View Full Version : Pathfinder Brawler Fire-punch Build suggestions.

2017-12-25, 01:58 PM
I have a concept for a character that I'm having trouble developing a build for, and I'm looking for some suggestions. My idea is an Ifrit that focuses on fire-punching things, or at least something to that extent, combining martial arts and flame-based magic. My first thoughts are some sort of Brawler/Bloodrager multiclass, but if anyone has a better suggestion I'd love to hear it. I'm not sure that my character's personality is a fit for Monk, tbh.

Stelio Kontos
2017-12-25, 05:22 PM
Well, the obvious feat to punch things with fire is Elemental Fist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/elemental-fist-combat/), but you can't take that as a brawler until 8th level, so you might have to bother with a level of Monk of the Four Winds (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/monk/archetypes/paizo-monk-archetypes/monk-of-the-four-winds/) to start things off. Note that Elemental Fist will give you one use per level, since brawler levels count as monk levels.

Look at Maneuver Master, which you can definitely double-archetype with Monk of the Four Winds, and take Improved Trip. The main point is to get rid of the flurry of blows that will be useless when you then tack on many levels of brawler (and should stack actually).

From there I'd look into a generic trip build, trying to generate a ton of attacks and AOOs from trips.

Something like Monk (Four Winds/Maneuver Master) 1/Brawler 6 as a starting point gets you this fun

1: Combat Reflexes
1M: Improved Unarmed Strike
1M: Elemental Fist
1M: Improved Trip

At 2nd level you can take Vicious Stomp with your martial flexibility if you want. You will, with a full attack: attack (Elemental Fist twice/day), trip (with free extra attack), and hopefully Vicious Stomp if they fall.

At 3rd level you get a feat, plus your Brawler bonus combat feat, plus your brawler's flurry which gives you an extra attack and can go with:

3: Vicious Stomp
2B: Belier's Bite because why not, or take something that will let you build up a feat chain later if you'd rather do that.

Now we're doing 1d6+1d4 bleed (+1d6 fire 1/day/level), with attack at-2/attack at -2/trip, and if we succeed at the trip we get another free attack. That's not terrible at 4th level.

If fire-punching someone once per day per character level isn't enough for you, then maybe take a level of druid and stock up on Produce Flame and/or buy a wand at that point?

2017-12-25, 05:28 PM
Set yourself on fire, but gain regeneration to offset the fire damage.

Ifrits can make interesting use of Blistering Feint + a weapon that deals fire damage + feats like Disengaging Feint - highly mobile, and can make feint attempts instead of attack rolls. The easiest way to get a weapon that deals fire damage is to buy a battle poi for 5gp. If you want to punch people then you could use the Deadly Fist soulknife archetype, and take the Fire Blade skill at 8th level. Kineticist doesn't work, though, since the melee infusions can only be used as part of a normal attack.

2017-12-25, 09:06 PM
How effective would the Blood Conduit archetype for this build? Would it and Brawler multiclass well?

2017-12-26, 12:54 AM
Is 3.5 content allowed? A clawlock could be easily fluffed into this. (see signature for build).

Otherwise, how about fire (+1d6) enchantments for your unarmed strikes? Either with a Necklace of Natural Weapons or on a pair of Gauntlets (note that you need Unorthodox Flurry to flurry with gauntlets, otherwise they count as unarmed strikes). You could even add throwing and returning on the gauntlets for extra fun^^.

2017-12-26, 01:05 AM
make fire punch build here is mine
brawler constructed pugulist 1/ kineticts allthe remaining levels

2017-12-26, 01:38 AM
How married are you to Brawler? An Unchained Monk with Elemental Fist and Efreeti Style would hit most of the same notes.

2017-12-26, 02:03 AM
The character does not really fit the fluff for a Monk, which is my issue.

It should also be noted that this is for an Adventure Path, so I am not expecting a terribly high optimization requirements.

2017-12-26, 02:13 AM
Well, if you're not tied to first party, there is a Soulknife with the Dealy Fist arcehtype and the Flame Blade blade skill.

2017-12-26, 01:11 PM
Second just throwing a flaming enchantment on any gauntlet or cestus, or just brawler and get an aomf with flaming. You can dip bloodrager, but at that point I would just get a gauntlet or cestus and go straight bloodrager

Tohsaka Rin
2017-12-26, 03:41 PM
If you've got some space in your build, you might want to consider picking up the Circlet of Brass (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/variant-magic-rules/akashic-magic/veils/#TOC-Circlet-of-Brass) Veil, which will enhance your fire-based abilities.

A bit more investment will let you shoot flame-eye-beams as a standard action ranged touch attack.

2017-12-26, 07:09 PM
If 3rd party content is allowed, I strongly suggest the Aurora Soul Mystic or a Body pact Avowed with the clauses that switch damage type to fire.

2017-12-26, 09:03 PM
How tied are you to Ifrit? Because the Suli race can start fire punching at level 1. And the Suli race has Genie heritage.

2017-12-27, 09:50 AM
People are saying put Flaming on a cestus/gauntlet, put it on your Amulet of Mighty Fists. It'll get your your fiery punches. You can also use a Bodywrap of Mighty Strikes, possibly in conjunction with an AoMF, as long as you just have flaming on the one (never considered that, don't know if it's legal). I'd like to throw Aurora Fist Mystic in the 3PP ring as well, focusing on fire from Elemental Flux.