View Full Version : Aira of Lothranis (build SoM)

2017-12-19, 10:18 PM
I am on my phone atm but I have some time so I figured I would try to "update" Aira to a build that fits better with how I envision her than what I managed for the actual book.

She should be somewhere between a Ranger and a Swashbuckler, and able to fill in for a Rogue if the party needs one. Her fighting style should be mobile and include feints and preferably some sort of "dirty" tricks (trip at high levels covers this atm). Apart from that the main focus is for her to be a good adventurer. She has a minor dip into Sniper Sphere as having a ranged option is tactically useful.

The Transformation (Celestial) feat is partially fluff (alter identity + celestial heritage), but also to help keep AC up at higher levels. Before unarmored mastery she will likely wear leather armor while in celestial shape. I have tried to spread out her damage and utility options, but a lot of talents still seem too expensive to get before 16th lvl+

Here is a snapshot of her statblock at 12th lvl.

Female human Conscript 12
NG Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger)
Init +10; Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +25
Aura of Good
AC 30, Touch 25, Flat-footed 24 (+6 Dex, +7 Armor, +5 Natural, +1 Deflection, +1 Insight)
Hp 94/94 (12d10+24)
Fort +15, Ref +19, Will +16
Resist 6 Acid, Cold, Electricity
Improved Evasion
Speed 60 ft. Run 300 ft.

Duelist Sword (1-h) +24/+19/+14 (1d8+14, 17-20/x2)
P-atk (2-h) +20/+15/+10 (1d8+27, 17-20/x2)

Crossbow Snipe +19 (1d8+7 pluss 4d10, 19-20/2d8+14 pluss 4d10)

Tw-feint -> feint strike -> attack action
Feint DC 26, AC 27, Flat-footed 24
DPR: 80.0 + 4 Bleed
Full-Atk DPR: 51.0; Haste: 85.1
Snipe DPR: 22.5 pluss 65% 4 Bleed

Fatal Thrust: +3d6 (Wide Open -4 AC)
Duelist Sphere: 4 Bleed
Tw-feint (+25); Mindless -4
Feint Strike + Focusing Feint* (extra atk)
Cunning Combo* (-2 penalty, feint as part of attack action)
Piercing Eye: reduce miss chance by 35
Wall Stunt (+3 damage)
Str 14 Dex 22 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 16 Cha 7
Base Atk +12; CMB +16 (+26 weapon); CMD 33 (37 vs. Disarm & Sunder)
Feats: Skill Focus (Bluff), Transformation (Celestial), Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Extra Combat Talent, Great Focus, Skill Focus (Acrobatics), Unarmored Mastery, Extra Traits, Improved Critical (duelist sword)
Skills: Acrobatics [12] +35 (+51 jump), Bluff [12] +27, Craft (clothing, weapons)[1] +7, Disable Device [12] +20, Escape Artist [12] +23, Knowledge (Geography, History)[2] +5, Knowledge (local)[2] +8, Linguistics [2] +5, Perception [12] +25, Profession (sailor, soldier)[1] +9, Sense Motive [12] +17, Stealth [12] +23, Survival [12] +20 (+26 track), Swim [12] +19
Specializations: Weapon Training (Heavy Blades) +4, Evasion, Indomitable Will
Traits: Cunning Liar, Convincing Liar, Fates Favored, Reactionary
Alternate racial trait: Focused study
Favored class: +1/6 extra combat talent x3
Spheres of Might
Martial Tradition: Dedicated duelist

Athletics Sphere (leap, run, swim)
Expanded Training, Mobile Striker, Swift Movement, Wall Stunt, Air Stunt

Dual Wielding Sphere
Cunning Combo

Duelist Sphere

Equipment Sphere
Duelist Training, Finesse Fighting x2, Mechanical Savant, Unarmored Training

Fencing Sphere
Expert Feint, Feint Strike, Focusing Feint, Unlikely Feint, Wide Open

