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2017-12-25, 11:53 AM
Welcome to The Bespin Gambit campaign! Our players and their characters, to get familiar:

• tigerusthegreat, playing Loku Kanoloa
• Darkstorm, playing Verena Talos
• CrimsonKnight, playing Vinto Hreeda
• EarthenRite, playing MHD-19

I assume everyone has read over the Learn to Play (https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/84/fc/84fcff54-eafe-45ec-acf4-538a86e1acfc/imperial_assault_learn_to_play_guide.pdf) guide. It should have covered the basic mechanics of a turn, alternating activations, and most of the symbols you need to understand. I'm happy to entertain questions before we begin.

In terms of how to proceed with your turn, we're going to be following these guidelines:

• In the event that your actions trigger a scripted event, I will consider your actions redacted past the point at which you triggered it - you will have the opportunity to make new choices based on the new information. Important: anything listed after the triggering action will be disregarded, even if you planned to take the same course of action. This is to prevent you feeling committed because you got a particularly good dice roll in your original action.

• Dice rolls can be done in-thread using the [rollv] command. Only rolls with [rollv] are accepted, as I need to see the individual values on the dice. Dice results will be processed left to right following this procedure: for colored dice, BGRY. For monochrome dice, BW. In other words, if you need to roll two red dice and a yellow die and roll 5, 5, 1, this result will be read as 5 Red, 5 Red, 1 Yellow. I would ask that you indicate what your dice roll represents to save a bit of time, by naming your dice pool, e.g. (BG), (BYY), (W). Dice results correspond to the results on this chart (http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/imperial-assault/images/d/d7/Imperial_Assault_Die_Face.png/revision/latest?cb=20150825022932), read with 1 in the leftmost column and 6 in the rightmost.

• Please roll the defenses for enemies you are attacking, one line below your attack roll. I will be doing the same when attacking you. This format is not conducive to waiting for everyone to respond to attacks with a defense check when it can simply be done.

• Make sure your post is fully correct before you make rolls. If you're uncertain, a multi-post is fine. Do not edit or delete posts containing rolls - once they're made, they're made.

• In the case of need for a vote, three votes in either direction shall constitute grounds to proceed.

• Maps will have a basic coordinate system of letters and numbers. Please use these to indicate movement.

Now, some basic information about the game before we begin:

• This is a skirmish-style, objective-based game. Most missions are time-limited, and most of those time limits favor me, not you. If you spend too much time trying to kill every enemy, there is a strong chance that you will be unable to complete your early missions.

• Credits are handed out to the group and spent by the group.

• Doors may be interacted with to open them unless mission rules say otherwise. Mission rules may often lock doors to one or both sides until a condition is met or give them health and defense so they can be destroyed. Opening a door often triggers a mission event.

• Crates may be interacted with to acquire a Supply Card. These are one-use items that can significantly help you during a mission - grenades, medkits, stolen data, valuable goods. Supply Cards do not carry over between missions. Every Crate collected is worth an additional 50 credits at the end of the mission.

• Terminals are objects which tend to unlock mission events or give access to new rules when interacted with. Sometimes terminals are objects to be destroyed.

• Mission tokens may represent any number of things, as defined by the mission briefing. They have no consistent rules and cannot be interacted with unless specifically instructed.

• All cards in the game may be viewed at boardwars.eu via their image database. The Core Box contains most of the materials that we will be using. I will link other materials as necessary.

• At the end of each mission, an Upgrade Stage will take place during which you may spend XP and credits. I will provide a list of items currently available for you to look through for purchase. As you earn credits, I earn Influence, which I may spend on Agendas to cause complications in future missions.

• Periodically, a Side Mission will become available to conduct. You will have two choices of Side Mission; the one that is selected will be the next mission conducted, while the other will be reshuffled into the Side Mission deck. This deck contains one Side Mission pertinent to each of your characters; four Side Missions that give special rewards; and four Side Mission slots which allow you to recruit allies. As a group you will decide on how to fill these slots.

• If you have earned any Allies, you may bring one and only one Ally with you at the start of a mission. If you bring an Ally, I receive Threat points equal to their deployment value, which I may use when permitted to bring more forces to the table.

Any questions, comments, concerns so far?

2017-12-25, 12:35 PM
Mission I: Back-Room Bargains (https://brorlandi.github.io/StarWarsIntroCreator/#!/AL1DWuZANPlL7UZrirhy)

A notorious band of mercenaries, hoping to expand their operations, have recently set up a deal with Imperial operatives. If their negotiations go through, the union of both groups could be a powerful new threat to the struggling Rebel Alliance. This deal must be stopped at all costs.

In their arrogance, however, the mercenaries have tipped their hand too soon. Intercepted communications reveal that they have captured the partner of an agent working with Lando Calrissian and plan to use this person as collateral for the deal. If you could find out where they're holding the prisoner and exfiltrate him before the exchange is made, you might just kill two birds with one stone.

You've traced the mercenaries to the slums of Cloud City. With little time to stop a deal with the Empire, you forge ahead into the mercenary hideout. Confirming your fears, you see mercenaries and Imperials already working side by side as guards.

Mission-Specific Rules

• The door to the Hall is locked. A Rebel figure may attack the door (Health: 5, defense 1 block).
• The deal will complete at the end of Round 5 if the door to the Back Room is closed.
• When an Elite Hired Gun is defeated, set it aside. These figures cannot be reinforced.
• The mission will progress when the door to the Back Room opens or when the deal is complete. The mission ends at the end of Round 7 or when all heroes are wounded.

Mission Map (https://i.imgur.com/Jbgcofa.jpg)

• Please deploy to the Entrance token (the blue tile) or any adjacent space. One Rebel must deploy on top of the Entrance.
• When all Rebels have deployed, the first Rebel may take their turn.

2017-12-25, 01:40 PM
Verena can start in N11.

2017-12-25, 01:49 PM
Loku will start at o12

2017-12-25, 02:30 PM
Vinto will start on O11.

2017-12-25, 07:42 PM
Would it be possible to post the image linked here too? I have a hard time viewing imgur maps with any zoom at all.

2017-12-25, 08:51 PM
My preference is not to do straight image embeds, it's a lot more clutter to wrangle than splitting it out. Nevertheless, if we can't find a workaround, this will have to do for now.


Rebel Turn

2017-12-25, 09:35 PM
Based on our starting location Earthen, the only remaining space you have to deploy is on N12 where the GM has already positioned you. I guess that means we can start then? I'll lead things off.

Vinto Turn
First Action: Move to K11.
Second Action: Attack my wayward kin (aka the Hired Gun) at J11.
Vinto Attack (BY) [roll0]
Hired Gun Defense (W) [roll1]
Results: 2d, 4a, 2s vs 2e. Triggering Boltslinger to deal 1d to the Officer.

Question before I formally end my turn: for my pistol's reroll ability, do I have to reroll all dice, or could I choose to just reroll one if desired?

2017-12-25, 10:26 PM
It's all or none.

2017-12-25, 10:36 PM
Alright, then Vinto's turn is done.

2017-12-25, 11:12 PM
One of the Rodian mercenaries says something in Huttese, sounding quite derisive. Vinto's eye twitches. As he turns his pistol back toward his kin, the Imperial officer slinks into the darkness, nursing his blaster wound.

In The Shadows: The Imperial Officer becomes Hidden.

Hidden condition: Attacks against you have -2 Accuracy. Your next attack gains +1 surge. Discard this condition after you attack.

The Elite Hired Guns attack Vinto.



2017-12-25, 11:16 PM
Vinto takes 4 total damage as the Hired Guns slink back behind their colleagues.

Rebel Turn


2017-12-26, 04:16 AM
Verena rushes foward weapons in hand trying to end this deal before it began.

Move and strain move 1 to I12
Attack officer with knife

2017-12-26, 04:26 AM
That's 2 damage and kill. Activating Close quarters to fire with the officers weapon vs H15 thug.


2017-12-26, 04:36 AM
2 damage to the thug.

2017-12-26, 08:26 AM
The Rodians continue the assault on Vinto.



2017-12-26, 08:32 AM
Vinto takes 5 more damage.

Rebel Turn


Also I know I missed the two damage to H15. It will be reflected on the next map version.

2017-12-26, 09:08 AM
MHD-19, you'll need this.

Available Medical supplies for you to draw on, so you know in advance what's there.

• 2x Adrenal Stim (http://cards.boardwars.eu/Core-Box/Supply%20Deck/Adrenal+Stim.jpg)
• 2x Bacta Infusion (http://cards.boardwars.eu/Core-Box/Supply%20Deck/Bacta+Infusion.jpg)
• 2x Emergency Medpac (http://cards.boardwars.eu/Core-Box/Supply%20Deck/Emergency+Medpack.jpg)
• 1x Artificial Stimulants (http://cards.boardwars.eu/Expansion-Boxes/Return-to-Hoth/Supply%20Deck/Artificial+Stimulants.jpg)
• 1x Painkillers (http://cards.boardwars.eu/Expansion-Boxes/Jabbas-Realm/Supply%20Deck/Painkillers.jpg)

2017-12-26, 09:10 AM
Loku: strain 2 to move to M13.

Attack 1: fire at H15.


Attack 2 vs h15 (if defeated g14)


2017-12-26, 09:14 AM
A1: 2d 1s 8a vs 1b 1e 5r. 1 damage

A2: 1d 1s 9a vs 5r 1dodge -1dodge. Surge for recover. 1/5 strain. 1 damage

Enemy takes 2d overall.

2017-12-26, 09:16 AM
Parting Shot

Firing on Vinto.


Vinto is Wounded

2017-12-26, 09:21 AM
Thanks Loku, the droid might have had a chance to rescue him otherwise. :smallbiggrin:

MHD-19's turn and then the first round ends.


2017-12-26, 09:25 AM
I missed you update that he had damage and was looking at the map. Otherwise i would have hit the other one first. Oh well.

2017-12-26, 11:41 AM
Incidentally, if you're interested in cross-game chatter with the other party, I've put up a thread for that. The Alliance Regroups! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?545678-The-Alliance-Regroups&p=22697566#post22697566)

2017-12-26, 04:57 PM
MHD-19 Actions:

1. Take 1 Strain to search deck for emergency medpack.
2. Take 2 Strain to move to L11
3. Rest to recover 4 strain, then use the Medpack on my Rodian friend.
4. I become focused since I did not attack.

“There is a high probability of blaster fire causing continued burns. Refrain from placing your flesh in its path. Your treatment code is Z192.”

2017-12-26, 05:06 PM
Unfortunately, it's too late to heal me, I'm back at zero damage after becoming Wounded. Only thing you could do to help me would be to grab the Painkillers instead and give it to me on Turn 2 to aid my reduced Endurance and Speed.

