View Full Version : Pathfinder So I made a frost sorceress, swear she's not Elsa. Not optimized but is she playable?

2017-12-28, 04:37 AM
Drisia ‘Drífa’ Trandemyr

Race: Aasimar,
Class: Crossblooded Silver Dragon / Water Elemental Sorcerer 5
Alignment: Chaotic Good,
Size: Medium,
Type: Outsider (native)
(houserule) Background: Cursed (Diplomacy, Sense Motive as class skills and +1 bonus, -2 Bluff and another +2 Sense Motive)
Homeland: Troll Marshes (but also Tenh)
Deity: Telchur (with Pholtusian upbringing)
Init +1
Senses perception +8, Darkvision

AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12
Hp 37 (5d6 + 5x con(2), +5 favored class)
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 dagger 1d4-1
Ranged +4 (thrown) dagger 1d4-1
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 18 (20)
Base Atk +2; CMB +1 CMD 13
Feats: Eschew Materials (b), Frozen Magic (1)(house ruled from older book: can add Cold descriptor to spells with move action, or give spells that already have cold descriptor +1 CL, if there is ice and snow around), Craft Wondrous Item (3), Rime Spell (5)
Bluff(Cha)+7 (1), Diplomacy(Cha)+12 (1), Intimidate(Cha)+9 (1), Knowledge[Arcana]+10 (5), Knowledge[The Planes](Int)+6 (1), Linguistics(Int)+3 (1), Perception(Wis)+9 (3), Sense Motive(Wis)+9 (2), Spellcraft(Int)+10 (5)

Language: Common, Celestial, Aquan, Draconic, Sylvan
Special Qualities: +2 racial bonus to Perception and Diplomacy, Acid/Cold/Electric Resistance 5, Elemental Substitution Cold, Natural Armor 1, Darkvision 60, Daylight 1/day, Ice Ray (1d6+2 cold) 8/day, +1/die cold damage for spells.

Spells(known) (Bloodline):

Cantrips (5): Acid/Cold Splash, Touch of Fatigue, Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation
Per day [inf], DC 15
Level 1 (3): Charm Person, Hydraulic Push, Mage Armor, (Burning Hands)
Per Day: 8, DC 16
Level 2 (1): Snow Shape, (Scorching Ray)
Per Day: 5, DC 17
Carrying capacity 25/53/80
Combat Gear: Dagger, other gear:
Bought for homebrew starting wealth of 5250: (cost) [weight]
[* indicates self made]
Wand of Protection from Evil (750) [0.5]
Cool Headband*: [headband of alluring charisma +2] (2000) [1] (Appears to be made of ice crystals)
Rime Cape*: [Cloak of Resistance +1(500x1.5), Handy Haversack(1000)] (1750) [6] Shimmering blue transparent cape with unnaturally deep pockets.
Antifreeze*: [Bracers of Armor +1] (500) [1]
Other gear:(C-indicates that it's kept in the cloak)
Potion of cure light wounds x2 (100) [2](C), Dagger (2) [1], Medium Tent (15) [30](C), Folding Chair (2) [10](C), 2x Artisan Tools (Clothing, Jewelry) (10) [10](C) Sorcerer’s Kit(C) (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin.(8)) [19]
Total - 5135 of stuff
Gold: 113

2017-12-28, 05:12 AM
Important caveat in that she's aiming for a prestige class which will give her full casting progression and at level 4 of the class (9 overall), she'll get an ability that lets her ignore cold resistance and treat cold immunity as only ignoring half the damage, only cold subtype creatures remain immune.