View Full Version : Dark Underrising in Lovric

2017-12-30, 06:56 PM
After you all cleared out the ruined temple of the undead and giant spiders. You came to the Temple of Illumance, a Photlan temple, and from the high priest there received your reward. Miraculously enough, Lord Castleroy was able to hold his disdain in check and not speak out any thoughts. There were wagons, horses and a score or so of men gathered outside as you were leaving, and curiosity getting the better of you. Inquired as to what was going on, were told the Priest was about to leave and set sail to find the fabled city of Emerald and Gold; Auxum Wat, acros the gray sea.

Each of you have previously dismissed any such tales as just that: tales. But, if the priest was getting a caravan to seek it, maybe more than rumors or myths exist of the legendary city? Aticoll mentions that the city of Brayt, the most north-western city of the kingdom of Lovric, would most likely be the best place to launch from. He also adds, in a nonchalant way, that is it only a couple days away from Dhel faldir, his homeland.

You all agree to seek your fortunes in the lost city, thinking the group powerful enough to take on anything that might want to confront you. You make your way for several days along the road to Brayt. You are just a bit over a mile from the city gates making small conversation, telling jokes, old stories, and just shooting the auroch when suddenly you hear a sharp, loud, and panicked scream. You look in the direction and a woman, in tattered and maybe... bloody clothes clutching something tightly to her breasts, crying and screaming for help she disappears into the thick woods to your right and before you can rush forward to see what is going on, spears and arrows shoot in the direction of the woman, at least some hit their mark and the cries from the woman stop for a moment before starting again this time more pained and muffled. The sun is just now setting and as the new group is still in the wood line, you are not quite sure what they are or what they might be after, but your instincts tell you you need to intervene.

Map: Road Battle tab (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RPkx0_cXj6Y-wDhv-Tqrg5TO9UqS_-pS9hpIF88u3HE/edit#gid=1918987462)

2017-12-30, 07:53 PM
"Ah, hell. Hell hell hellfire and damnation," Sasha says, seeing the fight. She rushes ahead, taking flight to about 15' in the air, and surveys the creatures attacking. She takes a moment to identify what they are, and then lets loose a blast of icy force towards any apparent leader of the creatures.

Active buffs include Entropic Warding and Spider Climb.

Taking a knowledge check on them, to activate knowledge devotion: [roll0], +13 more if it's Nature, Arcana, The Planes, or Religion.

Then, firing a Glacial Blast at one of them. [roll1] +1 to +5, depending on my knowledge check, targeting Touch AC, for [roll2] cold damage. In addition, DC 16 Fort save or halved movement and -4 Dex.

Lastly, init, assuming that's needed (it probably is) [roll3]

2017-12-31, 01:35 AM
Hey Sasha! What is it? Aticoll starts running in the direction where his fellow is shooting. His short legs are tenacious, but slow. While running, he equips himself with axe and shield and keeps his eyes and ears open.

Run action. 4 times my base speed = 80ft. How far are we away from the place where we saw the woman?spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

EDIT: I missed the enemies at the map. Being on my phone makes such things a bit complicated.

Aticoll sees the enemies, a starts walking over to them.

taking a double move action to pposition himself at h6

2017-12-31, 02:29 AM
"To arms my friends!"

Cass takes off like a shot at the attacking group down the path, coaxing Quickfire along a path just out of reach of their weapons while striking them with his own.

Charge to N8 and attack creature at N6.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Quickfire's long stride easily carry the pair past the group. Cass leans in on the reins and coaxes the warhorse to a stop a comfortable distance away, swiveling in his mount to keep one eye on them.

Stop the charge at W6.

2017-12-31, 08:28 AM

Hearing the scream, Arelyn sprung into action, a brilliant blade of green energy appearing in her hand as she interposed herself between the creatures and the woods to the south, where she heard the woman flee.

She waved the blade back and forth menacingly as a low thrumm of magical energy filled the air.
double move to N9. Free action to activate eldritch beam.

2017-12-31, 05:11 PM
The group is quit to act, much faster than the surprised what turned out to be bugbears were. the initial loss of their leader and the terrifying swiftness of the attack, one getting ran down by a mounted knight and some small thing blasting with frost, the surviving three bugbears make a break through the woods their terrified howls heard for a half dozen or so seconds before the dense forest muffles it. Arelyn is able to see exactly what they were chasing, there is a severely injured human woman holding an infant close to her chest just past the tree line maybe 4 or so feet into the woods. One arrow is sticking out of her back and the other her left arm.