Nothing Here
2017-12-26, 05:09 PM
ALERT! The thread was created for anyone who loves optimization, combat fun and who wants to use powerful villain for high overpowered and epic adventures! (Players and DM's)
If you do not like this type of material and feel offended, please f.u.c.k you, here is not your place, move on!
I'm sure it's not possible to defeat it with a single PC. So do not waste your time, only a legion can defeat you ... or not.


Our group was defeated by a villain, we simply ignored the DM's warnings and it was TPK. After analyzing the build of the villain, we realized that we could not defeat him.
All this was the fault of one of our Wizard's group, said the Sorceres are a disgrace and defeat them.
Then the end of the Wizards and their allies began.

BACKGROUND: The birth of the Nameless King was a disaster, his parents were killed by a sudden explosion and snakes covered the baby like a throne. Camponents tried to kill the red-eyed, white-haired baby with an arrow, but a shield of energy blocked the attack (Shield Spell). The development of the orphan baby was a mystery, but he survived without any love and affection alone in the world. His name was Lucius Threvor.
The young red-eyed elf was not in the world around him, he was different from everyone, he felt a hatred ... But he always followed rules strictly, always manipulative and with an intimidating image.

Lucius Threvor

The beginning of the end:
The young elf was taken to necromancy school to understand his power. But, his personality strength and arrogance did not accept the way they learned magic. His inability to learn large numbers of spells and his way of manipulating magic challenged school leaders. Expelled and humiliated by Wizard Balther with 6 powerful undeads around him, he fled the big city and hid in the darkness. Though humiliated, he worshiped the dark and deep eyes of sinister magic.
In the darkness, the chaotic power began to manifest, but he did not surrender, control and mold to his pleasure. After defeating defeating some opponents, he created his first skeleton with his already decomposing body. It was bone-shaped power.

Wrath of The Necromancer King


With such power, he ventured into the depths, made powerful Pacts, and acquired powerful eyes that saw in the deepest darkness and powers ever imagined.
The villain loved to hide in the shadows as he watched his Undead devour the invaders of darkness.
When his power reached an unattainable level, he began mortal duels and learned defensive tactics and manipulation, Otherworldly Wings and the power of flying freely began to cause mass destruction.
Now with the bodies of the dead, he brought them back to serve him. Able to manipulate illusions, battle tactics and a legion of undead he destroyed and annihilated the school of necromancy, turning them all into new tools.
With his Temple, the surrogate ability to hide in the shadows and power of destruction he is advancing his troops to the end of those who abandoned him.
The ultimate power in his hand, he learns to manipulate the most powerful beings with such mastery that no other spellcaster would do.
After long years, his name has been forgotten and is now known as "Nameless King", the killer of Wizards.

He discovered the true power of his magical blood, The Blood Magic (Maho). The power of the villain still increases, when he kills a defenseless victim he becomes more powerful! The power of True Blood Sorcerer is coming!

Blood Sorcerer

GOAL: The main objective of the villain is to acquire the artifact that allows to know the true names of Devils and Devils to use them to his pleasure.

Nameless King

"Sorcerer King, Scion of Tiamat"


Nameless King (Divine Soul Sorcerer 17 / Hexblade 3)


Medium humanoid (Wood Elf), Lawful Evil
Armor Class 31 (Shield +3, Robe of Archmagi, +4 Dex, +6 Charisma - Dragon Mask +1 Warding Bond)
Hit Points 135 (120 + Heroes' Feast)
Speed 30ft, Fly Speed 40 (30 +10 longstride)ft
Initiative +9 (+4 Dex +5 Alert feat)

Wood Elf (+2 Dex +1 Wis)
8 (-1)
18 (+4)
14 (+2)
8 (-1)
8 (-1)
20 +2 (Tome) = 22 (+6)

Saving Throws Cha+13, CON +9, DEX +5 (Advantage against Spells and other magical effects) (+1 Warding Bond)
Skills Stealth +20 (+6 Proficiency +10 Pass without trace Spells + 4 dex, Darkness/Invisibility Advantage), Sleigh of Hand +10 (+6 proficiency +4 Dex), Perception +5, Acrobatics +10 (+6 proficiency + 4 dex)

Damage Resistance: All damage (Simulacrum's Warding Bond)
Immunities: Poison, Divination, Charmed, Frightened, Psychic Damage, Fire (Dragon Mask)

Senses passive: Perception 15, See invisible
Magic Resistance: The Nameless King has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects.


The Nameless is an 17th-level Sorcerer and 3rd-level Warlock. Its
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 22, +14 to hit
with spell attacks).

Cantrips (at will):.Eldrich Blast, Mage Hand, Blade Ward, Prestidigitation, Guidance, Minor Image, Toll of Dead, Sacred Flame
1st level (4 slots): Cure Wounds (free), Sanctuary, Longstride (feat bonus)
2nd level (3 slots): See Invisible, Silence, Earth Bind, Pass without trace (feat bonus), Warding Bond
3rd level (3 slots): Counterspell, Revify, Anime Dead, Major Image, Magic Circle, Tidal Wave
4th level (3 slots): Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Freedom of Movement, Death Ward
5th level (3 slots): Planar Binding
6th level .(1 slot): Planar Ally
7th level (l slot): Teleport
8th level (l slot):
9th level (l slot): Wish

Ranged Weapon Attack (Oathbow): +15 to hit, reach 600 feet, one target. Hit: 64 (1d8 +6 +3d6 +3 Purple Worm Posion (DC 19, 42 average damage) piercing damage.

+3 Shield
Robe of The Archmagi
Periapt of Proof against Poison
Staff of Swarming Insects
Purple Worm Poison
Dragon Mask

Feature and Spells know:

Some Background Feature
Font Of Magic (17)
MM: Distant Spell
MM: Twin Spell
MM: Heightein Spell
MM: Subtle Spell
Divine Magic
Favor Of The Gods
Empowered Healing
Otherworldy Wings
Pact Magic
Eldritch Spear
Repelling Blast
Pact of the Blade
Hexblade's Curse
Hex Warrior
ASIs: Spell Sniper, Alert, War Caster, Wood Elf Magic
Warlock 4 Spells Know
Sorcerer 15 Spells Know

Don't know about Coffeelock ?
Find here[/url]

The Villain Active Spells:
Well, the DM was pretty clear. Coffeelock keeps steath and buffs when start an Attack/Defense . This is Coffeelock's signature. Then, Death Ward, Contingency: Teleport, Sanctuary, Mirror Image, See Invisible and any other Spell Know. If the spells are over, he returns to his Temple of Gods for Short Rest.

Coffeelock 2.0

Heroes of the Orient, pg 10.
Now Coffeelocks can regenerate 5+ spell level. This is dangerous and expensive. With access to Greater Restauration (Via Simulacrum or Summons) or Legendary Resistence (1/day). This is so important to never need sleep again.
This is even more powerful for a Coffeelock villain where he can accumulate Hit Dice and get more and more powerful! The world needs to stop the advance of death!

Blood Magic
Blood magic, or maho as it is also called, is perhaps the most seductive
and effective tool of evil in the Orient. Maho wielders, or maho-tsukai, have
served the will of the Shadowlands for centuries, both within the empire
and without. While the Phoenix Inquisitors and Snake Clan Bailiffs have
dedicated themselves to purging maho from the empire, it is often those
most dedicated to its eradication who are most likely to find themselves seduced
by its power.
And it is power, most often, that seduces, for maho is an easy path to
tremendous magical power. Young shugenjas frustrated at the slow pace at
which their power grows, old scholars chafing at the limitations of their elemental
magic, peasant folk-magic practitioners - for all these spellcasters,
maho offers a way to overcome obstacles that the sanctioned magic of the
empire cannot provide.
A creature that succumbs to maho becomes a slave of evil and the
Shadowlands. The maho can be a great basis for an adventure in the Orient,
and might even lead a group of adventurers into the Shadowlands
Maybe the clans have been so effective at combating the maho, that
it has been centuries since the last maho-tsukai, in which case the maho
might be considered myth, rather than fact. Similarly, there might have
been no activity within the crawdad-patrolled outer reaches of the Shadowlands
for centuries, reducing the prestige of the Crawdad Clan, and lowering
the guard of all clans against the Shadowlands and it’s Taint.

PC’s and the Maho
It is okay if a PC becomes tempted by the maho. A PC who can cast spells,
can draw upon the maho to gain certain benefits, which might help turn
things around in the here and now, but will have dire consequences in the
long run.
A PC can gain the following benefits by drawing upon the maho:
• Expend a hit die and add it to an attack’s attack and damage rolls
• Expend a hit die and regain a used spell slot with a spell slot level
equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting modifier
• Kill a defenseless creature to gain an additional hit die, which lasts
until the creature’s next long rest
Whenever a PC draws upon the maho, he must attempt a DC15 Wisdom
saving throw. On a successful save, the PC can draw upon the maho
without any physical or spiritual consequence, although his or her reputation
might suffer if the act is witnessed. On a failed save, the PC becomes
paralyzed and enters a catatonic state. The paralysis lasts for 24 hours, after
which the PC awakens as a slave of evil, and now no longer a PC. The
PC’s personality is effectively gone, as the maho has taken over, making the
character an NPC.
Friends and fellow adventurer’s should use the 24 hours of paralysis, to
locate spellcasting services, as a greater restoration or wish spell can pull
the afflicted PC back from the maho.
After each saving throw against the maho (whether success or failure),
the DC increases by 1, and cannot be reduced again by any means, making
it increasingly hard to resist the maho with each attempt. Additionally, with
each use of maho, the character gains 1 to it’s Taint score (see the “Taint
Score” section later in this chapter).
A character that succumbs to the maho is called a maho-tsukai. Several
cults exist that practice maho. These cults are often small and contained,
rarely having more than twenty members. The most powerful (or sometimes
the most charismatic) is usually the leader of a cult, and they rarely
have knowledge of other cults.
In your game, a particularly powerful or charismatic maho-tsukai, could
potentially try to unite the different cults, spelling disaster for the Orient, if
the cults aren’t stopped by brage heroes.

Direct Combat tatic:


The NK and his Simulacrum is flying 1200' way and/or Stealth (+20 Stealth check and advantage, Darkness or Invisibility). We have 2 concentration spells at same time. Twin Invisibility and Pass without trace.

The NK's Attack:

1) Long Range: Distant Metamagic + Spell sniper feat + Eldritch Spear (1.200 feet range) + Repelling Blast (Each hit, 10 feet away, WOW 80' repelling per round is really cool effect). If the enemies is close enough, he casts Distant Dimension Door (1.000 feet).

