View Full Version : Sew, a needle pulling thread

2017-12-23, 05:03 AM
Hey for Christmas - for Christmas Spirit - for the kids - for goodness and everything - can we please begin all sentences and all thread title with the word "So"? So please. So will you please do it. So really? So try it! So it would be g-d freakin' awesome! So Merry Christmas and thanks!

2017-12-23, 05:14 AM
So how is this supposed to relate to christmas again; all im getting is sound of music

2017-12-23, 10:06 AM
...Sorry, what?

2017-12-23, 02:21 PM
So, I think someone may have gotten into the egg nog a wee bit early? So we might want to just smile and nod...

2017-12-23, 06:10 PM
So, I think someone may have gotten into the egg nog a wee bit early? So we might want to just smile and nod...
So, it's interesting that you're inadvertently insulting them, yet also complying with what they asked.

2017-12-23, 06:54 PM
so, dat Lati doh

2017-12-23, 10:35 PM
So, it's interesting that you're inadvertently insulting them, yet also complying with what they asked.

So perceptive of you!

So, this is what we call “irony”:)

2017-12-23, 10:36 PM
so, dat Lati doh

So very clever!

2017-12-24, 12:55 PM
So this is Christmas, and what have you done?

2017-12-24, 07:48 PM
So then the Chief shrugs and says, "Fine, death by unga-bunga."

2017-12-24, 09:16 PM
So why just the 5e Sub-Forum?

So why not "World-building" or "Order of the Stick as well"

So why hasn't that thread where he wrote "Leased" instead of "Least" been fixed yet?

2017-12-24, 11:17 PM
So why just the 5e Sub-Forum?

So why not "World-building" or "Order of the Stick as well"

So why hasn't that thread where he wrote "Leased" instead of "Least" been fixed yet?
So it'll be fine; just shrug and move on.

2017-12-25, 12:55 AM
So then the Chief shrugs and says, "Fine, death by unga-bunga."



2017-12-25, 12:35 PM
So, once upon a time a spell-caster came to the village of Dorfweitwegvonüberall, and made a grand entrance with his hat and robe with stars and moons, and his wand, and changing reality to fit his will.

The Spell Caster, being bored decided to look for some action, or make some. In looking around he finally laid eyes on a young lady named Gertrudt.

It just so happens that a young lad of the village by the Hans also long had eyes for Gertrudt, and he didn't like "Mr. High-and-mighty-magic-man" eyeing his girl (or rather the girl whom he'd like to be his girl).

With Hans was his dog (puppy really) called Fritz.

Now Fritz didn't know why, but he could sense that the man in the robe leaning over the fence, talking to the large human women, was angering his boy Hans, and in an instant, Fritz's little doggie mind made a split decision to bite the robed man.

"Ouch! What the...? Away you miserable cur!"

...bellowed the spell-caster as he kicked at the little dog, and just when he raised his wand and started an incantation (as testified to by two village men of good reputation, "who saw the whole thing")...BAM!

Hans, defending his dog went right behind the magic-user, and bashed in his skull with a shovel.

Upon seeing the magician dead (and the size of his coinpurse), the good people of Dorfweitwegvonüberall declared that Hans had rid them of a great evil that had turned several of the regulars at villages tavern (called "The Tavern") into toads the night before (they got better).

Hans gloried in the new attention, everyone looked at him differently, especially Gertrudt (who now looked at him at all), and soon it was decided that there was a whole world full of Wizards, Warlocks, and Witches, that had to be met by a hero of Hans stature, and the world couldn't wait, and he needed to go right now!

And so Hans, handed some rations, a bedroll, and an axe, set forth.

