View Full Version : Answered Prayers? 3.5?

2017-12-26, 04:12 AM
I recall reading a rule in one of the books, not sure which edition, which stated the likelyhood of prayers being answered, and divine intervention. Does anyone else know the source?

2017-12-26, 04:32 AM
I recall reading a rule in one of the books, not sure which edition, which stated the likelyhood of prayers being answered, and divine intervention. Does anyone else know the source?

I haven't read any such rule in any of the books (to my knowledge, at least.)

However, back in 1st and 2nd and yes, even 3rd and 3.5 editions, some DMs house rule that some prayers can be answered by deities or agents thereof, emulating a Miracle effect of sorts. The mechanical approach is typically a d100, aiming for either a very low or very high roll.

That is, at least, in my experience. There is probably such a rule lying around, but I haven't seen it myself. Of note, praying to the gods for direct intervention without legal access to spells of such power is rarely given freely to all and Dms usually warn players that this method can be used X times in the PC's life...and in very dire situations.

2017-12-26, 04:41 AM
Like, on a mountain, with no knowledge of the area, with little hope of reasonably finding a town?

2017-12-26, 04:54 AM
Like, on a mountain, with no knowledge of the area, with little hope of reasonably finding a town?

The above scenario is presented as an obstacle, but not necessarily a dire one given the context provided. The following answers depend on the party's level overall.

If you have a cleric, Augury and/or Divination should provide the answers you need...more or less.

Hell, if you have a bard along, have him use Bardic Knowledge to find some tidbits about the land and hopefully where the town may be. No gods needed there. If he knows someone in that town or surrounding areas, refer to the party wizard or cleric and..

Cast Sending. It will take a few minutes, but the recipient should provide directions using 25 words or less.

All these resources can be acquired by the party at level 7 at the highest, but then again, without further information about your party's make up, we can't help further.

2017-12-26, 04:57 AM
Well, I am currently the Bard, but our characters are from another Prime... So, bardic knowledge isn't particularly useful, we also happen to be level 2.

2017-12-26, 05:07 AM
I recall reading a rule in one of the books, not sure which edition, which stated the likelyhood of prayers being answered, and divine intervention. Does anyone else know the source?
this is definitely not a real rule in 3.x, so it's probably a relic from older editions.

Like, on a mountain, with no knowledge of the area, with little hope of reasonably finding a town?
you can use survival checks since you're too low a level to use most spells that wold help you.

Well, I am currently the Bard, but our characters are from another Prime... So, bardic knowledge isn't particularly useful, we also happen to be level 2.

bardic knowledge works for everything. it doesn't require your guy personally be familiar with the knowledge, or it'd only teach you things you already knew. it's based on how well known the knowledge is.

2017-12-26, 05:11 AM
Well, I am currently the Bard, but our characters are from another Prime... So, bardic knowledge isn't particularly useful, we also happen to be level 2.

Bardic Knowledge should allow your PC to gain access to information even if this is not your current world. Barring that, any trackers in your party could lead you down the mountain and use Survival to find places of rest from any aggressive wild life in the region and find tracks left by the villagers that could lead you to their home..

If all that fails, and chances of finding the hidden village are impossible... then a prayer to a deity might be the answer. Mind you that since your party is 2nd level, the prayer might not be answered at all and if it is, it would be rather cryptic- enough leads to send you in the hopefully right direction.

Usually when the DM places your party in such a scenario, there is a way to find your objective, but not through the easy way out via DM fiat aka Divine Intervention.

maybe he wants the party to explore and level up a bit in the wilds before finding the village? Just a thought.

2017-12-26, 07:10 AM
there's a feat, 3rd party, book of the righteous, that gives you 1% chance of your god hearing you plea and intervening
2nd edition, followers of anhur, there was a similar rule, but I think it involved also killing a higher level enemy in battle

2017-12-26, 07:22 AM
bardic knowledge works for everything. it doesn't require your guy personally be familiar with the knowledge, or it'd only teach you things you already knew. it's based on how well known the knowledge is.

Presumably how well known the knowledge of an entirely different prime among countless, let alone not knowing which prime he's even on... DC's probably gonna be too high for him to even be able to try.

Fouredged Sword
2017-12-26, 09:29 AM
Look for smoke from a fire - unless you are building a fire to be hidden it should be visible for miles on a clear day. Failing that find water and follow it.

Dnd is stuffed full of sentient creatures. You will stumble on something sooner or later. Just keep moving at half speed and making the dc 10 wisdom checks to eat for the day. Failing a few times won't be a problem so long as someone in the group rolls high. Even if you miss a few meals you will survive.