Warding Bond turns the villain into a true tanker.
135 HP, 36 AC (31 BC + 5 Summon's Cover), Resistance against all damage, Death Ward, Advantage against spells, Immunity to fire, Contingency : Teleport, Clone, True Ressurection (Ki-rin summon, inside the temple), Legendary Resistence (1/day)

For example, the only thing capable to hit the villain at 1200 'is Meteor Swarm, but, this is a joke:

- The wizard can not identify the villain and spends his single Meteor Swarm against Major Images or Alter Self (Arcanaloth). The villain begins to laugh at the poor Wizard.

The villain has advantage against spell and can add 2d4 to saving throw (favored of the gods) and is immune to fire: The average damage would be ridiculous 15 damage, if he fails he only receives 30 damage. But of course it is virtually impossible to identify him and hit him before you be easily killed by him.

2) Medium Range: If the enemies is within 600', The Simulacrum casts Distant Earth Bind. If Earth Binded, NK's Silence Spells is devasting against spellcasters. The NK ignores silence effects with subtle spells.

The Simulacrum prepares an action against targets that reach the range 600' (Teleport or flying): Ranged Attack (67 average damage per hit) = You lost your concentration and are down on the ground again (If you were flying, you fell automatically).

Simulacrum can deal 254 average damage with 4 shots

If the Nameless King and his Simulacrum is using concentration spell, he can use Distant(240 feet) or Heightein Tidal Wave (Damage and Knock prone, DC 22 Dexterity saving throw). Just Smashing them.

3) Short Range: Also, Simulacrum's Distant Silence + NK's Wish: Force Cage (Trapping the enemie and the NK) is a deadly sentense.

- Nameless King's Subtle Wish: Antimagic Field + Simulacrum's Ranged Attack (257 average damage + Knock Prone).

- The Nameless King is immune to grapple (Freedom of Movement) and has +10 acrobatic check.

- If you teleport close enough, you can be counterspelled normally and takes shots of Simulacrum (65 average damage per shot + 2d6 necrotic damage + Automatic Knock Prone (Are you flying? No) + Genies prepared actions

- The Ki-rin Prepares a action against any intruder you try approach enough (Teleport or Flying): It casts Silence and uses Legendary actions to detect enemies around. Also, inside the temple: Ki-rin casts Guardians of Faith and true ressurection if the NK is dead. Also, Ki-rins casts Major Image at will (Permanent).

- The Genies prepared action against any intruder you try to approach enough (Teleport or Flying) :
Djinni (120', Creat Whirlwind DC a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be restrained by it), Djinni also creats Major Images (DC 17) to confuse the enemie. A Djinni cast continually Creat Whirlwind against the Nameless King (He is immune, Freedom of Movement), If the enemies tries attack him in melee range is affected by Whirlwind.
Marid (60', Water Jet DC 17, 21 average damage and Knock prone). BLINDSIGHT 30'
The Genies are always alert, trying find an enemies around.

- The YUGOLOTHS They are used to kill Spellcasters and confuse the enemy. :
Innate Spellcasting. The arcanaloth's innate spellcasting ability
is Charisma (spell save DC 15). The arcanaloth can innately
cast the following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: alter self, darkness, heat metal, invisibility (self only),
magic missile

The most effective tactic is to use Alter Self (Copying the Nameless King), this is NOT ILLUSION.
Spellcasting. The arcanaloth is a 16th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit
with spell attacks). The arcanaloth has the following wizard
spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): .fire bolt, mage hand, minor illusion,
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, identify, shield, Tenser's
floating disk
2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, mirror image, phantasmal
force, suggestion
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fear, fireball
4th level (3 slots): banishment, dimension door
5th level (2 slots): contact other plane, hold monster
6th level (1 slot): chain lightning
7th level (1 slot):.finger of death
8th level (1 slot): mind blank

Innate Spellcasting. The nycaloth's innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma. The nycaloth can innately cast the following spells,
requiring no material components:
At will: darkness, detect magic, dispel magic, invisibility (self
only), mirror image

True sight : 120'

Hypnotic Gaze. The ultroloth's eyes sparkle with opalescent
light as it targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If
the target can see the ultroloth, the target must succeed on a
DC 17 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or be charmed
until the end of the ultroloth's next turn. The charmed target is
stunned. If the target's saving throw is successful, the target is
immune to the ultroloth's gaze for the next 24 hours.

Innate Spellcasting. The ultroloth's innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 17). The ultroloth can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: alter self, clairvoyance, darkness, detect magic, detect
thoughts, dispel magic, invisibility (self only), suggestion
3fday each: dimension door, fear, wall of fire
1fday each: fire storm, mass suggestion

Commune (Obvious uses) + Control Weather (Disadvantage perception check!)

High damage and free stun, Immunitybludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical weapons

Innate Spellcasting. The ki-rin's innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 17). The ki-rin can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: gaseous form, major image (6th-level version), wind walk
1/day: create food and water
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the ki-rin fails a saving throw,
it can choose to succeed instead.
Magic Resistance. The ki-rin has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.
Magic Weapons. The ki-rin's weapon attacks are magical.
Spellcasting. The ki-rin is a 18th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell
attacks). It has the following cleric spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): light, mending, sacred flame, spare the dying,
1st level (4 slots): command, cure wounds, detect e11il and good,
protection from evil and good, sanctuary
2nd level (3 slots): calm emotions, lesser restoration, silence
3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, remove curse, sending
4th level (3 slots): banishment.freedom of movement, guardian
of faith
5th level (3 slots): greater restoration, mass cure wounds, scrying
6th level (1 slot): heroes'feast, true seeing
7th level (1 slot): etherealness, plane shift
8th level (1 slot): control weather
9th level (1 slot): true resurrection

If the enemy tries to use get cover (Although, Undeads destroy any kind of cover), the villain will be stealth and the Undeads / Army of Darkness will attack them.
While the NK is steath, it can freely use his illusions and Subtle Spells

Feeblemind or any save or suck : NK is protected by Heightein Sanctuary (Disadvantage 22 DC). Also, The Nameless King has acess to Greater Restauration Spell and Staff of Swarming Insects (No button and no concentration! You can't see him) and Programmed Illusion. Also, Major Image Spells (Permanent) and Alter self (Arcanoloth and Ultroloth duplicating Nameless King) can be problematic, if you try.

Globe of Invulnerability and Antimagic Field: The Simulacrum uses Oathbow (+14 attack roll + Advantage + 1d8 piercing + 5 Dex + 3 Munition+ 3d6 piercing damage) + Purple Worm Posion (DC 19 or take 42 average damage) + Eldritch Smite (+2d6 + automatic knock prone) + Hexblade's curse = 77 average damage per shot + Advantage, crit range 19~20. Dangerous + Minion's attack.

Indirect Combat Tatic:


Master of Stealth, Dircord and Illusion:


The NK is able to create multiples Major Images (Permanent) around the battleground and can use stealth action to move them. Flying Images against enemies unable to fly and if they fly, They will be vulnerable. He also used Wish: Programmed Illusion on condition of being attacked directly. Distant Casting Minor Image is useful to creat panic.
This further hinders the enemy from going on an alpha strike, forcing them to spend their teleports and exposing themselves.
Of course, meanwhile the Undeads are hungry.
The Nameless King can steal material component bag and spellbooks with Stealth and Sleigh of Hand.




The Nameless King and his Simulacrum casts Animate Dead, creating a horde of Undeads. The Nameless King prefer Archers (Longbow and Purple Worm Poison, 42 average damage) and Low-level Mages:
Archers attack from long range and are always alert (It isn’t passive perception) with perception checks to detect any approaching enemy.
Low-Level Mages casts Earth Bind / Magic Missales/ HEX / Eldritch Blast / Entangle / Aid / Bless / Silence
Undead don't walk together, they have a space between them, so, they are not an easy target for area spells.
Undeads destroy any cover available on the battlefield, to make the battlefield as open as possible. No places to hide or run away.

Undeads can deal very high damage with Magic Missale / Hex + Eldrich blast and silencing everything.

PS: It's important to remember. The more powerful enemies are defeated, they are now Undead controlled by the villain. So there can be powerful high level Undeads. So be very careful.

The Nameless King is the best Necromancer of the entire game.

Army of Darkness:



The villain is extremely efficient when summoning demons, as Lawful Evil villain is extraordinarily organized and tyrant.
Why is he better than the others? Simple, Heightein Metamagic and acess to Planar Binding and Planar Ally. The powerful fiends have an advantage over magic and are very powerful. At the same cost, the villain has the DOUBLE chance of being successful (Heightein Metamagic).

Undoubtedly, this is the most dangerous part of Villain. However, it is easily overcome.
The villain uses Magic Circle (Heigher Level), every hour the villain applies multiple times Heightein Planar Binding (Heighter Level) against Empyrean until winning.
The villain prepared the group of fiends to defeat the Empyrean, if necessary.
First he summons the Coualt, Fiends, Genies and then the Empyrean.

The villain will summon multiple creatures (as much as possible) and use them only in strategic and extreme cases.

The main tactic of the Fiends is to remove any synchrony between the group, to catch the attention of the group while the villain observes the perfect time of the attack. The fiends mages are efficient for counterspell and magic missiles, they are also invisible.


- Arcanaloth:
- Alter self: Duplicate Villain at will, Invisibility at will, Magic Missale at will, MindBlank, Counterspell (Amazing against spellcasters) and others.
- Ultraloth dispel magic at will, Mass Sugestion, Invisibility at will and others
- Witches
- Nycaloth

- Couatl: Greater Restauration and suporting
- Empyrean
- Planetar: Comune and Control Weather
- Ki-rin : Silence, Major Image, Guardian of Faith, True ressurection.

- Genies : Special tatic


- Do not ignore the villain's defenses. How did you identify the true? How did you bypass Sanctuary? Is your character able to see the enemy? How to perceive the presence of the enemy? How did you defeat the Undead perception checks ? How to know the location or who is the enemy?

- Unearthed Arcane is disallowed (Obviouly).

- Wish dependent on DM approval, does not work.

- Teleport (Chance to fail) + Save or Suck (Counterspell) does not work if you do not respond how you beat the villain's defenses.

- The temple of the gods is very well hidden and its location is not obvious (you need be able to locate it), Mighty Fortress + Temple of the Gods work well together and the entire temple is protected by permanent Wall of Stones. Inside the temple has the most powerful Undeads and Fiends ever alert. Inside the Temple is a Clone Spell.

Temple of Gods - Blood Magic's Sacrifice

- All villain equipment has Instant Summon Spell.

- All as permanent and long lasting spells were casted previously and not at the time of battle: Programmed Illusions, Major Images, Planar Binding and others

- Meta-game is not allowed, you (Player) knows the character's build, but not your character. So your character needs to be able to know about villain information. Otherwise, your tactic will NOT be valid.

