View Full Version : Spells reflavored as nonmagical items: Let's make some!

The Shadowdove
2017-12-28, 05:00 AM
Hey forum-lurkers,

I always get a kick out of magical spells/items that people have adapted into clever interpretations for their own tables.

How about we brainstorm a bunch of cool ways to turn magical spells into similar nonmagical items?!?

An easy example are explosives or acid grenades, or smoke bombs paired with relevant spells!

Share your ideas. Not everyone says it, but it's always fun finding material for our own games from the experiences you post for us to find.

Happy creating.


2017-12-28, 08:40 AM
I have not tried anything like this before, but here is a couple of things that could work.

Acid splash: easy, you splash a vial of acid on someone.
Fire-bolt: you aren’t actually hurling a ball of fire at someone, you are just firing a flaming arrow or similar projectile
Light: this is a little bit of an exegerration, but perhaps this could be reflavored as you placing glowing mushrooms/fungi on something.
Mending: you are just a really quick when it comes to fixing things
Poison spray: another easy one, you just spray a vial of poisonous gas at someone
Ray of frost: you could potentially be chucking a vial of hypothermic water or some super cold chemical at someone (depending on the setting)
Shocking grasp: If you are really weird you could just say that you keep jellyfish or electric eels in your pocket and slap someone with it. The imagery of that is wonderful, but in truth it seems very impractical.
Alarm: you just have a really observant bird or similar animal that will not shut up.
Detect magic: could be reflavored as you simply being highly intelligent and able to pick up on magical forces through investigation.
Disguise self: you are really good with the disguise kit
Expeditious retreat: you are on a major adrenaline rush right now
Fog cloud: this is a bit of an exegerration, but perhaps a highly potent medieval smoke bomb
Grease: you just happen to have a handy bottle of lard on you that is much bigger than it should be.
Identify: same thing as detect magic
Jump: this is once again a major stretch, but same case as expeditious retreat
Longstrider: same thing as expeditious retreat
Mage armor: this could potentially be reflavored as you just temporarily putting more effort into dodging
Shield: you are parrying it blocking an enemies attack with your weapon or shield.
Arcane lock: okay, this is an intense over-exegerration but, you are the supreme locksmith
Blindness/deafness: could potentially be Refluffed as you throwing a vial of poison at someone.
Blur: you temporarily focus on becoming extremely quick.
Darkvision: your eyes have adepts to the darkness of you are simply making better use of your other senses.
Knock: some sort of complex device or battering ram is being driven into the place you want to open.
Ray of enfeeblement: you chuck a vial of poison at someone
Spider climb: you are the master of rock climbing
Web: you just happen to have massive amounts of some very sticky substance in your backpack
Bestow curse: depending on the curse, it could be reflavored as you throwing a vial of poison
Haste: you are under the effects of a major adrenaline rush
Hypnotic pattern: this is kind of ridiculous, but you have a box of handy optical illusion in your backpack and use it during combat to distract your enemies
Blight: same as ray of enfeeblement
Stone skin: you are so determined and resolved that attacks seem to cause less pain, kind of like a berserk rage
Cloud-kill: you could utilize some sort of poisonous gas I suppose
Cone of cold: you have way too many bottles of hypothermic water
Legend lore: you have a tome of epics and legends that you reference
Disintegrate: depending on what you are targeting, this could be reflavored as you throwing a vial of some sort potent acid

2017-12-28, 09:26 AM
Gnomish tinker magic. Explain everything through alchemy or an accident in an experiment. Somatic component for every spell is either 'oops or 'this time for sure' or the old standby 'hold my beer

The important part is the disconnect. You always declare a non-harmful action with your spell. "Uh oh. That beast looks hungry. I use my auto baker in a bag to make a tasty pie." *casts burning hands*
I try to appease the orc boss through his sense of humour with my joy buzzer gag *chain lightning*
I quickly assemble a self propelled cart to hasten my escape *unfolds a clown car, lots of clucking, cloudkill spell comes out the tailpipe*

2017-12-28, 10:45 AM
Suggestion: you wink convincingly at the target

Catapult : all that blurnsball finally pays off

Leomund's tiny hut: I wonder if anyone will miss this doghouse?

Guidance : "i've never done X but I had an uncle who knew everything there is to know about doing X and he always used to say...."

Mending: super glue "good as new"