View Full Version : Optimization Feats and Multi-classing for Immortal Mystic

2017-12-26, 07:47 PM
I'm playing a mystic in a game right now and I'm probably going to take a feat since my DM's allowing it and I might multiclass too. Anyone got suggestions as to what feats and/or multi-class options I should take?

2017-12-26, 07:59 PM
Your Feat should follow your playstyle. Can't really give you advice without more information about how your character currently handles himself.

Really the multiclass situation is the same... What do you want? What do you do now? What are your disciplines currently? You'll want to look for gaps you can fill, or alternatively, strengths you can synergize your powers with.

2017-12-26, 08:19 PM
The main dip that jumps out at me is Bladesinger 2. Grab a melee cantrip or two to boost your single-shot melee attacks, and grab Int-to-AC twice per Short Rest.

2017-12-26, 08:46 PM
Your Feat should follow your playstyle. Can't really give you advice without more information about how your character currently handles himself.

Really the multiclass situation is the same... What do you want? What do you do now? What are your disciplines currently? You'll want to look for gaps you can fill, or alternatively, strengths you can synergize your powers with.

Well I serve as the party's tank, so I'd like to further my capabilities as a tank. I'm level three and my disciplines are Brute Force and Bestial Form and my talents are Light Step and Mind Slam.

My usual strategy is to Light Step to traverse the battlefield quickly, and I use Mind Slam and Brute Force to keep enemies away from my party members. When things get a bit hairy I use Bestial Form in whatever way the situation calls for. Sometimes its good for more mobility, extra AC or finding an invisible guy.

What I want to improve is damage consistency so that I'm not just disabling enemies and leaving them for someone else, and I want to improve my tanky-ness even more.

2017-12-26, 09:38 PM
Well I serve as the party's tank, so I'd like to further my capabilities as a tank. I'm level three and my disciplines are Brute Force and Bestial Form and my talents are Light Step and Mind Slam.

My usual strategy is to Light Step to traverse the battlefield quickly, and I use Mind Slam and Brute Force to keep enemies away from my party members. When things get a bit hairy I use Bestial Form in whatever way the situation calls for. Sometimes its good for more mobility, extra AC or finding an invisible guy.

What I want to improve is damage consistency so that I'm not just disabling enemies and leaving them for someone else, and I want to improve my tanky-ness even more.

level 3 immortal should have more than 2 disciplines. what were your other choices.

From what you said i think PAM might be good if you are using a quarterstaff or something.

You could grab mobile so you don't have to use light step every round.

Maybe magic initiate wizard. grab GFB or BB and a familiar.

2017-12-27, 03:13 AM
level 3 immortal should have more than 2 disciplines. what were your other choices.

I could be wrong, but as far as I know a level 3 mystic only has 2 disciplines.

Anyways thanks for the suggestions.

2017-12-27, 06:19 AM
I could be wrong, but as far as I know a level 3 mystic only has 2 disciplines.

Anyways thanks for the suggestions.

You should know 4:

Level: 3
Prof: +2 Mystic
Perk for level: Order feature
Talent: 2
Disciples: 2
Psi Points: 14
Psi Point Limit: 3

Bonus Disciplines
At 1st level, you learn two additional psionic disciplines of your choice. They must be chosen from among the Immortal disciplines.

So a total of 4. 2 from the class, 2 bonus from 1st level perk of the Immortal order. All orders save the Soulknife get 2 bonus disciplines.

Mr A25
2017-12-27, 06:26 AM
For the record you should have 4 disciplines. 2 from your normal mystic progression and 2 from being an order of the immortal mystic.

For added disciplines, I’d recommend the following:
Celerity - allows for increased movement around the battlefield and much increased defensive options such as dashing, dodging and becoming invisible.

Intellect Fortress - just provides a few more general defensive buffs and makes enemies hesitant to target you (pairs well with sentinel)

Mantle of Command - become a commander on and improve both your self and your allies performance.

Mastery of Ice - offers great battlefield control.

Nomadic Step - again excellent movement options, a bit more focused on it than celerity, but you can mess with enemies more with this.

Precognition - sort of like the 9th level spell foresight, need I say any more?

Psionic Restoration - healing, healing and more healing.

