View Full Version : DM Help Feedback on two custom Artifact items

2017-12-19, 03:11 PM
So I'm really looking for some feedback on some items I'm creating for a 5th ed game. They are supposed to be artifact level but the character wielding them is not very high level yet. They are also very integrated into his backstory as family heirlooms / legacy items. So he isn't going to be replacing them probably ever so I want them to grow as the character levels. I was mainly focused on giving a bit of variety of powers or just cool things to do as a bonus action in a lot of cases. I took cantrips or spells of a level lower or of current level the character level would grant access to. In hopes of keeping the power curve sane for the most part. I'm really just looking for some honest feedback, ideas on balancing any of the powers that seem to good or maybe trimming the fat a little. Personally I think most of the 5th ed items are boring and lackluster at times and don't offer fun alternative actions during combat which is really what I think magical items should do more of... that or I just miss 4th a little more than I care to admit :)

Armor of Io

The Ancient armors of the the Arkhosia Empire were said to be crafted from rare metals and enchanted with powerful spells provided by both the metallic and chromatic dragonlords of the ancient empire. None more famous of these armors was the armor worn by the Empires HighLord General, commander of the Empires armies and second only to the empress in authority. The armor was said to be crafted from the last few remaining scales of Io after his fall. The metal a polished silver with a mirror like finish that caused light to bend, giving it a chromatic aura under the sun or bright illumination.

It was said that every dragon lord in the empire donated scales during the armors creation. A binding symbol of their unity as the heavy plate was adorned with five great enchanted dragons that drape the armors shoulders and entwine around its arms, chest and head. Each dragon representing a merger of both chromatic and metallic traits. Upon the armors chest lay the Arkhosia Crest, symbol of the Empire and the dragons unity under the Immortal Golden Empress. Said to be blessed by both Bahamut and Tiamat in a rare act of peace between the two gods in remembrance to their fathers memory and Io’s dream of Balance between the dragon races, it bestows upon the wearer great power in dire times of need to the empire and dragonkind.

The armor can only be worn by a Dragonborn
Those who wear it are filled with the Desire to protect dragons
Any dragon can sense the armor as a weak source of power from 100 miles away.
The armor grants the ability to vaguely sense if there are any dragons within 100 miles and give a general direction and what type they are.
If a non-dragonborn tries to wear the armor, they are instantly encumbered and have disadvantage on all attack rolls and spells.
Those who wear the armor gain a permanent +2 to any charisma based skill check against dragons.

Magical Armor Progression

Lv 5 - +1
Lv 11 - +2
Lv 17 - +3

Armor Ability Unlock Progression

Lv 5 - Blue/Bronze - White/Silver
Lv 9 - Green/Brass - Black/Copper
Lv 13 - Red/Gold
Lv 17 - Arkhosia Crest (Bahamut & Tiamat entwined)

Each dragon takes a Bonus action to use once per day. Each ability recharges at dawn of the next day.

