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View Full Version : My pointy beauty will teach you some manners! (Build me theUltimate Elven Blader)

2007-08-22, 04:05 PM
Sooo... Here s the story:(read it it's good :smallbiggrin: )

I run a evil campaign on my semi-homebrew world. And my party is a merry band of sadistic elven haters. Till now they have uprooted the elven race from the southern half of a civilized continent, killed the High Elven Ambassador and his consort under a flag of truce during negotiations (which started a new great elven-human war) and decimated the High Temple of Gallean killing his Aspect of Peace and Civilization. Thus the dormant warlike-bestial side of His Magnificent Might awoke:smallyuk:. and the race Blood Elves appeared (vampiric elven subrace -nothing in common with their warcraft counterpart). Blood elven settlements started dotting the wartorn continent and around them gathered the scattered elven remnants.

Though the party comprises of easy-goer and survivor characters and they realized that their-hacking-through-elves path is going to be bloody difficult from now on, they must proceed. Their superior motive lies in a pact the party made when they approached the high-end levels with Bethrezen the Fallen Angel, God of Demons and the Possessed. The deal stated that at the cost of their losing their own souls and be condemned to oblivion, they should weaken Gallean by diminishing his followers, so that Bethrezen would be able to physically assail him.

Right now the two gods are doing battle, leaving their clergy weak (only 1 spell/spell level/day and no spell for highest slot) As is, Bethrezen cultists started pooling their spell slots to empower their Dark Lord each day, gathering in hidden cabals. But for His weakness, Gallean would have sent avatars to dispatch of those cultists. Things are not dire though because ages ago he entrusted ghost-elven mentors with a promising elven infant. Time passed in the plane-where-time-stales and Deledhel the Scion of Time matured and learned all he could. Arriving at the world at the current time he started uprooting those easy-pickings-cabals.

And the merry band of adventurers is on the run trying to locate him and protect the 3 big cabals remaining. Soon they ll meet and clash.[/BLOCK OF TEXT]

And here's the wanna-be crunch:
Now I would apreciate your help on this a lot cause I m sitting some exams and will have no time :smalleek: . We use all WotC books.
I want a build for an elven warblade or crusader who will have 20-27 levels and will advance in both prestige classes: Champion of Corellon and Eternal Blade.

Deledhel the Sword of Times has the following stats: 6x18 :smallbiggrin: (before adjustments for race and levels)

The party I ll pitch him against is 18 level and currently has no access to 9th level spells (cleric cause of above-mentioned restriction and wizard due to some crazy homebrew curse) and sports a psiwarrior/something and a rogue/assasin equipment-whore.

All suggestions are welcome, thanks in advance :smallwink:

2007-08-23, 09:57 AM
Meh no luck :smallfrown:

The Gilded Duke
2007-08-23, 11:33 AM
Hmm... Swordsage 20, Champion 2, 5 Eternal Blade

He uses an Elven Lightblade (can count as a shortsword), with the Champion ability to add dex to damage, and the Shadow Blade feat to add dex to damage.

Use Shadow Hand Maneuvers for Offence, use Setting Sun maneuvers for defence and crowd control. Keep either a rapier or longsword offhand for using either diamond mind or white raven maneuvers.

Also, don't forget your dual boost ability from Swordsage 20.

The Glyphstone
2007-08-23, 11:47 AM
Wait...you're throwing a CR27 NPC against a ECL18 party who don't even have 9th level spells? How do you expect them to stand a chance?

The Gilded Duke
2007-08-23, 11:54 AM
I tend not to trust the CR system much at this point in my games. Even at the relativley low levels which I play (below 10), my players are regularly able to beat much more powerful opponents. Beforehand I make sure that none of the fights are actually impossible, but besides that it seems to work out.

Challenges rated as "Very Challenging" are actually kinda average for my group.

So if my party of 6th level characters can handle a 9 or so CR encounter without much difficulty, I imagine that there are parties of level 18 characters who can handle a level 27 encounter. I just assumed this was the case with this encounter.

The Glyphstone
2007-08-23, 11:58 AM
Not at all...the gap between 20th and 21st level, just to say, is extremely wide, even without the ridiculous that is Epic magic. Epic scales exponentially in power, compared to the linear scaling of 1-20...a solid CR27 character could easily be one-shotting your PC's if you use the right maneuvers.

