View Full Version : Fear of a result

2007-08-22, 03:28 PM
This is to all you recent test-doers... What sort did you do, like A-levels, GCSE's SATS? You know the sort

For me it was my GCSE's, and I get my results tommorrow!! What about everyone else? When? And are you dreading? Hoping? or something else?

2007-08-22, 03:33 PM
same here.
mostly I just want to get the results over with, I'm not one to fret but it is annoying to have the weight of results on my shoulders.

2007-08-22, 03:49 PM
same here... all the other people getting them tommorrow (who I know) are being all paranoid and keep e-mailing me 'oh! I will do so badly!'

So I have to remind them that what they get is what they get, they can't change it. That's what I live by anyway...

And something I was told recently, GCSE's don't show how much you know, they merely show your capacity to remember. Any idiot can repeat what you say, what you get tested for in A and AS Levels is if you understand it.

2007-08-22, 03:49 PM
I took the SATs and was a bit disappointed. However, the time in between, I barely thought about it. I never worry about that sort of thing, though, so I'm a poor barometer of this stuff.

2007-08-22, 03:50 PM
167 on the LSAT.

And now I've started law school... and all I can think is...

What the hell have I gotten myself into?!

2007-08-22, 03:53 PM
Waiting for my GCSes. Not worried though. Looking forward to meeting my friends, exchanging results, commisserating ang glating. You know the drill.

2007-08-22, 04:06 PM
Good luck to you GCSE folk. I remember I missed results day last year, 'forgot' to tell them I was on holiday. :smalltongue: Anyways, I'm sure they'll be fine.

2007-08-22, 04:11 PM
I already know I got a B in English Language... oh, crap! Where did I put the certificate? Not good...

2007-08-22, 04:31 PM
You Brits get out of high school at 16? Lucky bastards. :smallyuk:

Oh, right, not the point.

So, I did some research on the GCSEs. Funny stuff. I had always thought Rowling pulled the OWLs out of her fairly talented posterior. But she based them off GCSEs. Interesting.

Anyway, there's pretty much no way to accurately compare GCSEs to American tests. They're totally different systems. Very interesting, I thought.

Well, good job on English, I suppose. Qualifying and whatnot. Crazy Brits, with your grades and objective qualification.

2007-08-22, 04:39 PM
We're out of high school, but dumped immediately into Colleger (unless we'd rather ask people if they want fries with that for the rest of our lives)... (not that there's anything wrong with that, I'd just like to do something big in my life)...

2007-08-22, 04:46 PM
I'm really stressing over the MCAT, and I might not even take until next (academic) year >_< I've been studying at least 4 hours a week though. I'm going to do 3 hours a night 6 months before I take it.

2007-08-22, 04:47 PM
I recently got my AP test results back. I'm damn proud of myself - all 5s! (note to non-Americans; the AP tests aren't necessary to get into college, but are useful. The scores are between 1 and 5, 5 being the highest).

2007-08-22, 05:04 PM
I recently got my AP test results back. I'm damn proud of myself - all 5s! (note to non-Americans; the AP tests aren't necessary to get into college, but are useful. The scores are between 1 and 5, 5 being the highest).

Addition: 3 is necessary to get college credit for the course. 4 and 5 are just for showing off. Although I've heard stories of some colleges requiring a 4. Urban legends, really. But a 5 is equivalent to an A+: it's just so the people who get it can go around showing off their (admittedly well-earned) gold star.

And don't you think I'm being bitter. I got nice scores on my APs too (despite the fact that I had horrible, horrible, inadequate teachers who'd fail the tests themselves more often than not). I just wanted to clarify that Seraph's scores were beyond mere passing in my usual snarky manner.

Thes Hunter
2007-08-22, 05:45 PM
167 on the LSAT.

And now I've started law school... and all I can think is...

What the hell have I gotten myself into?!

Congrats on the very nice score. What percentile did that put you in? :smallbiggrin:

I'm really stressing over the MCAT, and I might not even take until next (academic) year >_< I've been studying at least 4 hours a week though. I'm going to do 3 hours a night 6 months before I take it.

First off. Take a deep breath.
Second. Drop the books. Now.
Third: go out and get exam krackers. Seriously. Do not pass go, do not give any money to Kaplan or Princeton Review.

The MCAT asks you to apply very basic science concepts that are presented in very different contexts. i.e. they try to make it seem hard. And Kaplan and etc captalize on this so they can charge the big bucks for their classes.

As soon as I am done with my thesis I will have 12 days (yes you got that right folks), 12 days to prepare for this round of MCATs. I am not too worried about it because it won't majorly effect me if I decide not to turn in my scores. Since only a handful of schools don't take my 34N that I got in 2004. :smallwink:

Again PM me if you want more info.

2007-08-22, 05:49 PM
Addition: 3 is necessary to get college credit for the course. 4 and 5 are just for showing off. Although I've heard stories of some colleges requiring a 4. Urban legends, really. But a 5 is equivalent to an A+: it's just so the people who get it can go around showing off their (admittedly well-earned) gold star.

Though, just getting a 3 (or a 4, or even a 5) on an AP test isn't a guarantee for college credit. It's still up to the college, which is why I find AP courses to be shams.

I've never really been worried about these kinds of tests. *shrug*

2007-08-23, 07:55 AM
First off. Take a deep breath.
Second. Drop the books. Now.
Third: go out and get exam krackers. Seriously. Do not pass go, do not give any money to Kaplan or Princeton Review.

The MCAT asks you to apply very basic science concepts that are presented in very different contexts. i.e. they try to make it seem hard. And Kaplan and etc captalize on this so they can charge the big bucks for their classes.

As soon as I am done with my thesis I will have 12 days (yes you got that right folks), 12 days to prepare for this round of MCATs. I am not too worried about it because it won't majorly effect me if I decide not to turn in my scores. Since only a handful of schools don't take my 34N that I got in 2004. :smallwink:

Again PM me if you want more info.

Okay, Mistaken Identity week gets its last hurrah. I thought everyone had switched avatars back, and then I read that Alarra, the artist, Alarra, got a 34 on the MCATs. Black turned to white and my mind imploded in upon itself. (not saying Alarra couldn't do well if she wanted to just that... well you know what I mean)

Anyhoo, thanks for the recommendation, and I've had a lot of them from all sorts of people. I am much more inclined to take the word of someone with a score like yours though. Ho-oh wow, if I can get a score like yours I'll be using cloud nine as my garbage shoot. I'm not so much stressed, as much as this will be the single most important test that decides if I go to the medschool(s) I want to go to. :P I'm always worried about how much to study too. I had a TA that told me she studied 20 hours for her last test, this freaked me out. I went home and asked my dad how much he studied for his tests, and he told me that when he was studying for his MS in engineering at Stanford he would never study for more than three to five hours a test.