Psychic Assualt - increase your psychic damage output.

For multiclassing, I’m personally fond of fighter, I’d recommend going to level 5 to get extra attack and using either the Battlemaster or Cavalier. Depending on what level you want to take it to you could even get three attacks, although you are more fighter than Mystic then.

For ultimate tanking, Barbarian is always good, although i must admit I’m not sure how rage works with psionics, considering it isn’t spellcasting.

For feats, the two I’d say to grab would be Sentinel and Mobile.

2017-12-27, 07:26 AM
You should know 4:

Level: 3
Prof: +2 Mystic
Perk for level: Order feature
Talent: 2
Disciples: 2
Psi Points: 14
Psi Point Limit: 3

Bonus Disciplines
At 1st level, you learn two additional psionic disciplines of your choice. They must be chosen from among the Immortal disciplines.

So a total of 4. 2 from the class, 2 bonus from 1st level perk of the Immortal order. All orders save the Soulknife get 2 bonus disciplines.

Raif is absolutely correct.

If you want to increase your tankiness, go with Mastery of Ice. For 3pp (your current limit) you can cast Frozen Sanctuary which grants you 20 temp hp that last all day. Cast it first thing, and you'll be amazing at this level.

I would also suggest Psionic Restoration, as it allows you self healing. Also helps out the party healer.

As for feats...PAM would be decent. Sentinel makes for a decent lockdown build. The Tough feat adds HP. Hard to beat that.

Feel free to look through the guide I made in my signature below!

2017-12-27, 10:02 AM
Bonus Disciplines
At 1st level, you learn two additional psionic disciplines of your choice. They must be chosen from among the Immortal disciplines.

So a total of 4. 2 from the class, 2 bonus from 1st level perk of the Immortal order. All orders save the Soulknife get 2 bonus disciplines.

Ha ha, oh my god. Reading comprehension never was my strong suit. Thank you for that, now my character will be a bit more useful.

2017-12-28, 12:49 AM
Ha ha, oh my god. Reading comprehension never was my strong suit. Thank you for that, now my character will be a bit more useful.

It would be good feedback for the Mystic survey that you had perfectly playable character at low levels while missing 1/2 of your disciplines.

2018-01-18, 01:11 PM
Take a look at Mastery of Air(MoA). It is just a WHOLE BAG of useful tricks.

Focus: It's feather fall (you fall at normal speed, you just don't take damage) AND you ignore difficult terrain.
Wind Step: Lets you convert movement into fly speed for that turn. And it DOESN'T use any actions to use. It just HAPPENS during your movement.
Wind Stream: Low damage + prone on a failed save to a potentially LARGE group of enemies (also hits friendlies).
CLOAK OF AIR: ALL attack rolls against you for 10 minutes have disadvantage. ALL of them. Melee attacks. Ranged attacks. SPELL attacks. You also get to use your reaction to make an enemy that misses you (probably) punch itself in the face. Plus it only takes a bonus action to start? Yes. Please.
Wind Form:Fly spell...
Misty Form:Gaseous Form...Only without the 10ft fly...and without any of the downsides.
Animate Air: Conjure Air Elemental. Only you have TOTAL control over it. No need to give it verbal orders. It is part of your mind. And it ALSO doesn't freak out and attack you if your concentration breaks. It just dissipates.

Mastery of Ice(MoI) isn't BAD. But it is nowhere NEAR as useful as MoA. Also remember that as an Immortal, you are getting your INT mod in temp HP at the beginning of each of your turns. The 20 temp hp from MoI: Frozen Sanctuary may look good on paper, but they are a waste when you could just subtract damage done to you each turn from your FREE buffer. MoI DOES give you higher damage with Frozen Rain. But that damage hits friendlies, so it can be hard to use. MoI also DOESN'T have an elemental, though the wall from Ice Barrier is also useful.

In addition, you should REALLY look at taking one of the two AC boosting Disciplines. +1 AC for the low low price of spending a bonus action to change focus is FANTASTIC at low levels. And it is still worth keeping around later on.