2017-12-26, 05:56 PM
Unfortunately, it's too late to heal me, I'm back at zero damage after becoming Wounded. Only thing you could do to help me would be to grab the Painkillers instead and give it to me on Turn 2 to aid my reduced Endurance and Speed.

Oh man I didn’t know that that couldn’t be healed...I will have to edit my post. I’m sorry.

2017-12-26, 05:57 PM
All good, just let me know what's going on and I'll map out accordingly.

2017-12-26, 07:33 PM
All good, just let me know what's going on and I'll map out accordingly.

The painkillers say during my activation, I can give them to an adjacent character. Can I do everything I typed, except as part of it give the painkillers? I would still rest to clear stress, just take a different item and “deliver” it a different way.

2017-12-26, 07:55 PM
Yes indeedy. Processing accordingly.

2017-12-26, 08:01 PM
Round End

• Imperial player gains 2 Threat.
• Reinforcing Hired Guns for 2 Threat.

Round 2 Begins


2017-12-26, 08:36 PM
It makes sense for me to end most every turn I think because that way I can dispense medical goodies. Unless another compelling reason to change comes along (like near wound or death) I’ll probably plan on activating last.

2017-12-27, 12:30 AM
Loku time.

2s to mark h15.

Attack h15 [roll0]

2017-12-27, 12:32 AM
That's a kill.

Second attack vs g14


2017-12-27, 12:34 AM
2nd kill with 6 accuracy at 6 range. Normal guns are dead.

2017-12-27, 08:36 AM
Parting Shot against Verena (Weakened one)


Parting Shot against Verena


May as well put the other two attacks against her as well.



2017-12-27, 09:01 AM
Verena is Wounded. Hired Guns retreat to E14 (wounded) and F14 (unwounded).

Rebel Turn

2017-12-27, 09:22 AM
I hate hired guns. Also I may be a double agent for the Empire

2017-12-27, 09:25 AM
Shh, don't tell them, that invalidates the whole point. :smalltongue:

Just as a reminder, your current mission priority is to open the door to the left of the map. The deal goes through unless the second door (the one above, nearer the right hand side) is opened. So you still have to clear one door before you can even get to the critical one.

2017-12-27, 12:41 PM
Verena will move to F10

Strike the door with the dagger [roll0]

2017-12-27, 12:42 PM
That's two damage to the door!

2017-12-27, 01:03 PM
I have no more activations until Loku kills some more Hired Guns for me, so until the next time your friend betrays you to an untimely demise...

Vinto and MHD-19, in whatever order

2017-12-27, 01:12 PM
Right, I'll let Loku deal with them next turn... when they're not in range of any of us to use their damned Parting Shots. Anyway.

Vinto's Turn

First Action: Move to G12. Strain move to F12.
Second Action: Attack the door.
Vinto Attack (BY) [roll0]
EDIT: 2d, 1s, 5a. Using the surge to add 1d. 3d to the door.

2017-12-27, 01:49 PM
Loku to command....the rebels blew the door before we could finish making the hutt goons kill them. What are your orders?

2017-12-27, 02:23 PM
Loku to command....the rebels blew the door before we could finish making the hutt goons kill them. What are your orders?

*Crackle* this is Command, the Rebels are really dumb and forgot the door has 1 block - it took only 1 damage from the first attack, and only 2 from the second. *Crackle* It's got 2 HP remaining.

*Crackle* the Medical Droid would need to attack it as well in order to blow the door this turn.

2017-12-27, 02:27 PM
From my attack it is 2 damage - red 3 +1 ingrained damage of the weapon - 1 block!

2017-12-27, 02:29 PM
So the double agent is secretly feeding the Imperials misinformation now? WHO DO YOU REALLY WORK FOR?! :smalltongue:

But yeah, I didn't know if the door had any blocks or not so that was just my base 3d from the attack.

2017-12-27, 02:32 PM
Is the official word that the door is still up?

2017-12-27, 02:34 PM
I would assume that's what the GM meant with his little message, yes.

2017-12-27, 02:41 PM
Door is still up with 1 health left.

2017-12-27, 02:50 PM

Action 1 - Move to H10
Action 2 - Attack door (w/ Focus) - BY(G) - [roll0]

Results: 4 Damage, 1 Surge converts to Pierce, door is all gone.

2017-12-27, 02:55 PM
So the double agent is secretly feeding the Imperials misinformation now? WHO DO YOU REALLY WORK FOR?! :smalltongue:

But yeah, I didn't know if the door had any blocks or not so that was just my base 3d from the attack.

I....I don't even know who I work for....the Yuuzhan Vong? Are they still a thing?

2017-12-27, 03:15 PM
I....I don't even know who I work for....the Yuuzhan Vong? Are they still a thing?

Super duper no.

Anyway, door popping is a trigger, have to wait until I get home to process that. Stay tuned!

2017-12-27, 05:22 PM
When the door to the Hall opens

The glint of scout-style body armor vanishes into the shadows, but not before you are able to take note of the color and markings. You're not dealing with just any Imperials here - these are operatives of the dreaded Imperial Security Bureau!

• The blue deployment points are now active.
• Increase Threat by 1 for each Elite Hired Gun figure on the board, then deploy any Elite Hired Guns that have been set aside.
• Deploy the reserved ISB Infiltrators to the blue deployment point.

The ISB Infiltrators target Verena with merciless efficiency.


In The Shadows


Coordinated Raid


2017-12-27, 05:37 PM
Five total damage to Verena Talos, both ISB Infiltrators are Hidden.

Round End

• Imperial player gains 2 Threat.
• Deploying Hired Guns for 4 Threat.

Round 3 Begins

Remember, the second door does not need to be damaged and cannot be attacked - just needs you to interact with it as an action, while adjacent to it.


2017-12-27, 05:45 PM
I think MHD-19 should go first and heal Verena, those Infiltrators could theoretically defeat her with a single activation.

2017-12-27, 05:47 PM
I think MHD-19 should go first and heal Verena, those Infiltrators could theoretically defeat her with a single activation.

Probably a good idea

2017-12-27, 06:05 PM
MHD-19’s Turn

Action 0 - Take 1 Strain to move to G10
Action 1 - Take 2 Strain to search for Emergency Medpak and take
Action 2 - Rest, healing the 3 strain and giving 5 HP to Verena

Gain the Focus condition

2017-12-27, 06:20 PM
The Rodian thugs aren't done with you yet.

The Elite Hired Guns attack MHD-19 as they move up toward the Hall.



2017-12-27, 06:23 PM
A scant 2 damage, but the Rodians are mixed up in the skirmish area now, primed to dole out more fire as they go down in a blaze of glory.

Rebel Turn


2017-12-28, 06:51 AM
Well we have a few turns only for opening that door. That door needs an action to open.
Imperial player has already done half his job, wounding half the team.
We should start to plan if we rush the door, or are conservative in our aproach.

If we open the door before the trade is done we should have extra Xp or get at least a "draw"

2017-12-28, 01:02 PM
Anyone care to take a turn? Verena, Loku, and Vinto have yet to act.

2017-12-28, 01:26 PM
i can act last and get within 2 of the door with 2s then can act first next round s2 to get to the door and open with an action left

2017-12-28, 01:30 PM
Hard to be conservative when those never sufficiently damned Hired Guns are already on top of us. I was hoping he'd move one of the other groups so Loku could safely pick at least one of them without retaliation, but that's no longer an option. And the ISB infiltrators will be annoyingly hard to hit at range due to their Hidden status. But if me or Verena charge them, the Infiltrators and second Hired Guns group will almost certainly take one of us down. And as if all of that wasn't enough, I'm pretty sure opening the door will only trigger a new objective (my guess would be hacking the console) and more enemies as well. I see no way we can possibly win this one, honestly.

Well, I was trying to think of something that wouldn't make things worse, but we're honestly pretty boned already at this point. Oh well, maybe the dice will be merciful.

Vinto's Turn
First Action: Attack F11 Hired Gun.
Vinto Attack (BY) [roll0]
Hired Gun Defense (W) [roll1]

2017-12-28, 01:32 PM
Uh, yeah, rerolling that attack for sure. [roll0]

Results: 4d, 5a. Triggering Boltslinger to deal 1d to G12 Hired Gun. F11 Hired Gun is defeated.

2017-12-28, 01:36 PM
Parting Shot on the droid


Oh good, 1 whole damage. Second action, Vinto? There's a crate there, or a wounded Rodian...

2017-12-28, 01:37 PM
Second Action: Grab the F13 crate, strain move to F13.

Well, the dice did smile a bit there. Took one of them down from full health and only 1 damage from the Parting Shot.

2017-12-28, 01:49 PM
Vinto recovers a Weapons Cache (http://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/Return-to-Hoth/Supply%20Deck/Weapons%20Cache_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.j pg) that the mercenaries had been using.

2017-12-28, 02:40 PM
The ISB Infiltrators attack Verena.

(BG)[roll0] +z

Coordinated Raid

(BG)[roll2] +z

2017-12-28, 02:41 PM
Re-Hiding with a Surge, then taking his own turn...

(BG)[roll0] +z

2017-12-28, 02:45 PM
That's a reasonable stack of damage on Verena.

Rebel Turn

...and since I'll do it no matter who activates,

In The Shadows to hide my other ISB.


2017-12-28, 06:43 PM
Verena you should probably go. I can finish it up

2017-12-28, 07:44 PM
Verena will rest, Recovering 1 strain and 3 damage.

Strain move to G11

Attack with knife

R +1 [roll0]

2017-12-28, 07:45 PM
That's an escape!! Dang!! No damage!!

2017-12-28, 08:21 PM
That's an escape!! Dang!! No damage!!

Can’t they not do that because of “disposable”?

2017-12-28, 08:26 PM
Can’t they not do that because of “disposable”?

That would be correct

2017-12-28, 10:09 PM
Parting Shot on Verena Talos.


2017-12-28, 10:14 PM
The Hired Guns move to block the door.

Loku's Turn


2017-12-28, 10:18 PM
Well, the hired guns makes the move I had planned less effective. Going with plan B

Loku runs up (Move + strain 2) to F10.

Loku fires on the hidden Infiltrator

5 range + 2 hidden - 3 accuracy from weapon and skill means I need a 4

EDIT: 4 accuracy and 4 damage vs 1 evade means a dead infiltrator.

2017-12-28, 10:42 PM
Round End

• Imperial player gains 2 Threat
• Declining optional deployment

Round 4 Begins


2017-12-28, 10:54 PM
Think the med bot should go first again to heal himself and Velena.

2017-12-29, 07:42 AM
MHD-19 Action

1 - Take 2 strain, search for medpack and take
2 - Rest, healing 2 strain, 2 damage and using medpack on Verena

Good luck, biological life-forms!

