View Full Version : Combat question

2017-12-20, 03:25 AM
First post on forums so my question is this. If say im a wizatd in house with a window and fighting starts in street and i wasnt spotted.my question is this if im not spotted am i out of combat since no one knows im there can i prepare a spell say 1min casttime to get into combat. Am i effected by the 6sec a round or am i effected by normal none combat time?.

2017-12-20, 03:42 AM
First post on forums so my question is this. If say im a wizatd in house with a window and fighting starts in street and i wasnt spotted.my question is this if im not spotted am i out of combat since no one knows im there can i prepare a spell say 1min casttime to get into combat. Am i effected by the 6sec a round or am i effected by normal none combat time?.

Based on your post it sounds like you are out of combat.

You are going to be indirectly affected by the 6 second round time however. If you're casting and combat is occurring, particularly if members of your party are involved, then 10 rounds of combat are going to elapse before you finish your spell.

Even if you remain unspotted and therefore get a surprise round 11 rounds will have passed for everyone else in the meantime. A lot can happen in 11 rounds.

So, even if you're not mechanically affected by concentration saves, initiative order, etc. you are indirectly affected by the passage of time. If the rest of your part is already in combat it's probably best to just join with a spell that can be cast as an action.

2017-12-20, 03:59 AM
Even if you remain unspotted and therefore get a surprise round 11 rounds will have passed for everyone else in the meantime. A lot can happen in 11 rounds.

1) There are no surprise rounds in 5e

2) If a creature is currently in combat that creature cannot be surprised

2017-12-20, 04:19 AM
1) There are no surprise rounds in 5e

2) If a creature is currently in combat that creature cannot be surprised

You can however remain hidden, and therefore get advantage on your first attack when entering combat, and get sneak attack from being hidden if that applies to your character...

Edit for autocorrect issues...

2017-12-20, 05:05 AM
Is this the case that others in your party are participating in the combat while you're concealed? If so your DM should be getting you to roll initiative along with everyone else. You can choose to not reveal yourself though and prepare spells, but you're restricted by the time constraints.

If you're the only one in your party around your DM has some leeway. The moment you choose to enter into the confrontation you'll roll initiative. Before that you're more than welcome to cast spells, but a lot is going to happen within a minute and the DM should treat a minute as if 10 rounds have gone by.

2017-12-20, 05:08 AM
Ty all for help i was hopen to abuse the system cast a long combat spell on first turn lol.

2017-12-20, 05:14 AM
Ty all for help i was hopen to abuse the system cast a long combat spell on first turn lol.

And what spell would that be? Apart from one or two 'summon monster' type spells I don't know any combat spells with a casting time longer than 1 action.

2017-12-20, 05:30 AM
hopen to abuse the system

Some advice: don't try to abuse the system. You'll only get people's backs up, and the DM has the power (and indeed, responsibility) to put the kibosh on anything you do in that vein anyway.

Besides, what were you even thinking here? The flow of time itself is a fact of life, not some kind of quirk that only exists in the game rules. 1 minute is the same length of time whether you are in initiative order or not - how can it not be?

Another note: 10 rounds is a long time. Most combats don't last half that long. If a spell has a casting time of 1 minute or more, that's a signal to you to say that it isn't meant to be used in combat.

2017-12-20, 11:57 AM
First post on forums so my question is this. If say im a wizatd in house with a window and fighting starts in street and i wasnt spotted.my question is this if im not spotted am i out of combat since no one knows im there can i prepare a spell say 1min casttime to get into combat. Am i effected by the 6sec a round or am i effected by normal none combat time?.

If you want to start casting something that'll affect a fight, then even though you're "not in combat" in the sense of "no one is trying to poke me with a sharp stick at the moment", you'd be "in combat" in the sense of initiative and rounds.

2017-12-20, 12:11 PM
There is no right answer to this question because it's firmly up to the DM. I say firmly because, while it's true that the DM can change anything, there are no rules to handle this specific scenario.