You have to choose between:
Iron Durability
Immortal Discipline. So you can take it as one of the two 'free' powers for being an Immortal.
Iron Hide is basically the Shield spell. Only you have to deal with your Psi Limit. But you don't have to spend any more points than necessary to force a miss. And it doesn't work against Magic Missile.
The other two abilities are kinda trash. Steel Hide costs 2PP and a Bonus Action for 2 turns of resistance to B/P/S. Not the worst, but it isn't cheap. But Iron Resistance costs 7PP and a STANDARD Action AND CONCENTRATION for resistance to ONE of B/P/S...so bad.

Mastery of Wood and Earth
Animate Weapon is a MELEE WEAPON ATTACK that you can do at 30ft. Decent scaling damage(Force). There are probably some fun things you can do with this...
Warp Weapon is a reasonably cheap (2PP) denial. Unfortunately the Save is Strength, and the enemies you REALLY want to prevent from smashing a buddy with a huge weapon usually have a high STR. But it has a 60ft range, so it IS an option if you REALLY need to stop an ally from getting smacked.
Warp Armor is a situational debuff. Only works against mundane armor so it's most useful against Humanoids.
Wall of Wood is...a wall...of wood. 3PP gets you 60ft of solid 15ft tall wooden wall. 12AC and 100hp per 5ft section makes it the hardest to kill Mystic wall (of the ones that can actually BE attacked). VERY good. Remember that walls DON'T need to be straight lines. You can make a square with 15ft sides, a 10x20ft box (with no roof), a 5x25ft 'tunnel' with no doors (again with no roof), or plenty of other shapes. Can you tell I like this wall? The two shapes I have used the most so far (I use this discipline on my Mystic/Bard) are:
The '[I]Anywhere Choke Point': A 10ft wide 25ft long hallway with one end sealed and the other open. The squishy guys can stay in the closed end, and the two beefiest melee fighters can block the way in.
The 'Roach Motel': 60ft of wall is exactly enough to wall off a 10x10ft square, with each internal 5x5ft square sealed from each other so they can't help the others climb out. This relies on enemy positioning, so you won't always catch 4 enemies. But you also have enough to trap 3 enemies standing side by side (with 1 extra 5ft wall section to spare).
Animate Earth. Another elemental summon. Same minor bonuses as Animate Air listed above.
Not an Immortal Discipline.
Armored Form is expensive at 6PP and it requires concentration. There are worse ways to spend your PP. But your concentration is probably better off used on avoiding the damage with Cloak of Air.

I think it's pretty clear which one I prefer between the two. But at level 1 you are probably better off going with Iron Durability since you HAVE to take at least 2 Immortal Disciplines. You can trade it out at a later level. ANY level. Not just ones where you gain a new discipline. Level 3 is when your Psi Limit goes up to 3 which unlocks the ability to use Wall of Wood. So swapping it out at level 2 or 3 is fine.

Keep in mind that 'tanking' is not just about keeping yourself alive. It also includes keeping OTHERS alive. Usually by keeping control of the battle. Forced movement, Walls, Status Effects, and other things can all be a part of 'tanking'.

Other useful Disciplines for tanking:
Mantle of Command (Avatar): LOTS of ways to trade your action for friendly actions. More ways to let your allies move around during your turn.
Giant Growth (Immortal): Get more reach. Get bigger. Get even MORE reach.
Mastery of Light and Darkness (Wu Jen): See through natural and magical Darkness. Cause darkness. Light that can be applied to an enemy (touch) that grants allies advantage. Summon TWO shadows for 3PP and control their actions.
Nomadic Step (Nomad): All sorts of teleportation in here. Move yourself into the fray. Swap places with an ally in trouble.
Psionic Restoration (Immortal): Cure Wounds. Restoration. Revivify. And something like Greater Restoration only it removes different things. Who needs a Cleric?

