View Full Version : DM Help 3.5e Searching for Undeads for a LV5 party

2017-12-23, 09:15 AM
Hello guys :)

I am sanding the party into an old Necromancy School in order to awake call the Necromancer(LV 20 LN Dread Necromancer) and the Bone Creatures(Dead heroes of the city from hundreds of years before) to join a war.

I am searching For a Spawn making undead because there are stories abut peoples not coming back from there.

I am searching for some wired undead the Necromancer made experiments on.

For now I have:
Zombie Young Adult White Dragon
Mummified Ogre
Nine-Headed Hydra Skeleton
Dire Bear Skeleton

The party is:
Half-Minotaur Fighter 3/ Barbarian 2(A regular Charger(not UberCharger))
Draconic Elan Erudit 5(Blasting and little BFC)
Draconic Tabbit Dragonfire Adept 3/ cleric 1/ Eldritch Disciple 1(BFC) (I allow some cheese so it is possible)

I will welcome all 3.5e options and 3.5e only(I am OK with Magazine stuff)

I think I will use Wraiths as the Spawn Making undead but the party will destroy them to fast.

2017-12-23, 02:44 PM
It looks like your party puts out a lot of damage, so you'll want to make these undead fairly tanky. Say the whole area is covered by an Unhallow (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/unhallow.htm) effect with Desecrate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/desecrate.htm) attached, and that Desecrate has the Fell Energy Spell metamagic feat applied. You can find Fell Energy Spell in the Dragon Compendium, it's a +1 metamagic that increases all numeric benefits applied to undead by +2. So that makes Desecrate's +1 hp/hd, and the bonuses to attack, damage, and saves increase to +3's. Of course there's an evil altar present somewhere within the area, so all of those bonuses get doubled to +6. That means every opponent that would have 1d12 hp/hd instead has 1d12+6, and everything gets an extra +6 to hit, damage, and saving throws. Give 10-25% more xp per opponent for the increased difficulty this adds.

Advancing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/improvingMonsters.htm) undead by adding HD only increases their CR by +1 per 4 HD added. Throw in some Shadows (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/shadow.htm) advanced to 6 HD with Dodge, Mobility, and Spring Attack. They're 1 HD short of +1 CR, but their BAB is one below qualifying for Spring Attack, so just put them at CR 4. They're incorporeal, so they can come out of the wall/floor, hit someone, and then retreat back into a solid obstacle so the party would need to ready an action to hit any of them. Shadows can create spawn, so this should be the perfect opponent for your situation.

2017-12-23, 11:47 PM
It looks like your party puts out a lot of damage, so you'll want to make these undead fairly tanky. Say the whole area is covered by an Unhallow (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/unhallow.htm) effect with Desecrate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/desecrate.htm) attached, and that Desecrate has the Fell Energy Spell metamagic feat applied. You can find Fell Energy Spell in the Dragon Compendium, it's a +1 metamagic that increases all numeric benefits applied to undead by +2. So that makes Desecrate's +1 hp/hd, and the bonuses to attack, damage, and saves increase to +3's. Of course there's an evil altar present somewhere within the area, so all of those bonuses get doubled to +6. That means every opponent that would have 1d12 hp/hd instead has 1d12+6, and everything gets an extra +6 to hit, damage, and saving throws. Give 10-25% more xp per opponent for the increased difficulty this adds.

Advancing (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/improvingMonsters.htm) undead by adding HD only increases their CR by +1 per 4 HD added. Throw in some Shadows (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/shadow.htm) advanced to 6 HD with Dodge, Mobility, and Spring Attack. They're 1 HD short of +1 CR, but their BAB is one below qualifying for Spring Attack, so just put them at CR 4. They're incorporeal, so they can come out of the wall/floor, hit someone, and then retreat back into a solid obstacle so the party would need to ready an action to hit any of them. Shadows can create spawn, so this should be the perfect opponent for your situation.

Tnx :)

This help a lot.

2017-12-24, 08:14 PM
"For a Spawn making undead", I'm suggesting either Ghoulish Ogre Skullcrusher with dip in Crusader, or maximally advanced Time Wight (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20030620a) with dip in Lurking Terror

"for some wired undead", - how about the Boneclaw from the Monster Manual III?

Alchemical Undead from Dragon #350?

Rotripper from Dragon Annual 5?
(This Undead can rip the enemy's arms off, and graft them to itself)

Also, see [necromantic] feats in Dragon #312, and Corpsecrafter feat line

2017-12-25, 09:50 AM
"For a Spawn making undead", I'm suggesting either Ghoulish Ogre Skullcrusher with dip in Crusader, or maximally advanced Time Wight (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20030620a) with dip in Lurking Terror

"for some wired undead", - how about the Boneclaw from the Monster Manual III?

Alchemical Undead from Dragon #350?

Rotripper from Dragon Annual 5?
(This Undead can rip the enemy's arms off, and graft them to itself)

Also, see [necromantic] feats in Dragon #312, and Corpsecrafter feat line

That is good, thank you.

I will probably made the enemies stronger because the party didn't go the way I wanted them to go(That was a non combat night, I love those but I hate not fighting).

I think I will need to change the numbers and HD of them because the party will be stronger (I will need to find a defence from Clerics) and because I like your undeads.

2017-12-25, 12:59 PM
Also, "For a Spawn making undead":

Dungeon #89 has Frost Giant Mohrg; it's mostly as usual Mohrg (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/mohrg.htm), but 28 HD, Large-sized, with 29 Str & 11 Dex, and Great Fortitude & Spring Attack as new feats; CR is still 8, but text says to double the XP reward

The "Totentanz" adventure in the Dungeon #90 have the Totentanz Gate - minor evil artefact; while activated, it radiates Desecrate (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/desecrate.htm) effect in 1 mile radius; any creature who walks through the gate is affected (if applicable) by the Slay Living (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/slayLiving.htm), then (if applicable) stripped of all flesh and affected by Animate Dead (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/animateDead.htm); Skeletons created this way are get the Totentanz SQ: at the day, they imitate the activity of living people they're once were, and at the night, they (5d10 of them) participate in the Totentanz (Dance of the Dead) - macabre three-hours-long celebration that includes wailing music, dancing, and processional that proceeds through a random portion of the gate's effect; any living creature within 30' of the procession, who's body is suitable for Animate Dead spell, must succeed on Will save, or would be charmed to join the procession and dance trough the gate; if skeletons are attacked, they would grapple the attackers, beat them unconscious, and carry though the gate; skeletons with Totentanz SQ are destroyed instantly if leave the gate's Desecrate area; the gate is made of various bones, 7' x 3', weighs 4000 lbs., have 90 hp and hardness 8


2017-12-25, 06:09 PM
I always thought those Skeletal Dragons were under CR'D if that thing gets to full attack it should annihilate pretty much any 5th level character, unless its super optimized.