View Full Version : Hello and Welcome New Members, part 12 plus 1

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2017-12-29, 04:13 PM
Welcome to the (14-1)th incarnation of the popular Welcome thread for new members.

If you are new, feel free to post your greetings and salutations here.

If you are old, feel free to stop by from time to time and welcome the new folks to the playground.

Regardless of your current status, new or old, welcome to the Playground.

(Please do keep non-salutation conversations to a minimum here, Random Banter is there for a reason.)

Useful links:

Click here to read the Forum Rules. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?a=1)
Click here to request a personalized OOTS-Style Avatar from our local artists. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?448993-Request-an-OotS-style-Avatar-14-Even-More-Revenge) Make sure to thank them!
Click here to go to the Board/Site Issues forum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?25-Board-Site-Issues), where you can ask any questions you might have and the staff will do our best to answer. Also take a look at the sticky threads at the top of the forum, your question might already be answered!

2017-12-29, 04:14 PM
Not a fan of a certain number, I take it?

2018-01-01, 07:24 PM
Hi! I've been reading OotS for years and been a lurker here for a few weeks. Just made an account today. Happy New Year everyone!

2018-01-01, 11:48 PM
Eyyy. I'm a Canadian university student and casual OotS fan here to do some play-by-post. This seems like a great community with a really friendly atmosphere.

2018-01-02, 09:18 AM
Hello! I've been reading OotS since roughly last week and I'm gaining interest in play-by-post. Nice to meet y'all!

2018-01-04, 11:38 AM
Hi! I joined so I can share a passion project on the Homebrew/RPG forum. Working toward that 10 posts to post a link!

Love this forum! Great for all the games I run and play.

2018-01-04, 12:17 PM
Frequent lurker, often searcher, newly minted registered speaker.

Thanks to all who have invested in this great site.


2018-01-05, 08:01 PM
Hello, been reading the comic for 6 months, and just got On Origin of the Cc's for Christmas! Glad to be part of this community.

No-Kill Cleric
2018-01-07, 10:38 AM
I'm not new, but I basically forgot the playground existed for a year, so I'm back!

2018-01-07, 04:10 PM
Hi I'm a new forum user.
I have been reading oots for quite a long time.

2018-01-08, 05:49 PM
Greetings everyone,

this forum seems to be a very interesting and friendly place for a D&D enthusiast like me.


P.S.: what criteria do I need to meet to change my avatar?

Cute Earth
2018-01-08, 10:17 PM

I'm a long time OotS reader and forum lurker. I'm excited to take part in the FFRP forum and also talk about my favorite podcasts, as well as my new adventures into DMing. :smallsmile:

2018-01-10, 11:00 AM
I am a new member here who has been reading the funny gaming stories for months, and reading the OOTS comics. I finally decided to join and share my funny stories as well!

Joker Justicar
2018-01-10, 05:36 PM
Hello! I'm a new guy here! I'm looking to find an online pathfinder game and someone point me here so here I am!

2018-01-11, 06:26 PM
Hi everybody! I just got an account but I've been lurking around these forums for quite a while. I hope to have cool conversations and fun times with all of you playgrounders! :smile:

2018-01-12, 09:59 AM
*Rubs Hands*

This will be fun.

2018-01-14, 12:17 AM
Hello! Long time lurker. Forum helped me many times in the past and finally decided to join. :smallsmile:

2018-01-14, 02:19 AM
i will post two more to post links:smallbiggrin:

2018-01-14, 02:20 AM
hello everyone

2018-01-14, 02:21 AM
sorry for the inconvenience, i nned to be able to post links for a play by post.

Demica Fatali
2018-01-14, 08:01 PM

My name is Demica and I am way out of my element here... heh. I'm not particularly talented at message boards but I'm gonna give this my best shot! I am a GM seeking new blood and this place came highly recommended to me.:smallsmile:

Demica Fatali
2018-01-14, 08:03 PM
Hi! I joined so I can share a passion project on the Homebrew/RPG forum. Working toward that 10 posts to post a link!

Love this forum! Great for all the games I run and play.

I'm working towards that myself!

2018-01-15, 01:49 PM
Hi, I'm Steve and I have been playing fantasy games for over 30 years, starting with AD&D. I’ve worked my way through versions 2, 3 & 3.5 before switching to the ‘dark side’ – Pathfinder!

I still play AD&D, Pathfinder and Zombicide but not as much as I’d like due to work commitments. I also really enjoy the online Neverwinter Nights D&D worlds of Amia and Arelith, although I have really struggled in the last couple of years – but I do intend returning in earnest in the future.

I've read a lot of Forgotten Realms books too, in particular those by R. A.Salvatore.

My other passion is making jokes – I’ve been doing so for over 40 years and I’ve taken to writing them down if I consider them good (or bad!) enough.

As a child I also loved drawing cartoons but stopped at the age of 12 to play sport, read, study, get a job and raise a family: I hasten to add, I didn't do all these aged 12.

A couple of years ago I realised that my kids were becoming independent and I had some more free time - so I picked up my pen and gave it another go - and loved it. They say 'you don't lose your gift' - well I don't have a gift, so I haven't lost it!

Last year I created my website (www.PunsAndDragons.com (http://www.punsanddragons.com)) and Twitter & Facebook accounts, where I have been posting cartoons ever since. I now have a good following and have therefore decided to collate them into a book which is ready to be unleashed on the world! I will shortly start a Kickstarter campaign for the book – “The Pun Master’s Guide”.

In the meantime I thought I’d get more involved in the community and I look forward to contributing, in my own way, to the forums. I hope to spread my passion and sense of fun!

2018-01-15, 06:10 PM
Hello, my name is Trevor and I'm just trying to hit the post count required to post my character sheet.

2018-01-19, 03:01 AM

You have won a FREE IPHONE 37S XL! Click here to redeem your prize!

Sent from my iPhone 37S XL, which I got by clicking the real link.

Uh, hey. I'm Text. I promise I'm not secretly a spambot. And definitely not something more sinister, like a telemarketer.
I like limeade, tea, drawing, and walks of variable size in undefined locations, and also I read webcomics sometimes.

2018-01-22, 10:19 AM
Hiya. Just here for a friend’s game.

Goblin Guard
2018-01-24, 04:31 PM
It's always nice to see new blood around here

hungry goblin noises

2018-01-25, 10:11 AM
Hello, I am new here, but a huge fan of D&D. I played D&D2e back in the day with my friends. I love the world and the gaming. However, live online and F2F games are unrealistic due to family commitments. I am looking to try out PbP and get into the 5e ruleset. I am available all work week CST and some on weekends. I am looking forward to playing with you guys, and thanks for having me!

Lord Torath
2018-01-26, 11:39 AM
I smell... fresh meat.Really? I smell... canned meat.

Or possibly a War Forged...

2018-01-26, 02:44 PM
Hi, how is everyone? I'm alright myself, cant complain.