2017-12-29, 09:03 AM
Looks like you ran out of Emergency Medpacs already, droid - there were only 2 in the Supply deck. Try again.

2017-12-29, 09:14 AM
Didn’t I only use one? Last turn on Verena. The first draw I did was for Painkillers wasn’t it?

2017-12-29, 09:41 AM
Oh I see what happened - you didn't edit your post where you selected them the first time but then switched to Painkillers. Was wondering how that happened in so few actions.

Very well then, that brings it around to me again. The ISB Infiltrator attacks Loku.

(BG)[roll0] +z

2017-12-29, 09:43 AM
Three damage to Loku, the Infiltrator is no longer Hidden, and the Infiltrator moves back to F7.

Rebel Turn

In The Shadows to hide the H8 Hired Gun.

2017-12-29, 09:48 AM
Verena could strain 2 and move adjacent to isb, attack. If she kills might be able to take out a hired gun. Or vinto could get to d7 and knock off a hired gun.

2017-12-29, 10:04 AM
Um, how, isn't that a wall there between D7 and E7? Pretty sure I can't hit anything except the Infiltrator from my current position even with a double strain move.

2017-12-29, 10:39 AM
Um, how, isn't that a wall there between D7 and E7? Pretty sure I can't hit anything except the Infiltrator from my current position even with a double strain move.

You can shoot from that corner, effectively around the wall. The walls extending beyond the corner throws me off too, but unless the wall continues onto the next tile completely it can be shot around.

2017-12-29, 10:48 AM
Okay, cool. I'll go then.

Vinto Turn
Double strain move to E11.
First Action: Move to D7.
Second Action: Attack H8 Hired Thug.
Vinto Attack (BY) [roll0]
Thug Defense (W) [roll1]

2017-12-29, 10:50 AM
Yeah, rerolling my attack dice. [roll0]
EDIT: Oh lovely, I do absolutely nothing.

2017-12-29, 11:27 AM
Ouch. I think I used the reroll on that pistol only a handful of times. Rapid Fire's reroll is much more useful when you get it because 1. it isn't restricted to your starter weapon and 2. it rerolls defense dice, which was the primary reason I used it.

You can also use Rapid Fire's reroll even if the card is exausted, and on every attack if you want as the reroll ability doesn't exhaust or deplete the card.

2017-12-29, 12:00 PM
It worked fine the last time I used it, it just doesn't help when the 1 is still a 1 on the reroll.

2017-12-29, 12:47 PM
It worked fine the last time I used it, it just doesn't help when the 1 is still a 1 on the reroll.

Story of my life. About half the rerolls I did through Diala's ability laat game did that

2017-12-29, 12:58 PM
Problem with your plan: I moved the ISB to F7. That blocks line of sight to the Hired Guns from D7.

I'll allow Vinto to adjust his turn provided there's not a new attack - if he elects to attack the ISB instead, the results stick.

2017-12-29, 01:19 PM
Does that mean I could use my original roll for attacking the ISB from the same location? The main reason I rerolled was that my accuracy wasn't high enough to hit the Hired Guns.

2017-12-29, 02:00 PM
Yes, I'd accept that.

2017-12-29, 02:41 PM
Alright, then I moved to D7 as before, attacked the Infiltrator, kept the first roll, and did 1d to him (2d, 1s, 3a vs 1b, 1e).

2017-12-29, 06:34 PM
Hired Guns hold position.

Loku and Verena


2017-12-29, 07:06 PM
Loku should go first to take out a Hired Gun from safe range, then Verena can shank the Infiltrator.

2017-12-29, 08:10 PM
Loku should go first to take out a Hired Gun from safe range, then Verena can shank the Infiltrator.


Loku will move to E7 and then open fire on H8

2017-12-29, 08:12 PM
4d and a dead hired gun. Doesn't look like he can return fire on anyone.

2017-12-29, 08:29 PM
Quite so! Would anyone care to complete Verena's turn so I can roll the round over?

2017-12-29, 08:52 PM
I'll do her turn real fast.

Move plus 2 strain to E6

Attack Infiltrator with fighting knife [roll0]

EDIT: 3d +1d vs 1b 1e is 3 damage and a dead infiltrator. Not enough strain left to do anything else, so that's it.

2017-12-29, 09:19 PM
Round End

• Imperial player gains 2 Threat
• Declining optional deployment

Round 5 Begins


2017-12-29, 09:27 PM
Generic thought: one of us rushes the door. That way if it is impossible to win, we can at least grab the two crates up north. I have enough move to reach the terminal and have an action left. It is also unlikely one hired gun can kill me, but who knows what will deploy after we open the door.

I think Verena should pop the door real fast, as she has the lowest move of us all

2017-12-29, 09:32 PM
Generic thought: one of us rushes the door. That way if it is impossible to win, we can at least grab the two crates up north. I have enough move to reach the terminal and have an action left. It is also unlikely one hired gun can kill me, but who knows what will deploy after we open the door.

I think Verena should pop the door real fast, as she has the lowest move of us all

I have a focus...I could probably do a healthy chunk of damage to either the gun or the door if I can get a path.

2017-12-29, 09:53 PM
This door just needs an action to open. We NEED to do it before end of this round or it's game over man.

2017-12-29, 09:56 PM
This door just needs an action to open. We NEED to do it before end of this round or it's game over man.

As it’s just an action I agree wholeheartedly that Verena opens it right up.

2017-12-30, 06:11 AM
Just call me firebait! Here we go!

Move to H8
Open the door!

2017-12-30, 09:05 AM
You rush toward the back room to disrupt the dealing parties, or at least to intercept their records and data so that you can find the partner of the agent working with Calrissian.

"...weapons like these on the black market," hisses a reptilian Trandoshan as the door opens. A well-dressed woman follows up with "This particular Rebel would be quite the feather in your cap, Captain. Surely the Tibanna - what?" She spins as her allies stand at attention and turn their guns toward you. For a moment, you see her features distort into something inhuman.

"Intruders!" a mercenary shouts. "Isn't your ISB paying off the Wing Guard to prevent this kind of thing?"

"Whoever they are," the Captain sneers, "they've just become part of our little deal here. Kill them, or we'll find another mercenary group to work with."

• Deploy the reserved Elite Imperial Officer and Trandoshan Hunters to the red deployment point.
• The yellow deployment point is now active.
• Redeploy all set aside Elite Hired Gun figures.
• Resolve an optional deployment.
• Deploying Clawdite Shapeshifter for 4 Threat.

Mission-Specific Rules
• A healthy (unwounded) Rebel figure can interact with the terminal to test Insight or Tech. For each success, the Rebels claim 1 neutral mission token.
• The mission ends when the Rebels have claimed all three mission tokens.

2017-12-30, 09:11 AM
In The Shadows

The shapeshifting "lady" retreats back to the terminal, hiding there, and begins muttering plans of attack to her allies.



A Trandoshan Hunter claims a damage token.

Rebel Turn


2017-12-30, 09:25 AM
So here's my plan. I'm going to run in and probably die in a hail of blaster fire, but maybe I can get 1 or 2 successes with my BGY insight (or maybe 3 if I am hella lucky). The droid should go last, and move up as far as move + strain will get him.....hopefully fro focuses on killing me and ignores the droid. What we need is an empty adjacent space for the droid at the start of next turn, worst case, I make one with close range blaster fire, but the droid needs to survive, as I definitely will be wounded.

Fro, this post assumes that adjacent imperial figures to the terminal have no effect on surges needed, since it wasn't listed on the post that they detract from successes. If adjacent imperial figures detract from successes (like in Incoming) then my post is invalidated and I will be doing a different thing.

Loku, realizing that he has really flubbed up this mission a lot, decides he wants to be a hero. Move + 2 strain to get to J5.

Insight to interact with the terminal. [roll0]

EDIT: well, that's one. Now I die violently.

2017-12-30, 01:07 PM
Imperials do not affect successes on this... and now you do die violently.

Trandoshans will make sure of that rrrrrrright now.

(BG)[roll0] +1

(BG)[roll2] +1

2017-12-30, 01:10 PM
...now that's not fair, you give Gral back that witchcraft right now.

Alright you weasel, I have 2 surges in any event and can Pierce with the bonus 1 damage, so you're now Bleeding.

Rebel Turn :smallmad:


2017-12-30, 01:22 PM
God watches over fools

2017-12-30, 02:13 PM
Consequently anyone want to lay odds on how many attacks I can survive? My bet is the two elite hired guns will kill me, but depends if you do officer/guns or guns/officer in activation....and how much Gral witchcraft I have left in me.

Vinto should probably try to kill the remaining regular hired gun. One less activation and he can't hit me from his position. Or just grab the crate because I'm gonna die anyway.

2017-12-30, 05:30 PM
Well... maybe we can thin them out enough for MHD-19 to make it to the console.
Vinto's Turn
First Action: Move to G8.
Second Attack: Attack H9 Hired Gun.
Vinto Attack (BY) [roll0]
Hired Gun Defense (W) [roll1]
Results: 4d 4a vs 1e. Eat it, you jerk.

2017-12-30, 07:03 PM
Parting Shot on Verena.


And the Elite Hired Guns shoot at Loku.



2017-12-30, 07:07 PM
I want to see the look on your face....I really do

2017-12-30, 07:08 PM
...who 1) rolls W, not B, so I should pay attention to that and 2) IS NOT DIALA PASSIL AND SHOULD NOT BE WITCHCRAFTING THIS HARD.

REBEL TURN. :smallfurious:


2017-12-30, 07:09 PM
BTW, Loku is actually a jedi

2017-12-30, 07:14 PM
*dying laughing* Loku, the cause of and solution to all of our group's issues.

2017-12-30, 07:20 PM
I want to see the look on your face....I really do

Well, it's half this (http://cdn2us.denofgeek.com/sites/denofgeekus/files/2016/12/rogue-one-orson-krennic.png) and half this. (https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-j5aGjR1Ez98/V1T0V39xJbI/AAAAAAAAAhY/ZhVx_UAeYFgNBMJtwASwHtRYGCBNKNedACLcB/s1600/general-hux-rally-speech.JPG)

2017-12-30, 07:25 PM
Well, it's half this (http://cdn2us.denofgeek.com/sites/denofgeekus/files/2016/12/rogue-one-orson-krennic.png) and half this. (https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-j5aGjR1Ez98/V1T0V39xJbI/AAAAAAAAAhY/ZhVx_UAeYFgNBMJtwASwHtRYGCBNKNedACLcB/s1600/general-hux-rally-speech.JPG)

Think you can wound me with an elite officer?

2017-12-30, 07:58 PM
At this point I'm more likely to reach through the screen and plunge the figure into your eye. :smalltongue:

2017-12-30, 08:20 PM
At this point I'm more likely to reach through the screen and plunge the figure into your eye. :smalltongue:

You're the one who rolled the dice.