EXP Gained: 87

2017-12-31, 06:31 PM

Seeing the bugbears run off, Arelyn turned her attention to the woman.

She gave the arrows a cursory look to see how bad they were, and checked to see if the infant was okay.

“Its okay, we’re going to help you,” she said, trying to reassure the woman.

do I need to make any checks or anything to get the arrows out before using a charge from the healing belt?

2017-12-31, 08:28 PM
Arelyn kneel down next to the woman, who is sobbing from sadness and pain seeming not able to fully no understand what is being told to her. The woman instinctively jerks away as Arelyn reaches towards her. As Arelyn removes the arrows, he can tell the wound from the arm is never going to fully heal due to its severity, but the blast of healing energy she uses does mend both wounds and stops any bleeding.

The entire party is relieved as the baby cries out a random noise, and you all smile a little at the innocence of the child who was completely ignorant of the danger it was just in. The Mother cries this times more along the lines of what you would consider normal..considering what she must have gone through, a few moments later after she has collected her composure a bit. "Thank you.. thank you all, my name is Stonya.and this little one is Lidka.. My husband and I took a walk out in the wood for out third anniversary when the bugbears come upon our picnic. Miro yelled at me to grab our daughter and run while he..." She starts to sob again, the realization fo wat must have befalled her husband hitting her presently. "If...if You could recover his body, I would like to give him a proper send off."

2017-12-31, 10:20 PM
Sasha floats down near the woman, a frown settled onto her face as she hears what happened. "I understand why you want your husband's body, ma'am, but right now, our priority should be getting you and your child somewhere safe."

2018-01-01, 12:03 AM
"I can bring him to you, Stonya, if the others don't mind." Quickfire strides closer to the group and leans close to Sasha.

"If you could locate him from the air, Sasha, we'll stay here and find out more."

Turning to Stonya again, Cass dismounts and offers his hand to her. "You're safe, now."

Diplomacy [roll0]

2018-01-01, 12:06 AM
Sasha sighs, but nods. "My warding should keep me safe if there's anyone firing on me. But if that does happen, you get these people out of here-our priority should be the living, not the dead."

With that, she starts to rise up, going straight in the air and looking around for the woman's husband.

[roll0] on my spot.

2018-01-01, 01:08 AM

Seeing the situation with the woman was under control, Arelyn wasn’t about to let Sasha fly off on her own.

“hang on, I can help!” she called, following the other woman into the air and scanning the woods for signs of the husband or the bugbears.

spot aid another: [roll0]

2018-01-01, 07:52 AM
Sasha is able to find the body, as expected Miro is deceased. No sign of the bugbears who fled Stonya smiles as best she can considering what she just experienced at Lord Castleroy's kind words and little Lidka makes some baby noises that somehow manages to get everyone nearby a chuckle or two.

2018-01-01, 11:02 AM
"There he is," Sasha says. "Come on, let's grab him, and fly back. I don't want to spend much time on the ground, just in case there's another ambush ready."

With that, she flies with her companion to just above the body, then dives down, grabbing ahold of Lidya's husband's body, and flies back with it in tow.

2018-01-01, 12:33 PM
Aticoll is standing near Stonya and small Lidka, keeping an eye on them, the other one at the forest while his two fellows are flying around.

Aticoll talks not very much.spot: [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

>>>or is it perception? Than I have to change my skills<<<

2018-01-01, 05:42 PM
Arelyn nodded and wordlessly helped carry the body back.

2018-01-02, 09:16 AM
You all make your way to the city of Brayt, it takes about an hour with the dead body and an injured woman. You are met with a massive double palidase wall with wooden towers at set intervals. 4 armed guards make their way towards you but visibly relax as they see you carrying a dead body and Stonya carrying the baby. "What happened here?" one says stepping forward.

2018-01-02, 09:30 AM

Arelyn took a step forward.

“Bugbear attack. They ambushed this family while they were out on a picnic,” she said.

2018-01-03, 09:26 AM
"Don't know why anybody would be as foolish to go out in the woods this close to sunset." The lead guards says before he realizes the impact of his words "err.. well I guess is it about that time for the bugbears to start , Damir go tell the captain there has been a bugbear attack" One of the guards then runs off into the city. The lead guard then turns back to the group. "You are probably tired, The Misty Angel is just around the bend, the service and accomodations there are nice, We will take the woman and her husband's body off your hands."

2018-01-03, 10:31 AM

Arelyn politely waited as the guards recognized their faux pas. She turned to the woman and infant.