2018-01-26, 03:32 PM
Hello, new here, hope we get to game together someday.

See you all soon.

2018-01-27, 05:42 AM
Hey guys, just here to say hi basically and hopefully join on some gaming.

2018-01-27, 10:43 PM
Hello to Everyone!

I've been having a ton of fun playing 3.5e d&d irl with a group of lovable, whipsmart miscreants at work. I played just a little of the 2nd and 3rd editions back in the day, but then had an all consuming workload for a while that didn't let me pursue much hobby-wise. Stumbled across this forum (and OotS!) when looking for advice on my current character build and have been impressed with the content and the community here. Looking forward to interacting with you all, learning, and hoping to join a play-by-post. I love the world building and shared story telling :smallsmile:

2018-01-29, 04:20 AM
Hello everyone. I've been lurking around this community for many, many years. You have all been a source of invaluable information. It is only now that I have joined, because I really want to be a player in a pbp game. All of my rpg gaming life I've been the GM, so now I want to give being the player a go! :smallsmile:

2018-01-29, 06:25 AM
Hello World

2018-01-29, 02:14 PM
Hi there everyone!

Blondie Jo
2018-01-29, 03:49 PM
Hello people, from Italy here (so please forgive any grammar mistakes but also please correct me and make me smarter ), I started playing D&D last years with some friend and I’m eager for new stuff to put in the next games or just to ponder on and this looks like the place!

2018-01-29, 05:15 PM
Hi there! My name's Magentamist. I've been playing D&D for a few months now, and I'm excited to talk with you all! I also enjoy reading, Pokemon, and roleplaying.

2018-01-29, 11:50 PM
Wellcom to my blog, you will find alk movies you want on it
You never dissapoited about my blog. Have fun!

2018-01-30, 06:41 AM
Hey guys! Here's B.C., playing RPGs since 2012, we recently bought the 5th ed and we're about to start a campaign with my group!
I'll ask for advice and hope to be a good member of this community!!

2018-01-30, 06:57 AM
Welcome!! :)

2018-01-30, 08:12 AM
Welcome, everyone!

2018-01-30, 10:30 AM
hello there, i'm looking for funny comic arts

2018-01-31, 02:57 PM
Wow. This place is chill.

2018-02-02, 03:04 AM
Hello there, I am newbie here, I am interested with stick guys :biggrin:

2018-02-03, 11:20 AM
Hey everybody.

Long time gamer. Getting more interested in game design lately, and the really interesting third party and/or smaller publisher stuff.

2018-02-04, 09:52 PM
Hello everyone. Been an avid gamer for many many years. Currently working at expanding the roster of our D&D4e community over on Roll20. Hope to see some of you crazy peeps at table!

2018-02-06, 04:36 PM
Hi new and stuff hope things go welli normally like to read more then post but hopefully i can get into things soon =)

2018-02-07, 07:40 AM
Why, hello there. I came across this forum, looked to see how active the role-playing section is, and oh wow does it look active. So I created an account about a week ago but hadn't actually posted anything with it. I'd love to get involved in an over-the-internet campaign sometime, currently can't, but figured I might as well introduce myself here anyway and perhaps get involved in some conversations, so that this account isn't just sitting here, never having been active, for the next few months until summer comes and A) I have no classes and B) my in-person RPG people are all away on break.

2018-02-07, 12:11 PM
Hello everyone! Shulk Here, (Not actually THE shulk, of course,) Big fan of OOTS for a while, And 5e DND player, and, of course, xenoblade fan. I don't really have much to say, So uh...I'M REALLY FEELING IT! HI!

2018-02-07, 06:44 PM
Good Evening!!!
My name is Ken an within the past year have been reintroduced to the world of DnD (first intro 12 years ago put me off for the longest time)
I am usually the DM for our small group of friends but this year we started a new campaign with my best friend trying his hand as DM, meaning I can kick back and relax.....
As if!
Currently working on a Heroes of the Orient campaign to pick up once his campaign comes to an end!
Love to see what all ya'll post and looking forward to learning much more!

2018-02-08, 01:22 PM
Hello everyone. New to the forum. Trying to figure my way around.

2018-02-08, 08:45 PM
I'm new here! I was given a couple of the Order of the Stick trader paperbacks as a Christmas gift, and now here I am.

2018-02-11, 12:52 AM
Hi, Hello, how are all of you. Decided to drop into the pond and stop lurking for once.

2018-02-13, 12:11 PM
Hi, everyone! I've lurked around these parts for some time, so I figured it was finally time to sign up and say hello. Avid D&D player and sometime-LARPer here.

2018-02-13, 01:29 PM
Hey, I'm really new here. No lurking, no experience in forums (does being kicked out for no reason at all count?), literally nothing. I have zilch social life which is why I am here, and intend upon changing that.
And I'm awkward. TBH, that's a huge understatement.

2018-02-13, 02:10 PM

I just found this place and it had a thread that has good information in it. Maybe I should have looked
closer before joining, I have no idea what this place is

2018-02-14, 09:38 PM
Hey. How do I change my avatar and how to I move a thread I posted in the wrong place?

2018-02-16, 06:58 PM
Hi everyone! Used to play D&D about 17 years ago, started a new campaign last week!
Definitely new to forums!

2018-02-17, 07:26 AM
Hello all, new here, just saying a quick g'morning before finding my way to the 5e board.

2018-02-19, 02:19 PM
Hello all, new here. Was invited to join a Play-by-Post and I've been here for a few days.

I'd love to join more PbP games, but I have little experience with any pnp rpg systems. I played one session of Shadowrun 5e a few weeks ago and thats about it. Every PbP game I've ever played has been rules-lite or GM's own custom. So if anyone wants a new completely fresh player for whatever reason to join their game, I'm most likely err...game.

2018-02-20, 04:22 AM
Hello Hello, my name is gairu, I am newcomer, nice to meet youuuu!

2018-02-21, 05:00 PM
Heyo. I've known about OotS for a while but only recently got around to reading it. I decided to make an account on here because it seemed like a good idea at the time. I like drawing and reading and I also watch cartoons sometimes.

Anyways, I hope I enjoy my time on here, I guess. I'm not very good with introductions, so just take this.

2018-02-21, 07:07 PM
Hello. I have decided to make an account.

2018-02-22, 10:18 AM
Hey everyone

2018-02-23, 05:17 AM
Hey, looking forward to spending some time here.

2018-02-23, 04:06 PM
joined for my first play-by-post adventure! looking forward to getting started, and eventually taking part in other campaigns.

2018-02-27, 11:29 AM
Hello, longtime lurker, finally signed up to stick a toe in and see if I can get involved in a PbP campaign. I've been pretty obsessed with the game for a number of years, but my online video game group can't seem to keep a campaign going past a session or two. I have a real life group that I used to play in, and took over DMing when our DM decided to dip on us entirely (a bit mentally unstable). I do an alright job, I'm much better at macro world building and story writing than I am at the micro of play, specifically at keeping combat interesting. I think I'm getting better. That group can't meet very frequently though and I sit around with the itch all the time.

