View Full Version : Art discounted character art commissions!

2017-12-29, 04:22 PM
Hi! For Holidays and new year I'm having some free time so i decided to discount prices on my commissions! and that lead me to advertise here :D

at this moment I can offer you full body art for 45$, examples:
https://orig00.deviantart.net/fc42/f/2017/363/b/9/rsz_1tumblr_okplukhltr1tru4muo1_1280_by_mizushiba-dby9b1t.pnghttps://orig00.deviantart.net/d8e2/f/2017/363/3/0/rsz_tumblr_okgbuypd2e1tru4muo2_1280_by_mizushiba-dby9b0s.pnghttps://orig00.deviantart.net/0ed0/f/2017/363/2/6/rsz_tumblr_oh9qgvvjk61tru4muo2_1280_by_mizushiba-dby9b1b.pnghttps://orig00.deviantart.net/f86c/f/2017/363/b/f/rsz_1tumblr_inline_ovv00bevn61rr6i15_1280_by_mizus hiba-dby9azm.png

or a 10-15$ sketchy portrait, examples:

you can find more examples of my work art http://mizushibart.tumblr.com

if you want something different than listed contact me and I'll be happy to discuss details with you :)

contact me through tumblr or at emails: [email protected], or [email protected]

2017-12-29, 05:11 PM
Your style is fantastic. Hope you get a few commishes! Although the spoilers aren't showing anything for me, dunno if that's just me.

2017-12-29, 05:52 PM
Although the spoilers aren't showing anything for me, dunno if that's just me.

OH! thanks for noticing! I think that's fixed now :D