That said if the next one is a 6 it will be funny as hell

2017-12-30, 08:33 PM
Waiting on MHD-19's turn, then Loku will get another stab at the console for some reason.

2017-12-30, 09:41 PM
To speed it up can we assume the droid moves x2 and strain 1 to I7?

2017-12-30, 09:49 PM
Reasonable. I'll have the Imperial Officer go.

Executive Order to have a Trandoshan shoot you again.

(BG)[roll0] +1

2017-12-30, 09:52 PM
Well, that's four damage plus a strain you can't endure, so 5... that's decent.

...but insufficient, so...

Round End

• Imperial player gains 2 Threat.
• Deploying Imperial Officer for 2 Threat.

Round 6 Begins

Go for it Loku.

2017-12-30, 10:14 PM
Let's see, since bleeding will wound me, I'll REST, recovering 5 strain, then taking 1 strain from bleeding.

Then I'll hack the terminal (come on 2 surges)


Taking 1 strain from the bleeding (2/5 strain)

EDIT: 3 surges! Whoo! Jedi Fish saves the day.

2017-12-30, 10:30 PM
Rebel Victory

Beating back oncoming mercenaries and Imperials, you finally manage to slice their console as they bear down on you. You scramble as much data from their deal as you can, hopefully disrupting this deadly alliance.

While the mercenaries are distracted, you escape and regroup, reviewing the data you sliced to locate the partner of the agent working with Lando Calrissian. You track his whereabouts to a docking bay used by less reputable types and enter the stolen access codes to free him.

It seems that you need a better protocol droid, as the message you got could have been much more straightforward. As the figure stands to greet you, you realize that the partner of the agent working with Lando Calrissian is, of course...

...Lando Calrissian.

"Nice to see some friendly faces," he greets you smoothly. "That Clawdite and her friends won't wait long before checking in on me. Think it's time we gave them the slip." He hands you a communicator to reach him, then slips away to abscond with an Imperial shuttle. You're quick to follow his example - Bespin may be a bit too hot to handle for the moment.

The heroes receive 400 credits.

Mission End

Each player gains 1 XP. The heroes receive 400 credits. The Imperial player receives 1 Influence.

2017-12-30, 10:56 PM
"We'll have to watch our backs when we head back to Cloud City," Lando warns via comms. "The ISB isn't happy that their deal with that mercenary group fell through. They'll be looking for new bounty hunters to work with, and word has it that a new agent, a crack interrogator, is being sent in to shake down anyone we might be involved with. We know through Fulcrum how the ISB likes to work. I'll reach out when it's time to make our move."

In the meantime, you're looking to get out of the system, and quickly. You know that the Rebellion has strong support on the planet Taris, and that support from such a heavily-populated world could be useful in pushing back against the Empire's ubiquitous hold on the galaxy. The Empire is currently acting from a position of strength and consistently poses a serious threat - to provoke even a small distraction could result in the diversion of advanced forces to retaliate, leaving multiple windows of opportunity to take advantage of in the future. However, Verena proposes another alternative - though she does so with reluctance.

"There's someone we could go after in the ISB... if we can capture him, we might be able to squeeze him for information." She looks grimly pleased at the prospect. "However... he's not someone to be taken lightly." You ask who this ISB agent might be, and where. Verena stares out into hyperspace.

"He'll be on Corellia. His name is Ivan Talos. My brother."

http://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/Return-to-Hoth/Side%20Missions/Red/Know%20Your%20Enemy_595_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.jpg http://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/Heart-of-the-Empire/Side%20Missions/Grey/Civil%20Unrest_595_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.jpg

Here are your item purchase options. The party has earned 800 credits from the mission, plus 50 from loot acquired in the course of the mission, for a total of 850. Starter items may be sold for 50 credits, as desired.

http://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Core-Box/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Balanced%20Hilt_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.j pghttp://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/Heart-of-the-Empire/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Charge%20Pistol_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.j pghttp://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/The-Bespin-Gambit/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Shadowsilk%20Cloak_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_c c.jpghttp://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/The-Bespin-Gambit/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Vibrosword_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.jpg
http://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Core-Box/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/DH-17_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.jpghttp://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Core-Box/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Tactical%20Display_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_c c.jpghttp://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Core-Box/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Vibroblade_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.jpghtt p://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Core-Box/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Marksman%20Barrel_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc .jpg

2017-12-30, 11:20 PM
I vote for know your enemy. Character missions are cool.

Dont think i need any of that gear.

Taking combat spotter because i know how fro likes to hide people.

2017-12-31, 07:57 AM
Anyone else have a mission vote? Item purchase thoughts? XP to use?

2017-12-31, 08:36 AM
I have no particular mission or gear thoughts, and I’m banking my XP

2017-12-31, 11:00 AM
I vote for Verena side mission.

Picking combat momentum with her 1xp.

As for gear there's a lot Verena would want (I think she can be item intensive). The tac display is amazing.

2017-12-31, 01:48 PM
Two votes for Know Your Enemy and one ambivalent will tip it. I'll set up while you consider item/XP purchases, if any.

2017-12-31, 02:40 PM
Mission II: Know Your Enemy

Verena guides you to the hidden coordinates of the outpost where her brother awaits. No doubt the ISB has already been tipped off to your approach - Corellia is too crucial to the Empire for your presence not to have been detected.

She gestures with her knife. "My brother is an arrogant, boastful man. He is also, regrettably, every bit my equal in skill and technique. Do not underestimate him."

"I tell you this because many others have," she says, touching the scar on her face, "including me."

Mission-Specific Rules

• The door is locked to Imperial figures.
• When a Probe Droid is attacking a Rebel figure other than Verena Talos, it may spend a surge to place 1 Imperial mission token on that figure.
• The mission will progress when the door opens. The mission ends at the end of Round 6 or when all heroes are wounded.


• Standard deployment.
• The Imperial class deck for this mission is Technological Superiority.
• If you'd like to lock in purchases, there's still time.

2017-12-31, 02:48 PM
Ok, so, probe droids are evil. We need to focus fire on one of them then the other. Their ability to recover is beastly. I’d suggest unloading on the red border one first, then the other. For what it’s worth...

I’d love to deploy on the marker again.

2017-12-31, 03:48 PM
E1 please.

2018-01-01, 10:02 AM
Alright, once CrimsonKnight and Darkstorm have deployed, Rebels can take their first turn.

2018-01-01, 12:17 PM
Could I have my list of available medical items, if it’s different from the first mission?

2018-01-01, 12:45 PM
It'll never be different, though it does reset back to a full stockpile for each mission.

2018-01-01, 01:36 PM
Sorry about that, busy yesterday with watching football and a New Year's Eve party. I'll deploy on F2.

Saving my XP for now. As far as the items go, I'd like the Tactical Display if no one minds.

Edit: Actually, hold on, what does the Charge Pistol's last surge ability do?

2018-01-01, 02:20 PM
E2 for me then.

I wanted the Display, but only for a general purpose upgrade. If we ever get the disruptor pistol, Vinto can lend Verena the display for the win.

As of that, I'll pick the Vibroblade, for the cleave 2 ability.

2018-01-01, 02:53 PM
Saving my XP for now. As far as the items go, I'd like the Tactical Display if no one minds.

Looks like Darkstorm's ceded it to you.

Edit: Actually, hold on, what does the Charge Pistol's last surge ability do?

Ah yes, you wouldn't be familiar with that. It gives you a damage power token, which you can spend on a later attack when declaring it to add +1 damage to that attack. You can hold up to two power tokens at any one time, though only one can be used for a given attack.

So basically it lets you turn a surge this round into an extra damage on a later round.

2018-01-01, 04:04 PM
Rebel Turn, by the way, since you're all in place.

2018-01-01, 05:12 PM
Just a word about my availability starting tomorrow: unfortunately I have no connection until about 3 EST, so if there’s ever a situation where I am the only person who has not acted, feel free to act for me.

2018-01-02, 01:16 PM
Was kinda hoping someone else (*cough* Loku *cough*) would go first, I'm not really positioned to do much (unless I want to try the J6 Probe Droid and get double teamed by the knock-off HK-47s, and I'd rather not be Wounded on turn one again if I can avoid it) until the enemies close the distance some or those HKs take their turn.

2018-01-02, 02:37 PM
Jedi Fish! Your people need you!

*Begins constructing armoured bacta tanks to hold everyone*

Alternatively I could go first. I’d like to double search the inventory for medical supplies to be ready. You biologicals are going to be leaking by the end of this.

2018-01-02, 02:54 PM
I should be able to post in a couple hours.

2018-01-02, 03:01 PM
Move plus 1strain to I3.

Fire on J6


2018-01-02, 03:02 PM
Surge for pierce for 1 measely damage

End of turn burn 2s to put a marker on j6

2018-01-02, 05:50 PM
The Probe Droid spots Loku and fires, a strangely wide, diffuse beam that is violet in coloration.


...well that's nice for me.

2018-01-02, 05:54 PM
The Probe Droid beeps ominously.

Loku collects an Imperial mission token.

Rebel Turn


2018-01-02, 10:34 PM
Can I get final confirmation on item purchases, by the way? CrimsonKnight was inquiring about the Charge Pistol. I feel like Darkstorm confirmed he wanted the Vibroblade at the very least.

2018-01-03, 11:25 AM
About itens: Tactical display for Vinto and vibroblade for Verena for now I think.

Question: Can Verena strike the droid at B5 from C4 in CC?

2018-01-03, 11:42 AM
About itens: Tactical display for Vinto and vibroblade for Verena for now I think.

Question: Can Verena strike the droid at B5 from C4 in CC?

I agree with these items.

Darkstorm: two blocking terrains like that block adjacency as well as los. Any combination of walls and blocking terrain does according to the RRG (p. 4)

2018-01-03, 05:26 PM
Verena will move to E7 (using 1 strain).

And as the second action pick the crate.

2018-01-03, 05:55 PM
Verena secures a Flash Emitter (http://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/The-Bespin-Gambit/Supply%20Deck/Flash%20Emitter_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.j pg).

The Jawa Scavenger moves to a more defensible position.

Rebel Turn


2018-01-03, 06:58 PM
Vinto, you want to go? Everything I do is reactive, pretty much.

2018-01-03, 07:24 PM
Yeah, okay. Taking a double move to E8.

EDIT: Forgot to confirm it sooner, but yeah, I'll pass on the Charge Pistol and just take the Tactical Display.

2018-01-03, 08:47 PM
The Elite Probe Droid floats around the wrecked vessel, firing a similar violet beam at Vinto.


...rather less successful there...

2018-01-03, 08:48 PM
Hmm... wait, I have Targeting Computer.