I think you all are awesome, I've read so many campaign recaps and various other posts here. I hope to be a positive member. I know DMs are generally in higher demand than players, but if possible I'd like to get in to a moderate friendly game as a player first and get my feet wet. Also, I haven't had the chance to be a player for some time. I know 3.5 and 5 both moderately well, and i've been dabbling in FATE as well as building my own RPG system (lots of free time when you're not playing) called swiftquest. I'm an AV tech and I develop software for interactive exhibits as a 'day job'. I sometimes fancy myself a writer; i have a degree in it.

Anyways, thanks for reading.

2018-03-02, 06:54 AM
It dawned on me that I never posted a greeting here: just jumped right into the forums.

So, uh... Hey!

I'm another lurker: often found giantitp when I was looking up answers to rules disputes, homebrew ideas and general discussion on 5e. It was nicely formatted, had people who seemed to put some thought into what they said and tended to get more honest replies without people pulling their punches as much as other places. As such, when I needed to get some advice and feedback, it was the first place I looked.

So yeah: I'm here now.


2018-03-04, 11:45 PM
Hey everyone!

I'm Sin, good to meet everyone!

Glad to join the community.

You guys always seem to have the most interesting advice.

2018-03-06, 05:12 PM
hello every one!

i love dnd. i will admit to being a min-maxer. but its not on purpose i swear!

2018-03-08, 02:47 PM
Heya! Just joined today! I have not Been Into D&D until recently when we finally got a group together to play Fridays after classes. Its been a blast and since I am a writer at heart I have been asked MANY times when I am gonna take over as DM. No disrespect to my other friend and current DM hes awesome! But even he has said I should give it a whirl. Just thought I could connect with fellow players get some ideas and rant endlessly into the void about homebrewed NPCs and monsters I think up.

:D I’m always open to talk and am down to make new friends :smalltongue:

2018-03-11, 10:40 PM
Hey! I tend to go by Storm, and I'm new here. Um, I figure nobody actually reads these so... cheers to any lurkers who went this far back, I guess! Anyway, I'm somewhat new to D&D in general, though I absolutely love it and have basically thrown myself into it. I also enjoy pointless theorizing, overanalyzing everything that absolutely doesn't need to be analyzed, music, and procrastination. I'd end with something snappy, but my head's clogged up.

2018-03-11, 10:49 PM
Hey! I tend to go by Storm, and I'm new here. Um, I figure nobody actually reads these so... cheers to any lurkers who went this far back, I guess[....]!

FWLIW, I usually read these when they're new.

Welcome aboard!

A Fat Dragon
2018-03-12, 01:43 PM
Hiya, I’m new here.

Well, not exactly. I thought I posted this once, but I guess I didn’t. Better late than never, right?

Anyways, I’m a pretty straight-forward guy. I like TTRPGs, roleplaying, art, games, reading, dragons, forum-posting, dragons, and, lets see... dragons.

But, don’t think me weird. I joined this forum looking for DND advice, and out of interest, simply decided to stay around and offer advice. I hope I can help y’all, and y’all can help me.

2018-03-12, 03:01 PM
Hello! I'm new here. Hoping to play some forum-based DnD. :)

2018-03-13, 03:15 PM
Hello! I used to go on forums a lot when I was younger (under the username brownhead) but gradually all of them died 😢. I love tabletop rpgs and I'm excited that this forum seems to be a good place to talk about them 😃.

2018-03-13, 10:26 PM
Hey everyone, I'm returning after more than five(?) years of being away, jumping in to get ideas and see how well people like my own.

2018-03-14, 06:26 AM
Hello everybody. I haven't played RPGs in years but I recently met a group in the pub that do so I'll be back on it soon! I hope to find out more about D&D Planescape and Spelljammer. I'm also keen on the World of Darkness games Mage and Changeling. Mysticism and faeries are my jam :).

2018-03-14, 07:45 AM
Good to meet everybody!

2018-03-14, 03:16 PM
Hello! I love oots been reading it forever and I've gotten the opportunity to play a PbP which makes me very excited!

2018-03-15, 09:24 AM
freshly registered poster, long time lurker and oots reader.

2018-03-15, 12:13 PM
Hello!!!!!!!!!!:smallsmile::smallsmile::smallsmile :

2018-03-15, 06:03 PM
Hello all, old account here, but only just started posting.

Chaos Paladin
2018-03-17, 04:12 PM
Hi, everyone! Longtime fan of OotS; not-very-longtime D&D player. I just discovered these forums! It's good to be here!

2018-03-18, 04:24 PM
Hello! My name's Lucas, and I came to try and do some PbP! I've never done any before, but I've been playing TTRPGs for years now and would like something I don't have to schedule. I've primarily played 3.5 and Pathfinder, I've messed with 5e a bit.

I look forward to having fun here!

2018-03-18, 05:00 PM
Hi there, I'm Dave, and I love sci-fi, steampunk, and fantasy.

I'd love to try some PbPs, I've played DnD 5th edition once, only have the PHB and XGtE, and have a load of enthusiasm.
Have a nice day.

2018-03-20, 09:37 AM
Hello. I came to this forum looking for some fantasy advice for a card game I'm helping expand on.

2018-03-21, 12:40 AM
Hey everybody. Been lurking for years and looking to get into some pbp stuff. Honestly just trying to get enough posts so I can post a link.

2018-03-21, 09:33 AM
Hello everybody, I'm new here but I have been reading oots since the Azure City arc.

I love D&D although I have unfortunately never played it irl.

I'm also a big fan of play-by-post role-playing games so I hope to see you all soon, maybe in one of my games :smallbiggrin:

2018-03-21, 04:41 PM
Hi there all, semi-lurker finally joining up 😁 I was wondering how to join up in the Nexus FFRPG, it seemed like a fun thing to try.

Would love to get in on some games some time, I'm a noob when it comes to the games but I'd love to learn more!

2018-03-22, 05:20 PM
Hello! I’ve lurked here on occasion, and I decided that I’d best cease to do so posthaste; I’ve occasionally done play by post, on other venues, and it seemed prudent to take this one for a spin.

Blackwind RPG
2018-03-23, 11:35 AM
Hello, everyone!

Long time lurkers, oots fans (then again, find a roleplayer who isn't) and hardcore roleplay afictionados, enough to make our own Core System! We figured it was high time to step out of the shadows and join. Looking forward to discussing on the main boards!

Goblin Slayer
2018-03-25, 12:55 AM
Hi I am new to dnd. Always wanted to try dnd but could not find a group nearby so I opted for trying to join a forum to search for people who are willing to let me join. I know the basic rules of dnd. But have never participated in a dnd campaign before.

2018-03-27, 01:42 PM
Hi there. The usual story, been a reader for most of the time now, some 14, 15 years or so and decided to finally join up, as I've found myself browsing the forums rather often these last couple months.

