View Full Version : Help with elf magic user character concept please

2017-12-21, 12:36 PM
Hello theres a story behind this character concept that will shed some light on my problems i apologize for any lengthy description.

So before my group started playing 5e we had no experience with any ttrpgs. We started out just playing our own little game verry little rules. Just kind of a free form thing. I made a character i love. He was an elven magic user. He wielded a rapier that doubled as his wand. He used wind magic to boost his speed and dabled in melee. He didnt need armor as we roleplayed it as he used the wind to deflect incoming blows. He had a very good sense of justice. Thematically he was a magic Cavalier, an arcane knight in shining armor so to speak. We have been playing 5e for over a year now and i have messed up. My group has been upset with me and rightfully so. So when i first made this character in 5e i decided on bard. It made sense with his rapier and magic combo i went valor. However when i found out about scag and the bladsinger, i had to switch him to that. It made sense. The bard spell selection wasn't my favorite and the lore of the bladesinger fit perfectly as they are bassicaly the elven equivalent to paladins. However my dm doesn't like the bladesinger and i felt preasured to change him again. I stoped playing him and a while later i made him a cleric. Tempest to be exact to fit with his wind theme which in 5e kinda translated to thunder and lightning spells. I multiclased monk for unarmored, and then ranger because i was going to try to get lightning arrow. However again i had a problem with the spell list and those multiclassings just didn't fit with my concept too well. What was there didn't apeal to me. I find myself drawn to the arcane spells like haste, shield ect to blend in with my melee. After talk of possibly remaking him as a paladin/sorcerer and a few other options my group and dm got mad at how many times i switched. They said that the next time i make him it has to be the final version no changing anything and if he dies he dies for good (unless i can later ressurect him) and that i cant make him again after that as a new character. I understand why they are mad i have no excuses either. I am simply indecisive and over this past year i have been so frustrated trying to make him. I have almost ripped my hair out so many times. So i come here to ask opinions on my situation. I ask for help deciding what to do. So PLEASE if anyone had any advice for me i beg you to tell me!

Any elfy race/half elf and a magic and melee combo. As well as attributes and what levels of what classes to take, specific spells, and feats would be helpfull.

To anyone who made it through that text wall i am very thankfull and again i apologize for it.

2017-12-21, 12:41 PM
First question: Why doesn't the DM like the Bladesinger? It seems like it would be exactly the right fit for you.

2017-12-21, 01:09 PM
He says its op and that the other wizard archetypes dont compare. He also says its extreamly weird that a wizard archetype gets extra attack. He didnt make me switch and it is not banned really. I just kinda felt singled out and discriminated against for playing an archetype my dm doesn't like. I talked to him about how i feel in this situation and he says that he wont stop me from playing what i want to but that he has to put a stop to my constant class switching. He also noted that my constant variations of the character has probably ruined the character altogether no matter the class he is and that they all just kind of blend together in his mind. Sometimes when i switched him i made him a bew character altogether and it has ruined the experience a little. I just feel like i owe it to the character to make a final version of him that does him justice. If i make him and he dies heroically fine but i refuse to just let him fade away into obscurity.

2017-12-21, 02:23 PM
Your gm seems to put you down a lot, I'd recommend not playing with him tbh. Especially with talking about how switching your class 'ruined the experience' That said just go bladesinger, it seems like what you want.

2017-12-21, 02:32 PM
My dm has his reasons to be upset. I remade the character so many times even in a game designed for my character. I can imagine that that would be kinda hard for him to keep up with plot wise and led to alot of inconsistency.

2017-12-21, 02:53 PM
I would just customize you a spell list to avoid the nonsense of constantly rebuilding your toon. This is not a big deal for me because Some Class has access to the spell in question so who cares?

As long as it fits some sort of theme and isn't a Cheese List for Mary Sue Von Mother ****ing Snowflake. I would suggest going that route and working with your DM on it.

2017-12-21, 03:03 PM
What were the reasons for rebuilding so many times? And a bladesinger is not op.

2017-12-21, 03:33 PM
The reason for all the rebuilds is mostly my indecisiveness. Trying to make a gish and whatever i tried just didn't feel right.

2017-12-21, 08:52 PM
Not sure what level you're starting at but why not consider a Swords Bard 14/Storm Sorceror 6 build? Between Magical Secrets and the expanded sorceror spell list you should have access to plenty of atmospheric magic, plus you'll be competent in melee and pretty damn versatile in general without anyone accusing you of being a munchkin.

2017-12-21, 10:30 PM
He says its op and that the other wizard archetypes dont compare.

He is mistaken. The most powerful wizard archetype is diviner. If the bladesinger has a problem, its that he's more effective operating at long range, slinging powerful arcane magics, just like every other wizard archetype.

But that doesn't really matter. If you want to play a sword wielding wizard then bladesinger is the obvious answer.

He also says its extreamly weird that a wizard archetype gets extra attack.

A weird wizard? Imagine that! They gave him an extra attack to make actually using the weapon seem viable.

He also noted that my constant variations of the character has probably ruined the character altogether no matter the class he is and that they all just kind of blend together in his mind.

A mind is a terrible thing. Point out to him that he plays the npcs and monsters, you play your character, and now that he mentions it, you've noticed lately that all the monsters and npcs are starting to blend together in your mind. What's he going to do about it?

2017-12-22, 06:26 AM
I had been thinking of trying to get a Tempest Cleric / Storm Sorcerer to work. In the end I went pure Tempest Cleric, but this combo might work for you (between Thunderbolt Strike on the Tempest Cleric, the Tempestuous Magic ability of the Storm Sorcerer, and the rider on Booming Blade, I figured it mould make for a pretty mobile battlefield controller)

2017-12-22, 11:23 PM
he has to put a stop to my constant class switching.
Fair. I know some guys who switch as as AL allows, and it annoys me.

no matter the class he is and that they all just kind of blend together in his mind.
Cool, then it shouldn't matter which one you play.

I just feel like i owe it to the character to make a final version of him that does him justice.
Good. Then pick your favorite one and go back to it? The non-OP Bladesinger? Or just stick with the latest version?

Here's the thing... unless you quit playing when this character dies, you're going to play a lot more characters. Some, you won't like was well as others you've played, but some, you'll love. Some will be fun, some will be powerful, some will be interesting. They're all learning experiences. Mourn the departed, or feel glad of the chance to move on. But keep writing characters!

2017-12-22, 11:36 PM
Bladesinger is not OP, as someone else pointed out.

Personally, I wouldn't like to play with a DM that puts me down. I understand the point he is making about you changing builds too much, but the rest of it is just pure BS for me.

As far as gish goes, you can either go Eldrith Knight, which is more of a self buffing fighter; a Hexblade Warlock, that seems to be the strongest gish out there, since you can just dump STR and bump CHA. With 14 DEX you can get the max out of medium armors.