2007-08-23, 12:23 PM
[QUOTE=The Gilded Duke;3080026]
Use Shadow Hand Maneuvers for Offence, use Setting Sun maneuvers for defence and crowd control. Keep either a rapier or longsword offhand for using either diamond mind or white raven maneuvers.QUOTE]

You don't need to use a specific weapon to use the maneuvers of any school.

2007-08-23, 12:45 PM
Not at all...the gap between 20th and 21st level, just to say, is extremely wide, even without the ridiculous that is Epic magic. Epic scales exponentially in power, compared to the linear scaling of 1-20...a solid CR27 character could easily be one-shotting your PC's if you use the right maneuvers.

Well, when I run evil campaigns, personally when I feel they've reached the end point of a campaign its time for them to get their comeuppance for all their horrible deeds. Particularly when they are plane-shattering in nature.

This is either meant to be a huge challenge, or a, good run, time for evil to lose encounter.

Anyway, as to the question at hand, I'd probably go warblade, using primarily Diamond Mind and Iron Heart maneuvers (the idea that this guy is basically a cold, determined elven killing machine out to erase these cabals). Probably something like Warblade 16/Champion 1/Eternal Blade 10. (I don't much like Champion of Corellon, but I love both flavor and abilities for Eternal Blades.)

2007-08-23, 01:17 PM
Sigh... I guess I'll try, even without access to champion of Corellon.

Right. Is this designed to be a "party dies horribly" fight, or a "party should just be able to squeak by"? If the former, a ECL 25 or so would probably work. The latter, about CR 21, maybe 22. Depends on party power level.

What've I got for equipment? Outside buffs? To start, I'll go with a 22nd level character, using a guesstimate of equipment. He currently has around 440K of equipment on him, with some potions optimized for a single combat. Enhancing his armour further might be a good idea, but for a single combat, oils (applied beforehand) would do.

High elven Crusader 9/Champion of Corellon Larethian 2/Crusader 4/Eternal Blade 7.

Note: Using partial saves, easier to calculate.
Hp: 22d10+132 (243)

Fortitude: 29
Reflex: 21
Will: 26
AC: 28, up to 36 when armour enhancing oils are used, +5 when potion of barkskin is used. (note: Outside hours/level buffs can be a good thing).

35/30/25/20 1d8+22

1) Combat Expertise
3) Dodge
6) Mounted Combat
9) Weapon Focus (Longsword) (needed for Champion, as well as for Eternal Blade)
10) Karmic Strike
12) Combat Reflexes
12) Die Hard
15) Robilar's Gambit
18) Mage Slayer
21) Improved Combat Reflexes (epic)

AOO build, not the greatest of them. Hit him, he hits you twice, and prevents casters from casting defensively. All feats but Die Hard above level 10 are optional.


Gloves of Dexterity +6 (36K)
Belt of Giant Strength +6 (36K)
Amulet of Health +6 (36K)
Circlet of Intellect +6 (36K)
Vest of Resistance +5 (25K)
+1 Soulfire Leafweave Padded Armour (25.75K)
+1 Mithral Heavy Shield of Heavy Fortification (37K)
+4 defending Adamantine Longsword (53K)
Tome of (Strength increase) +1 (27.5K)
Ring of Protection +3 (18K)
Ring of Freedom of Movement (40K) 370K.
Wings of Flying/Cloak of Charisma +4
Boots of Speed (13K)
+1 Composite (+9) longbow, seeking, bloodseeking.
Potion of Barkskin +5
Potion of Displacement
Potion of Magic Vestments +5*2

Note: Enhancing all stats by a further +4 is reasonable, given that such treasure would not fall into the hands of players. If you want to make it crazier.

Class features: Furious Counterstrike, Steely Resolve 20, Indominitable Soul, Zealous surge, Smite 1/day, Mettle, Corellon's Blessing (12 hp/day), Elegant Strike, Blade Guide, Eternal Training 4/day, Defensive Insight, Eternal Knowledge (at +14), Armoured Uncanny Dodge, Guided Strike.

