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2017-12-20, 07:10 PM
Alluring Bloodline


You possess an unearthly beauty that fuels or augments your spellcasting abilities. You may have been born to a succubus or incubus parent, blessed by a goddess of beauty, or are simply so irresistible that even the universe has fallen for you.

Class Skill: Diplomacy

Bloodline Spells: Disguise Self (3rd), Seducer's Eyes (5th), Suggestion (7th), Charm Monster (9th), Dominate Person (11th), Greater Heroism (13th), Greater Teleport (15th), Mind Blank (17th), Dominate Monster (19th)

Bonus Feats: Seduction, Extend Spell, Persuasive, Signature Skill (Diplomacy), Spell Focus (Enchantment), Improved Grapple, Greater Grapple

Bloodline Arcana: The save DC of any spell or bloodline power you cast against a creature that could be sexually attracted to you increases by 1, or by 3 if it’s a mind-affecting effect. The save DC of your mind-affecting effects for creatures that are not normally attracted to your race and sex is reduced by 2. Unless otherwise noted, all bloodline powers are mind-affecting.

Enthralling Beauty: At 1st level, you can use enthralling body movements to fascinate one creature within 30 feet for 1 round per 2 levels. This ability takes a standard action to use and the target is allowed a Will save (DC 10 + half level + Cha modifier). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + Cha modifier.

Kiss of Death: At 3rd level, you can kiss a willing, grappled or fascinated creature as a standard action. If the target is grappled, you must make a melee touch attack. The target gains one temporary negative level. Each following round, you can entice your target into another kiss or other act of passion (DC 10 + half level + Cha modifier).

Seductive Distraction: At 9th level, you can turn weapons away from you with a flirtatious glance or gesture. If a creature makes an attack against you or uses an ability that requires you to make a saving throw (other than a charm ability), you can force the attacker to make a Will save (DC 10 + half level + Cha modifier) as an immediate action. If the attacker fails by less than 5, it cannot attack you but can attack another creature. If it fails by 5 or more the attack fails altogether. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.

(there are two options for the 15th-level power to represent different types of sorcerers)
On Dark Wings (if descended from succubi or similar creatures): At 15th level, you can grow fearsome bat wings as a standard action, giving you a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. The wings can be dismissed as a free action.

Lover's Inspiration (if not associated with succubi): At 15th level, you can kiss a creature as a swift action once per day and inspire it to commit great heroic deeds. The creature gains +5 on all attack rolls, AC, skill checks and saving throws (except those from your abilities) for a number of rounds equal to your Cha modifier.

Transcendent Beauty: At 20th level, you are almost irresistibly stunning and enthralling in a literal sense. Any humanoid that looks upon you must make a Will save or be immediately charmed, as per Charm Person. If the creature fails by more than 5, it is first stunned for a number of rounds equal to your Cha mod. If it fails by more than 10, it falls unconscious. If a creature succeeds its saving throw, it is immune to this ability for 1 hour. Furthermore, your spells and bloodline abilities work even on mindless creatures and those immune to mind-affecting effects, although such creatures receive a +10 bonus on their saving throws.

2017-12-20, 08:42 PM
Bloodline Spells: Charm Person (3rd), Detect Thoughts (5th), Suggestion (7th), Charm Monster (9th), Dominate Person (11th), Mass Suggestion (13th), Greater Teleport (15th), Mind Blank (17th), Dominate Monster (19th)

Bonus Feats: Seduction, Extend Spell, Persuasive, Improved Initiative, Agile Maneuvers, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Leadership

Bloodline Arcana: The save DC of any spell or bloodline power you cast against a creature that could be sexually attracted to you increases by 1, or by 3 if it’s a mind-affecting effect. The save DC of your mind-affecting effects for creatures that are not normally attracted to your race and sex is reduced by 2. Unless otherwise noted, all bloodline powers are mind-affecting.

Transcendent Beauty: At 20th level, you are almost irresistibly stunning and enthralling in a literal sense. Any creature that looks upon you must make a Will save or be immediately charmed, as per Charm Monster. If the creature fails by more than 5, it is first stunned for a number of rounds equal to your Cha mod. If it fails by more than 10, it falls unconscious. If a creature succeeds its saving throw, it is immune to this ability for 1 hour. Furthermore, your spells and bloodline abilities work even on mindless creatures and those immune to mind-affecting effects, although such creatures receive a +10 bonus on their saving throws.

The items I've left in the quote above are too good. For starters, there's going to be a lot of interpretation issues with the Bloodline Arcana. I will bring out my squeaky hammer and whack that "normally attracted to your race or sex" out of hand, that's not only too open to interpretation, it's also presumptuous and stereotyping. Bad. No.

As for everything else in the quote above, as I mentioned, too good. Leadership should never be in a bonus feat list, it's too powerful. That spell list includes most of the best spells in the game, all of which made better by having the Spell Focus for all the ones that aren't Teleport in the bonus feat list, and getting a situationally amazing boost from the Bloodline Arcana, and hitting even the immunities at 20th. Also Improved Initiative and Agile Maneuvers make no sense at all in the bonus feat list.