So "Hans"

Race: Standard Human

Background: Folk Hero

Class: Barbarian

STR:16, DEX:15, CON:14, INT:9 WIS:13, CHA:11

Skills: Animal Handling, Athletics, Perception, Survival

Second Level: A level of Rogue

Additional Skill: Stealth

Expertise in: Perception, and Stealth

Third Level: Barbarian to 2nd level

Levels 4 to 5 : Rogue to third level

Subclass: Swashbuckler

Levels 6 to 16: Fighter to 11th level

Fighting Styles Archery, Great Weapon Fighting

Subclass: Champion

ASI's:+4 STR, +1 DEX, +1 WIS

Levels 17 - 20: Rogue to 7th level

Expertise in: Athletics, and Thieves tools

So, meta-game is not allowed!

So, your tactic will NOT be valid!

So, especially by you Lucius Threvor "The Nameless King", whom, as a baby, snakes covered like a throne, and Camponents tried to kill!

So, Merry Christmas!

2017-12-25, 07:36 PM
So, once upon a time a spell-caster came to the village of Dorfweitwegvonüberall, and made a grand entrance with his hat and robe with stars and moons, and his wand, and changing reality to fit his will.

The Spell Caster, being bored decided to look for some action, or make some. In looking around he finally laid eyes on a young lady named Gertrudt.

It just so happens that a young lad of the village by the Hans also long had eyes for Gertrudt, and he didn't like "Mr. High-and-mighty-magic-man" eyeing his girl (or rather the girl whom he'd like to be his girl).

With Hans was his dog (puppy really) called Fritz.

Now Fritz didn't know why, but he could sense that the man in the robe leaning over the fence, talking to the large human women, was angering his boy Hans, and in an instant, Fritz's little doggie mind made a split decision to bite the robed man.

"Ouch! What the...? Away you miserable cur!"

...bellowed the spell-caster as he kicked at the little dog, and just when he raised his wand and started an incantation (as testified to by two village men of good reputation, "who saw the whole thing")...BAM!

Hans, defending his dog went right behind the magic-user, and bashed in his skull with a shovel.

Upon seeing the magician dead (and the size of his coinpurse), the good people of Dorfweitwegvonüberall declared that Hans had rid them of a great evil that had turned several of the regulars at villages tavern (called "The Tavern") into toads the night before (they got better).

Hans gloried in the new attention, everyone looked at him differently, especially Gertrudt (who now looked at him at all), and soon it was decided that there was a whole world full of Wizards, Warlocks, and Witches, that had to be met by a hero of Hans stature, and the world couldn't wait, and he needed to go right now!

And so Hans, handed some rations, a bedroll, and an axe, set forth.

So "Hans"

Race: Standard Human

Background: Folk Hero

Class: Barbarian

STR:16, DEX:15, CON:14, INT:9 WIS:13, CHA:11

Skills: Animal Handling, Athletics, Perception, Survival

Second Level: A level of Rogue

Additional Skill: Stealth

Expertise in: Perception, and Stealth

Third Level: Barbarian to 2nd level

Levels 4 to 5 : Rogue to third level

Subclass: Swashbuckler

Levels 6 to 16: Fighter to 11th level

Fighting Styles Archery, Great Weapon Fighting

Subclass: Champion

ASI's:+4 STR, +1 DEX, +1 WIS

Levels 17 - 20: Rogue to 7th level

Expertise in: Athletics, and Thieves tools

So, meta-game is not allowed!

So, your tactic will NOT be valid!

So, especially by you Lucius Threvor "The Nameless King", whom, as a baby, snakes covered like a throne, and Camponents tried to kill!

So, Merry Christmas!
So Freaking Epic.

So, I believe this brings us back to Doe?

Lonely Tylenol
2017-12-25, 08:02 PM
Sow some discord by obeying the rule in its technical form, while following neither the letter nor the spirit.

2017-12-25, 10:42 PM
Hey for Christmas - for Christmas Spirit - for the kids - for goodness and everything - can we please begin all sentences and all thread title with the word "So"? So please. So will you please do it. So really? So try it! So it would be g-d freakin' awesome! So Merry Christmas and thanks!

So then why does the first sentence in this thread start with “Hey”, when it would have worked just as well with “So” and thus not immediately violated the rules of the thread—am I missing a joke?
