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2017-12-19, 07:42 PM
• EarthenRite playing Jyn Odan (http://cards.boardwars.eu/Core-Box/Rebel%20Heroes/Jyn%20Odan/)
• Darkstorm playing Gideon Argus (http://cards.boardwars.eu/Core-Box/Rebel%20Heroes/Gideon%20Argus/)
• RandomLunatic playing Fenn Signis (http://cards.boardwars.eu/Core-Box/Rebel%20Heroes/Fenn%20Signis/)
• CrimsonKnight playing Gaarkhan (http://cards.boardwars.eu/Core-Box/Rebel%20Heroes/Gaarkhan/)

In terms of how to proceed with your turn, we're going to be following these guidelines:

• In the event that your actions trigger a scripted event, I will consider your actions redacted past the point at which you triggered it - you will have the opportunity to make new choices based on the new information. Important: anything listed after the triggering action will be disregarded, even if you planned to take the same course of action. This is to prevent you feeling committed because you got a particularly good dice roll in your original action.

• Dice rolls can be done in-thread using the command. Only rolls with [rollv] are accepted, as I need to see the individual values on the dice. Since you will be rolling different colored dice, please indicate their order using the title syntax like this [rollv=BBG]3d6 which will roll 3 dice and title the roll as BBG. If this title is not given, dice results will be processed left to right following this procedure: for colored dice, BGRY. For monochrome dice, BW. In other words, if you need to roll two red dice and a yellow die and roll 5, 5, 1 without titling, this result will be read as 5 Red, 5 Red, 1 Yellow. Dice results correspond to the results on this chart (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/imperial-assault/images/d/d7/Imperial_Assault_Die_Face.png/revision/latest?cb=20150825022932), read with 1 in the leftmost column and 6 in the rightmost.

• Please roll the defenses for enemies you are attacking, one line below your attack roll. I will be doing the same when attacking you. This format is not conducive to waiting for everyone to respond to attacks with a defense check when it can simply be done.

• Make sure your post is fully correct before you make rolls. If you're uncertain, a multi-post is fine. Do not edit or delete posts containing rolls - once they're made, they're made.

• If possible, please summarize the results of your attacks. E.g. 2 damage 1 surge rolled vs 2 block. Surge for +1 damage for 1 damage to Stormtrooper at E7.

• In the case of need for a vote, three votes in either direction shall constitute grounds to proceed.

• Maps will have a basic coordinate system of letters and numbers. Please use these to indicate movement.

• There may be times when you have abilities that activate off your turn (e.g. Laminate Armor's block ability). You may wish to define conditions for when it would be used (e.g. the first attack where I don't block all damage). Be sure to define things that you would know at the time, so if a card says "when an attack is declared" your conditions need to be based off of that (e.g. you wouldn't know whether you blocked everything when an attack was declared). However, since Laminate Armor merely says while defending, it can be used after dice are rolled.

Now, some basic information about the game before we begin:

• This is a skirmish-style, objective-based game. Most missions are time-limited, and most of those time limits favor me, not you. If you spend too much time trying to kill every enemy, there is a strong chance that you will be unable to complete your early missions.

• Credits are handed out to the group and spent by the group.

• Items you own can be sold for half their credit value at any upgrade phase. If you have an item without a credit value, it can be sold for 25 credits (e.g. you starting equipment).

• Your character can have any number of items, but can only bring 2 weapons, 1 armor and 3 accessories to the mission.

• Doors may be interacted with to open them unless mission rules say otherwise. Mission rules may often lock doors to one or both sides until a condition is met or give them health and defense so they can be destroyed. Opening a door often triggers a mission event.

• Crates may be interacted with to acquire a Supply Card. These are one-use items that can significantly help you during a mission - grenades, medkits, stolen data, valuable goods. Supply Cards do not carry over between missions. Every Crate collected is worth an additional 50 credits at the end of the mission.

• Terminals are objects which tend to unlock mission events or give access to new rules when interacted with. Sometimes terminals are objects to be destroyed.

• Mission tokens may represent any number of things, as defined by the mission briefing. They have no consistent rules and cannot be interacted with unless specifically instructed.

• All cards in the game may be viewed at boardwars.eu via their image database. The Core Box contains most of the materials that we will be using. I will link other materials as necessary.

• At the end of each mission, an Upgrade Stage will take place during which you may spend XP and credits. I will provide a list of items currently available for you to look through for purchase. As you earn credits, I earn Influence, which I may spend on Agendas to cause complications in future missions.

• Periodically, a Side Mission will become available to conduct. You will have two choices of Side Mission; the one that is selected will be the next mission conducted, while the other will be reshuffled into the Side Mission deck. This deck contains one Side Mission pertinent to each of your characters; four Side Missions that give special rewards; and four Side Mission slots which allow you to recruit allies. As a group you will decide on how to fill these slots.

• If you have earned any Allies, you may bring one and only one Ally with you at the start of a mission. If you bring an Ally, I receive Threat points equal to their deployment value, which I may use when permitted to bring more forces to the table.

• Allies, however, tend to be worth it because they give you extra activations, and actions/activations are a severely limiting factor in the game. If you can handle the additional forces quickly, those extra actions from having an ally can be very handy.

•While I will have all the cards available on the map image, I understand they are hard to read sometimes, so I will also try to have all the cards embedded in the start of round posts (it may not be possible to do this accurately every map repost, but I'll try to do that too).

NOTE: Most of the bullet pointed stuff was stolen blatantly from afroakuma, because he summarized it far better than I could myself.

Campaign Sheet:

Mission Type
Mission Name
Threat Level
Imp Rewards
Rebel Rewards
Rebel Upgrade

Aftermath (R Victory)
1 xp, 1 Influence
850 credits, 1 xp
Tier 1

Side Mission
Sorry about the Mess (I Victory)
3 Influence, 1 xp
650 credits, 1 xp
Tier 1

Story Mission 1
A New Threat (I Victory)
2 influence, 2 xp
600 credits, 2 xp
Tier 1

Side Mission
Indebted (R Victory)
1 xp, 1 Influence
550 credits, 1 xp, Life Debt
Tier 1 & 2

Story Mission 2
Fly Solo

Tier 2

Side mission


Tier 2

Side mission


Tier 2 & 3

Story Mission 3


Tier 3

Side Mission


Tier 3

Story Mission 4


Tier 3



Mission Type
Mission name
Threat Level
Imperial Rewards
Rebel Rewards

Forced mission

2017-12-20, 08:15 PM
For setup, there's no choices to be made for side missions with the core set. However, I do want to offer an option:

Per the rules, Side missions work as follows: Two side mission cards are drawn at the start of the game. Any time a side mission is chosen, that card is replaced by the top card of the side mission deck (the unchosen card remains). The net effect is that you don't "lose" a mission you don't choose, but you don't see as many of the side missions (you will at most see 6 side mission cards out of 12).

The alternative is that every time a side mission is selected, the unchosen card gets shuffled back into the side mission deck and two new cards are drawn. The benefit here is you are more likely to see missions you want to do (since you could potentially see 10 of the cards if you are lucky).

As a note, since it isn't clear in the rules, if a side mission is failed, that card is discarded, so you only ever get one shot at a mission once chosen.

I'd like you to vote on whether you want to go with Option 1 (keeping the unchosen card active) or Option 2 (Reshuffle).

2017-12-20, 08:21 PM
I think Option 2 would be fun.

2017-12-20, 09:21 PM
Prologue: Aftermath
VICTORY! With the destruction of the Death Star, the Rebellion has given hope to a galaxy living in fear. Having lost their ultimate weapon, the Empire scrambles to recover in the face of this crushing defeat.

As the scattered fragments of the battle station rain down on the Rebel base on Yavin 4, the Empire sets in motion a plan to seek retribution against Rebel forces stationed on the small moon.

Not long after, when an Imperial beacon begins to broadcast from an outpost some distance away from the Rebel base, a small team of elite operatives is dispatched; their mission: to silence the signal at all cost....


Arriving at the outpost, you immediately open fire on the troops standing guard. You suspect they knew you were coming and that you're likely walking into an ambush. All the same, with the signal continuing to broadcast, there just isn't time for the subtle approach.

Mission Specific Rules:
Rebel Victory Condition: All four terminals are destroyed before the end of round 6.
Imperial Victory Conditions: All Rebel heroes wounded or a terminal remains at the end of round 6.
Mission End: When all terminals are destroyed, all heroes are wounded, or the end of round 6.

A Rebel figure can attack a terminal (Health: 4 Defense: 1 block). If one or more imperial figures are standing adjacent to a terminal, it gains +1 block.

Doors are locked to Imperial Figures. Rebels can open the door by interacting with it (no tests required).

Start of Mission (https://i.imgur.com/0pCo0Md.png)

Please tell me where you would like to deploy (must be adjacent to the blue entrance token at C1 with one player deploying on the token itself).

Images in case the clarity on the map isn't great

Imperial Player Play Area:

Deployed Cards:

Class Cards:

Open Groups: 0 cards
Reserved Groups: 3 cards
Visible Agendas: 0 cards
Hidden Agendas: 0 cards

Fenn Play Area:

Jyn Play Area:

Gideon Play Area:

Gaarkhan Play Area:

2017-12-20, 09:33 PM
If no one minds, I’d like to start on the deployment icon. I’m relatively squishy.

2017-12-20, 11:19 PM
I'll deploy to B1.

2017-12-20, 11:25 PM
As the dedicated melee tank, I'll start on 2C. And I'm fine with Option 2 for Side Mission cards.

EDIT: That picture is REALLY small for me even on a desktop, I can only see where characters are located but can't read any of the cards.

2017-12-20, 11:39 PM
As the dedicated melee tank, I'll start on 2C. And I'm fine with Option 2 for Side Mission cards.

EDIT: That picture is REALLY small for me even on a desktop, I can only see where characters are located but can't read any of the cards.

I am trying to fix that. In the post spoilers are all the card images embedded

2017-12-20, 11:43 PM
Okay, that helps with reading the cards. Two questions:
1. Do we start with any Class cards other than our character and their starting weapon?
2. What does the Pierce and Cleave abilities do?