My suggestion would be to allow the player to choose favored enemies like a ranger to apply the Bloodline Arcana against (they've loved a type of creature and know how to make them tick, just for some flavor), then tone down the bonus for immune creatures to 5 or so and make it so when you pick that creature type, you ignore immunity early. Reform the bonus feat list a bit, possibly grappling feats, or maybe bardic feats to encourage silly seduction multiclassing? Definitely change at least one of the charming spells in the list too, to give it some variety.

Also, that capstone that charms everything is just... way too good. My suggestion would be maybe... Alter Self at Will? Improving the kiss you got earlier?

Hope I helped :3

2017-12-21, 01:59 AM
good thing this is homebrew leadership is powerful and this blood line is kinda way to good. I kinda want to ban or lessen this things power but who cares nice work mate.

2017-12-21, 10:37 AM
The items I've left in the quote above are too good. For starters, there's going to be a lot of interpretation issues with the Bloodline Arcana. I will bring out my squeaky hammer and whack that "normally attracted to your race or sex" out of hand, that's not only too open to interpretation, it's also presumptuous and stereotyping. Bad. No.

As for everything else in the quote above, as I mentioned, too good. Leadership should never be in a bonus feat list, it's too powerful. That spell list includes most of the best spells in the game, all of which made better by having the Spell Focus for all the ones that aren't Teleport in the bonus feat list, and getting a situationally amazing boost from the Bloodline Arcana, and hitting even the immunities at 20th. Also Improved Initiative and Agile Maneuvers make no sense at all in the bonus feat list.

My suggestion would be to allow the player to choose favored enemies like a ranger to apply the Bloodline Arcana against (they've loved a type of creature and know how to make them tick, just for some flavor), then tone down the bonus for immune creatures to 5 or so and make it so when you pick that creature type, you ignore immunity early. Reform the bonus feat list a bit, possibly grappling feats, or maybe bardic feats to encourage silly seduction multiclassing? Definitely change at least one of the charming spells in the list too, to give it some variety.

Also, that capstone that charms everything is just... way too good. My suggestion would be maybe... Alter Self at Will? Improving the kiss you got earlier?

Hope I helped :3

Thanks for the feedback! I think I'll keep the bloodline arcana as is if you think it's more controversial than overpowered, though. I'm guessing that my group will be fine with it, as there are a few official Paizo abilities that work the same way that have come up at my table. Yeah it can be "open to interpretation", but for the most part, the creatures that would get the harder save would just be (assuming a female sorceress, for example) straight male and lesbian humanoids. Maybe there would be a grey area for creatures like male orcs, who might get a neutral modifier.

Yeah, grappling feats sound like a good idea, along with maybe some performance feats. I'll probably add Signature Skill for Diplomacy as well. While I still think that Leadership fits the archetype, I agree that it's objectively overpowered. My group uses it pretty often for story purposes though. I'll remove it since this is public homebrew.

And I'll replace some of the spells too, maybe adding a buff spell or two.

I really like the capstone as well, even though it is a bit OP... maybe change the SLA to Charm Person which would reduce the DC by 3 and make it only work on humanoids? It's still a great crowd control ability but probably won't end whole encounters of the appropriate level. Perhaps creatures can repeat the save each round if the sorceress is acting against them (i.e. attacking their allies)? Level 20 is crazy enough already that I'm not sure that would be game-breaking.

2017-12-21, 12:10 PM
Thanks for the feedback! I think I'll keep the bloodline arcana as is if you think it's more controversial than overpowered, though. I'm guessing that my group will be fine with it, as there are a few official Paizo abilities that work the same way that have come up at my table. Yeah it can be "open to interpretation", but for the most part, the creatures that would get the harder save would just be (assuming a female sorceress, for example) straight male and lesbian humanoids. Maybe there would be a grey area for creatures like male orcs, who might get a neutral modifier.

Yeah, grappling feats sound like a good idea, along with maybe some performance feats. I'll probably add Signature Skill for Diplomacy as well. While I still think that Leadership fits the archetype, I agree that it's objectively overpowered. My group uses it pretty often for story purposes though. I'll remove it since this is public homebrew.

And I'll replace some of the spells too, maybe adding a buff spell or two.

I really like the capstone as well, even though it is a bit OP... maybe change the SLA to Charm Person which would reduce the DC by 3 and make it only work on humanoids? It's still a great crowd control ability but probably won't end whole encounters of the appropriate level. Perhaps creatures can repeat the save each round if the sorceress is acting against them (i.e. attacking their allies)? Level 20 is crazy enough already that I'm not sure that would be game-breaking.

The way the Bloodline Arcana was written, it sounded like you wouldn't take the individual's tastes into account, if you do then I think you only need to make the wording more clear. I still think the favored enemy thing would be fun (Tsukiko would choose Undead, for example), but if the wording gets a bath you're probably fine.

Charm Person instead definitely helps, instead of the new save, I would have it just break if you attack them, and give it the Frightful Presence thing of being immune to it for a day if you save or it is broken. It's a lot of bookkeeping to have a new save every round.

Glad to give feedback, and good luck with this at your table. Whatever you do keep the wand of glibness away from this player, your bosses will be taken out instantly in entirely new ways. ;3

2017-12-21, 01:12 PM
There is a precedent for Leadership being in a bloodline feat list. The Destined Bloodrager bloodline has it.