View Full Version : Index [3.5] Genies

2017-12-27, 07:06 PM
Hi all,

Just wanted to double check, is this a full list of "Genies" in 3.5?

Dao (Manual of the Planes p.173)
Djinn, Noble (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/genie.htm)
Djinni (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/genie.htm)
Efreeti (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/genie.htm)
Half-Janni* (Sandstorm p.165)
Janni (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/genie.htm)
Khayal (Tome of Magic p.162)
Marid (Manual of the Planes p.173)
Qorrashi (Frostburn p.131)

..also, are there any named Genies with class levels etc. listed in any produtcs or web articles?

Cheers - T

2017-12-28, 03:43 PM
OK, I'm currently going through modules and web articles, and I've found the following so far:

Ajah-Kahar (advanced 12HD Efreeti, CR 9): EttRoG p.136
Aleam Valassar: (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fc/20060609a) (Janni Paladin 5/Assassin 5)
Dunyazad: (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/vv/20070525a) (Djinn Bard 5)
Dwaecor: (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20031031a) (Djinn Annointed Knight 5)
Jusii: (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/vv/20050218a) (Qorrashi Sorcerer 6)
Outhmann (Dao Fighter 3, CR 10): Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, p.79
Rajief (advanced 19HD Noble Djinni, CR 12): EoE p.149
Vooash: (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/pg/20030507a) (standard Marid)
Xonxin (standard Efreeti): WPMR p.29

2017-12-29, 02:43 AM
I recall there being a Dragon Magazine that had one Half Genie, if I'm not mistaken Half Efreet. I'll edit in the issue if I find it

Edit: It's actually another version of Half Janni in the Strange Bedfellows article in dragon magazine 313

2017-12-30, 04:32 PM
If Half-Janni is included too, then how about the other descendants?
Among the Planetouched, there are:
Genasi (Races of Faerūn explicitly mentioned djinn, efreet, and marid for Air, Fire, and Water Genasi)
Para-Genasi (Dragon #297) "For example, if the daughter of a mortal and an efreeti has a child with a djinni, that child's descendants might include smoke para-genasi as well as fire and air genasi"
D'hin'ni (Dragon #350) "D'hin (singular d'hin'ni) are a race of planetouched descendent from lightfoot halfling and djinn."
Djinni (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/bloodlines.htm#genieDjinni), Efreeti (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/bloodlines.htm#genieEfreeti), and Janni (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/bloodlines.htm#genieJanni) bloodlines
Bloodline of Fire [Regional] feat mentioned efreet in both FRCS and PGF versions
For notable genies, there are (by source):
Dragon #357: "Arcane Botanica" article mentioned efreeti scholar Azzyz Sahladyn ybn Rhajafadyl
Dungeon #144: "Diplomacy" adventure featured Amir Utha Alzmed (LN male jann monk 17), and briefly mentioned Xanzel Xio, the Great Khan of Dao
Dungeon #147: "Dread Pagoda of the Inscrutable Ones" adventure featured Jin Niu (female efreeti monk 3)
Exemplars of Evil have Rajief, Prince of the Djinn - male advanced noble djinni, 19 HD, CG Huge outsider (air, extraplanar)
Lost Empires of Faerūn mentioned legendary genies Calim (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Calim) and Memnon (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Memnon_(efreeti)), who are played such notable roles in the history of Calimshan; currently, they're both are under binding effect, and have no physical bodies, but still aware, and able to produce illusions and use some SLAs (pg. 124)
Monster Manual IV: "Kalamaz Al'Anar, an efreeti hiding on the Material Plane, keeps two bloodfire oozes in a small cave system that he has claimed. The efreeti now raids the surrounding area for slaves and supplies. Alternatively, Kalamaz and the two oozes are mercenaries holding their own section of a larger dungeon complex."
Planar Handbook, in the part describing the City of Brass - Authority Figures: Marrake al-Sidan al-Hariq ben Lazan, Grand Sultan of All the Efreet (LE male efreeti, sorcerer 20); Jamal Kala'un, Grand Vizier (LE male efreeti, cleric 10); Jasmine al-Hyan, Master of Secrets (LE female efreeti, rogue 8/assassin 5). Also featured Melchoir the Merchant (LE male efreeti, expert 3).

If pre-3.0 sources are OK, I can point some more...

2018-01-03, 03:47 PM
Excellent, thanks for the replies!

If pre-3.0 sources are OK, I can point some more...

Sure, it would be interesting to see some more examples.