Martial Weapons
Rage - But you can't concentrate while raging.
Danger Sense at 2
Extra Attack at 5
Fast Movement (+10) at 5
Primal Path Features at 3 & 6
Bard - (College of Valor or Swords)
Bardic Inspiration
Jack of all trades at 2
Song of Rest at 2
Expertise at 3
Font of Inspiration at 5
College of Valor
Martial Weapons
Medium Armor
Combat Inspiration
Extra Attack at 6
College of Swords
Medium Armor
Fighting Style
Blade Flourish
Extra Attack at 6
Martial Weapons
Medium Armor
Fighting Style
Action Surge at 2
Second Wind at 2
Extra Attack at 5
Martial Archetype Feature at 3
Extra ASI/Feat at 6
Martial Arts
Unarmored Movement (+10) at 2
Stunning Strike at 5
Extra Attack at 5
Path of The Kensai
Kensai Weapons at 3
One With The Blade at 6
Martial Weapons
Medium Armor
Lay on Hands
Fighting Style at 2
Divine Smite at 2
Spells at 2
Extra Attack at 5
Aura of Protection at 6
Sacred Oath Feature at 3
Ranger - The Ranger is a mess without using the Revised Ranger Unearthed Arcana. So I'm using that here. If you aren't using it. Just ignore this one multiclass option.
Martial Weapons
Medium Armor
Favored Enemy
Fighting Style at 2
Spells at 2
Extra Attack at 5 (But not for Beast Conclave)
Greater Favored Enemy at 6
Ranger Conclave Feature at 3
Warlock - (Pact of The Blade + Thirsting Blade)
Pact Magic
Eldritch Invocations
Pact of the Blade at 3
Extra Attack at 5 (With Thirsting Blade Invocation)
Otherworldly Patron Feature at 1 and 6
Wizard - (Bladesinger Arcane Tradition)
Arcane Recovery
Proficiency with a single one-handed Melee Weapon at 2
Bladesong at 2
Extra Attack at 6

The clear frontrunners to me are Fighter, Bard, and Wizard.
Fighter will have the most burst with Action Surge and they can get some interesting control with Battlemaster.
Bard will require a good Charisma, but off a ton of utility and control with spells and Bardic Inspiration options. You also get a TON of skill stuff.
Wizard will let you double dip into Intelligence. Bladesong is a HUGE buff twice per short/long rest. WIDE spell selection.
As an interesting note, If you were only going to take a 2 level multiclass dip I would still probably go Fighter or Wizard.

Lucky - Always useful. Probably not more important than getting your INT to 20 though.
Shield Master - If you pick up Shield Proficiency it will give you something to do with spare Bonus Actions. Smack them to the ground. More control is good.
Sentinel - Stopping enemy movement is nice. Let's you punish enemies that disengage.
Polearm Master - Gives you something to do with spare Bonus Actions. Causes more things to trigger an Attack of Opportunity.
BONUS: If you get access to a Fighting Style (ex. From a Fighter or Bard(Swords) dip) you should REALLY try to get Tunnel Fighter. The number of attacks it can let you get outside your turn can be crazy. ESPECIALLY if you have the Giant Growth Discipline which let's you adjust your reach on your turn to a range that will cause the most havoc. When combined with Sentinel and Polearm Master you could seriously control the battlefield with all those Opportunity Attacks.

2018-01-21, 05:02 AM
Mystic questions / My RAW interpretation
There are a couple places where the RAW for the UA Mystic is ambiguous or a little confusing. I've listed a few sections I found confusing and how I'm interpreting them. I'd be interested to hear how others are interpreting these rules.

1) Disciplies -- The RAW says that at 1st level, you choose a Mystic Order, and each discipline, other than Soul Knife, allows you to choose 2 bonus disciplines from your Mystic Order. So, does this mean you start with 3 disciplines all from your chosen order? Or, can you choose one discipline from any order you want and two diciplines from your chosen Order? I'm assuming it is the latter, because the RAW also says at 1st level "you know one psionic discipline of your choice." However, I'd be interested in other peoples opinions on this.

2) Telepathy -- The RAW says "At 2nd level, your mind awakens to the ability to communicate via telepathy." Is this telepathy one way only? Or does "communicate" imply two-way? I'm currently assuming it is the latter, because the focus for Psychic Inquisition says "While focused on this discipline, you know when a creature communicating with you via telepathy is lying." Additionally, Exacting Query states "the target truthfully answers one question you ask it via telepathy."