2018-03-29, 04:30 PM
I suspect I already did this when actually joined the board in 2008, but since it's probably been at least that long since I said anything; I might as well (possibly) repeat myself.

Hello - again.

2018-03-30, 04:06 PM
I've finally decided to register after so much time enjoying the posts here.
So hello. I currently split my D&D time between my halfling rogue (Tika) in my 3.5e campaign and an elven homebrew ranger (Liath) in 5e.
Now I guess that I will roll to Move Silently back into the shadows of the forum.

2018-03-31, 02:20 AM
After years of lurking I felt it was time to contribute, so "hello" :smallbiggrin:. I have played all sorts of roleplaying games and have been a gamer since 1982. Currently, I am enjoying playing around with 5e while I work in Vietnam.

2018-04-02, 01:45 AM
Greetings and salutations!

Discovering OOTS was a "Where have you been all my life?" moment.

And now, I'm frequently searching for Pathfinder tips, and MANY results lead me to this forum.

This "Helo" post was, thus, inevitable. I look forward to tapping into the Nerd Collective.

2018-04-02, 11:12 AM
Have been reading the guides and stuff here for a while. Finally decided to join up since I had a question I've been unable to solve on my own. So...here I am!

Anyone interested in reading my question about preparing for a 5e PvP game, it's over in Player Help (can't link yet, but soon!)

2018-04-03, 12:15 AM
Hello! I am new here and I am looking for some Pathfinder games. I play some pathfinder society via their discord, but I would like to get involved in a home game.

2018-04-03, 10:51 AM
Hi there,

Just joined and wanted to say hello. Can't say I have used the forums much, so lots of things are still new to me. Grew up playing 3rd and 3.5 ed. with friends. Started DMing a homebrew (O.A. Campaign) and a new campaign in the Silver Marches. Mostly looking forward to finding great info here in the forums, but also possible to get some feedback.

Currently looking for lots of great info on Calimshan (Calimport & Memnon specifically)

Also anything on the fire genasi and sorcerer builds/adventures


2018-04-04, 09:56 PM
I've been reading the comic longer than I care to remember. I'm now DMing my first group. This playground is part of the reason I think it might be possible.

2018-04-05, 02:36 PM

Haven't checked in with the comic in ages, been getting on my own campaigns and consuming CR and GCP, but now it is time to re-invest in message board forums (used to so very long ago!) and lo and behold, here eye yam.

Eye yam sounds like a spell.

Probably a bard spell.

2018-04-05, 08:44 PM
Hey everyone. Long time reader of the comic and the forum. Finally felt strongly enough about one of the recent comics to want to say something so joined the forum.

2018-04-07, 01:06 AM
Apparently messages have a minimum length of 10 characters

2018-04-07, 04:42 PM
Hello! I've been reading the comic for years now, and have read the forums without registering for almost as long. I finally figured I would give it a try.

2018-04-08, 12:40 PM
Hi, I'm Sty, thanks for having me!

Chad Hooper
2018-04-08, 05:33 PM
Howdy, folks.

Just signed up to the board yesterday. I've been lurking/reading some of the D&D related postings off and on for a while.

I recently got back into DMing after a 15 year hiatus from all gaming. Started with the D&D Basic set in early '82 and progressed to AD&D/AD&D2e over the '80s & 90s, then Ars Magica for the late '90s/early 2000s. Mostly here for the RPG discussions, of course.

I'm currently running the AD&D2e campaign module Night Below (nearing end of Book 1) in my homebrew world using AD&D2e rules. Three players, one close to my age and experience, two much younger than both of us and far newer to gaming.

Outside of gaming, I'm a father of one son, grampa of three boys, married to the same woman for almost 26 years and in the same job for going on 13. I also play guitar and read science fiction, fantasy, and urban fantasy for entertainment/inspiration.

Looking forward to getting acquainted with the group here:smallsmile:

2018-04-10, 07:51 AM
Hello. I saw the Order of the Stick comic, binged most of it, and then saw there was a linked forum on the sidebar. So here I am.

2018-04-10, 03:59 PM
Hi everyone! I made this account a long time ago but haven’t ended up doing anything with it since, so this is more of an “I’m going to stop lurking” post than an “I’m joining the forum” post.

2018-04-11, 09:25 AM
Frequent lurker, often searcher, newly minted registered speaker.

Thanks to all who have invested in this great site.


What he said, but in relation to me.

2018-04-13, 02:55 AM
Hello everyone, and thank you for the opportunity to post my welcome here, instead of my first post being a question, which would make me look like a twa... can I say that?
Probably not...

However, I am a 30+ dude from germany, currently enjoying my first 5e adventure.
PnP has only been added to my hobbies, and I've been having a lot of fun with it, ever since.

Apologies for any typos or other mistakes. As I said, I'm from germany, therefore, I am not a native speaker.

2018-04-13, 11:58 PM

New to the forum!

Love the comic. :)

2018-04-15, 04:03 AM
Hi everyone! Longtime fan of the comic, DM (first 2e, now 5e), occasional lurker here on the forums, thought it was finally time to sign up.

2018-04-15, 01:30 PM
Hello everybody! :) My name is Lunch.

I merely joined last night with the hopes of roleplay/writing stories with others again.

I've been roleplaying for about 15 years now, though have been on a bit of a hiatus for a bit. I first started playing table-top D&D back in college around 7-8 years ago and fell in love with it! I started with 3e, then slowling moved into 4e, but I had the chance several years ago to DM using 5e. It's a bit of a challenge but it was fun the short time it lasted! :)

I hope to make some new friends here and have the hope to get back into roleplaying and writing stories with others. I also hope to incorporate more of the D&D feel into my writings.

Thanks for having me and feel free to message me!

I hope to post some characters soon! I hope everybody has a great day/night! :)

2018-04-16, 07:23 AM
Hello all,

Newbie from Kathmandu, Nepal...!! Nice to meet you all.

2018-04-18, 06:23 AM
Hi, My name is Filipe, half Portuguese half American, living in London! Please to meet you all!

House Greyjoy
2018-04-18, 06:47 AM
Hi everyone! Long-time lurker, first-time joiner. I've been looking for a place to do some play-by-post gaming and share my love of RPGs and general geekery, and hope to get the chance to interact with a bunch of you soon.

2018-04-19, 02:08 AM

I am new here and don't really have much experience with forums. I used to play D&D pretty heavily but unfortunately have not had a chance to play much lately. My friends still play consistently so I decided to write a program that I call The Index Compendium which can be used to store searchable libraries of indexes that display the source book that it can be found and the page number it is on. If you have the PDF for that book, then double-clicking on the index will open the proper PDF to the page that the information can be found. I created the application to be subject independent so that anyone can add libraries of indexes for anything from D&D 5th ed, Pathfinder, and Shadowrun, to Automobile Manuals, Recipe Books, and anything else you want.