Blue die: [roll0]

...and a need to keep my mouth shut. Right then. Pierce 2, +2 damage, 3 damage and mission trigger by my guess.

2018-01-03, 08:52 PM
The Probe Droid whirs ominously.

Vinto collects an Imperial mission token.

MHD-19's turn


2018-01-03, 09:03 PM
MHD-19’s Turn

Action 1 - Take strain and search deck for medpak
Action 2 - Take 2 additional strain to move to F7

Become focused

2018-01-03, 09:17 PM
The HK Assassin Droids grant each other Focused and fall back.

Round End

• Imperial player gains 2 Threat and had 1 at mission start
• Deploying Probe Droid for 3 Threat

Round 2 Begins


2018-01-03, 10:38 PM
MHD-19 should be focused, also

2018-01-03, 10:45 PM
I have it on my master copy of the map, it just didn't make it into the upload.

2018-01-03, 10:48 PM
Loku will strain 2 to K5 and collect the crate. I will finish my turn when the item is revealed.

2018-01-03, 10:54 PM
Loku has stumbled across a workstation containing Ivan Talos's Troop Data.

• Elite Imperial Officer (http://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Core-Box/Deployment%20Cards/Imperial/Elite%20Imperial%20Officer_595_ffflogog_whatermark _cc.jpg)
• Royal Guard (http://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Core-Box/Deployment%20Cards/Imperial/Royal-Guard_errata_595_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.png)
• Sentry Droids (http://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/Heart-of-the-Empire/Deployment%20Cards/Imperial/Sentry%20Droid%20regular_595_ffflogog_whatermark_c c.jpg)

2018-01-03, 10:58 PM
Probably the least useful of what could have been in there.

Oh well, firing on the probe droid at H10 (with +1d from my recon token).


EDIT: Results: 2d 1s +1d vs 1b. Surge for pierce to total 3 damage on the droid.

2018-01-03, 11:08 PM
The Probe Droid floats over to the terminal to disable it before Loku can extract any more information, then turns its violet laser against the Mon Calamari once more.


...I don't need that many surges :smallannoyed:

2018-01-03, 11:12 PM
Alright, well, if I could have gotten one more damage off these silly dice, Loku would be fried calamari right now. Instead, I must content myself with 4 damage, 1 recover, and an Imperial mission token placed on him.

Rebel Turn


2018-01-03, 11:27 PM
I think in light of that I should go next to save our friend.

MHD-19’s Turn

Action 1 - move to J5
Action 2 - Rest, removing strain and using medpack to heal Loku for 5

I remain focused.

2018-01-03, 11:32 PM
The new Probe Droid fires its violet laser at Vinto.


2018-01-03, 11:35 PM
The laser does very little harm to Vinto, but the new droid whirs ominously and zips away.

Rebel Turn


2018-01-04, 01:47 PM
my guess is that we will have to kill the elite imp officer with more health than normal...maybe 2x threat level so 9 health. The mission tokens worry me.
It also looks like something else deploys with him....probably the guards. We need to get to the door....preferably killing the hk droids in the process but definitely the jawa.

2018-01-04, 05:04 PM
Move to I7

Fire at droid in L12
BY [roll0]

2018-01-04, 05:05 PM
No damage. Surge to recover 1 strain.

next turn I'll use the decoy and we rush the door. What do you think?

2018-01-04, 05:20 PM
The Assassin Droids attack Verena.



2018-01-04, 05:22 PM
Versatile Weaponry

Verena will be rerolling both of those defense dice, thank you very much. :smallamused:


Targeting Computer

Rerolling blue 6 from the first droid's attack: [roll2]
Rerolling green die from the second droid's attack: [roll3]

2018-01-04, 05:26 PM
7 total damage from the first attack... 6 damage and Weakened from the second.

Verena Talos is Wounded. Second HK Droid causes its partner to become Focused; they end their turns at L11 and L12.

Vinto's Turn

2018-01-05, 01:08 AM
Been busy prepping for a flight home tomorrow, will have limited internet time most likely. Anyone is free to take my turn if they want.

2018-01-05, 01:38 AM
Let's try to do vinto real fast then.

Move plus 1 strain to I3.

Fire at l6 burning console display +1s (display) +1d and ignore figures for los thanks to recon.


2018-01-05, 01:39 AM
4d 1s +1d vs 1b is a dead droid. Surge to recover strain.

2018-01-05, 02:30 AM
Round End

• Imperial player gains 2 Threat
• Declining optional deployment.

Round 3 Begins


2018-01-05, 08:37 PM
We should probably move towards the door. Darkstorm you should probably go first.

2018-01-06, 01:35 PM
Alright, it's been over a day since the last Rebel turn. I'd like to ask that the next available Rebel player take an action on behalf of the group, whether with their own character or someone else's, just so we can get this moving again. Thank you.

2018-01-06, 02:27 PM
I guess I'll take a turn then.

Taking Verena's turn (since nobody else really makes sense going atm).

Verena activates the Flash Emitter at the start of the round.

Move + 2 strain to M11.

Attack the focused droid at M12 with the Vibroblade


EDIT: that looks like 3d 1s vs 2b. Surging for cleave 2 to deal 2d to the L12 and 1d to the M12 droids.

2018-01-06, 02:49 PM
The Assassin Droids are more than ready for you.

Technical Support for Focus on the other droid.



2018-01-06, 02:51 PM
Targeting Computer to reroll a blue 2 from the first attack and the blue 2 from the second.


Well that was incredibly unhelpful. Oh well.

Technical Support to repair damage on the other Assassin Droid.

Rebel Turn


2018-01-06, 03:04 PM
Let us have Loku time then.

Strain 1 to move to j6.

Rest to recover 5 strain.

Strain 1 to move to I7.

Fire on L12.


EDIT: looks like 2d 1s vs 1b. Surge for pierce. 2s at end of turn for a recon counter on the other droid.

2018-01-06, 03:24 PM
Vinto should probably move + 2x strain move to J9. He can then fire on M12 (thanks to the recon token allowing him to ignore figures for LOS and giving +1 damage) boltslinger the other droid to kill him and if lucky do enough damage to wipe out the other one.

2018-01-06, 03:56 PM
if killed Verena can then use their weapon and try to kill the small sniper

2018-01-06, 04:09 PM
if killed Verena can then use their weapon and try to kill the small sniper

I didn't realize you could do that if you didn't kill them. Awesome. And you can effectively move 3 spaces with it :)

2018-01-06, 04:16 PM
Ivan Talos's Jawa henchman sees an opportunity to ingratiate himself to the boss.


2018-01-06, 04:21 PM
"That damned coward," Verena seethes as she clutches the blaster wound she has taken, "always hiding behind his droids and his goons rather than doing his own dirty work. I should have known he'd be holed up in here tighter than a mynock in an engine coil."

Verena withdraws from the mission.

At this time I'll offer the Rebels the remaining crate and its contents, should they have value, if you're willing to surrender this mission. I do not believe you are in a position to win. Up to you; majority vote required or we continue.

Rebel Turn


2018-01-06, 04:35 PM
Since we only stand to gain 50 credits, I say we keep on going. Worse case one of us grabs the crate next turn.

2018-01-06, 04:51 PM
I say we keep going too! I think MHD-19 may run into the fray next.

2018-01-06, 04:59 PM
Next round's offer is 50 credits, no crate item check. And if I wound anybody else, there's no more offer.

Crimson may still be in transit. Will MHD-19 take the next turn, or does someone want to play Vinto?

2018-01-06, 05:10 PM
MHD-19’s Turn

Action 1 - Move to K10 taking 1 strain for the extra
Action 2 - Shoot the undamaged HK Assassin using Focus

BYG - [roll0]
Defense - [roll1]

Results - 3 damage, 2 surges spent to Pierce 1 and Stun. 4 damage total on the previously undamaged bot.

“Pick on someone your own caliber of synthetic plating!”

2018-01-06, 07:16 PM
Unfortunately I don't see a good move now for Vinto but moving up to the door, then acting first. That will end up with me likely wounded. Plus Fro will have 4 reinforcement threat this turn. I now think we should take the deal, at least it is 50 credits that I'm not sure we will get next turn.

2018-01-06, 09:54 PM
I am now going to vote for surrender.

2018-01-06, 11:51 PM
Elite Probe Droid hovers forward and attacks Loku.


Thaaat should do it for him then. The violet laser sears Mon Calamari flesh, and Loku is Wounded.

Loku gains an Imperial mission token.

Vinto's Turn


Surrender clock is ticking.

2018-01-07, 09:36 AM
Since the deal expired if someone was wounded.

Vinto will move twice plus two strain move to N9.

Only way we have a shot at this is if next turn vinto blows up the droids and hits the jawa, i move into position to see into the room and md gets the crate. Then next turn vinto opens the door, i mark the officer and shoot twice then md shoots twice. Slim pickings but we get the crate which is all we would get anyway

2018-01-07, 11:01 AM
Ugh, this mission went to hell pretty fast, I was only gone two days. And I thought Bespin was rough. Though not surprised, these enemies were ridiculous. Ah well, let's try your plan tigerus, not much else we can do at this point.

2018-01-07, 11:28 AM
The other Probe Droid advances and gives Technical Support to its counterpart.

Round End

• Imperial player gains 2 Threat.
• Deploying Probe Droid for 3 Threat.

Round 4 Begins


Since you have a shot at the crate, I'll offer it in exchange for surrender.

2018-01-07, 11:41 AM
Nuts to that. Vinto goes full John Woo.
Vinto's Turn
First Action: Attack Probe Droid. Exhausting Tactical Display.
Vinto Attack (BY) [roll0]
Probe Droid Defense (B) [roll1]
Results: 3d 3s 3a vs 2b. Spending a surge for +1 damage, using the other two to remove strain. 2 damage total. Boltslinger triggers and deals 1 damage to L12 HK droid, defeating him.

2018-01-07, 11:49 AM
Second Action: Attack Probe Droid
Vinto Attack (BY) [roll0]
Probe Droid Defense (B) [roll1]

2018-01-07, 11:51 AM
Using my blaster's reroll. [roll0]
Results: 3d 2s 3a vs 1b. Spending surge for +1 damage, other to remove strain if I have any left. 3 damage total. Boltslinger triggers on the surviving HK. Nice, that's three dead droids. That'tll do, Vinto, that'll do.

2018-01-07, 12:03 PM
Very well done. Of course, you're not exactly the priority right now.

The Elite Probe Droid floats down to fire on MHD-19, emitting a pulsing diffuse violet beam.


2018-01-07, 12:04 PM
Targeting Computer to reroll that green. (1d6)[6](6)

That's better. Let me just tot that up.

2018-01-07, 12:08 PM
MHD-19 takes 8 damage from the slicing beam.