3) Psionic Mastery -- The RAW says "As an action, you gain 9 special psi points that you can spend only on disciplines that require an action or a bonus action to use. You can use all 9 points on one discipline, or you can spread them across multiple disciplines. You can’t also spend your normal psi points on these disciplines; you can spend only the special points gained from this feature." This is worded kind of funky, but my interpretation of this is basically that I have two pools of psi points. I have my "normal pool" and I have a "special pool". I just need to treat these two pools separately. So, if I only have three points left in my "special pool" then I can't add points from my "normal pool" to do something requiring 7 psi points. The disciplines that use these two pools both come from your "disciplines known", and you can use your "normal pool" and your "special pool" on the same discipline, but not at the same time. Basically, you just can't combine the pools.

4) Psionic Mastery -- The RAW says "If more than one of the disciplines you activate with these points require concentration, you can concentrate on all of them. Activating one of them ends any effect you were already concentrating on, and if you begin concentrating on an effect that doesn’t use these special points, the disciplines end that you’re concentrating on." My interpretation of this is that if I am concentrating on a discipline that uses my "normal pool" then I stop concentrating on that discipline when I start using my "special pool". When using my "special pool" I can concentrate on several disciplines simultaniously. If I'm concentrating on disciplines that uses my "special pool" and then start concentrating on something that uses my "normal pool" then concentration stops on disciplines from the "special pool" and starts on the discipline from the "normal pool" (presumably I'd do this when I was running out of "special pool" psi points).

5) Total psi points at 20th level -- If you look at the chart it is 71 points. However, that's just the psi points from your "normal pool". Your "special pool" gets 9 psi points at 11th level, which becomes 11 points at 15th level. But, you also get an additional use of the feature at 13th, 15th, and 17th level. So, in effect, your "special pool" has 44 psi points at 17th level and above (11 psi points times four uses). You also have a third pool of points. The 10th level Consumpive Power ability lets you convert hit points into psi points, so at 20th level this would be 105 psi points (10 hp + 5 hp * 19 levels). This is a total of 220 psi points. It also might be a real good idea to take the Tough Feat, which will give you and extra 2 hp per level (i.e. 40 more hp/psi points). If you have a 20 CON this would be another 100 hp (360 psi points total). I also thought there was something that would let you take the maximum roll for your hit dice, but I can't find it now, but if it exists that would be another 100 hp/psi points. [At the very least, the Mystic guide should point this information out.]

2018-01-21, 10:35 AM
It would be good feedback for the Mystic survey that you had perfectly playable character at low levels while missing 1/2 of your disciplines.

That can hapen with breadth-based classes.

I'm playing a Mystic , just hit level 3, and I have yet to ever use one of my three starting disciplines. But with the other two I managed to contribute enough to not be dead weight.

2018-01-21, 03:53 PM
One more thing...

Immortal's Psionic Resilience -- The RAW says "Starting at 3rd level, your psionic energy grants you extraordinary fortitude. At the start of each of your turns, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 0) if you have at least 1 hit point." So, what exactly does this mean? If you have a 20 INT do you get 5 temp hp every turn and they just keep adding up and adding up? I don't think so. I think it means you get 5 temp hp, and if you lose any of the temp hp in a round then you get the 5 temp hp back again on your next turn. However, this also leads to another question -- can you use these 5 temp hp with Consumptive Power to turn them into psi points? On this question, I'd say that Consumptive Power takes the hp from your normal hp and reduces your max hp, so the question is mute until all you have left is those 5 temp hp. Maybe you could use 4 of them at that point to stay above 0 hp.

2018-01-21, 05:39 PM
One more thing...

Immortal's Psionic Resilience -- The RAW says "Starting at 3rd level, your psionic energy grants you extraordinary fortitude. At the start of each of your turns, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 0) if you have at least 1 hit point." So, what exactly does this mean? If you have a 20 INT do you get 5 temp hp every turn and they just keep adding up and adding up? I don't think so. I think it means you get 5 temp hp, and if you lose any of the temp hp in a round then you get the 5 temp hp back again on your next turn. However, this also leads to another question -- can you use these 5 temp hp with Consumptive Power to turn them into psi points? On this question, I'd say that Consumptive Power takes the hp from your normal hp and reduces your max hp, so the question is mute until all you have left is those 5 temp hp. Maybe you could use 4 of them at that point to stay above 0 hp.

Temp HP basically never stack, so no, you can't pile them up, they just refresh per turn.