2017-12-21, 12:05 AM
Okay, that helps with reading the cards. Two questions:
1. Do we start with any Class cards other than our character and their starting weapon?
2. What does the Pierce and Cleave abilities do?

Class cards beyond the base weapon have to be purchased with xp, of which you have 0 at this point. Between missions you'll have a chance to spend xp. You'll have to decide if you want the immediate benefit of some of the cheaper cards or wait it out for the better cards. You pretty much get 1 xp per mission, with a chance for another xp from some missions. I think 12-14 xp is expected, but only 10 is guaranteed (I'd have to double check those numbers).

Pierce, Cleave, Blast, Bleed, and Stun are all abilities that can happen on an attack. Some weapons have these inherently (no ~ surge symbol next to them), but others require a surge to be spent (with a ~ symbol) to use them.

Pierce reduces the number of blocks by the pierce number (minimum 0).

Cleave allows you to deal damage to one other valid target. So if you attack stormie A, and can cleave, you could deal the cleave number of damage to another valid target.

Blast allows you to deal the blast number in damage to all adjacent targets to the original target. This also hits friendly targets.

Bleed causes a Hero to take 1 strain in damage after every action and a non-hero to take 1 damage after every action. It takes an action to remove bleeding (some items can remove conditions without using an action).

Stun prevents a figure from moving or attacking. It takes an action to remove the stunned condition (some items can remove conditions without using an action, and can be used while stunned).

Cleave, Blast, Bleed and Stun all require you to have dealt at least 1 damage to the primary target to take effect. If you don't deal at least 1 damage, you cannot apply bleed/blast/stun/cleave.

A practical example for your character: Say you go first. You use your charge ability (costing 2 strain) and move to B5. You attack the C5 stormtrooper, and roll well, 2d and 2s. The stormtrooper rolls 2 block. Yu decide to spend a surge on pierce and a surge on cleave. This changes the results to 2d vs 1b, dealing 1 damage to the stormtrooper at C5. Your cleave then deals 1 damage to your choice of the B4 or A6 stormtrooper or the probe droid at C6.

As a note, you can cleave objects, like the terminals. Cleave and blast are indirect damage and very useful against targets that are hard to hit, like that officer who gets a reroll if adjacent to a trooper.

2017-12-21, 04:41 AM
Option 2 and Gideon will start at D1

2017-12-21, 08:46 AM
Start of Round 1
Threat: 0
Mission Threat Level: 2

Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/fWraowz.jpg)

Small Map:

2017-12-21, 04:29 PM
Well. if no else minds, I'll lead things off.

Gaarkhan Turn

Gaarkhan roared at the sight of Imperial forces waiting for them, immediately charging at the stormtroopers and swinging his vibro-ax in a fierce blow.

First Action:

Take two Strain to initiate the Charge ability. Move to C4. Attacking the B4 stormtrooper.
Gaarkhan Attack (RY) [roll0]
Stormtrooper Defense (B) [roll1]

Results: 4 Damage and 2 Surge vs 1 Evade. I use my one Surge to trigger Cleave and deal 1 damage to the C5 stormtrooper. B4 stormtrooper is defeated.

2017-12-21, 04:42 PM
Gaarkhan's swing cuts through the stormtrooper's armor like paper and nearly rips the man's head off, with enough force on the backswing to clip his nearby comrade as well. Gaarkhan wastes no time before striking at the second stormtrooper.

Second Action:
Attack C5 stormtrooper.
Gaarkhan attack (RY) [roll0]
Stormtrooper defense (B) [roll1]

Results: 2 Damage and 3 Surge vs 2 Block. Hmm... can you trigger abilities like Pierce multiple times on the same attack if you have enough surge?

2017-12-21, 05:36 PM
I should have mentioned this as it came up last game: The numbers are for accuracy, not the number of symbols. As a melee character you won't really use them.

So attack 1 is correct, but attack 2 is just 2 damage 2 surge vs 2 block.

As to your question, abilities can only be triggered once per entry. If you had multiple sources for pierce, you could trigger them and they would stack, but you can only use each surge ability once per attack.

Surges can also be used to recover 1 strain (or if no strain is left 1 health) but that can only be used once per attack as well. Surge abilities to recover health or strain or grant focus (not that any of you have any abilities that do that atm) can be used even if an attack misses or does no damage.

2017-12-21, 06:03 PM
While you figure out what you'd like to do, Crimson, I'll take my activation, since you can't kill off that trooper.

As a note, Earthenrite, let me know under what conditions you want to use Jyn's Quick Draw.

Trooper at A6: Moves A6-B5-B4.

Attack Jyn

Trooper at C5: Move: C5-B4-A4

Attack Jyn

2017-12-21, 06:13 PM
No rerolls needed.

Trooper 1: 4d vs 1b = 3 damage
Trooper 2: Dodged (Off to a good start there, Earthenrite)

Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/KUIVBW5.jpg)

2017-12-21, 06:17 PM
Oh right, heh, so only two Surge. That simplifies it then, I use one to add Pierce to my attack (so that stormie is now at 1 HP) and the other to remove one of my Strains.

EDIT: So, as far as enemy turns go, the three stormtroopers (now two since I killed one) are all considered one unit, the probe droid is a second unit, and the officer is a third?

2017-12-21, 06:25 PM
Oh right, heh, so only two Surge. That simplifies it then, I use one to add Pierce to my attack (so that stormie is now at 1 HP) and the other to remove one of my Strains.

EDIT: So, as far as enemy turns go, the three stormtroopers (now two since I killed one) are all considered one unit, the probe droid is a second unit, and the officer is a third?

DM Note: Remove 1 strain from Gaarkhan when I process the next turn.

Yes, each card represents one activation group. On the top left corner of those cards are small rectangles that represent how many figures are in the group. Officer and Probe Droid both have one, and the Stormtroopers have 3.

Also note the costs of the card. The left is the threat cost to deploy originally. The right is the cost to reinforce the unit back to the original number of figures. For example, next turn, as long as one stormtrooper is left, I could reinforce for 2 threat to bring back the dead soldiers at a reinforce point.

2017-12-21, 06:44 PM
For example, next turn, as long as one stormtrooper is left, I could reinforce for 2 threat to bring back the dead soldiers at a reinforce point.
Well, we can't have that now, can we?

Fenn answered the Stormtrooper's blaster fire with his own spray of fire from the hip.

((Using Havoc Shot as my first action, targeting Stormtrooper B4.


2017-12-21, 06:54 PM
That's a disappointment. Moving to A5 as my second action.

2017-12-21, 07:14 PM
Thanks for shooting the wookie for me...One less damage I need to do.

3d vs 2b is only 1 damage, but it is enough to trigger the burst 1, and kill one of my poor troopers. Oh well, still have one left if I want to reinforce.

Fenn recovers 1 strain from Lone Wolf.

Now...what to do next...maybe some Probe Droid.

Droid Moves: C6-B5-A4 (1 remains)

Attacks Jyn at C1.

Imperial Player: exhausts Show of Force to Focus the droid for this attack.


Droid will finish its move to B5.

2017-12-21, 07:19 PM
That looks like 4d 2s vs 1e. Droid will surge for damage. 5d to Jyn.

Droid returns to B5 with his last move.

Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/99nM7YM.jpg)

2017-12-21, 10:48 PM
As a general note, if you've not posted on this thread in 24 hours and it has been 12 hours since the last turn update, I give my blessing to another player to take your turn. If you're waiting for another player it's best to mention it so there's no confusion. This is more to keep things moving than anything else.

Discussing strategy in thread is encouraged. I will not read spoilers.

2017-12-21, 11:19 PM

First Action: Move to A3
Second Action: Fire at Storm Trooper
2 G - [roll0]
Defense: 1 B - [roll1]

Results: Converting one surge to damage and netting two points of damage to the bucket head.

My Quick Draw will be activated by the officer since he’s the only one who hasn’t activated. Also, I’m sorry if I miss-called a shot - the map is small for detail for me.
Quick Draw result: 2 G - [roll2]

2017-12-21, 11:48 PM
Officer defense roll: [roll0]

2017-12-21, 11:57 PM
So, Earthenrite, your shot ends up missing because you rolled 2 accuracy and the officer is at range 4. You would have had 3 move remaining from your move action (move can be split up throughout the turn) and could have moved a square after your initial attack from your Opportunist ability. If you want to ammend your turn to move, please let me know.

Also, I'm going to try to screenshot just the map and put it in a spoiler in the post to make it easier to see. You should be able to click the image on imgur if using desktop to make it pop up larger (at least it works in chrome).

Officer Move: E7 - D6 - C5
Attack Jyn.

After attack: Move C5-C6

2017-12-22, 12:06 AM
1 damage to Jyn (and still 1 damage form being wounded :( ).

Gideon finish the round (https://i.imgur.com/dpX01tH.jpg)


2017-12-22, 03:57 AM
I'll Use command 2 times on Gaarkhan so he can attack 2 times and shread the droid in two.

Shall I roll and use the character or let the owner do it?

2017-12-22, 05:59 AM
So, Earthenrite, your shot ends up missing because you rolled 2 accuracy and the officer is at range 4. You would have had 3 move remaining from your move action (move can be split up throughout the turn) and could have moved a square after your initial attack from your Opportunist ability. If you want to ammend your turn to move, please let me know.

Also, I'm going to try to screenshot just the map and put it in a spoiler in the post to make it easier to see. You should be able to click the image on imgur if using desktop to make it pop up larger (at least it works in chrome).

Officer Move: E7 - D6 - C5
Attack Jyn.

After attack: Move C5-C6

I would have moved to C5 to take the shot on my turn, then used the Opportunist feature, followed by moving to B4 with my one space move. That should have given me the accuracy to hit the officer.

Edit: also,’for strategizing purposes, if the storyline was that it seemed that they knew we were coming, we should try to blow that door from a distance. Maybe it’ll explode in case there’s someone behind it?

2017-12-22, 09:48 AM
I'll Use command 2 times on Gaarkhan so he can attack 2 times and shread the droid in two.

