View Full Version : Eberron, Loving the Bomb: Northern Ventures, Nothing Gained

2017-12-19, 01:59 PM
The countryside is always beautiful in the North, especially during this time of year. The wind can cut right through a man's clothing, but the sight of the forest foliage alight like wildfire makes up for it. Thankfully you're protected from the wind at the moment. You're sitting in a train car, a simple passenger on the way to Fairhaven, the capital of Aundair. The ride wasn't cheap, but it's at least a few days ride to the capitol, and House Orien has been giving a few discounts lately to try. According to rumor, they've been losing their high-priced clientele to House Lyrandar and their storm ships. Plus, with House Orien being located in Aundair, the tracks in this country always seem to be the best maintained.

As you muse, suddenly you hear a shout. Two men are standing at the front of your car, and you can see them eyeing up the passengers on the car. Suddenly, one of them, the larger of the two, shouts, "ALRIGHT EVERYONE, DON'T MOVE! HERE'S WHAT YOU'RE GONNA DO! YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE ALL THE VALUABLES YOU HAVE, AND THROW THEM INTO MY ASSOCIATE'S BAG. IF YOU DO THAT, NO ONE GETS HURT. GOT IT?" He pauses to look everyone over once more. "DON'T GET ANY BRIGHT IDEAS, OR YOU'LL BE CLEANING YOUR BRAIN UP OFF THE FLOOR!" He turns to the man dressed in leather next to him, and says in a quieter voice, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and get the cash."

They shakedown the passengers in the first seat, then the ones next to them.

Alright Team North... what do you want to do?

Ashanni Daeraitha, played by spinningdice (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SVCtSOoGwGlRzUJWKpFBSjNCSjdzpwQYg6eyFr2rUxQ/edit)
Dex Roshan, played by DevonKM (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1411724)
Gorva Star-Gazer, played by Houlio (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1407243)Sarah, played by Mister E (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1407020)

This train is a pretty smooth ride.

Will add shortly

2017-12-19, 06:07 PM
Ashanni looks at the folk near her, and raises an eyebrow questioningly as she begins to slip her wand from it's sheath.

Ashanni is disinclined to let the thugs take what they want, but she's not daft enough to try and face them alone...

Mr. E
2017-12-19, 07:32 PM
Across the isle, a young looking halfling catches the elf's eye, then winks. With one hand she slowly reaches up to take a firm grip on her walking stick. Its wooden surface is worn and gnarled, pitted and, in one place, charred.

She looks at the elf closely, sees the wand protruding from the others sheath, then nods slightly. Slightly inclining her head, Sarah gestures with her free hand. The movement is kept low, so that it will not be visible to the two thugs. First she points to the other woman, then to the goon on the left.

The intention is clear: Sarah intends the elf to attack the one closer to her, while Sarah takes the one on the right.

2017-12-19, 08:04 PM
Gorva was enjoying the quickly passing countryside of Aundair through the cabin's large window. As she hears the demands of the train robbers shouted out, she notices the elf and halfling in her car begin to make some moves. I can't let these two do it alone, they don't look like they'd last a minute Gorva thinks. She will silently draw her mace under the table so as to avoid the attention, looking for an opening.

2017-12-20, 04:42 AM
OOC: If they're far away enough not to notice, Ashanni will cast Mage Armour. If they'd easily notice, she won't bother.

2017-12-20, 01:12 PM
DM: If you want to give it a shot, roll Stealth. I will compare it to their passive perception.

2017-12-22, 03:39 AM
Ashanni incants under her breath, trying to raise her protective armour in case this all goes terribly wrong.


2017-12-22, 08:14 AM
Ashanni incants under her breath, trying to raise her protective armour in case this all goes terribly wrong.


The two thugs are too busy down shaking people in the front row to worry about the people in the backrow. Maybe they're amateurs, or just too overconfident. Whatever reason, their attention is focused at the moment.

2017-12-22, 08:58 AM
Ashanni keeps her voice low "So my friends, do we attack now while they are distracted? Or would you rather wait for them to get close so you can hit them with your implements?"

2017-12-22, 01:22 PM
”We should wait until they’re closer. There’s no reason to ruin a hunt with an early shot.”

2018-01-01, 08:53 PM
The thugs move on from the first row to the second, collecting cash, necklaces and other trinkets into a bag. One man stands up, loudly shouting that he won't take it and shielding a woman that can be assumed to be his wife, and is bowled over with a punch from the taller one. They grab the female and shake her violently, until she hands over her purse, sobbing. The others in the train car are visibly affected by this, some turning away from the violence, others gulping audibly.

2018-01-02, 06:02 AM
"Screw that." Ashanni stands up, "Enough"
She utters a few words in Draconic and a bell toll sounds as she directs her wand to the thug.

Toll the Dead Wis Save (DC13) or [roll0] Necrotic Damage (upped to d12 if wounded, but I assume he isn't).

If you want to break out Init before she starts the spell then [roll1] (though in PbP I'm fine if the DM wants to roll inits together)

2018-01-10, 08:44 AM
As the elf stands up, the shorter of the two criminals looks at her with a leer. That look turns to shock though, as she whips out a wand towards him with a look of defiance on her face.



The thug's eyes go wide as magical power surges across the car towards him. He screams in panic, and tries to turn away. All this does is ensure he gets his straight in the back with the blast of energy, and he falls to the floor, blubbering, "Jameth! Jameth! It's a magic user! AHHH!! Run! I don't like magic!" He continues to flail around on the floor of the cab, his efforts to get up impeded by his terror.

His associate looks at him in disgust, and pulls out a long baton from behind his back.

2018-01-10, 08:49 AM
DM: Time to roll initiative! Going to roll for both. This means I'll add their dex modifiers together and roll whatever it ends up. So if one dude is -1 and the other is +2, it would be +.5, rounded up to +1.

[roll0] Initiative!

2018-01-14, 01:14 PM
Gorva also jumps to action, and she hops over the table to get into the main section of the train car (when it hits her turn). She will prepare to cast thorn whip on the further of the robbers as the run.

Initiative: [roll0]

2018-01-24, 04:43 PM
DM: Alright Gorva, feel free to take your action, might as well get this ball rolling!