And no, you can't spend them for Consumptive power. That reduces your max HP, while temp HP are a sort of "side lifebar".

2018-01-22, 09:23 AM
Mystic questions / My RAW interpretation
There are a couple places where the RAW for the UA Mystic is ambiguous or a little confusing. I've listed a few sections I found confusing and how I'm interpreting them. I'd be interested to hear how others are interpreting these rules.

1) Disciplies -- The RAW says that at 1st level, you choose a Mystic Order, and each discipline, other than Soul Knife, allows you to choose 2 bonus disciplines from your Mystic Order. So, does this mean you start with 3 disciplines all from your chosen order? Or, can you choose one discipline from any order you want and two diciplines from your chosen Order? I'm assuming it is the latter, because the RAW also says at 1st level "you know one psionic discipline of your choice." However, I'd be interested in other peoples opinions on this.

2) Telepathy -- The RAW says "At 2nd level, your mind awakens to the ability to communicate via telepathy." Is this telepathy one way only? Or does "communicate" imply two-way? I'm currently assuming it is the latter, because the focus for Psychic Inquisition says "While focused on this discipline, you know when a creature communicating with you via telepathy is lying." Additionally, Exacting Query states "the target truthfully answers one question you ask it via telepathy."

3) Psionic Mastery -- The RAW says "As an action, you gain 9 special psi points that you can spend only on disciplines that require an action or a bonus action to use. You can use all 9 points on one discipline, or you can spread them across multiple disciplines. You can’t also spend your normal psi points on these disciplines; you can spend only the special points gained from this feature." This is worded kind of funky, but my interpretation of this is basically that I have two pools of psi points. I have my "normal pool" and I have a "special pool". I just need to treat these two pools separately. So, if I only have three points left in my "special pool" then I can't add points from my "normal pool" to do something requiring 7 psi points. The disciplines that use these two pools both come from your "disciplines known", and you can use your "normal pool" and your "special pool" on the same discipline, but not at the same time. Basically, you just can't combine the pools.

4) Psionic Mastery -- The RAW says "If more than one of the disciplines you activate with these points require concentration, you can concentrate on all of them. Activating one of them ends any effect you were already concentrating on, and if you begin concentrating on an effect that doesn’t use these special points, the disciplines end that you’re concentrating on." My interpretation of this is that if I am concentrating on a discipline that uses my "normal pool" then I stop concentrating on that discipline when I start using my "special pool". When using my "special pool" I can concentrate on several disciplines simultaniously. If I'm concentrating on disciplines that uses my "special pool" and then start concentrating on something that uses my "normal pool" then concentration stops on disciplines from the "special pool" and starts on the discipline from the "normal pool" (presumably I'd do this when I was running out of "special pool" psi points).

5) Total psi points at 20th level -- If you look at the chart it is 71 points. However, that's just the psi points from your "normal pool". Your "special pool" gets 9 psi points at 11th level, which becomes 11 points at 15th level. But, you also get an additional use of the feature at 13th, 15th, and 17th level. So, in effect, your "special pool" has 44 psi points at 17th level and above (11 psi points times four uses). You also have a third pool of points. The 10th level Consumpive Power ability lets you convert hit points into psi points, so at 20th level this would be 105 psi points (10 hp + 5 hp * 19 levels). This is a total of 220 psi points. It also might be a real good idea to take the Tough Feat, which will give you and extra 2 hp per level (i.e. 40 more hp/psi points). If you have a 20 CON this would be another 100 hp (360 psi points total). I also thought there was something that would let you take the maximum roll for your hit dice, but I can't find it now, but if it exists that would be another 100 hp/psi points. [At the very least, the Mystic guide should point this information out.]

All very fine points! I definitely added in #5 to my Guide! And to add some clarification...

1. Everyone but Soul Knife builds gets a bonus of two known disciplines from their order. The ones listed in the Mystic chart can be from ANY Order. Therefore, a level 1 Immortal could take Adaptive body, Giant growth, and nomadic mind, and still be correct. Alternatively, you could pick another immortal discipline. The choice is yours. :D

2. If you look up the Telepathy spell (Level 8 wizard), I believe this will answer your question better than I can explain. This is assuming that the telepathy power works the same as the spell. I would assume it would.