Shall I roll and use the character or let the owner do it?

Special Actions are limited to 1/turn (anything with the action arrow).

Unless other players have an issue with it, I say attacks can be rolled by you but move should be done by them.

Earthenrite I will adjust the turn to show yoir move and the attack hitting. Please include all on turn move in your post (multiple posts are ok).

So i am clear you are ammending your turn to move to c5, shoot trooper, opportunist to b4. You then shoot the officer with quick draw (2 acc 2d 2s vs 1b 3 range. Surge for damage and accuracy for a hit and 2d). Do you want to move with opportunist again?

2017-12-22, 10:06 AM
I'm perfectly fine with you rolling for me if you're using your Command ability.

2017-12-22, 11:57 AM
Gaarkhan will attack the droid

RY [roll0]

2017-12-22, 12:02 PM
The blade doesn't do anything to the droid, but Gaarkhan regains 1 strain.

1 strain move to C2
Attack the droid
BY [roll0]

2017-12-22, 12:04 PM
Surge to pierce!

2 damage on the guy-machine-droid-thing!!

2017-12-22, 02:46 PM
Another note to Eartherite: Due to the rules of the mission, you cannot blow up the door at this time. Also there's not anyone behind the door right now, as only figures on the board can be affected. The door can be opened by interacting with it while adjacent, which will open it.

As a note, doors in the future may have rules that allow them to be attacked and destroyed, or opened using skill checks. it is all spelled out in the mission specific rules.

I'll also need to know if you are going to be using her quick draw (maybe come up with some basic rules for it to make it easier on me. e.g. if I have 2 or less strain and an enemy activates within 3 spaces and LOS)


There's a small issue with Jyn and Gideon's attack. Her previous position was B4, which would have blocked LOS for Gideon (map didn't show this because of the confusion around her move). She'd have to move to A3, A4, C3 or C5 with her Opportunist ability, or Gideon would not have the shot. I'm going to put her at C5 for now, and give Earthenrite the decision of where to put her finally, I just want everyone to be aware that Jyn could be at A3, A4 or C5 depending on his choice.

With that out of the way:

Status Phase:
Imperial Player gains 2 threat (Total: 2)
Imperial player does not spend any threat

Round 2 Begins
Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/zBYFjlg.jpg)


Images in case the clarity on the map isn't great

Imperial Player Play Area:

Deployed Cards:

Class Cards:

Open Groups: 1 cards
Reserved Groups: 3 cards
Visible Agendas: 0 cards
Hidden Agendas: 0 cards

Fenn Play Area:

Jyn Play Area:

Gideon Play Area:

Gaarkhan Play Area:

2017-12-22, 02:56 PM
Jyn should start to heal up a bit or will become wounded

2017-12-22, 03:49 PM
Problem is that, unless I'm mistaken, the rest action only removes damage caused by excess strain. Without an ability or item that can specifically heal damage from enemy attacks, we don't have any means to heal right now. Anyway, Gaarkhan's turn.

First Action: Attack probe droid.
Gaarkhan attack (RY) [roll0]
Droid defense (B) [roll1]

Results: 4 damage and two surge vs one block. Welp, both surge are wasted since I can't Cleave and don't need Pierce or strain recovery, but the probe droid is kaput.

2017-12-22, 03:52 PM
Second Action: Take two Strain, trigger Charge, move to D6, attack the console.
Gaarkhan attack (RY) [roll0]
Console defense (B) [roll1]

Results: 3 damage and 1 surge vs 2 block. Using surge to trigger Cleave and finish off the officer. Well, not too bad, finished off the droid and the officer even if the damned console absorbed most of my attack.

2017-12-22, 03:53 PM
Every strain recover over the strain you have, you recover life. So if she did she would recover 2 strain and 2 life.

Not a lot and don't know if it's worth it.

Turnwise we don't have to follow the same order as the previous round - 1st turn we can activate Gaarkhan, Fenn, Jyn, Gideon and in the next another order altogether Jynn, Gaarkhan, Gideon, Fenn or whatever

2017-12-22, 03:56 PM
Oh, she has Strain damage? I thought it was all from enemy attacks. Then yes, a Rest would do her some good. And yeah, I know turn order is in any order, I just can't help jumping the gun. I AM playing the hotheaded Wookie after all. :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Nevermind, I see what you mean by Resting, I'm an idiot. Yeah, Jyn should definitely Rest some then.

2017-12-22, 03:59 PM
No. Recover heals all kind of damage, not just strain damage. But first you "heal" strain. When strain is 0, you heal the rest of the stamina of damage.

2017-12-22, 04:05 PM
As a note the console has a static 1 block not a die roll. 2 if it has a imp figure adjacent. Nothing changes aboit the damage to it since it had 2block.

If you would recover strain in excess of what you have you recover health instead. E.g. you could have recovered 1 health on the first attack.

Also if you take more strain than your endurance you suffer damage instead. You can't choose to take strain in excess of your endurance.

I will update map later but i am out of activations and console has 2d of 4 health.

2017-12-22, 04:45 PM
Jyn should start to heal up a bit or will become wounded

I would like to end at A4 sorry for the confusion. My Quickdraw protocol will be unstressed and enemy within 3 and line of sight. This turn I’d like to heal twice, but I think others should act first because if I heal before the hostiles are dead they could activate and shred me.

2017-12-22, 05:00 PM
Updated Map (including Jyn's correct position)
I have no activations left, as everyone is dead. Jyn, Fenn and Gideon, you are up.


2017-12-22, 05:28 PM
Oh, she has Strain damage? I thought it was all from enemy attacks. Then yes, a Rest would do her some good. And yeah, I know turn order is in any order, I just can't help jumping the gun. I AM playing the hotheaded Wookie after all. :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Nevermind, I see what you mean by Resting, I'm an idiot. Yeah, Jyn should definitely Rest some then.

And you make it very difficult to use my AoE.

Regardless, using my first action to move to E7. my second to loot interact with the crate, and then take one strain to move to F6.

2017-12-22, 05:37 PM
Fenn has found an Emergency Medpac

2017-12-22, 06:19 PM
Fenn has found an Emergency Medpac

Is “loot” group based? Could I perchance use it to heal up if I do the rest action?

2017-12-22, 06:33 PM
Equipment is sadly not transferable during a mission.

Hey Tigerus, can we get links to the quickstart guide and the dice chart in the OP? It sucks having to dig up the recruitment thread to find them.

2017-12-22, 06:43 PM
I need to get a link for the reference guide (hard on mobile) but here (https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/84/fc/84fcff54-eafe-45ec-acf4-538a86e1acfc/imperial_assault_learn_to_play_guide.pdf) is the guide. Also in signature now

2017-12-22, 06:53 PM
Alright, in that case I think I’d like to describe my activation since my action is simple, desperately needed, and shouldn’t impact anyone else. That actual moment of activation can happen where it falls in the order of posting.

Action 1 - Rest (Remove 2 strain, 2 damage)
Action 2 - Rest (Remove 4 damage)

That feels a little better. Jyn would probably be cursing under her breath about how they can’t possibly aim at the wookie.

Also, since I did that, I’d like to temporarily update my standing Quickshot order to Range 4 to give myself a little overwatch ability.

2017-12-22, 07:50 PM
Random, dice chart is already linked in OP. Look under the first spoiler button.

2017-12-22, 07:50 PM
Move to D5

Attack the console

BY [roll0]

2017-12-22, 07:54 PM
That's 2 damage!

I think we have to be more agressive for the rest of this match.

2017-12-22, 07:57 PM
I am out for most of the night but I will update the map when I get home.

I will not be deploying anything this turn so if you want to take a turn you can. There is an event that triggers when the door is opened.

2017-12-23, 12:28 AM
Fynn got some loot, Gideon blew the terminal, and Jyn healed up.

Imperial Player gains 2 threat (Total: 4)
Imperial Player does not deploy anything

Round 3 begins

Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/J7bAawP.jpg)


Images in case map can't be read

Imperial Player Play Area:

Deployed Cards:

Class Cards:

Open Groups: 3 cards
Reserved Groups: 3 cards
Visible Agendas: 0 cards
Hidden Agendas: 0 cards

Fenn Play Area:

Jyn Play Area:

Gideon Play Area:

Gaarkhan Play Area:

2017-12-23, 11:09 AM
I'm holding my turn until Fenn opens the door.

2017-12-23, 11:36 AM
May as well see what's behind door #1. Spend an action to open the door.

2017-12-23, 07:11 PM
Fenn opens the door and:

"They're here!" the Imperial forces shout as they scramble their defenses. "Keep them away from the transmitters!"

There's a crackle from your comlink. "Imperial forces on aproach!" your pilot contacts you from your transport now circling overhead. "The place is soon to be crawling with them soon, so get the job done quick!"

Imperial Player: Deploy the reserved E-Web Engineer. This figure becomes focused.
Imperial Player: Deploy the reserved Stormtroopers and Imperial Officer

Fenn has 1 action remaining. (https://i.imgur.com/FnPyj4k.jpg)


2017-12-23, 10:09 PM
Take 1 strain to move to G6, then use Havoc Shot on the E-Web team.


2017-12-23, 10:26 PM
Looks like 3 damage to the eweb team and 1 damage to the console. Fenn regains 1 strain from lone wolf.

Eweb Activates

Eweb attacks Fenn, using focus.

Eweb attack Fenn.
Imperial Player uses Show of Force, focusing Eweb

2017-12-23, 10:42 PM
Attack 1: 5d 1s vs 1b Using surge to recove 2 for 4d on fenn.

Attack 2: 6d 2s vs 2b Using 1 surge for +1d and 1 surge to recover 2 for 5d on fenn.

Rebel Turn


2017-12-23, 10:56 PM
I will activate next if no one minds. It will put me in a better position for opportunity attacks.

Action 1: Move: F7
Action 2: Attack E-Web Engineer
2 G - [roll0]

Defense: 1 B - [roll1]
Results: Net Damage 3 to EWEB; Updating opportunity attack to fire on first hostile to pass over the threshold line of the “atrium” part of the map.