Blue/Bronze - The Blue Bronze scaled dragon upon your left shoulder opens its mouth and lets out a mighty thunderous roar at your command. You cause a burst of thunderous sound which can be heard up to 100ft away. As a bonus action each creature other than you within 5ft of you must make a Constitution saving throw vs your spell DC. On a failed save the creature takes 1D6 damage thunder damage. The damage is increased to 2D6 at Lv 11 Or you may choose to have every enemy within 5ft of you make a Constitution save vs your Spell DC. On a failed save they are knocked prone. These two effects are combined at lv 15.
White/Silver - The Silver and white scaled dragon upon your right shoulder glows with a pale blue radiance and begins to frost over. As a bonus action you cause frost to form on a nearby creature that you can see within 30ft. The target makes a constitution saving throw vs your spell DC. On a failed save they take 1D6 damage and have disadvantage on the next weapon attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. The damage increases to 2D6 at Lv 11. You may choose to instead cause Ice to form around you for 30 seconds causing a 5ft aura that any creature entering or starting its turn inside the aura must make a constitution save vs your spell DC or be slowed until the end of their next turn. This Aura increases to 10ft at lv 11.
Green/Brass - The Green Brass scaled dragon upon your left arm hisses and poison begins to seep from its scales while a faint wisp of yellowish gas escapes its open mouth. As a bonus action you coat your weapon in poison. On the next successful attack with the coated weapon the target must make a Constitution save vs your spell DC or take 1D12 poison damage. The damage increases to 2D12 at lv 15. You may choose to instead, expel a sleep gas from the dragons head. Each creature other than you within Five feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw vs your spell DC or become drowsy until the end of their next turn causing them to have disadvantage on their next attack roll.
Black/Copper - The Black Copper dragon head upon your right arm glows faintly with a purplish light, its red eyes glowing brightly as acid begins to drip from its fangs. As a bonus action you cause the dragon head to spray acid at one or two target within five feet of you and each other. The targets must make a dexterity saving throw vs your spell DC. On a failed save they take 1d6 acid damage and an additional 1D6 acid damage at the end of their next turn. This damage increases to 2D6 at lv 15. You may choose to instead have the dragon head grant you a blessing of darkvision of 120ft for one round. You may continue to have this effect at the cost of an additional bonus action each turn after.
Red/Gold - The red and gold dragon that makes up the armors helm glows with a pale white radiance, the green eyes of the dragon glow with magic and fire flicks from the snout of the dragon helm. As a bonus action you cause the dragon head to breath fire from its snout and bathe your weapon in flame. On the next attack made with the flame wreathed weapon, you deal an additional 4d6 fire damage on hit. You may choose instead to have the dragon head grant you one use of the Polymorph spell, this effect can only be cast on yourself.
Arkhosia Crest - The ancient symbol of the dragon empire depicts the platinum lords crest encircled by the five chromatic heads of Tiamat. Upon your call the crest blazes with chromatic radiance and all five dragons roar as one, calling upon the last vestments of Io’s Power to aid you. As a bonus action, for the next 60 seconds the crest creates a 30ft aura of healing centered around you. The aura travels with you. You or any creature in the aura can use a Bonus Action to heal itself for 2D6 hit points once per round. You may also as a full attack action make the crest empower your breath with chromatic power. Breath a 60ft cone that deals 2D6 fire, 2D6 Cold, 2D6 Acid, 2D6 poison and 2D6 lighting damage. Creatures inside the cone must make a Dex save vs your spell DC. On a successful save they take half damage. The breath ignores any resistance penalties.

Donanu - The Platinum blade of Judgment

Bastard Sword 1H - 1D10 dmg - Heavy - Versatile (1D12 2 handed)

Donanu was forged by Borkadd the Claw from one of Bahmuts scales and a strange metal that fell from the heavens to be the embodiment of Bahmuts judgment in the ancient dragon empire of Arkhosia. The Blade was almost always wielded by the HighLord General of Arkhosia and was passed down each generation to the next HighLord. The blade is unusually light despite its larger than average length and width of the blade, the metal a shimmering pale blue with veins of gold, silver and black flecked though the folds of the metal. The blade feeds into a dragon pommel, the Golden visage of Borkadd entwining its way up from the sunburst pommel, its wings cupping the base of the blade helping to form the hilt and cross guard of Donanu. The dragon eyes are inlaid with clear sunstone gems that blaze with a internal light that never dim. Just as Borkadd’s vigilance will never waver as Bahamuts hand of justice neither will Donanu’s gaze be blinded. Ten Celestial runes climb the blade. Set within the fuller of the sword, each rune carefully etched into the metal and filled with the purest Mithril. Each one bestowing one gift upon the wielder as their power and bond to the blade grow over time. When Drawn an icy aura surrounds the blade, sucking the heat from the nearby area as the runes glow with a pale white radiance. For most it brings a slight chill, to those that hold evil in their hearts it brings a bitter cold that makes their soul shiver in fear because deep down the soul knows its final judgment is upon it.