Scout Sphere
Piercing Eye, Track the Scene

Sniper Sphere
Focusing Reload
+2 Adamantine Duelist Sword
+1 Ghost Touch Duelist Sword
+1 Light Crossbow (20 bolts)
+3 Cloak of Resistance
+4 Belt of Incredible Dexterity
+2 Headband of Inspired Wisdom
+1 Ring of Protection
+1 Amulet of Natural Armor
Ioun Stone - Dusty Rose Prism (wayfinder)
Gloves of Dueling
Boots of Striding and Springing
Eyes of the Eagle
Handy Haversack

2 823 gp
Is an attack sequence along the following lines acceptable: Start Attack Action -> Declare twf with 1h weapon + free hand -> use Cunning Combo to feint -> switch to 2h grip -> take AoO from feint strike (apply wide open); costs focus -> regain focus from Focusing Feint -> switch back to 1h grip to finish the twf attack action. (at higher levels this activates Ankle Strike -> ...And Stay Down, which is preferably using 2h grip again)

And here is an attempted level progression.

Str 14 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 7
Increase Dex every level.
1st: Conscript Weapon Specialization (heavy blades), Evasion, Indomitable Will; Dedicated duelist (duelist training, finesse fighting, fencing sphere, unarmored training), Dual Wielding Sphere, Cunning Combo; Transformation (Celestial), Skill Focus (Bluff); Cunning Liar, Convincing Liar
2nd: Sniper Sphere
3rd: Athletics Sphere (leap, run, swim), Expanded Training, Power Attack
4th: Swift Movement, Combat Reflexes
5th: Mobile Striker, Wall Stunt, Unlikely Feint, Extra Combat Talent
6th: Feint Strike, Focusing Feint
7th: Air Stunt, Focusing Reload, Great Focus
8th: Finesse Fighting, Skill Focus (acrobatics)
9th: Scout Sphere, Expert Feint, Unarmored Mastery
10th: Mechanical Savant
11th: Piercing Eye, Track the Scene, Extra Traits (Fates Favored, Reactionary)
12th: Duelist Sphere, Wide Open, Improved Critical (duelist sword)
13th: ...And Stay Down, Ankle Strike, Aerial Trip
14th: Heightened Awareness
15th: Discern Illusion, True Sight, Giantslayer
16th: Strong Lungs, Skill Focus (Perception)
17th: Speed Boost, Shark Swim, Titan Breaker
18th: Sense and Resist Scrying, Lurker
19th: Debilitating Injuries, Somnambulance, Heroic Resolve
20th: Berserker Sphere

2017-12-20, 04:31 AM
Is an attack sequence along the following lines acceptable: Start Attack Action -> Declare twf with 1h weapon + free hand -> use Cunning Combo to feint -> switch to 2h grip -> take AoO from feint strike (apply wide open); costs focus -> regain focus from Focusing Feint -> switch back to 1h grip to finish the twf attack action. (at higher levels this activates Ankle Strike -> ...And Stay Down, which is preferably using 2h grip again)

Yes, it should be an acceptable sequence. There's some ambiguity there due to FAQs like this (http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fm#v5748eaic9qw9), which are meant to indicate that you can't make off-hand attacks in rounds where you make a two-handed attack since your off-hand is being used. The order of operations works since switching grips is a free action, but if you were using traditional two-weapon fighting and playing according to the Paizo designers' intent, it wouldn't work due to the "hands of effort" design structure. Ehn and I intended Dual Wielding to be a bit more flexible in this regard though, and it's something that we would consider a legal sequence.

2017-12-20, 07:44 AM
I see Dual Attack is much more specific than core twf about using 1h or light weapons. The faq is imo a bit unclear on how far it reaches. My interpertation is it likely only covers the twf full attack action and that AoO would be separate (you could say twf with a quarterstaff during your turn and use it as a 2h weapon for AoO).

Is it intended that you can use a 2h grip with a 1h weapon + unarmed/armor spikes with the Dual Attack attack action?

Either way, I looked quite a lot at using Fast Feint + Verbal Feint but due to the focus cost and 30 ft. range limitation getting the feint as part of the attack action (and thus better compatibility with mobile striker) seemed like the better option.