2017-12-23, 11:16 PM
Wait, where the hell did that fourth die come from?

2017-12-23, 11:25 PM
Because it will be relevant in the future and you might want to position yourself differently, Opportunity attacks occur at the start of the enemy activation, so the figure must be in LOS.

Also, your shot is unfortunately a miss. It has accuracy of 4, and the Eweb is 5 spaces away from F7 (remember to count the space the figure occupies). I had a lot of issues getting a feel for my weapon's accuracy range and LOS in general, but it gets easier.

Now....stormies I think.

F3 Stormtrooper first: Moves F3->G3->H4->I5 (1 left)

Attack Fenn at G6 [roll0]

Finishes move I5->I4

F4 stormtrooper next: Moves F4 ->G5 -> H4 -> I5 (1 left)

Attack Fenn (or Jyn if Fenn is wounded by attack 1) at G6 [roll2]

Finishes move: I5 -> J5

H4 Stormtrooper finally: Moves H4 -> I5 (3 left)

Attack Jyn at F7 (just barely in LOS)

F7 finishes move: I5 -> H4 -> G5

Rerolls in next post if needed.

2017-12-23, 11:26 PM
Wait, where the hell did that fourth die come from?

Focus: Add a G die to your next attack or skill check.

The Eweb got focused by the event trigger, and focused for the second attack by my Show of Force class card. It is powerful, especially on the eweb.

2017-12-23, 11:27 PM
Attack1: Reroll the blue die [roll0]

Attack 2: Reroll the blue die [roll1]

attack 3: Reroll the blue die [roll2]

2017-12-23, 11:36 PM
Attack 1 results: 2d 1s vs 1b. Surge for damage for 2d on Fenn

Attack 2 (vs fenn since he's not wounded): 3d vs 2b for 1d on Fenn Fenn is Wounded

Attack 3 (vs Jyn): Dodge...not sure why I bothered rerolling :)

Gideon or Gaarkhan


2017-12-23, 11:47 PM
Damn, that E-Web packs a punch. Okay, Gaarkhan's turn.

First Action: Move to H6.
Second Action: Take two Strain to trigger Charge, move to J7, attack the E-Web Engineer.

Gaarkhan Attack (RY) [roll0]
Engineer Defense (B) [roll1]

Results: 4 damage vs 1 block. Damn, hope Gideon can finish him off.

2017-12-23, 11:54 PM
Eweb has 3 damage of 5 health, so it is still up. Combination of Jyn missing and it having a surge ability to recover 2 health means it is sticking around for now (unless Gideon can manage to get it killed).

Officer time:

Move to H3 -> I4 -> I5 (2 remain)

Attack Jyn at F7

Move: I5 -> I4 -> H3

2017-12-23, 11:58 PM
2d 1s vs 1e 1b so 1d on Jyn.

Gideon, finish up the round (https://i.imgur.com/NjPwcH3.jpg)


2017-12-24, 12:38 AM
Yeah, I noticed that and already edited my post.

2017-12-24, 06:00 AM
Enter the facility - go to H8.

Command on Jyn so she can have a move action to enter and close on the upper consoles (as she can dispatch ones that target her).

2017-12-24, 08:47 AM
Enter the facility - go to H8.

Command on Jyn so she can have a move action to enter and close on the upper consoles (as she can dispatch ones that target her).

I think you are right; I’m going to close to put some damage on those consoles. I think I’m understanding the activation trigger a little better. I’m using my Gideon granted movement to go to G4 and setting my trigger as officer activation (if I’m reading LOS correctly) or storm trooper if I’m not. If possible might I go first in the next round to try to blow a console and maybe damage a trooper? Soften up what’s coming down?

2017-12-24, 12:20 PM
Merry Christmas Eve everyone (who celebrates that holiday). Otherwise, the Empire has gotten you a present anyway.

Status Phase:
Imperial Player Gains 2 Threat (total: 6)
Imperial Player spends 6 threat to deploy Stormtroopers (0 Threat remains)

End of Round:
The Imperial Player Choses to increase Terminal Health to 7
All terminals now have 7 health instead of 4. They retain 1 block (+1 if any Imperial Figure is adjacent) defenses.

Start of Round 4, Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/bWpm6z3.jpg)


Images in case map can't be read

Imperial Player Play Area:

Deployed Cards:

Class Cards:

Open Groups: 2 cards
Reserved Groups: 0 cards
Visible Agendas: 0 cards
Hidden Agendas: 0 cards

Fenn Play Area:

Jyn Play Area:

Gideon Play Area:

Gaarkhan Play Area:

2017-12-24, 12:26 PM
Is there any objection to me going first? I’ll wait an hour or so then post up my turn.

2017-12-24, 12:35 PM
I was thinking of going first and finishing off the E-Web before it gets another volley off. But you can go if you want (currently on the move and can't post for a little while).

2017-12-24, 12:36 PM
So we can't call an airstrike or blow the bunker (because who needs demo charges on a search & destroy mission, amirite?), but we can walk straight into a buffed heavy weapon and get utterly reamed. Right. :smallmad:

2017-12-24, 12:42 PM
I was thinking of going first and finishing off the E-Web before it gets another volley off. But you can go if you want (currently on the move and can't post for a little while).

Maybe you should. That thing is a monster.

2017-12-24, 12:52 PM
Is there any objection to me going first? I’ll wait an hour or so then post up my turn.

I was thinking of going first and finishing off the E-Web before it gets another volley off. But you can go if you want (currently on the move and can't post for a little while).

CK is right. Don't let it get another round of shots. Trust me.

2017-12-24, 12:58 PM
Okay, I can get a post out now.
First Action: Attack E-Web Engineer
Gaarkhan Attack (RY) [roll0]
E-Web Defense (B) [roll1]
Results: 3 damage and 1 surge vs two block. Spending the surge to trigger Pierce and remove one block. E-Web Engineer is defeated.

2017-12-24, 12:59 PM
CK is right. Don't let it get another round of shots. Trust me.

Yeah, Gaarkhan definitely should go before the big guns can heal.

2017-12-24, 01:03 PM
Second Action: Attack console
Gaarkhan Attack (RY) [roll0]
Console Defense: 1 block
Results: 2 damage and 2 surge vs 1 block. Spend 1 surge to trigger Pierce and 1 surge to remove strain. Well, got the E-Web but that console still has 4 health.

2017-12-24, 01:25 PM
Not bad, Mr. Wookie. I was kinda hoping that Jyn would have gone first so I could have used that Eweb some more, but oh well.

Stormtrooper Group B will activate.

Trooper at B6 will move B6 -> C6 -> D6 -> E6 -> F6
Attack Gideon (not adjacent to a trooper, no reroll) [roll0]

Trooper at B7 will move: B7 -> C7 -> D7 -> E7 -> F7
Attack Gideon (gets a reroll, adjacent to trooper)

Trooper at C7 will move: C7 -> D7 -> E7 -> F7 -> G7
Attack Gideon (gets a reroll, adjacent to trooper)
Imperial Player activates Show of Force, Trooper becomes focused

2017-12-24, 01:27 PM
Attack 1: 4d vs 2b = 2 damage to Gideon.

Attack 2: 4d vs 1e = 4 damage to Gideon (not using my reroll)

Attack 3: Using a reroll on the green die that rolled a 1 [roll0]
EDIT: that makes 6d vs 3b for 3 damage. Gid survives being wounded by 1 damage :(

2017-12-24, 01:32 PM
Rebel Turn

2017-12-24, 01:35 PM
Action 1 - Blast console adjacent 2G - [roll0]

Spending a surge to deal a total of four damage, lowered by 1 or 2 (not sure if that trooper is adjacent). Using my ability to move to F5.

2017-12-24, 01:40 PM
Action 2 - blast the console again. 2G - [roll0]

Again spending surge to deal 4 total damage, and shifting to E4.

Setting trigger for Opportunist to Stormtrooper activation.

2017-12-24, 02:02 PM
That trooper is adjacent, so 2d on attack 1 and 2d on attack 2.

Officer will be activating next:

Move H3 -> H4 -> I5 (2 remain)
attack Gideon [roll0]

Move: I5->H4->H3

2017-12-24, 02:12 PM
3d 1s vs 3b -> surge for damage for 1d and a wounded Gideon

Rebel Turn


2017-12-24, 02:15 PM
Quick question: do characters block sight lines?

2017-12-24, 02:24 PM
Quick question: do characters block sight lines?

There are some specific rules, but typically characters block LOS. You need 2 lines from one corner that can touch a corner of an enemy's square without overlapping. So you can't hit I4, because while the officer doesn't block the line between 3 and 4, you can't get a second line that doesn't overlap with that one.

2017-12-25, 01:58 PM
I believe Fenn should go first than Gideon and blast that Group A and officer for some clearance and next turn console destruction!

2017-12-25, 09:30 PM
If someone wants to post for Fenn or we can wait . Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night

2017-12-25, 10:28 PM
Alright, I'll take Fenn's turn to keep things moving.

Fenn's Turn
First Action: Move to J6.
Second Action: Attack Stormtrooper at I4.
Fenn Attack (BG) [roll0]
Trooper Defense (B) [roll1]
Results: 3d, 5a, 1s vs 1b. Spending the surge to gain +1 damage to the attack. Taking a strain to trigger Havoc Shot and deal 1 damage to the Trooper at J5 and Officer at H3. I4 Trooper is defeated.

2017-12-25, 10:48 PM
I won't be able to update the map til the morning, but in case darkstorm gets a chance to post:

Stormtrooper A activation.

Jyn attacks using Opportunist the trooper at G5


2017-12-25, 10:57 PM
Looks like 1d to g5 (if jyn surges for damage).

G5 trooper moves g5 -> h4 -> i5 (2 remain)

Attack Gideon (attack has a reroll)


Move > i5 -> h4 -> g5

J5 trooper move j5 -> i6 -> h7 (2 remain)

attack gideon (one reroll)


Move h7 -> i8

2017-12-25, 10:58 PM
Attack 1 reroll green [roll0]

Attack 2 reroll green [roll1]

2017-12-25, 11:00 PM
A1: 4d vs 1e = 4d to gideon

A2: 1d 1s vs 3b = no damage

Map will be posted in the morning if needed.