Donanu cannot cut or bring harm to any Innocent creature
If an evil aligned character would hold Donanu, they are encumbered by the weight of their evil deeds made manifest. Should they try to wield Donanu in combat, they take 2d6 cold damage every turn.
Those who carry Donanu have a fervent zeal to uphold lawful behavior.
Anyone who carries Donanu for longer than a week has his or her alignment changed to lawful good, lawful neutral or lawful evil depending on there previous alignment.
Donanu acts as a beacon to any dragon within 100 miles as a divine source of good.
When Drawn no Lie can be spoken within 15 feet of the Donanu. A creature entering or starting its turn in the aura of effect of the blade must make a Charisma save vs your spell DC. On a failed save the creature is unable to lie in the presence of Donanu’s aura. The wielder of the sword knows if the creature succeeds or fails this check.
Frost forms along the blade in the presence of great evil

Donanu scabbard is almost as much of a legend as the blade itself. Made up of scales from both metallic and chromatic dragons. Its surface shimmers with a inner chromatic radiance whenever the light of the sun hits it. Those who hold it are said to be touched by all the dragons and no mortal wound can be inflected upon its bearer.

If you posses Donanu’s scabbard you automatically save on any death saving throw. Once used this ability recharges as the dawn of the next day.

Magical Weapon Level

Lv 5 +1
Lv 11 +2
Lv 17 +3

All on use effects are discharged after use and recharge at dawn the next day.

Lv 1 - Bahamut’s Grace - An Icy Chill emanates from you, gain permanent resistance to all cold damage and +2 on intimidate checks.
Lv 3 - Judgments Chill - When Drawn the weapon can extinguish all non magical fires within 30ft of you once per hour.
Lv 5 - Bahamut’s Boon - The icy Chill of Bahamut’s Grace causes a light coat of frost to form over your armor, Gain permanent Resistance to all fire damage
Lv 7 - Icy Image - As an action you are surrounded in a icy storm of reflective crystals creating three duplicates of yourself for one minute. Until the spell ends the duplicates move with you and mimic your actions, shifting positions so that its impossible to track which image is real. You can use your action to dismiss the illusory duplicates at any time. Each time a creature targets you with an attack during the storms duration you roll a D20 to determine whether the attack instead targets of of your duplicates. If you have 3 roll a 6 or higher, if 2 roll an 8 or higher with only one you must roll an 11 or higher. A duplicates AC = 10 + Dex, a duplicate can only be destroyed by an attack that hits it, all other damage and effects do not damage it. This spell does not work if a creatures uses blind sight or other senses for seeing along with anyone able to prove illusions as false, as with truesight.
Lv 9 - Draconic empowerment - As 1 action you sprout draconic wings of platinum and gain a fly speed of 60 for 30 minutes.
Lv 11 - Icy Mist - Using one action an icy mist rises up from the ground around you for 30 seconds in a 20ft tall and 30ft radius cloud. The icy fog turns the ground to ice, making it difficult terrain. When any evil aligned creature entering the area for the first time or starting its turn in the effect, must make a Dex save vs your spell DC or fall prone. If a creature is concentrating inside of the area it must make a spell save vs your spell DC or loose concentration.
Lv 13 - Platinum Armor - As a bonus action, your skin is covered in fine Platinum Scales and you gain resistance to non-magical piercing, bludgeoning and slashing damage for one hour.
Lv 15 - Breath of Bahamut - Your lungs fill with the cold judgment of the Platinum Lord, gain the use of the dragon gods breath weapon once per day as an action breath out a 60ft cone breath weapon - Con save vs half 8D8 dmg if any creature is killed by this effect, it becomes a frozen statue till it thaws.
Lv 17 - Bahamut’s Radiance - The light of the Platinum Lords radiance fills you, as an action unleash his judgment to all those that would oppose you and smite down the wicked. 30ft radius centered around you, Con save vs your spell DC for half damage and to not be blinded. A failed save = 12D6 radiant damage and the creature is blinded for 1 minute. If blinded the creature can make a con save at the end of its turn to shake off the blind effect. Dispels any darkness created by a spell. Evil aligned creatures have disadvantage on the saving throw.
Lv 20 - Avatar of Bahamut - As an action you assume the dragon form of the platinum dragon himself for one hour and gain the fallowing special attacks.