1) (lost at 4) Vanguard Strike
1) (Lost at 6) Douse the Flames
1) (Lost at 8) Leading the Attack
1) (lost at 14) Stone Bones
1) (Lost at 12) Crusader's Strike
3) Shield Block (Or foehammer, if alone)
4) Battle Leader's Charge
5) Defensive Rebuke (or Revitalizing Strike, if alone)
6) White Raven Tactics
7) Covering Strike
8) Divine Surge
9) Aligned Charge
12) Irresistable Mountain Strike
13) Crushing Vise (or Iron Bones)
14) Shield Counter
15) Ancient Mountain Hammer
16) Wall of Blades
18) Strike of Righteous Vitality
20) War Master's Charge
22) Iron Heart Surge
Manuvers readied: 8(3)

1) Martial Spirit
2) Bolstering Voice
8) Thicket of Blades
20) Immortal Fortitude

You may wish to change manuvers, etc. This is a simple, not excessively powerful build.

Given ridiculous ninja-posting, I believe I'd better change this a lot :smallbiggrin:

2007-08-23, 06:05 PM
To all that mentioned this encounter as unfair (even though it qualifies as challenging): We r talking about big time optimizers here. The Wizard is an Initiate of the "I don't ever die" order for example. The rogue heavily UMDs and the other two are keeping up to them (clericzilla cheese without nightsticks :smallyuk: and solid AoO build respectively)

Also I mentioned that he is gonna be 20-27, though if I let him be a mere 20 I seriously consider giving him the Divine Minion Template (flame me :smallbiggrin: )

Anyway I have a question, can Iron Surge get through the wards of the IotSV?
(all of them? one only? not at all?)

And I see no love for the Champion here :smallsigh: only worth it for the Elegant Strike feature? I was thinking about getting up to the +3 dex armor bonus and stack this with a mithral(+whatever dex bonus adding enchantment u ll tell me ) fullplate to sent his AC skyward. I also considered using an elven courtblade two-handed (it CAN be finessed :smallbiggrin: ) and probably power attack some serious ****e.

And,lastly, its about time this bunch of heathens and infidels gets some decent smiting from Gallean's little beastie:smallamused:

Thanks a lot guys:smallredface:

2007-08-23, 06:51 PM
Whilst it's not what you asked for, it makes a very good "Ultimate Elven Blademaster", especially for this sort of thing.

Let's say level 23.

Race: Gray Elf, so -2 str, -2 con, +2 dex, +2 int.

Stick your good stats into Dex, Int and Wis. If you're using Elite Array, starting stats of:

8 str
17 dex
10 con
16 int
13 wis
8 cha

Monk 2/Barbarian 11/Duelist 10

(Using Whirling Frenzy rage variant, +6 str, +3 dodge bonus to AC and reflex saves at level 11.)

1) Dodge
Monk Bonus: Stunning Fist
Monk Bonus: Combat Reflexes
3) Weapon Finesse
6) Mobility
9) Two Weapon Fighting
12) Imp. TWF
15) Greater TWF
18) Deadly Defense (Complete Scoundrel, +1d6 damage when fighting defensively with light or weapon finesse compatible weapons)
21) Perfect TWF)

By this point, you're adding Dex, Int and Wis to AC, and due to improved uncanny dodge you won't really be losing it anytime soon. Your saves are rather good, as is your BAB.

Manual of quickness in action +4
Your favourite magic Rapier.
Your favourite magic Shortsword.
Gloves of Dex +6
Headband of Int +6
Periapt of Wis +6
Monk's Belt
Bracers of Armour +#
Ring of Protection +#
Amulet of Natural Armour+#
*insert other items if money allows*

8 str
32 dex
10 con
22 int
19 wis
8 cha

AC: 32 + bonuses Bracers of Armour, Ring of Protection, Amulet of Nat. Armour
Touch AC: 32 + Ring of Prot
Flatfooted AC: 15 + assorted armour bonuses (but you have uncanny dodge to prevent this)
In addition, you can "fight defensively" to add to your AC. Assuming you have 25 ranks in tumble (which you should), that's +15 to AC (+5 for fighting defensively, plus duelist levels via Elaborate Parry)

Total attack bonus: +33/+28/+23/+18/+13
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +24, Will +13
HP: 2d8+11d12+10d10

The end result, as you can see, is someone who is literally a blur of blades, dealing very little damage per hit but making 10 attacks per round with an AC that can easily reach over 50, and a touch AC only slightly lower.

The main weakness is a small damage output, but even 1d6-1+1d6 (plus magic weapon enhancements) adds up if you take it enough times in a round.

Just hope it isn't somehow immobilized, exposing the dreadful flatfooted AC.