2017-12-26, 04:44 AM
Gideon rests and orders "Keep shooting those consoles"

1st action: rest
2nd action: Command on Gaarkhan for attack I8 trooper
RY [roll0]

2017-12-26, 04:47 AM
Use surge 1 for pierce to make it 3 damage and kill the stormtrooper and surge 2 on cleave 1 to destroy the console.

The Wookie swings his weapon and destroys the console, ripping a stormtrooper in two in the process.

2017-12-26, 06:36 AM
That won't destroy the console, don't forget the Lockdown raised their Health to 7.

2017-12-26, 10:09 AM
NOTE: Pierce is not needed to kill the trooper, as he has 1 damage, so I'll recover a strain on the wookie instead.

Status Phase:

Imperial Player gains 2 threat (2 total)
Imperial Player spends 2 threat to reinforce Stormtrooper A (0 remain)

End of Turn.

Start of Round 5 Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/FBCUBeE.jpg)


Images in case map can't be read

Imperial Player Play Area:

Deployed Cards:

Class Cards:

Open Groups: 2 cards
Reserved Groups: 0 cards
Visible Agendas: 0 cards
Hidden Agendas: 0 cards

Fenn Play Area:

Jyn Play Area:

Gideon Play Area:

Gaarkhan Play Area:

2017-12-26, 10:43 AM
Alright, let's hurry up before the reinforcements bury us.

Gaarkhan Turn
First Action: Attack Console
Gaarkhan Attack (RY) [roll0]
Console Defense 1b

Results: 2d, 1s vs 1b. Spend the surge to Pierce. Damn, three attacks and that console still has 1 health. Should I stay here and finish it off, or Charge the Officer and the console next to him while one of you finish this one off?

2017-12-26, 11:08 AM
Alright, let's hurry up before the reinforcements bury us.

Gaarkhan Turn
First Action: Attack Console
Gaarkhan Attack (RY) [roll0]
Console Defense 1b

Results: 2d, 1s vs 1b. Spend the surge to Pierce. Damn, three attacks and that console still has 1 health. Should I stay here and finish it off, or Charge the Officer and the console next to him while one of you finish this one off?

I’d finish the console...we need to kill these consoles before we get overrun. They are the priority now.

2017-12-26, 02:42 PM
Alright then, I'll finish off this console.
Second Action: Attack console
Gaarkhan Attack (RY) [roll0]
Console Defense 1b
Results: Way more than enough to kill that console. Using 1 surge to remove 1 strain. Man, I knew I should have Charged, that's like 2 damage and a surge wasted.

2017-12-26, 02:44 PM
Now that is overkill :)

2017-12-26, 03:58 PM
I can't do a map atm, but going to activate stormtrooper B

G7 trooper fires at Gideon


Moves to g3

F7 trooper fires at gideon


Moves to j5

Waiting on results for last trooper

2017-12-26, 04:01 PM
A1: 4d vs 2b for 2 damage

A2: 3d 1s vs 1b. Surge for damage 3d

F6 trooper moves to i5 and fires at gideon


2017-12-26, 04:02 PM
2d 1s vs 1b . Surge for damage for 2d to Gideon.

Gideon has withdrawn

I can have a map up in a couple hours .

2017-12-26, 06:27 PM
Fenn or Jyn you are up (https://i.imgur.com/mLVe7kP.jpg)
Note: I did not have Jyn's strain correct from her last Quick Draw, it is up to date now.


2017-12-26, 06:57 PM
1st action: Move
Move to J4

2nd Action: Havoc shot the officer

2017-12-26, 06:58 PM
Whoops. There's supposed to be a re-roll

But it won't be enough. 2 damage ices the officer, and splashes one point onto the console and the stormie. Still no surges.

2017-12-26, 07:01 PM
I5 is occupied. What space did you mean

2017-12-26, 07:07 PM
You can move into enemy occupied spaces. It just costs double. I think you can't end there, but since there's no possible outcome that would prevent me from completing my move, it seems a moot point.

Also, can blast damage blast through obstacles? Do you actually require LoS to hit somebody with a blast?

2017-12-26, 09:34 PM
You can't act while in an occupied space. Your move is considered halted while performing an action. It was clarified by FFG (https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/132176-a-figure-cannot-perform-an-action-while-moving-through-another-figure/)

I have to double check but i believe blast effects all adjacent characters and objects. Walls prevent adjacency (g3 and g4 are not adjacent) but los does not matter

2017-12-26, 09:44 PM

Move amended to J4.

2017-12-26, 10:08 PM

Move amended to J4.

Pretty sure I could abuse it more than the players can, so it's probably a good thing.

2017-12-26, 10:12 PM
Under the assumption that Jyn is still targeting stormtrooper activation:


2017-12-26, 10:18 PM
That's a dead trooper.

Jyn you have a 1 step move if you want it.

Other troopers just do a double move.

Jyn finish the round. Gonna be a nail biter round 6. (https://i.imgur.com/5DbyY52.jpg)


2017-12-27, 09:52 AM
Jyn’s Turn
Action #1 - Attack Console - 2g - [roll0]
Console Defense - 1 block
Converting 2 surges to 2 damage, 4 damage total.
3 is unblocked; console destroyed.
Shifting to F3 with ability.

2017-12-27, 09:58 AM
Jyn’s Turn - Action 2
Attack console adjacent to stormtrooper - 2g - [roll0]
Defense - 2’block because of adjacency
4 damage from attack reduced by 2
Console has three damage.

I’m guessing I should go first next turn. I can wipe out the console then we can fly on out of here.

2017-12-27, 10:10 AM
If you can finish it off, then go for it, I can grab the crate next to me on the way out.

2017-12-27, 10:17 AM
Each surge ability can only be used once per attack so the first console has 1 health on it after your first attack. I will let you redirect your second attack to that console to finish it or you can keep your second attack as is. You can recover 1 strain if you would like.

Also note that when victory conditions are met the mission ends, and no further actions are taken. If you want crates get them before the last console blows.

2017-12-27, 10:30 AM
In that case, screw the crate, I'd better use my last turn to attack and make sure we get all the consoles. Think you'd better let me go first on Turn 6 too before they completely block me from being able to reach them at all.

2017-12-27, 10:34 AM
Each surge ability can only be used once per attack so the first console has 1 health on it after your first attack. I will let you redirect your second attack to that console to finish it or you can keep your second attack as is. You can recover 1 strain if you would like.

Also note that when victory conditions are met the mission ends, and no further actions are taken. If you want crates get them before the last console blows.

I’ll redirect that attack. And go ahead; my health is...tolerable. At least we get another activation in a row.

2017-12-27, 10:39 AM
You could hit the console from f3 after attack 1, do you want to move again after attack 2? Also console goes boom.

Reminder to crimson that you cannot take an action in an occupied space (friendly or enemy) and enemy spaces cost 2 move. Plan accordingly.

If you want to take your round 6 first action feel free. I am going to deploy an officer to one of the blue squares outside the base

2017-12-27, 10:56 AM
I am assuming attack 1: Jyn regained 1 strain with one unused surge, not that it will matter probably. Map assumes she's at F3.

Status Phase:

Imperial Player gains 2 threat (2 total)
Imperial Player deploys Imperial Officer for 2 threat (0 remain)

End of Round 5.

Round 6 Final Round. Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/JyGqCwh.jpg)


I also just noticed a really fun thing about this round. I wonder if you'll notice it too.

2017-12-27, 11:29 AM
Chances are good we can succeed if Fenn and I go full on the consoles. I’d actually suggest Fenn take lead this round because he’s wounded. If we can limit troopers adjacent to the console, that’s better. And Fenn... don’t worry about getting Jyn in collateral damage if you need to. I’ll make it.

2017-12-27, 11:52 AM
Alright, hope you two can because I'm fairly confident the troopers won't leave me any adjacent spaces.

2017-12-27, 12:09 PM
Alright, hope you two can because I'm fairly confident the troopers won't leave me any adjacent spaces.

Now why would they go and do that?

2017-12-27, 12:27 PM
1st Action: Havoc Shot the G3 Stormtrooper
Spend a surge for +1 damage, that's 4 damage vs 2 block, downs the stormtrooper.

2017-12-27, 12:30 PM
Now that the way's clear, take a second shot at the nicely exposed terminal.

Versus one fixed block. Two more damage.

2017-12-27, 12:37 PM
Go guys go!!!

2017-12-27, 01:30 PM
Wont be able to post a map til later but group b activates.

I5 moves to h3 and fires on jyn.

Imperial player uses show of force. Trooper becomes focused.


J5 moves to h2 and fires on Jyn


2017-12-27, 01:43 PM
Rerolling both green ones, one for each attack



2017-12-27, 01:46 PM
A1: 3d 2s vs nothing. Surge for damage. 4d, jyn at 8 damage

A2: 4d vs 1b 1e is 3d. Jyn is now wounded

Map coming in about 90m. Or you can take your turns without an updated map.

2017-12-27, 01:49 PM
I forget - is the damage reduction cumulative for adjacent models, or a flat one block?

2017-12-27, 01:50 PM
I forget - is the damage reduction cumulative for adjacent models, or a flat one block?

Flat. That terminal has 2 block

2017-12-27, 01:55 PM
Gaarkhan, get in there. Try standing on G3 so the last two can't focus-fire Jyn before her turn.

EDIT: For bonus points, take a strain to go to J6. Then you can charge through I5 and H4 to G3, and take two swings at the console.

2017-12-27, 01:55 PM
Here we go - wish me luck!

Action 1 - Attack Console - 2g - [roll0] vs 2 block
Results: 2 total damage

Action 2 - Attack Console - 2g - [roll1] vs 2 block
Results: 2 total damage

Unless I’ve miscalculated, that takes down the console. Let’s scoop up Gideon, get him in a bacta tank and head out of here!