You are Large size and gain the benefits of resistance to all non-magical bludgeoning, slashing and piercing attacks along with a icy coating covering your scales for Half your total Hp as Temp Hp. Your AC and HP Remain the same.
Fly speed of 90ft Breath weapon Cold -30ft cone - 10D6 damage - Recharge on a 6
Multi attack - 1 Bite and two claw attacks or one bite and a tail attack. These count as if they were magical weapons and you are proficient in them.
Bite attack Your hit 2D8+str Piercing
Claw attack Your hit 2D6+str slashing
Tail Attack - Your hit 1D8+str and knocked prone
Aura of Fear - 60ft radius Will save vs Your Spell DC or the creature becomes feared and you have advantage against feared targets
Immune to cold and Fire damage

Variant Lv 20 Rule Suggested by another DM

Avatar of Bahamut - (can only be used if you have been attuned to the sword for over five years. You assume the form of the platinum dragon god. The sword granting you access to his essence on the mortal plane for a short amount of time.
You assume the stat block of an ancient Silver dragon (See Monster manual) use the druid shape shifting rules for the dragon transformation and applied stat block. Otherwise you have full access to the dragons abilities and powers, including the legendary actions. The ability lasts for 1 hour.

After the Power is used Donanu looses all power and magical abilities save for its bond to you for one month. During this time the sword has no protection or magical ability to defend itself. During this time any mundane means can damage or even break the sword.

2017-12-19, 05:42 PM
Not here to comment on balance, but Bahamut's breath weapon (at least in 3.5e) was always force based, not cold-based.

2017-12-19, 08:29 PM
Using the 4th ed stat block as the base as this character and backstory was based around that lore from its conception but was brought over from 5th. Bahamut in that ed was much more cold based. and the icy breath of cold judgement sounds way better then force breath :)

2017-12-19, 08:40 PM
Does the aura of fear affect everyone? Just say resistance to piercing, slashing, bludgeoning instead of benefit of the stoneskin spell unless the effect can be dispelled like stoneskin.

2017-12-19, 09:54 PM
Does the aura of fear affect everyone? Just say resistance to piercing, slashing, bludgeoning instead of benefit of the stoneskin spell unless the effect can be dispelled like stoneskin.

No it should just be resistance as I really don't think you can dispel a dragons scales off him. Though that would lead to some funny hairless cat images if a Dragon suddenly just lost his hide with one spell. LOL

That's a good catch thank you I will edit that after this post.

2017-12-20, 03:35 AM
If I was playing alongside someone who had this armor and not everyone had something this overly complicated and severely powered, I'd be annoyed. This steps all over some subclasses features (level 14 draconic sorcerer wings for example), gives a lot of spellpower (miror images, cone of cold, sleet storm), resistances, breath weapons and more. Hell, that swords level 20 is better than true polymorph.

This looks complex, like overly complex. Cool? Maybe? It just reads like ultra legendary, super snowflake, main character plot armor.

If all the party get this level of legendary items, then it's better. But you're going to seriously run into other people being seriously pissed if they don't have this kind of items as well. It's never fun to be 2nd fiddle or make do with a wand of the warmage when mr.fighter is wielding the DnD equivalence of Excalibur. Put this on a paladin and why even bother having some party members with you.

I'd remove so much of that so fast if I was the DM.