Anyway, I thought that I might upload it online and share it with anyone that might find it useful. I already have a large chunk of the D&D 3.5 library completed but it is easy to add to it or create additional libraries as it can handle many different subjects at once, separated by tabs, and could be nice if people shared anything that they add.

What would be the best place to upload it to? Is there a proper thread for this sort of thing?

2018-04-19, 02:53 PM
Hi, I've browsed around here for awhile decided to join and make my first post. The post will be in assistance as to how to play a Sherlock Holmes style character at the table. Where should I post this?

2018-04-21, 12:07 AM
Hello there, was hard to find the actuall Welcome Thread ^^
most important: Bards are awesome

2018-04-21, 01:57 AM
Hello and good day to all. Allow me to introduce myself.

My name's William, and I was pointed here by a friend who noticed that I was really looking to find some Play by Post gaming and RP-ing.

And uh...that's about it, really. I have basically little to no experience when it comes to gaming, and current circumstances only allow me to do PBP. I am willing to read about and learn any system that I have to, as long as I get to play. I plan to absolutely DELVE into all this until I collapse.

So yeah. It's a pleasure to meet you all and I hope I can make some friends and play some games here. Thank you for reading! :)

2018-04-21, 03:27 PM
Greetings all! The Darkmoon here! I've been lurking on this forum for a little while now, mostly looking at the amazing DnD 5e optimizations guides some nice users have created. Now that I've seen more of what this forum/community has to offer, I may as well join in the discussion myself. PbP seems fun, and just up my alley with my hectic schedule. And maybe with enough time here someone will convince me to look at the comic that these forums were apparently based around!

2018-04-22, 12:09 AM
Hello. Just signed up here. How is everyone.
I was going to post a link and a few images of a comic of mine, but well, seems I can't at the moment.

2018-04-23, 01:12 AM
Hey there, everyone! Finally joined the forums after... uh. Well, I started reading OoTS around the Battle for Azure City arc, so, 2006... 12 years!

But, I've been reading OoTS since I was about 10, and have playing D&D on-and-off since my dad introduced me to the game proper at about 14. I tried my hand at DM-img last year, and... well, my skills need improving. I've got the world-building down, it's the execution. So for now, my S.O. DMs and I create the world. I'll be over in the Homebrew section if ya need me!

2018-04-23, 12:00 PM
just joined a little while ago, ive been reading OOTS for a long time, but after i forgot my password for my old account i just didnt bother making a new one. stoked to post on the forum again :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-24, 01:23 AM
Hi Everyone,

I've been playing pen and paper RPG's for a long long time. Like so long that I used to hang with Asmodeus when we were young lads. But then he got all full of himself and was all "I'm Lord of Avernus and I'm so much better than you and you're just a mortal loser" and such. He's a total wanker. Never make a pact with him.

Back in the day I played a lot of AD&D, Tunnels & Trolls, Runequest, and Champions. But I have to say my favorite was Call of Cthulhu. So much madness and horribly terribly awesome deaths. Any mission that did not end in a TPK was considered a success.

I recently decided to get back into D&D now that my kids are old enough to be indoctrinated play. So I've been getting up to speed on 5th Edition and I have to say I love the new rules and mechanics. So much easier than AD&D.

I'm currently running my family through Lost Mines of Phandelver and everyone is having a fantastic time.

I found this forum while searching for resources to help me DM. I gotta say the community looks very cool.

I'm very interested in DM lifeprotips.

See you all around!

:smallbiggrin: Cheers!

2018-04-27, 03:30 AM
Ich bin neu hier aus dem Land der Pyramiden, Ägypten.

2018-04-27, 06:52 AM
Hello world!

2018-04-28, 12:33 PM
Hello all, mostly join to play some pbp with other people and that's it.

2018-04-29, 08:28 PM
Hello! Long-time reader/lurker who finally stopped procrastinating about getting an account. I've been playing D&D for about two years now, with some short stints in other game systems. Looking forward to being a proper member here at last! :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-29, 11:09 PM
Hello! I'm planning to DM my first campaign of D&D 5e soon and I've been looking around here for help.

2018-05-01, 08:36 PM
'Sup, nerds? I've been playing D&D for a few years, both in the capacity of DM as well as a player

2018-05-02, 05:07 PM
Hello. Finally decided to stop second-guessing myself over it and get an account here.

2018-05-03, 02:21 AM
Hey hey.

Hope to play some good D&D!

-Chris (Arcas)

2018-05-04, 01:39 AM
Hi all!

Have used this website as an aid for questions that have come up in my games, and seen that some roleplay goes on here as well, so I thought I'd sign up and try that out. Looking forward to hanging out with you all.

2018-05-05, 04:50 AM
Hello! Totally new to this world :D I'm gonna seek some help soon!

2018-05-06, 05:44 AM
Hello! I would like to welcome this forum.

2018-05-06, 07:41 PM
Hey! I've lurked here for a few years, and finally decided to join!

2018-05-10, 10:54 AM
Hello everyone. This is my very first post on the forum, but I've been lurking for awhile.

Sopor Tyranus
2018-05-10, 12:30 PM
Greetings, New member first post.:smallbiggrin:

2018-05-10, 03:34 PM
Hello everyone!

I've been an OotS reader for a few years and I use the 5e Class build guides thread from here a lot for planning my characters.
I am a player and DM of a home brew 5e campaign and when I'm a player I've played a rogue, warlock and sorcerer.

Looking forward to meeting everyone.

2018-05-11, 09:25 PM
Hi...I'm new here. I'm a fan of the fantasy genre but not the whole sword and sorcery stuff. Like my fantasy to be out there. sometimes draws, writes and is working on a setting where a hidden world overlaps with earth but only the small can see it. Naturally, the races are bug people.

2018-05-12, 01:48 AM
Hi everyone,

My name is Sabrina or sneakykitten. I chose the name because I often am awake at night and it's an open secret that I "sneak" out here to chat online. I live in the city of Spokane in Washington at an assisted living home. I cannot seem to get an avatar on this website lol. Anyways, I struggle with social anxiety so I may not always respond properly or appropriately. My primary RP experience is play by post fantasy RPs and dating RPs on private messengers.

2018-05-12, 01:47 PM
Hello. I just want to see homebrewed races and classes based on existing fiction. That's all.

2018-05-13, 12:08 PM
Hello. This is my first time in the community. My main reason for Joining is because I have been DMing for 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons a few years now and was looking for a friendly place to discuss roll play and rules every now and again. Hope I’m at the right place. ^_^

2018-05-14, 03:36 AM
Hi! I'm a new person here on the forums, because I just read through OOTS recently and wanted to join in on the discussion for new chapters as they come out ^_^

2018-05-14, 07:44 AM

I am new to the Forum but have been reading the OOTS since... I cannot remember. Several years, and I love it. I've joined the Forum to look for PBP games of any and all types.

Also, this seems to be an appropriate place to post, so why not!


2018-05-14, 12:55 PM

I've been lurking here for a few months, mostly reading archived optimization posts.