2017-12-27, 02:25 PM
If that somehow didn't finish it off and you have any surge left to remove one of your strains, strain move away and I think I may still be able to reach it with a move and charge.

2017-12-27, 02:30 PM
If that somehow didn't finish it off and you have any surge left to remove one of your strains, strain move away and I think I may still be able to reach it with a move and charge.

No surges :(

2017-12-27, 04:02 PM
Jyn takes a solid blasterbolt to the arm, knocking her to the ground. As her vision blurs, she raises her pistol towards the stormtroopers who hit her. With a smirk, she adjusts her aim to the left, and fires directly into the last terminal. Sparks shoot out of it as its lights flicker off. Fenn slams the butt of his carbine against the stormtrooper's helmet, knocking him to the ground. "Gideon's hurt, we gotta go."

Jyn and Fenn rush out of the compound, as Gaarkhan carries the limp body of Gideon. The four of you dodge sporadic blaster fire from the few remaining stormtroopers. However, with their plans disrupted, and their transmitters busted, those troopers beat a hasty retreat.

"Nice work!" your pilot says as you climb into the transport. "Cut it a little close, though, eh?" A very fussy 2-1B droid begins patching up Gideon and tending to the rest of your injuries as you make a jump into hyperspace to rendezvous with the Rebel Fleet.

Rebel Victory
Mission Card A New Threat is put into play.
Rebels receive 100 credits per hero

Additional Rewards:
All players receive 1 xp
The Imperial Player receives 1 Influence
Rebels receive 100 credits per hero
You recovered 1 crate for 50 credits

You have 850 credits to spend on these fabulous upgrades:

Good job, guys....fun bit that I saw was that the wookie's charge ability specifically says squares, not movement, so he could have charged right through my stormies with no issues and done a double attack on the terminal.

Additionally, you have a choice between these missions:

The Imperial Player does not spend any Influence (1 Influence banked)
The Imperial Player does not spend any xp (1 xp banked)

2017-12-27, 04:43 PM
It works for difficult terrain too. Hmm...

Where did the extra 400 credits come from?

I'm leaning towards taking "Sorry About The Mess".

I'm alos planning on spending my XP on Tactical Movement, since as a whole we have a very short-ranged party.

2017-12-27, 04:45 PM
It works for difficult terrain too. Hmm...

Where did the extra 400 credits come from?

I'm leaning towards taking "Sorry About The Mess".

I'm alos planning on spending my XP on Tactical Movement, since as a whole we have a very short-ranged party.

400 for the mission in general, whether you won or not, and 400 for winning.

2017-12-27, 06:10 PM
Good job, guys....fun bit that I saw was that the wookie's charge ability specifically says squares, not movement, so he could have charged right through my stormies with no issues and done a double attack on the terminal.

Would have been nice to know that earlier. Ah well, we still won, can't complain. So, do the items change after every mission, or do we keep the leftovers we don't purchase and just get new cards to fill out the empty spots? Also, do we keep unspent credits between missions?

As far as the available items go, my vote is the Balanced Hilt for myself and the Combat Coat for Jyn. +1 Surge a turn and extra HP/block would be nice.

Not planning on spending XP. Speaking of which, how much XP do we earn in a full campaign?

As a Wookie player, I feel it is practically mandatory to vote for Sorry About The Mess and shall do so accordingly. :smallcool:

2017-12-27, 06:32 PM
I was thinking of getting the blaster

2017-12-27, 06:35 PM
It is important to fully read the abilities because if tge different between 2 movement points and 2 spaces.

Unpurchased items return to their deck. Look at my first post to see when you advance to other item decks. If two are listed you get a choice of 6 from each deck.

Unspent credits are retained between missions. Equipment can be sold fir half price. Starter equipment can be sold for 25 credits but starter equipment cannot be traded between characters.

2017-12-27, 08:29 PM
Gideon will bank his XP and doesn't want anything from this batch.

Mission wise I vote for the Han solo mission!

2017-12-27, 08:49 PM
That is 3 for solo. Will post it in a little bit while you finish gear and xp decisions

2017-12-27, 09:07 PM
I, too, like Solo. I think I really would like that blaster if no one else is lobbying for anything.

Especially since we are going to see Solo. He can’t see a fellow smuggler without a good blaster!

2017-12-27, 09:51 PM
So, in summary:

Jyn wants the DL44 blaster.

Gideon saving xp and doesn't want anything

Gaarkhan banking xp and wants the Balanced Hilt

Fenn wants Tactical Movement with his xp and no items listed in his post.

If anyone objects to item purchases, please let me know before the first turn is taken on the purchases listed here will take effect.


Your transport lands for fuel on Tatooine of all places. As you sit, bored, waiting for the ship to be ready to take off again, a comlink message comes across on the secure channel. Princess Leia herself has a special mission for you, to pay back a debt every Rebel owes the most famous scoundrel in the Galaxy.

"Just keep him alive. He's invaluable to the Rebellion...and he's promised me that this mission will hurt the Empire."

With your orders, you take off to meet the infamous Han Solo himself.


"You are just in time." Han Solo remarks as you arrive. "I heard about an Imperial Officer working some sort of operation out here. Now, I've checked the place out. It's locked up pretty tight," he says, waving you forward and holding up a small metallic chit, "but the guards are just so careless with their keycards." He grins.

The door is locked to all figures except Han Solo.

The mission will progress when the door to the garage opens.

The mission ends if Han Solo is defeated.

Please select your deploy location. One Rebel must deploy on the center of the marker.

2017-12-27, 09:54 PM
I’d like to deploy at O5.

2017-12-27, 11:47 PM
I was wrong about starter equipment, it can be sold for 50 credits, not 25.

2017-12-28, 06:36 AM
P6 to Gideon!

2017-12-28, 09:30 AM
Fenn will deploy on the marker at O6.

2017-12-28, 12:17 PM
Gaarkhan will deploy on N6 N5.

2017-12-28, 12:44 PM
That doesn't leave me anywhere to move on one strain that will activate Lone Wolf. Deploying to N5 or N7 will give me such an option.

2017-12-28, 01:10 PM
Fixed it, you've got room now.

2017-12-28, 06:44 PM
Will post tonight, probably in an hour or two

2017-12-28, 10:04 PM
Rebels have spent 500 credits on a DL-44 blaster for Jyn and 300 credits on a Balanced Hilt for Gaarkhan, leaving 50 credits. Reminder starter equipment can be sold for 50 credits (I had mistakenly listed it as 25 credits in another post).

Sorry About the Mess
Mission Specific Rules
The door is locked to all figures except Han Solo.

The mission will progress when the door to the garage opens.

The mission ends if Han Solo is defeated.

Han Solo is deployed for 'free' and the Imperial Player does not receive additional threat for his deployment.

Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/g5vpvGt.jpg)


Jyn, please let me know your Quick Draw priority so I can activate it appropriately, and be sure to include any moves from Opportunist in your posts.

Unless someone really needs it I am not going to post all the mini images, it's too much to keep track of. Most of the deployment cards can be googled if you cannot read them.

2017-12-28, 10:13 PM
Will do - current quick draw priority is stormtroopers

2017-12-28, 10:16 PM
Exhaust Tactical Movement to give Gaar 2 MP.

Take one stain to move to N7.

Use havoc shot on the J5 Stormtrooper.
Four damage against one block-tango down! Blast damage to the other two.

2017-12-28, 10:18 PM
Second action is to fire on the I4 trooper.

Two more damage downs trooper #2.

2017-12-28, 10:24 PM
Waiting on Crimson then for Gaarkhan's 2 movement.

I'm assuming you meant I4 trooper not J4.

2017-12-28, 10:47 PM
Gaarkhan moves down to L7.

Is there currently any time limit associated with this mission?

2017-12-28, 11:13 PM
I thought a figure could only spend movement on its own activation, not anyone else's. Otherwise, the card would say "Interrupt to move two squares", not "Gain two movement".

2017-12-28, 11:39 PM
I thought a figure could only spend movement on its own activation, not anyone else's. Otherwise, the card would say "Interrupt to move two squares", not "Gain two movement".

If you gain move offturn you interrupt to use them. P20 of the reference.

2017-12-28, 11:44 PM
Stormtrooper activates next.

Jyn uses Quick Draw.


EDIT: 3d 6a vs 5 range 1b is 2 damage and a dead stormie.

Imperial Activation is over before it begins.

Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/JMIMW4N.jpg)


Consequently, in a game with Fenn there's no reason to deploy troopers like that...but that's what the mission called for.

Also, Crimson, there is no stated turn limit.

2017-12-29, 08:03 AM
Alright, time to deal with the probe droid and the, uh... what is that lizard thing?
*looks through enemy deployment cards database*
Okay, a Nexu. Big ugly mother.

Gaarkhan Turn
Strain move to M8.
First Action: Attack probe droid.
Gaarkhan Attack (RY) [roll0]
Droid defense (B) [roll1]
Results: 3d 1s vs 2b. Exhausting Balanced Hilt for an additional surge. Spending one surge for Pierce and the other for Cleave. 2 damage to the Probe Droid, 1 to the Nexu.

2017-12-29, 08:07 AM
Second Action: Attack Probe Droid
Gaarkhan Attack (RY) [roll0]
Droid Defense (B) [roll1]
Results: 2d 2s vs 2b. Spending one surge for Pierce and the other for Cleave. 1 damage to both the Probe Droid and Nexu.

2017-12-29, 10:50 AM
Please be sure to declare use of things that say 'while attacking' before rolling. This includes things like the Balanced Hilt and Havoc Shot.

Probe Droid Activates.

Moving L9-M8-N7-O6 (1 remains....gotta love mobile)

Attack Han Solo.

Imperial Player activates Show of Force. Probe Droid becomes Focused.


With targetting computer I get 1 reroll.

2017-12-29, 10:51 AM
Rerolling one of those yellow 6s [roll0]

EDIT: Results: 6d 2s vs 1b. Surge for +2d surge for recover 2. Total: 7 damage on Mr. Solo.

Droid retreats with its last move to O7.

Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/6V3TS6M.jpg)


A reminder that, since he is not a hero, Han Solo cannot rest, and can only attack once per turn.

NOTE: images coming....imgur is acting up when I try to upload them. Images added

2017-12-29, 11:22 AM
Images fixed, sorry about that. I guess I hit a limit for the previous image album maybe? Adding a new album fixed it.

2017-12-29, 11:37 AM
The probot just spent 6 movement on that move...

2017-12-29, 11:40 AM
The probot just spent 6 movement on that move...

Mobile keyword means he does not suffer from additional move costs for difficult terrain or hostile figures. He can also enter impassable terrain.

2017-12-29, 12:02 PM
Oof, hope one of those crates has a medpac.

2017-12-29, 01:36 PM
Jyn’s Turn:

Action 1 - Blaster Shot - BY - [roll0] vs Probe Droid defense of 1b - [roll1]

Result: 2 damage to the probe droid. Not moving.

2017-12-29, 01:41 PM
Jyn’s Turn

Action 2 - Blaster Shot - BY - [roll0] vs Probe Droid 1b [roll1]

Results: 2 damage to Probe Droid. Not utilizing my movement. Reserving Opportunist attack for the probe droid (why I don’t know, but it’s the only one I could hit if it magically activated).

2017-12-29, 01:50 PM
Think you meant to say Quick Draw, not Opportunist. Also, since both attacks dealt damage, couldn't you use Opportunist twice to move to M7 and be able to hit the Nexu with Quick Draw from there?

EDIT: Oh right, forgot you already used Quick Draw this turn. Nevermind.

2017-12-29, 01:55 PM
Think you meant to say Quick Draw, not Opportunist. Also, since both attacks dealt damage, couldn't you use Opportunist twice to move to M7 and be able to hit the Nexu with Quick Draw from there?

EDIT: Oh right, forgot you already used Quick Draw this turn. Nevermind.

How much HP does a red probe droid have? If my damage took it down, I can move to M7. When the round resets I’ll get Quick Draw back and can set it to the Nexu.

2017-12-29, 01:55 PM
If she did, she wouldn't kill it, and then the Nexu would be able to get at Solo because it's Mobile too. We need to her where she is to run interference for Han.

It would've been nice to know that they can move through us before hand, but this quick start guide doesn't seem to be interested in being useful.

2017-12-29, 02:38 PM
Damn, I forgot it has Mobile. Okay, DO NOT MOVE out of that 4 square block in front of Solo, you're the only thing blocking it from attacking him right now.

2017-12-29, 02:51 PM
Jyn’ll hold the line in front of Solo. No movement.

2017-12-29, 05:11 PM
Can't map til later but Nexu has to activate

Pounce to n6 (m5-n6) squares.

Attack jyn


Move back south 4 and west 2 to k9/l10

Map coming later

Edit 4 damage to jyn and bleeding applied.

2017-12-29, 05:47 PM
What does bleed do? I couldn’t find it in the Reference

2017-12-29, 05:52 PM
While you have Bleed, during your activation, you take 1 damage after every action you take. You can spend 1 action to get rid of the condition, and doing so won't trigger the 1 damage. There's also certain items and abilities that can remove it.

EDIT: It's in the "Conditions" page of the Core Box card images.

2017-12-29, 08:15 PM
Will post turn info in about 45m. Here's the bleed effect card:


Gideon and Han still need to go. Any player can activate Han.

2017-12-29, 09:01 PM
Gideon or Han Solo

2017-12-29, 09:10 PM
I'll have Han take a shot at the Probot. It will free Gideon to chase the nexu

Action: Shoot


2017-12-29, 09:12 PM
Without fail tags.

Should be green dice, but it doesn't matter. Spend two surge for 3 damage and 2 accuracy, against 3 block. And one surge I don't think can be used. Two damage to Probot.

Second action to move, but don't move anywhere.

2017-12-29, 09:34 PM
Gideon's left to finish Turn 1 (jesus, it's still turn 1) (https://i.imgur.com/85UsZdW.jpg)


2017-12-30, 06:20 AM
(Han really has to move to the door I think)

Move to K5
Action: Command on Gaarkhan Attack
RY [roll0]

2017-12-30, 06:23 AM
That's 3 damage to the beast.

Next turn Someone finishes the Nexu. I believe I will get the crate and Command Solo for another move or heal him if something good comes out of it.

2017-12-30, 09:37 AM
Only 2 damage because of his Cunning ability (same one Solo has oddly enough) +1 block for every Evade rolled. 3d 1s vs 1e +1b.

Status Phase
Imperial Player gains 2 threat (2 total)
Imperial Player spends no threat (2 remain)

This being a threat 2 mission really helps you guys I think. Especially after that first round of stormtrooper murder.

Round 2, Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/ysoUemT.jpg)


2017-12-30, 11:54 AM
Gaarkhan Turn
First Action: Attack Nexu
Gaarkhan Attack (RY) [roll0]
Nexu Defense (W) [roll1]
Results: 3d 3s vs 2b 1e. Spending a surge point to Pierce, the other to remove strain. 2 damage to Nexu, and the lizard-thing croaks.

Strain move to L7.
Second Action: Grab the crate.

EDIT: Now let's hurry up and get to the door, the longer we wait the more enemies will deploy when we open it.

2017-12-30, 12:15 PM
The wookie has been rolling very well....need to check him for performance enhancing drugs :)

Your looted Valubale Goods.


I have no activations left. Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/ysoUemT.jpg)


2017-12-30, 12:26 PM
Jyn’s Turn

Action 1 - Move and go to K10
Action 2 - Interact to check crate

Edit: Crap. I forgot to clear bleeding. It’s been bothering me since a few moments after I posted and couldn’t edit due to driving. I’ll take my two damage...sigh.

2017-12-30, 12:53 PM
I'll use Tactical Movement on Gideon, which gives him enough MP to move to F9 and still have an action to grab a crate. I'm going to move to F8 and set up a blockade for Solo to sit at G9. The next turn, he can sortie out, open the door, and retreat back to safety at G9.

2017-12-30, 01:51 PM
Jyn you found a Bacta Infusion (and took 2 strain damage from bleeding)

Spoiler for Gideon if he grabs the crate:
No really, by opening this you've affirmed you'll open the crate.
Really? You absolutely sure? You got a shock grenade https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/imperial-assault/images/3/37/Shock_Grenade.jpg

Gideon and Solo to go
Minimap pre-gideon

2017-12-30, 02:40 PM
Jyn’s Turn

Action 1 - Move and go to K10
Action 2 - Interact to check crate

Edit: Crap. I forgot to clear bleeding. It’s been bothering me since a few moments after I posted and couldn’t edit due to driving. I’ll take my two damage...sigh.

Well, we have a little time for healing, especially since it'll take this turn and the next one to move Solo into position at the door before he opens it (since we want him to still have a action to move back to safety after he does). Plus, you can use the bacta pack on Solo when you Rest and kill two birds with one stone.

I'll use Tactical Movement on Gideon, which gives him enough MP to move to F9 and still have an action to grab a crate. I'm going to move to F8 and set up a blockade for Solo to sit at G9. The next turn, he can sortie out, open the door, and retreat back to safety at G9.

Good idea, I'll move to F9 next turn to assist you with that.

Gonna go ahead and take Solo's turn. Double move action P5 -> L9 -> H8

2017-12-30, 05:05 PM
Move to F9
Gideon gets the grenade for his second action.

Next turn I can command Han to get close and have two action - one to open, one to escape.

2017-12-30, 07:21 PM
Status Phase

Imperial player gains 2 threat (4 total)
Imperial player deploys Nexu for 4 threat (0 remains)

he's baaaaaaack.

End of Round.

The cantina doors open and two large reptiles toting scatterguns walk in. They sniff the air and growl. "Solo....."

Imperial Player deploys Elite Trandoshan Hunters to the Entrance.

Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/b1q4A7P.jpg)


2017-12-30, 07:55 PM
Well, this is a pickle, that impassible terrain won't mean diddly to the Nexu and his damned Mobile Speed 6. Factor in the added movement from Pounce, and Solo would pretty much have to run right up to the Trandoshans just to be out of the Nexu's range and then they'd just get two point blank attacks with their close range bonuses. Urgh... unless anyone has a better idea, I think we should move Solo to the door, attack the Nexu, and hope he can tank the Nexu's attack on its turn.

2017-12-30, 10:27 PM
Well, this is a pickle, that impassible terrain won't mean diddly to the Nexu and his damned Mobile Speed 6. Factor in the added movement from Pounce, and Solo would pretty much have to run right up to the Trandoshans just to be out of the Nexu's range and then they'd just get two point blank attacks with their close range bonuses. Urgh... unless anyone has a better idea, I think we should move Solo to the door, attack the Nexu, and hope he can tank the Nexu's attack on its turn.

Why don’t I move next to Solo, set trigger for the Nexu, and use my other action to treat Solo with Bacta and rest?

2017-12-30, 10:51 PM
I don't think there is a way to prevent the Nexu from hitting Solo. So if Jyn moves to I8 block LOS for the Trogs and heal him, he should survive. The other action can either be used to rest, de-bleed or shoot the Nexu from H9/10, at your option.

Does anyone else get busted link when they try zooming in the map?

2017-12-30, 11:02 PM
My modem crapped out on me so i am without internet for the immediate future on the machine i make maps on. Hopefully they fix it tomorrow

2017-12-30, 11:50 PM
Jyn’s Turn

Action 1 - Move to I8; suffer strain which becomes 1 damage. Use bacta on Han Solo

Action 2 - Rest to remove 4 strain. I think that’s the best option upon reflection. Bleeding will remain in effect.

Presuming LoS for the Nexu (I can draw to one square from it), I set Quick Draw for that target.

2017-12-31, 12:03 AM
Jyn’s Turn

Action 1 - Move to I8; suffer strain which becomes 1 damage. Use bacta on Han Solo

Action 2 - Rest to remove bleeding effect

Presuming LoS for the Nexu (I can draw to one square from it), I set Quick Draw for that target.