Here's an heirloom my DM made me for a game (and they also made one for everyone else in the party):

Ring of the Phoenix (Sorcerer):
Level 1 - Heir to the Phoenix:
This ring when put on by you and you alone reveals the truth of your power. You have had many lives, lived in many places and had many skills. Each day the ring has a number of charges (the number is your Charisma modifier). You may use a charge to reroll any of the following skill checks: Arcana, History, Nature, Religion, Investigation.

Level 4 - Phoenix Soul Heir
Can cast a spell at 1 level higher than the spell slot used. A halo of fire emanates from you, enabling you to reach back into your past lives and harness their magical energy into your new body. You are able to increase the strength of a spell known to you. You may use the slots in your ring to increase the spell level higher for free. Example if you cast a second level spell, you may choose for it to be a third level spell without taking up a third level spell slot, or you may expend both charges to increase the second level spell to fourth level. You may use this ability half your charisma modifier per long rest.

And there is presumably more levels to it, (only level 8 at the moment) and that is already very powerful.

Now again, if everyone in the party has legendary items like yours, then cool. But if not, I'd suggest picking some few things from each.

For example:
Donanu - The Platinum blade of Judgment
Bastard Sword 1H - 1D10 dmg - Heavy - Versatile (1D12 2 handed)

Donanu cannot cut or bring harm to any Innocent creature
If an evil aligned character would hold Donanu, they are encumbered by the weight of their evil deeds made manifest. Should they try to wield Donanu in combat, they take 2d6 cold damage every turn.
Those who carry Donanu have a fervent zeal to uphold lawful behavior.
Anyone who carries Donanu for longer than a week has his or her alignment changed to lawful good, lawful neutral or lawful evil depending on there previous alignment.
Donanu acts as a beacon to any dragon within 100 miles as a divine source of good.
Frost forms along the blade in the presence of great evil

Magical Weapon Level
Lv 5 +1
Lv 11 +2
Lv 17 +3

All on use effects are discharged after use and recharge at dawn the next day.
Lv 1 - Judgments Chill - When Drawn the weapon can extinguish all non magical fires within 30ft of you once per hour. Gain +2 on intimidation or persuasion checks.
Lv4 - Bahamut’s Grace - An Icy Chill emanates from you, gain permanent resistance to all cold damage.
Lv 11 - Icy Mist - Using one action an icy mist rises up from the ground around you for 30 seconds in a 20ft tall and 30ft radius cloud. The icy fog turns the ground to ice, making it difficult terrain and vision is obscured.
Lv 15 - Breath of Bahamut - Your natural breath weapon is empowered by Bahamut. Your breath weapon now has a range of a 30ft cone. The save is now Charisma and the damage is increased to 6D8 force damage regardless of your own color type.
Lv 20 - Avatar of Bahamut - can only be used if you have been attuned to the sword for over five years. You assume the form of the platinum dragon god. The sword granting you access to his essence on the mortal plane for a short amount of time. You assume the stat block of an ancient Silver dragon (See Monster manual) use the druid shape shifting rules for the dragon transformation and applied stat block. Otherwise you have full access to the dragons abilities and power, but not its legendary actions. The ability lasts for 10 minutes. Once used, you cannot use this ability for 1 month and gain 1 level of exhaustion.

And that is still way powerful. Like dandwiki powerful.

If you want magic items that gives alternative functions in combat look at something like Staff of Power or Staff of the Magi and those are considered top tier caster items, like tier 3 or tier 4 items.

Please also remember, there is a reason martial classes don't get access to full casting or abilities like mirror images or true polymorph because it would invalidate the reason for having (or making) a caster there in the first place (and vice versa). Think of your party members. As a fighter or paladin your defense is high armor and high health and having party members back you up who can cast that on you to create a group experience of working together.

2017-12-20, 06:08 AM
...In hopes of keeping the power curve sane for the most part...

First of all, giving one player not just one but two custom heirlooms which naturally mature into full-blown artifacts is going to cause problems for you.