3. You are correct in your train of thought; you cannot mix these pools. WotC could afford to hire a better proofreader.

4. Again, you are correct. This would help you throw up multiple walls, although each one still requires its own action. Mixed with a MC fighter with action surge, you could be throwing two walls a turn, although this will be a bit costly on your PP total for the day.

Thanks for the info yo!

2019-02-27, 04:16 PM
Mystic questions / My RAW interpretation
There are a couple places where the RAW for the UA Mystic is ambiguous or a little confusing. I've listed a few sections I found confusing and how I'm interpreting them. I'd be interested to hear how others are interpreting these rules.

1) Disciplies -- The RAW says that at 1st level, you choose a Mystic Order, and each discipline, other than Soul Knife, allows you to choose 2 bonus disciplines from your Mystic Order. So, does this mean you start with 3 disciplines all from your chosen order? Or, can you choose one discipline from any order you want and two diciplines from your chosen Order? I'm assuming it is the latter, because the RAW also says at 1st level "you know one psionic discipline of your choice." However, I'd be interested in other peoples opinions on this.

2) Telepathy -- The RAW says "At 2nd level, your mind awakens to the ability to communicate via telepathy." Is this telepathy one way only? Or does "communicate" imply two-way? I'm currently assuming it is the latter, because the focus for Psychic Inquisition says "While focused on this discipline, you know when a creature communicating with you via telepathy is lying." Additionally, Exacting Query states "the target truthfully answers one question you ask it via telepathy."

3) Psionic Mastery -- The RAW says "As an action, you gain 9 special psi points that you can spend only on disciplines that require an action or a bonus action to use. You can use all 9 points on one discipline, or you can spread them across multiple disciplines. You can’t also spend your normal psi points on these disciplines; you can spend only the special points gained from this feature." This is worded kind of funky, but my interpretation of this is basically that I have two pools of psi points. I have my "normal pool" and I have a "special pool". I just need to treat these two pools separately. So, if I only have three points left in my "special pool" then I can't add points from my "normal pool" to do something requiring 7 psi points. The disciplines that use these two pools both come from your "disciplines known", and you can use your "normal pool" and your "special pool" on the same discipline, but not at the same time. Basically, you just can't combine the pools.

4) Psionic Mastery -- The RAW says "If more than one of the disciplines you activate with these points require concentration, you can concentrate on all of them. Activating one of them ends any effect you were already concentrating on, and if you begin concentrating on an effect that doesn’t use these special points, the disciplines end that you’re concentrating on." My interpretation of this is that if I am concentrating on a discipline that uses my "normal pool" then I stop concentrating on that discipline when I start using my "special pool". When using my "special pool" I can concentrate on several disciplines simultaniously. If I'm concentrating on disciplines that uses my "special pool" and then start concentrating on something that uses my "normal pool" then concentration stops on disciplines from the "special pool" and starts on the discipline from the "normal pool" (presumably I'd do this when I was running out of "special pool" psi points).

5) Total psi points at 20th level -- If you look at the chart it is 71 points. However, that's just the psi points from your "normal pool". Your "special pool" gets 9 psi points at 11th level, which becomes 11 points at 15th level. But, you also get an additional use of the feature at 13th, 15th, and 17th level. So, in effect, your "special pool" has 44 psi points at 17th level and above (11 psi points times four uses). You also have a third pool of points. The 10th level Consumpive Power ability lets you convert hit points into psi points, so at 20th level this would be 105 psi points (10 hp + 5 hp * 19 levels). This is a total of 220 psi points. It also might be a real good idea to take the Tough Feat, which will give you and extra 2 hp per level (i.e. 40 more hp/psi points). If you have a 20 CON this would be another 100 hp (360 psi points total). I also thought there was something that would let you take the maximum roll for your hit dice, but I can't find it now, but if it exists that would be another 100 hp/psi points. [At the very least, the Mystic guide should point this information out.]

In response to #5: Consumptive Power can only be used once per long rest, so in reality it only allows a fraction of what you’ve stated. It is used once per long rest, to apply to only one use of a psychic discipline, so at most you can get 7 psi points out of it. Therefore, you actually have a total of: 71 + 44 + 7 = 122 psi points.