Recently I've been expanding into the newer d&d 3.5 posts just to try to find some fun stuff to talk about.

2018-05-16, 08:43 AM
Hello every one i am new to this forums. Very happy to meet you guys.

2018-05-16, 11:50 PM
Hi all,
I am a new member looking for help from everyone thanks a lot. Have a good day!!

2018-05-17, 06:56 PM
I just signed up because of the cool avatars! But I just might stick around.

2018-05-17, 10:43 PM
Welcome, everyone!

2018-05-19, 12:53 AM
Hello. I stumbled to this forum just a while ago and it seemed fun. Pleased to meet you everyone.

2018-05-19, 07:00 PM
Hi, all! New member here, I joined up just a few days ago but I've known about this forum for a while. Haven't actually read OOTS-- I'm mainly here because this place looks like a great hub for PBP and Roleplaying games, that's all. Looking forward to this!

2018-05-20, 10:03 PM
Hello, just registered!

2018-05-22, 12:58 PM
Hello everyone.
After 13+ years of lurking I finally decided to make an account and join in on the conversation.
A friend turned me on to the comic when they were still dungeon crawling fools making corny 3.0 jokes.
I've been playing DnD for close to 20 years now and have kept coming back to these forums for reading and inspiration.
I'm looking forward to some interesting conversations and insights.


2018-05-22, 02:52 PM
Hello Andrea!
It's great to have you here @ GitP
but I think you meant to post here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?545965-Hello-and-Welcome-New-Members-part-12-plus-1).

2018-05-24, 12:31 PM
hello,been coming here for a while for inspiration, haven't really but always interested in homebrew and world creation

2018-05-28, 08:35 AM
Hello, I am new here but have been using the forums as a go to for many of my builds when I’m stuck so yeah :)

2018-05-28, 02:55 PM
Hello, everyone.
I have a confession to make. The only reason I'm posting this is because my sole goal for registering was to make a post with a link, but I can't do that 'til I make 10 posts.
So, um, here I am.

2018-05-29, 06:12 AM
Hello! I'm American girl, who is so interested in your community topic

2018-05-29, 03:04 PM
Greetings. Old school gamer been out of the hobby for a long time and starting to come back.

2018-05-30, 12:10 AM
Hiya everyone! Been lurking the forums for years, and I finally decided to make an account now that I'm making more homebrew classes, and I could use some input on them!

2018-05-30, 12:40 AM
Man, I haven't posted on a forum since my roleplaying-magical-teens-in-high-school days! Thanks for having me! I'm looking forward to hopping into some worldbuilding and module creation threads.

2018-05-31, 11:24 AM
Just really discovered this site after participating in similar sites since the 90's.
Old school D&D player, now really just a video game player since my ole crew is scattered across the planet.

I consider my self a very competitive gamer and great DM.

Look forward to posting more.


2018-05-31, 11:52 PM
Hello fellow gamers, oots fans, and carbon-based life forms!

I’ve been reading oots since before strip 100 and have enjoyed tabletop games for years. I have finally joined a message board. This is my first one ever, too.

I’ve primarily joined to seek out more D&D gaming. I played years ago in 3.5e then lost touch with my group. I stumbled into a 5e game through an acquaintance. My new group is 4 sessions in but only meet bi-weekly which doesn’t slake my thirst for dice rolls and role play.

I really hope I can find more action by becoming a part of this community. Now, I’m off to roll up another 5e character for fun. I’m making one for each class. 4 down, 8 to go. The build guides in these forums are awesome.

2018-06-03, 02:42 PM
Hello! It's been so long since I've actually joined a forum that I'm not quite sure what to put here.

To be completely honest, I really only joined because I play D&D and have character questions, and really need some like minded and experience people to bounce ideas off of. From what I've seen, the forum here is about as good a place to do so (I've gotten so many Google searches linked to here answering so many questions I've had), intelligent people with a collectively huge knowledge of the rules.

Who knows, though, beyond that, I might stick around, wander the forums like a convention, and maybe pop in to other conversations going on.

2018-06-03, 05:38 PM
Hi all,
I've been reading the forum for over a year and love it. Thank you for all the homebrew.

2018-06-06, 12:32 PM
Hello, I'm bored at work and need to pretend I'm a contributing member of society! I will now look very intently at my screen, alt-tabbing when someone gets close to pretend I'm doing something.

2018-06-07, 02:16 PM
I've always heard of this forum because of RP stuff, never heard about the Comics. Registered because a game I'm interest in playing has just started recruitment.

Hello, I'm bored at work and need to pretend I'm a contributing member of society! I will now look very intently at my screen, alt-tabbing when someone gets close to pretend I'm doing something.

Haha, like all the rest of us, I guess.

2018-06-08, 12:46 AM
Hi guys, I'm the newest member of the crew. My hobbies are playing computer games, watching sci-fi movies, and reading webcomics. I do hope to get along with everyone.

2018-06-08, 01:43 AM
Hello friends! I am very glad that i found this community

2018-06-08, 06:36 AM
Hello everyone! Happy to be here!

2018-06-09, 03:23 PM
Been reading OoTS since the beginning, but just now getting on the forums. Thanks for the welcome!

2018-06-10, 08:49 PM
Hi guys, I'm the newest member of the crew. My hobbies are playing computer games, watching sci-fi movies, and reading books. I do hope to get along with everyone.

2018-06-10, 09:33 PM
Hi Onyx! Welcome to the Playground! Good luck trying to get along with everyone.

What video games do you play? Not that I play computer games much.

2018-06-10, 09:36 PM
Welcome, one and all!

2018-06-11, 05:03 PM
What's up nerds. Long time lurker, even longer time gamer (first rpg I ever played was Hidden Kingdom, lol). Now the kids are getting older and I have some time to get back to gaming with the boys every once in a while. We're into 3.5 and WFRP 1st edition.

2018-06-12, 05:49 PM
Salutations all !

I've noticed a light in the window so I've let myself in. I hope you don't mind, it's raining outside.

I've enjoyed reading threads here so I thought maybe I could contribute in turn. I've role-played for the first time at fourteen, I am now closer to forty than to thirty and haven't stopped since. Both in front and behind the screen, a multitude of games and systems, even tried my hand at designing a few.
I like role-playing and I thank you for welcoming me here.

2018-06-12, 08:38 PM
Welcome everyone! ;););)

2018-06-14, 04:25 PM
Hello everyone! Long-time gamer and lurker, finally getting around to registering here. I started playing 2nd Edition more than 20 years ago; switched to 3.0 and then 3.5 when they came out and that's where I've stayed. I've been DMing games in my homebrew world Zetta for almost 15 earth years, covering more than a millennia in-universe. I'm also occasionally a player, and when I am I'm a bit of a powergamer. Beyond D&D, I've a bit of experience playing d20 Modern, Pathfinder, V:tM, and GURPS as well as various homebrew systems. Thanks for having me!