Secondly, if you do choose to go with this plan then you need to make some serious adjustments to bring the power curve to anything approaching sanity. Either of those items that you have listed is, by itself, more powerful than any TWO artifacts in the DMG.

I would suggest you use the work you've done as a baseline then decide the artifact's final powers at each tier, give it a +1 Bonus at level 7, 13, 19.

Take the list of powers and abilities you've created, halve all the mechanical bonuses. Then turn the list into a table. At levels 4, 10, 16 roll a d100 against that table and assign the item a power.

At level 5, 11, 17 Assign the item a drawback from the list in the DMG, also by rolling.

Pick one artifact and go with it, do not give one of your players two artifacts from the beginning, no matter how weak or powerful they are because every other player at the table will justifiably flip out.

2017-12-21, 07:57 PM
Thanks for the feedback and to take away some of the worry expressed in the last two replies. One every character is getting something similar and also we are a pretty close nit group. The reason these items reek of special snowflake plot armor is because that's what its meant to be cause the current campaign is set around one of the party members. Its not a huge deal as other campaigns have been set around other people. We've been at this a long time so all of us get this sort of treatment at times. Its a way we tell stories from time to time letting different table members be the snowflake as you term it. In this case while the plot might revolve around one person, other characters will be getting similar items as this is meant to be sort of team bad ass vs a world gone nuts with darkness. (The short vs bascially)

That being said I've taken the feedback and re-wrote both and on a side note I do understand why you wouldn't normally give heavy caster abilities to the martial classes because who would make a caster then. However the party is a paladin monk and cleric so having a little versatility in their toolkits would be helpful. Anyway here are the two items after a little re-tooling. I'm basically trying to get these polished and use them as the base of the other times as I am very well versed in dragonborn lore from 4th which is what this story was originally set in but we are moving to 5th.


The armor can only be worn by a Dragonborn
Any dragon can sense the armor as a weak source of power from 100 miles away.
The armor grants the ability to vaguely sense if there are any dragons within 100 miles and give a general direction and what type they are.
Those who wear the armor gain a permanent +2 to any charisma based skill check against dragons.


If anyone but a dragonborn tries to wear the armor they are cursed with the failings that threaten to overwhelm all dragons. They feel like they can never have enough money or power. No matter the treasure or glory won, it is never enough to satisfy the wearer.
If a non-dragonborn tries to wear the armor, they are instantly encumbered and have disadvantage on all attack rolls and spells.
Those who wear it are filled with the very strong desire to protect both metallic and chromatic dragons

Magical Armor Progression

Lv 5 - +1
Lv 11 - +2
Lv 17 - +3

Armor Ability Progression

Lv 4 - Blue/Bronze
Lv 7 - White/Silver
Lv 9 - Green/Brass
Lv 11 - Black/Copper
Lv 13 - Red/Gold
Lv 17 - Arkhosia Crest (Bahamut & Tiamat entwined)

The armor has 10 charges, you regain 1D6+1 charge at the dawn of each day. You may spend 2 Charges to make any dragon head ability a bonus action instead of 1-action.

Blue/Bronze - The Blue Bronze scaled dragon upon your left shoulder opens its mouth and lets out a mighty thunderous roar at your command. As an Action you can cast Thunderclap. (XGTE) On a failed save the target is also knocked prone

White/Silver - The Silver and white scaled dragon upon your right shoulder glows and begins to frost over. As an action you may cast frostbite.(XGTE) Until your next turn, any enemy that starts its turn or moves within 5 feet of your has its speed halved until the start of its next turn

Green/Brass - The Green Brass scaled dragon upon your left arm hisses and poison begins to seep from its scales. As 1-action you use poison spray (PH) On a failed save the target becomes drowsy and has disadvantage on all attacks until the start of your next turn.

Black/Copper - The Black Copper dragon head upon your right arm glows faintly with a purplish light as acid begins to drip from its fangs. As an action you can cast Acid splash. On a failed save the target is also blinded until the start of your next turn.

