert to cold hard cash.

my question is, how would you value the metal found? a short sword is valued at 10gp, and a goblin short sword is uglier but mechanically identical to a fancy looking elf short sword. I would argue that the metal is the most valuable part of the weapon, and also the most labour intensive to make.

would you allow 10 swords to be worth 100gp and be turned into small gold bar?