2018-06-16, 05:23 PM
Hello, and what's a good place to put my namesake?

If it is minor enough, would D&D 3e/3.5e/d20 be okay?

If it is major enough, would Homebrew Design be the proper location?

2018-06-18, 03:19 PM
Greetings everyone! My name is Cody Benedict and I am new here to this forum. Nice to meet you all!!

2018-06-18, 10:19 PM
Hi everyone! I'm Sophi789 and I play Dnd 3.5 I don't mind 5th edition, I just think that there are a lot more options in 3.5. I usually play support. Lol I don't know what to add. I figured I would join to get some help running my game or talk about other people's games. I'm really interested in seeing what everyone has to offer!

Thanks for the welcome.

2018-06-18, 11:54 PM
I've read threads in here on and off (due to Google search results) for years now, and finally decided to join on a whim. Glad to be here! :smallsmile:

2018-06-19, 02:41 AM
Hi, Rockafellor! I hope you'll have fun posting here, and do check out the "Welcome" thread at the top of this Friendly Banter subforum.

But this thread is probably going to be moved there anyway, so you might not need to.
See you around!

2018-06-19, 12:02 PM
Hi everyone,

I've already posted in a few treads before finding this one here (those little forum games can be quite a lot of fun). I joined up mostly for the PbP games as I have only one at the moment and start suffering withdrawal symptoms. I've played quite a lot of roleplaying games already in the past 20+ years and it's still as much fun as when I started.

PS: @moderator: the message on top to direct people to the 'new members say hello' tread is pointing to one of the locked ones :confused:

2018-06-19, 05:37 PM
Hello! I always end up at this site when looking up obscure DnD ideas and concepts, so I figure I might as well join!

Captain Shrug
2018-06-20, 12:26 AM
So aloha. Californian 30 year old who's been dropping in on the comic occasionally for the past whatever, and trying to get into tabletop seriously. I've done a lot of old-school IRC text games, but as those seem to be deader than dead it's time to get into voice.

I got nothin' past that, folks!

2018-06-20, 12:31 AM
Howdy! Finally registered on these forums after perusing them for years. Getting back into D&D again, will probably be poking around for more info and asking lots of newb questions. Thanks in advance!

2018-06-20, 06:03 PM
Hi there!

Hi there! words

2018-06-21, 03:30 AM
I've read threads in here on and off (due to Google search results) for years now, and finally decided to join on a whim. Glad to be here! :smallsmile:

<<<User was banned for this post>>>

Just kidding. Welcome aboard. :smallbiggrin:

2018-06-24, 07:08 PM
Hi, new member.

Big fan of D&D and the comic, I get the jokes but I never played the game I'm just a big fan of the lore.

Been reading since Azure city.

Glad to be a part of this forum. :smallbiggrin:

2018-06-25, 04:37 PM
Hey guys, I’m an avid 3.5 player and am also learning 5th edition for D&D. I am pretty well versed in 3.5, but am not quite encyclopedic yet. I may post with questions here and there, I might help answer here and there, I appreciate support or constructive criticisms in either case. Glad to be here :)

2018-06-25, 10:07 PM
Yo. I just joined for the homebrew and the discussion, which is all of it, I love this place.

Cormac Mac Art
2018-06-27, 01:07 PM
Greetings one and all,

I just joined this site and look forward to doing some Pbp Rpging here.


2018-06-27, 06:45 PM
Hi all,

Just another new member to the forums.


2018-06-29, 06:28 AM
Hi friends. I am new to this forum.

2018-06-29, 10:10 AM
Hello. I play Pathfinder, starfinder and some urban games.

2018-06-30, 06:31 AM
Hey everyone! New member just dropping by, innit!

2018-07-03, 05:15 AM
Hello. My name is Ella and I'm very happy to join you.:smile:

2018-07-03, 09:32 AM
Hello everyone, my name is Rico, welcome!

2018-07-04, 11:35 AM
Hello everyone! I recently started playing this game and tend to play it amongst my group of friends. I was ALWAYS interested in playing DnD but unfortunately did not due to my fear or social outlook, which I admittedly find it to be stupid...now as a 30 yr old. I am ashamed to say I do tend to care quite a bit about optimization and numbers but thankfully my group has accepted and took me under their wings! I hope to have fun and I hope to meet great people here on the forums!

2018-07-05, 12:58 AM
Hi everyone

2018-07-06, 02:22 PM
Hi I'm a new dm and was thinking of writing some home brew stuff for a campaign so I decided to join the forum and browse around and maybe post my own ideas when I think they're ready. So hello I guess!

2018-07-06, 04:09 PM
Hello and well come.

So you want to be a GM. My condolences to your friends. :smallwink:

2018-07-07, 12:32 AM
I'm an (old) new hat, returning from both the literal and virtual desert. Thankfully, I did so right before the irl "oasis" kindled. I'm looking forward to rejoining some play-by-posters.

2018-07-07, 10:19 PM
Hello to all! Long-time lurker who finally joined instead of just reading other's words anonymously. Big fan of rpgs who doesn't get to play as often as they'd like and math nerd who actually finds theory-crafting really interesting away from the table, if less so when I'm playing at one.

I guess I should say that the username is a puzzle and pun. It's a puzzle because... well that'd be telling wouldn't it! I can say that the pun is the Gael part because I'm Irish and that's a hint for the puzzle part.

2018-07-08, 09:45 AM
I'm back! I've been... a little busy for the last 2 years, but now I'm here and excited to get back to interacting with this great community. Plus, in my time off I've been working on something: the Solstone Islands (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?563238-The-Solstone-Islands-WIP&p=23204293#post23204293)!

2018-07-08, 02:36 PM
Howdy, all! New to the site and look forward to hopping into games where I can. I have been very happy with what I have seen so far and am excited to get going!!!

2018-07-09, 05:45 PM
Hello everybody!

2018-07-10, 11:58 AM
.. :furious::mad::annoyed: :sigh::thog::belkar:

2018-07-12, 09:42 AM
Hi. Long time reader, first time caller poster.

Earth Traveler
2018-07-12, 04:45 PM
Hi, I'm new, and I came here to do play-by-post.

2018-07-16, 10:23 AM
Hello I’m new to 5ed and have questions

2018-07-17, 02:48 PM
Hi! A friend told me about a pbp game that's about to start on these fora and I've decided to have a look.

2018-07-17, 03:53 PM
Hello I’m new to 5ed and have questions

And I have answers!:

Human Champion Fighter


Wood Elf Thief Rogue


Half Elf Swashbuckler Rogue

Archeologist, Folk Hero, Noble, Outlander, and Urchin backgrounds.

Mix, match, and repeat.

Maybe try Gloom Stalker and Scout later.

2018-07-17, 08:15 PM
Hello! I play a lot of 5e and mostly joined to chat about Order of the Stick.