MHD-19 gains an Imperial mission token

Rebel Turn


2018-01-07, 05:09 PM
I should go next to try to heal Vinto up, yes? I’d be able to heal myself a little too.

2018-01-07, 05:26 PM
MHD-19 Turn

Stress move M9
Action 1 - search for second Medpak
Action 2 - Rest, healing all four strain; Vinto regains 5 HP
MHD-19 becomes Focused

2018-01-07, 05:45 PM
By my tally that should only be 3 strain (your search ability only costs 1, I think you've been misreading it) so you recover 1 damage as well.

...and now it's time for a Jawa to roll that back for ya.


That's a solid 2 damage. Not too shabby for a little guy. Jawa goes back where he came from.

Loku's Turn

2018-01-07, 05:49 PM
Move plus 2 strain to N10.

Rest to recover 4 strain.

2018-01-07, 06:03 PM
The Probe Droid moves to fire on MHD-19 once more.


The violet laser seems to fry some of the medical droid's circuits, but the Probe Droid returns a disappointed buzz.

MHD-19 is Wounded

2018-01-07, 06:07 PM
Round End

• Imperial player gains 2 Threat

A hiss of compressed gas from the transport tube announces the arrival of another Probe Droid.

• Deploying Probe Droid for 3 Threat.

Round 5 Begins


2018-01-07, 06:19 PM
Loku will move to q10 collect the crate. Finish move plus strain to o9

2018-01-07, 06:34 PM
Loku is armed for the trials to come. Grappler Arm (http://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/Heart-of-the-Empire/Supply%20Deck/Grappler%20Arm_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.jp g)ed.

The K10 Probe Droid helps to Focus its ally with Technical Support, then fires on Vinto.


The purple laser flickers around Vinto, dealing a mere 2 damage but causing the droid to yield a rather smugly-satisfied bing!

Vinto has gained an Imperial mission token.

Vinto or MHD-19, take it away. I'll update the map once it becomes pertinent. Loku is at O9 and nothing else has actually moved.

2018-01-07, 06:47 PM
We're gonna lose this, so someone open the door so we at least get any partial rewards for that (if any).

2018-01-07, 06:57 PM
I forget is this an interact to open or an attack?

Edit: and, can I interact and/or attack it from where I am?

2018-01-07, 06:59 PM
It's an interact, and you can.

2018-01-07, 07:13 PM
EarthenRite, wanna open that door? Or does someone want to have Vinto do it? Or take any other action?

2018-01-07, 07:14 PM
I use my first action to open it. Waiting for second pending the event.

2018-01-07, 07:31 PM
A tall blond man with aquiline features smirks across the room from his control station. "I had expected to see my dear sister. Apparently she's more gutless than I expected. I don't know any of you... although -" he gestures at his screens, his smug smile widening, "I feel we're already so very well acquainted."

• Deploy the reserved Elite Imperial Officer and Royal Guards to the Command Center.
• The Elite Imperial Officer is Ivan Talos.
• Apply additional health to Ivan Talos equal to the threat level (2)
• After Ivan Talos performs an attack, he may discard an Imperial mission token from his target for that target to suffer 2 strain.
• Ivan Talos may interact with a hero and discard 1 Imperial mission token from that hero to choose 1 weapon that hero is carrying and perform 2 attacks using that weapon.
• When an attack targeting Ivan Talos is declared, he may discard 1 Imperial mission token from the attacker to add 1 black defense die to his defense pool.
• The mission ends when Ivan Talos is defeated.

Play Resumes

2018-01-07, 08:00 PM

Stress move to M8
Action 2 - Fire on the topmost guard - BYG - [roll0]
Defense - b - [roll1]

Results - 2 damage but negated. Unless you use the token and cancel out surges, I am stunning and healing strain.

2018-01-07, 08:05 PM
The Royal Guards attack Vinto.



2018-01-07, 08:07 PM
Vinto takes 4 damage and is Stunned.

Can we call this done now? I think you know you're not getting through Ivan Talos before I glass your Rodian.

2018-01-07, 08:13 PM
Vinto takes 4 damage and is Stunned.

Can we call this done now? I think you know you're not getting through Ivan Talos before I glass your Rodian.

Yeah. I say call it.

2018-01-07, 08:17 PM
Yeah. I say call it.

Agreed, sadly.

2018-01-07, 08:23 PM
I don't really think I need to wait on confirmation from the others at this point. Vinto is one decent attack away from doom and there's not a move he can make that won't leave him surrounded by heavy fire.

Imperial Victory

Ivan's cruel laughter pursues you over your ship's comms. "That's two for me, dear sister!" he gloats as you fly away. "Never you fear, though,
I won't tell my friends you've been trying to get the goods on them. If I did... how would I ever get to best you a third time?"

Verena does not speak for several days, spending all of her time practicing combat maneuvers and muttering under her breath.

The Imperial player receives 2 Influence.

Mission End

Each player receives 1 XP. Heroes receive 400 credits. The Imperial player receives 1 Influence.

2018-01-07, 08:36 PM
You fall back, licking your wounds, and meet up with Lando Calrissian a few days later. He presents to you his plan to infiltrate his former residence in Cloud City to acquire the master codes and other documents he left behind. Lando anticipates heavy surveillance by the ISB, but his co-conspirators on Bespin have helped identify a vulnerable window and he thinks you've got a good shot if you come in from above.

Here are your item purchase options. The party has earned 400 credits from the mission, plus 150 from loot acquired in the course of the mission, and had 200 at the start of the mission, for a total of 750. Starter items may be sold for 50 credits, as desired. I'm led to believe that Verena wishes to sell her starter melee weapon (for 25 credits) as she's upgraded, though I'd like a confirmation before I cash it in.

http://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/Twin-Shadows/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Tatooine%20Huntung%20Rifle_275_thumb_ffflogog_what ermark_cc.jpghttp://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/Return-to-Hoth/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Vibroknife_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.jpghtt p://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/Jabbas-Realm/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Emergency%20Injector_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark _cc.jpghttp://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/Twin-Shadows/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Gaffi%20Stick_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.jpg
http://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Expansion-Boxes/The-Bespin-Gambit/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Shadowsilk%20Cloak_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_c c.jpghttp://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Core-Box/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/DL-44_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.jpghttp://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Core-Box/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Marksman%20Barrel_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc .jpghttp://cards.boardwars.eu/cache/Core-Box/Rebel%20Upgrades/Tier%201/Survival%20Gear_275_thumb_ffflogog_whatermark_cc.j pg

Note that the Emergency Injector is not a Medical card and does work on MHD-19.

2018-01-07, 09:01 PM
DL44 is great for Vinto I think.

Emergency Injector is a pretty good value for 150 credits.

Unfortunately nothing really for me. The rifle is only good for range, and I have range in spades. DL44 would be fun, but it's better for Vinto.

2018-01-07, 09:16 PM
I’d take the Emergency Injector, but still banking XP

2018-01-07, 11:47 PM
Posting so you can see the next mission and get set up. Shopping/upgrades can continue.

Mission III: Reclamation

Imperial patrols are everywhere, but you reach the safehouse undetected. Before you can even knock, you're pulled inside.

Lando Calrissian peers back out of the boarded window. "You're clear, but you're late." The room overflows with curios. "Not the most impressive crew I've ever run with, but you were good enough to get me away from those goons; you'll be good enough for this. It's time to hit my old headquarters. Quickly now!"

After climbing a construction site and landing on a nearby balcony, you tumble right into a trooper patrol. Security holocams swivel. "They must not know we're here yet," Lando mutters, reaching for his blaster. "Take down those holocams!"

Mission-Specific Rules

• Doors are locked to Imperial figures.
• Neutral mission tokens represent holocams.
• A Rebel figure can interact with a holocam (Strength or Tech) to disable it.
• A Rebel figure can attack a holocam (Health: 3, Defense: none) to destroy it. Melee attacks targeting a holocam require 1 Accuracy. Apply -3 Accuracy to all attacks targeting a holocam.
• At the end of each round, increase Threat by 1 for each Rebel figure in line of sight of 1 or more holocams.
• The mission ends when all holocams are destroyed/disabled, at the end of Round 7, or when all heroes are wounded.


• Threat Level is 3.
• Please deploy on or adjacent to the Entrance token as per normal rules.

2018-01-08, 08:26 AM
Loku will start at L2

Actually make that K2. I have a plan.

I also want the first activation if possible.

Fro, can my set your sights ability be used twice per turn (once at the start and once at the end) if I have the strain for it? I'm pretty sure I can't use it twice in a row at the beginning or end (that would be up to 4 tokens per round conceivably) but once at the beginning and once at the end seems reasonable with its strain cost.

2018-01-08, 12:42 PM
L2 for Verena then.

2018-01-08, 02:09 PM
Yeah, I kinda do want the DL-44, if no one minds. Rerolls can be useful, but the extra surge damage (especially with the bonus surge from Tactical Display) is better. Banking XP, I really, really want my Off-Hand Blaster for maximum dakka. Deploying to M2. Thank goodness we don't need to worry about keeping Lando alive for this mission.

2018-01-08, 02:28 PM
Yeah, I kinda do want the DL-44, if no one minds. Rerolls can be useful, but the extra surge damage (especially with the bonus surge from Tactical Display) is better. Banking XP, I really, really want my Off-Hand Blaster for maximum dakka. Deploying to M2. Thank goodness we don't need to worry about keeping Lando alive for this mission.

I would bank for rapid fire first. Rapid Fire gives you a 3 square AOE for 1 strain that deals 1 damage to everything in LOS (and you have Thread the Needle, so for another 1s you ignore figure blocking LOS). You also get to reroll ALL dice for attacks if you want, which is super good if an enemy rolls a high defense roll.

Off-hand is only a blue die, and I found having the attack useful, but only because I had Pinpoint Shot and could always turn that pea shooter into guaranteed 1d and weaken, plus one from Boltslinger.

2018-01-08, 02:51 PM
L1 Deployment for the medbot, I believe

2018-01-09, 06:40 PM
Alright, we should be ready to begin.


Rebel Turn

2018-01-09, 07:45 PM
Using my Recon ability on the Wing Guard on I6 (2 strain).

Attacking camera at N6 [roll0]

Everyone make note of the Wing Guard ability. If you attack something adjacent to them that isn't a guardian (which wing guards are the only ones on the board atm) then you take a strain. The Wing guard also takes a strain (damage).

Also remember my recon tokens allow you to attack people even if figures block line of sight.

2018-01-09, 07:46 PM
Well, that's a miss, so recover strain (at 1/5 strain).

Firing again.


2018-01-09, 07:47 PM
FFS. I am the sniper. Recovering another strain (at 0/5)

Alright, ending my turn by using my Set Your Sights ability again to mark the Imperial Officer (2/5)