Red/Gold - The red and gold dragon that makes up the armors helm glows with a pale white radiance. As an action you gain the effects of staggering smite (PH) and make one weapon attack against a nearby creature using fire damage instead of physic for the bonus damage.

Arkhosia Crest - The ancient symbol of the dragon empire depicts the platinum lords crest encircled by the five chromatic heads of Tiamat. Upon your call the crest blazes with chromatic radiance and all six dragons roar as one, calling upon the last vestments of Io’s Power to aid you. As a bonus action, you may cast dragon's breath (XGTE) once. You must choose yourself as the target of the spell. It lasts for 60 seconds and doesn't require concentration Damage from the breath counts as chromatic in terms of damage resistence. Allies caught in the area of effect do not need to make a saving throw, take no damage, and instead regain 1d6 hit points with each blast. You may spend points to empower this ablity, for every 2 points spent, increase the spell level of the dragons breath by one and increase the healing die by 1D6.


Donanu cannot cut or bring harm to any Innocent creature
Donanu acts as a beacon to any dragon within 100 miles as a divine source of good.
Frost forms along the blade in the presence of great evil


If an evil aligned character would hold Donanu, they are encumbered by the weight of their evil deeds made manifest. Should they try to wield Donanu in combat, they take 2d6 cold damage every turn.
Those who carry Donanu have a fervent zeal to uphold lawful behavior.
Anyone who carries Donanu for longer than a week must make a daily wisdom save DC 15 or have his or her alignment changed to lawful good, lawful neutral or lawful evil depending on there previous alignment.
When an unlawful or deceitful act is committed the wielder of Donanu suffers 3D6 Cold damage and compels the user to make amends immediately

Donanu scabbard is almost as much of a legend as the blade itself. Made up of scales from both metallic and chromatic dragons. Its surface shimmers with a inner chromatic radiance whenever the light of the sun hits it. Those who hold it are said to be touched by all the dragons and no mortal wound can be inflected upon its bearer.

If you posses Donanu’s scabbard you automatically save on one death saving throw. Once used this ability recharges as the dawn of the next day.

Magical Weapon Level

Lv 5 +1
Lv 11 +2
Lv 17 +3

All on use effects are discharged after use and recharge at dawn the next day.

Lv 1 - Judgemnts Chill - When Drawn the weapon can extinguish all non magical fires within 30ft of you once per hour. Gain +2 on intimidation or persuasion checks.

Lv 4 - Bahamut’s Grace - An Icy Chill emanates from you, gain permanent resistance to all cold damage and fire damage.

Lv 7 - Weight of Justice - When the blade is touching a creature, the creature falls under the effects of the Zone of truth spell.

Lv 9 - Bahmuts will - You cannot be Charmed

Lv 11 Icy Mist - Using one action an icy mist rises up from the ground around you for 30 seconds in a 20ft tall and 30ft radius cloud. The icy fog turns the ground to ice, making it difficult terrain and vision is obscured, except for you.

Lv 13 - Wings of Platinum - Use 1- action gain the effects of the fly spell for one hour but your speed is 30ft rather than 60ft.

Lv 15 - Breath of Bahamut - Your natural breath weapon is empowered by Bahamut. Your breath weapon now has a range of a 30ft cone. The save is now Charisma and the damage is increased to 6D8 Ice damage regardless of your own color type.

Lv 20 - Avatar of Bahamut - can only be used if you have been attuned to the sword for one year. You assume the form of the platinum dragon god. The sword granting you access to his divine power on the mortal plane for a short amount of time. You assume the stat block of an ancient Silver dragon (See Monster manual) use the druid shape shifting rules for the dragon transformation and applied stat block. Otherwise you have full access to the dragons abilities and power, but not its legendary actions. The ability lasts for 10 minutes. Once used, you cannot use this ability for 1 month and gain 1 level of exhaustion.