2018-07-18, 08:48 AM
Stumbled open the OOTS comics a few months back and read them all in a couple weeks. Big fan.
I will also DM for the first time ever when our current 3.5 game ends. It will be a 5th ed game which my friends and I never played. Figured it would be a good thing to register to ask questions about it all!

2018-07-23, 11:15 PM
Hello! Decided it was finally time to make an account.

2018-07-24, 10:40 AM
Hi everyone!

Long time fan of Giant's comic, I decide to make an account before it ends.

2018-07-24, 11:08 AM
Hi everyone,

lurking around for almost a year.
It s time to do my part and spread some knowledge ;-)

2018-07-25, 02:54 PM
New to these forums, run a game where my players rule a fantasy civ, mostly here for homebrew tbh

2018-07-27, 10:29 AM
Hello Everyone!

Long time comic reader, first time poster. Today's comic was just too great to stay quiet any longer. :smallsmile:

Highest Ranking
2018-07-28, 08:47 AM
Hello there!

I've been a ghost for several years now, just made an account recently. Took me a while to work up to actually post something, so I'd figure I'd start here.

A little bit about myself: I've been reading the OOTS for about 6 years now, and TTRPGS for just as long (though that's probably short by some people's standards, on both counts). I play a lot of D&D 3.5 and 5e, though recently my friends and I've been play-testing my own homebrew system.

Hoping to find some good advice on homebrewing! Also interested in playing some play by post games, but I don't know where to start really.

2018-07-28, 11:27 AM
Hi there! Long time reader of OotS and love the new art style that Rich has been doing.

Hope everyone is doing well. Finally decided to make an account :smallbiggrin:

2018-07-28, 02:17 PM
Hi. What a great site!

I found these forums last fall when I returned to D&D after a 30+ year hiatus. Reading old threads helped me get up to speed. I also got hooked on OOTS. Many thanks to Rich Burlew and everyone who keeps this running!

2018-07-29, 07:16 PM
EHRMEHGERD!! this site has teh best emojis mah d00ds! :mitd: where da popcorn at? :belkar:

2018-07-30, 01:56 AM
um hello, been a lurker for a while and have been reading tons of threads the past few weeks and I guess I thought I should make an account at this point been a fan of the comic since, god war and xps came out I think. So again , hi.:smallconfused:

2018-07-30, 11:02 PM
Welcome, everyone! It is well that you've come here!

2018-07-31, 04:58 AM
Hello! I'm new! ❤️

2018-08-02, 11:17 AM
Hi everyone! I've been reading OOTS for ages but I never joined the forum until now!

2018-08-02, 07:14 PM
Hello-hello! I have finally found a home I can use as a studio so I do hope gaming live over the net.....is of interest. I will be introducing the miniatures of each player as the face time...for instance. Have fun! 🎭

Friendly Mimic
2018-08-03, 02:16 PM
Greetings adventurers. I'm new here. I'm a friendly mimic. I won't chew your face off. Promise! Anyone want a hug? :redface:

2018-08-04, 04:44 PM
Hello! I joined this forum site in search of some help with character creation! I play Pathfinder in a school club. :) I have always played the core race and classes and wanted to try something more unique.

2018-08-05, 12:15 AM
Hello! I have been lurking for a long time and just joined to play Empire 4.

2018-08-05, 12:57 PM
Hello, long time lurker now trying to get into PBP. I look forward to working/playing with all of you.

2018-08-05, 04:54 PM
Hello everybody! I just joined!

2018-08-05, 09:02 PM
Hello all, I played 2nd edition back in the day and thought my time with D&D had drawn to a close until a friend got me into 5th edition with Roll 20. Really love it, and glad to be back in a community of like minded people.

*tips helmet in salute*

The Ari-tificer
2018-08-07, 02:28 PM
none of you have any idea who i am, but i was fairly active on these forums about half a year ago, and haven't been here in a while

2018-08-08, 03:47 PM
Hello! I’m a longtime D&D player and have recently taken up LARPing. I love reading handbooks and guides of all sorts!

CMS Balasar
2018-08-08, 04:59 PM
Hey all! This is CMS Balasar, named after my favorite villain from my own D&D games. If anybody has anything that is interesting and not in the 5e Player's Handbook, DMG or Monster Manual send it my way!

2018-08-09, 02:35 PM
Uhhh yeah... hi and stuff... I'm new here. I have no idea what people want to know about me so if you wanna know something....ask.

2018-08-10, 05:27 PM
Salaam and good evening my worthy friends! I am Diego, the Gaming Gamer who Games, and I am quite new here. I have lurked in corners and read various member's guides to building a certain type of RPG character for 5e (usually for NPCs I'm making), and recognizing the superiority of a collective knowledge far greater than my own, I have decided to join ranks that I might ask questions, and indeed, answer those which I can.

I have more experience BEHIND the screen than as a player, but I am by no means an expert of any system.

My favored system would be GURPS. After that, either Pathfinder/3.5 or 5e. Most extensive experience is with 5e.

I build worlds. I make characters. I write stories. I sometimes brew up a nice magic item for my players based off something they would know/care about (e.g. a variant on the Crysknife from Dune might find it's way to a Rogue Player who is a fan of Herbert, or a lawful good player who enjoys Goodkind might find a blade with "Truth" somewhere on it, things like that).

I do not believe in telling players "No," if I can help it. They may "Certainly try," as I tend to say. Yes, I know, the age old argument about "I jump to the moon!" and they roll a nat 20. Guess what? Great job (even though RAW in say, 5e, a nat 20 don't mean instant success/hit in non combat situations)! You can jump to the moon! And promptly die because there's no survivable atmosphere in space! Good job, roll a new character with a -1 level penalty. Thanks!

Player Agency is a big deal to me. If they can provide me the sources (i.e. DM's Guild PDFs, some not stupidly OP homebrew), I'll let them play just about any race, class, or whatever they want. It gets a little crazy sometimes, but it has led to some of the most fun in games I've ever seen (or read about, for that matter). If they want to play a character from whatever universe, as long as it's not a "Named Character," they're good (the example I give is "If you want to play Goten's long lost twin, Gotwenty, Goforit!"). They'll end up in the proper world eventually, either by magical means, or the Not-Loc-Nar.

So that's a little about me, my GM style, and some other random tidbits. I'll answer most any question, so yeah!

2018-08-12, 02:26 PM
Hey there everyone, I am the red-hot mechanical bee of destruction-er somethin'. I got into RPGs with 3.5e but, my group so far has only hosted Pathfinder and one odd campaign of Starfinder.

Kinda alienates us from the surrounding 5e ALs springing around my place locally.

2018-08-13, 08:14 AM
Hey there :)

2018-08-14, 02:32 PM
Hey i'm a long time lurker just made an account. Thats it nothing else to say.

2018-08-14, 05:49 PM

I'm some young adult working on whichever degree and I've been a fan of OotS since 2010!

I'll be mostly on the RPG subforums, but I hope to pop my head into OotS and Friendly Banter. Till then, enjoy your travels in the playground! I know I will