Rest does not remove bleed (or most status effects). It takes an action. You are welcome to remain bleeding, rest and recover 4 strain, then taking 1 strain after resting

2017-12-31, 01:02 AM
You can't take any action that would intentionally raise strain above your Endurance. The only way you're gonna be able to heal Solo is by doing a Rest, strain move, then Rest again and use the Bacta.

2017-12-31, 01:04 AM
The only way you're gonna be able to heal Solo is by Resting (and hope you remove at least 3 Strain since the Rest Action itself will give you one Strain from Bleed and you need two to strain move to him, then Rest again and use the Bacta.

Bacta infusuon does not require resting. The medpack does.

2017-12-31, 07:55 AM
Rest does not remove bleed (or most status effects). It takes an action. You are welcome to remain bleeding, rest and recover 4 strain, then taking 1 strain after resting

Poor word choice on my part. I’m going to use the action to remove bleeding. I need that status gone.

2017-12-31, 08:45 AM
Poor word choice on my part. I’m going to use the action to remove bleeding. I need that status gone.

Ok. As a note you cannot choose to take more strain than your endurance. So bleeding and attacks targetting you that cause strain directly convert to damage if you already have strain = endurance but if a card gives a choice of strain or another effect or if you want to use an ability like Quick Draw, you have to have enough strain left to do it without damage.

Bleed also specifies on your turn so quick draw will not trigger bleed damage.

2017-12-31, 11:20 AM
Ok. As a note you cannot choose to take more strain than your endurance. So bleeding and attacks targetting you that cause strain directly convert to damage if you already have strain = endurance but if a card gives a choice of strain or another effect or if you want to use an ability like Quick Draw, you have to have enough strain left to do it without damage.

Bleed also specifies on your turn so quick draw will not trigger bleed damage.

I edited to rest and heal up a little strain. I’ll wipe out the condition next time.

2017-12-31, 12:16 PM
Map update in a bit but looks like Jyn is at I8 at 5w and 1 strain from bleeding after resting. Solo is at 4w.

Trandoshan Hunters will activate.

N6 will move to L6 J6 and attack Jyn. Since he is within 3 Jyn takes 1 strain from being attacked.


O6 will activate and move to k9. He will also attack Jyn. Jyn takes 1 strain from being attacked.


2017-12-31, 12:18 PM

Attack 1 3d vs 1b 1e2e is 2 damage. Jyn at 7d and 2s

Attack 2 3d 1s vs nothing 1 evade from Mr. Solo. Surge for focus. K9 trandi is focused and Jyn is wounded and at 3 strain.

2017-12-31, 12:54 PM
There's no LoS from L6 to I8. There's a wall at J7.

And Solo gives Jyn a free Evade on each defense, so the second one won't have a surge to Focus with.

2017-12-31, 03:44 PM
There's no LoS from L6 to I8. There's a wall at J7.

And Solo gives Jyn a free Evade on each defense, so the second one won't have a surge to Focus with.

I meant J6, not L6. Not sure how that typo happened. As for the second attack, yes, he should not have that surge because I forgot about Mr. Solo's ability. This is why I shouldn't try to do updates from my phone.

Rebel Turn


2017-12-31, 03:53 PM
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but if Solo goes to I7, I don't think the Nexu can get close enough to attack him.

2017-12-31, 04:13 PM
Yup, even with Mobile he can't end his movement on spaces blocked by other characters.

2018-01-01, 02:22 AM
Happy new year everyone.

2018-01-01, 11:51 AM
Happy new year everyone.

To you as well!

2018-01-01, 01:42 PM
And you, and you, and anyone else who wants it too.

Agreeing with Random's Solo movement idea, so I'll go ahead and take his turn.
Han Solo's Turn
First Action: Move to I7.
Second Action: Attack J6 Trandoshan Hunter.
Solo Attack (BGG) [roll0]
Hunter Defense (B) [roll1]
Results: 3d 3s 7a vs 3b. Spending two surge points to gain +3d and +2a. 3d total to the Hunter.

2018-01-01, 03:03 PM
My internet outtage went from 'works for a few minutes every half hour' to 'doesn't even reach their DNS' so no maps til that is fixed.

I will take the Nexu's move, which is the only remaining figure of mine

Jyn does not have enough strain fir Quick Draw.

Nexu will pounce to d8/e9 and attack Gideon.

Imperial Player activates Show of Force. Nexu is focused.


2018-01-01, 03:05 PM
6d vs 2b is 4 damage and Gideon is Bleeding

Not sure when i will get a map up but Fenn Gideon and Gaarkhan you are up.

2018-01-01, 03:26 PM
Gaarkhan's Turn
First Action: Take two Strain, trigger Charge, move to J7, attack J6 Trandoshan Hunter. Exhausting Balanced Hilt.
Gaarkhan Attack {RY) [roll0]
Hunter Defense (B) [roll1]
Results: 3d 2s vs 2b. Spending one surge for Pierce and the other to remove one strain. 2d to the Hunter.

2018-01-01, 03:28 PM
Second Action: Keep on swinging.
Gaarkhan Attack (RY) [roll0]
Hunter Defense (B) [roll1]
Results: 5d vs 3b. Juuuust enough to wax him, even with those good defense rolls of his.

Edit: Oh damnit, I messed up, he still would have blocked one damage from the first attack, he's at one health.

Edit2: Fixed numbers on previous post.

2018-01-01, 05:13 PM
Just a word about my availability starting tomorrow: unfortunately I have no connection until about 3 EST, so if there’s ever a situation where I am the only person who has not acted, feel free to act for me.

2018-01-02, 05:05 PM
I have been told by my lovely wife that our internet is fixed. I should have a map later tonight but i am not sure when exactly. As it is, Fenn and Gideon you are up. I have no activations left.

2018-01-02, 10:02 PM
This update brought to you by the $40 service call and $5 extra a month charter is charging me to have a compatible router installed. Despite the fact the one I have is listed as fully compatible. BTW, F*** Charter.

Gideon and Fenn (https://i.imgur.com/4Nk8ge6.jpg)


2018-01-02, 10:38 PM
Screw. Going all in on killing the kitty.

If anybody wants to move two free squares, tactical movement is theirs.

3 damage 1 surge against one block one evade. 2 damage

4 damage against two block one evade. 2 more damage.

Lone Wolf should've removed my only strain last turn. Just wish I could use it for something.

2018-01-02, 11:06 PM
Gideon still to go. If nobody speaks up by the time he goes for tactical movement (or its not assigned by Lunatic) it'll get wasted.

Lone wolf will get fixed, sorry about that. I'll try to remember it in the future.

2018-01-03, 04:17 AM
1st action: Remove Bleed
2nd action: Attack Nexu

2018-01-03, 04:20 AM
Surge for pierce 2, that adds to 2 damage, one dead Nexu!
Next turn We should really activate The door and deal with whatever is there. Tiger will Keep on putting replacements.

2018-01-03, 08:33 AM
Well, I was hoping that Nexu would at least eat an action next round, but at least it is likely I'll get another one before the game finishes. Gotta love free bleed.

Since nobody wanted Tactical Movement, it is lost.

Status Phase

Imperial Player Gains 2 threat (2 total)
Imperial Player declines to deploy anything (2 threat remain)

Start Round 4 Rebel Turn (https://i.imgur.com/rzeGT2W.jpg)


2018-01-03, 12:53 PM
Let's start with Solo to finish the wounded hunter and move to safety, then we deal with the other one, stack up on the door, and Rest for next turn.
Han Solo's Turn
First Action: Attack J6 Trandoshan Hunter
Solo Attack (BGG) [roll0]
Hunter Defense (B) [roll1]
Results: 4d 2s 6a vs 1e. Deader than dead.
Second Action: Move to E8.

2018-01-03, 01:43 PM
Well...let's try something.

K9 moves to j8 (3 remain)

Attacks Jyn

Imperial Player uses Show of Force. Trando becomes focused


2018-01-03, 01:45 PM
Get those dodges out of the way before i get to attack solo. At least got 1d from strain and focus on the hunter.

Trando retreats to m8.

Map coming later tonight.

2018-01-03, 05:03 PM
Nice dodge. Honestly, not worth chasing him down, it'll just give tigerus more time to build up threat if we do, and he's far enough away he won't get his close range bonuses on his attack next turn if we're by the door (and that's assuming he doesn't just miss the attack at that range). Just stack up, Rest, and have Solo open the door at the start of next turn.

I'll wait for Gaarkhan's turn for a bit in case anyone else has a preference for where to place themselves at the door.

2018-01-03, 08:25 PM
Rebel Turn. Imp player has no activations left. (https://i.imgur.com/uxdjv5o.jpg)

Not that it matters, but show of force should be exhausted.


2018-01-03, 08:31 PM
Jyn’s Turn

Action 1 - Clear Bleeding
Action 2 - Move to E10

Curse my lessened move.

2018-01-03, 09:08 PM
Jyn’s Turn

Action 1 - Clear Bleeding
Action 2 - Move to D9

You only have 4 move when wounded and cant take strain.

2018-01-03, 09:16 PM
You only have 4 move when wounded and cant take strain.

I fixed it. Forgot lessened movement.

2018-01-03, 11:27 PM
I'll use tactical movement on Jyn so she can get wherever she was going, then take one action to move, slide out to H10, take a pot shot at the Trog, and then return to F8.

Spend one surge for +2 accuracy, and one for damage, so at least I can say I hit him, even if it has no effect.

2018-01-03, 11:29 PM
I'll use tactical movement on Jyn so she can get wherever she was going, then take one action to move, slide out to H10, take a pot shot at the Trog, and then return to F8.


I will then go to D9

2018-01-04, 08:33 AM
Gideon and Gaarkhan still to go before we wrap this turn up. Do you guys need a map? it's identical to the last one except Jyn is at D9 and no longer bleeding and Fenn is winded from running, failing to injure a hunter, and running back.

2018-01-04, 04:56 PM
Gideon double rests!

2018-01-04, 05:14 PM
You are up wookie.

2018-01-04, 07:50 PM
Does anyone want to take Gaarkhan's turn? Since it'll just be movement?