“Do you have a place to stay in the city?” she asked quietly.

2018-01-03, 11:27 AM
Sasha shifts around awkwardly a little bit, not sure what to say.

2018-01-03, 11:55 AM
Ser Kalahad was daydreaming.

Was that the right word?

He shook his head, the images of Clara walking through the glade, blue vibrant dress swirling in between the flowers slowly faded from his mind.

What had caused that? he wandered. It had been years.

The sound of battle woke him with a start, and he still felt numb, his actions slow, and clumsy, his thoughts muddled with inaction. He frowned, this would not do.

He stepped up, forcing himself to forget, forcing himself to not remember, pushing it all down, where he could look at it another time, but not now, not now.

He smiled, forcing it, it was better than nothing, and showing his grim visage, the way he really felt, would do nothing for anyone here, least him.

Nodding to the guardsman he then turned to look at the woman.

what was her name?

He sighed inwardly, I guess it doesn’t matter

“Good man, Thank you, but I believe we will escort her back to her home, if you need a statement, would you be able to dispatch a constable to her abode later in the day, so that she can mourn and properly think of the events?”

Diplomacy check to increase the attitude of the guard by one step (DC varies on starting attitude (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/diplomacy.htm))
Might I get a +2 circumstance bonus (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/usingSkills.htm#favorableAndUnfavorableConditions) for being a Knight (obviously so)

[roll0] +2 if favorable circumstance

2018-01-03, 12:45 PM
"Well, I guess since you put your lives on the line to rescue the family and recover the body you can finish up with escorting Stonya home." The lead guard says after a brief pause in response to Ser Kalahad request.

You all walk somberly to Stony'a house, a humble 2 room building. You lay the body opposite the hearth. "You have my thanks for what you have done. I would guess the guard mentioned The Misty Angel because he expects you to be there when the captain comes calling. It would probably be for the best if that is where you were for the night as to prevent any further spectacle."

2018-01-03, 12:51 PM
"Are you gonna be okay, ma'am? Is there anything we can do to help?" Sasha asks.

2018-01-03, 03:03 PM
"You have done enough.. and I'll be as good as one can considering. Thank you, thank all of you for what you have done." Lidka manages to wiggle a bit out of her wrap and makes another noise that you feel is a thank you in baby. Stonya says something to the Lidka in the universal mother to baby language and re-wraps her up in the blanket placing her in the middle of the bed. "I think mostly I just need to be alone and let what has happened really sink in. Then I can start putting things in order. I will reach out to my brother-in-law first thing tomorrow."

2018-01-03, 03:54 PM
A small smile flits over Aticolls face as the baby giggles. Then he nods over to Stonya and leaves the room to stand outside, waiting for his comrades.

2018-01-04, 06:03 PM
"You will have enough to worry about with Lidka, please accept this-" Cass places a small pouch on the table "-as an offering from Altua that things will get better." Cass nods to Stonya and exits behind Aticoll.

Leaving 20gp for Stonya on the table.

2018-01-04, 07:42 PM
Arelyn stepped back from the body and paused for a moment, silent. She struggled with something to say but eventually settled for letting Cass do the talking.

Once outside, her normal cheery demeanor is visibly subdued.

“Come on,” she said, ”let’s get to the misty Angel.”

2018-01-04, 07:54 PM
Kahladin smiled and nodded to the lady and her babe.

He stepped outside, looked down the street.

"Agreed, let us move off from here."

2018-01-04, 09:57 PM
Sasha starts walking for the inn... tavern... building.

2018-01-05, 07:17 PM
You all make it to The Misty Angel silently. You open the double swinging door and suddenly the sounds of the world come rushing back. A portly man is behind the bar handing a mug of something to a red-faced dwarf while 3 serving girls, one of which is an elf, refills empty mugs or put food on the tables of which there are about a dozen.

In the left corner is a nice fireplace with a handful of cushioned chairs, one of which is occupied by a woman in an elegant red dress reading a book. One of the serving girls comes up to the group "We have seats at the bar, and a table open for your party, just don't stand there blocking the way in,"

2018-01-05, 10:49 PM
"Sorry," Sasha says, and sits herself at the table.

2018-01-06, 02:04 PM
The serving smiles and nods and goes back to pouring drinks, a few moment later the elven serving girl arrives at your table "Are you hungry.. or just something to wet your lips?"

(roll a spot please DC 15 everyone)

There is a small commontion at table, with the girl whom met you at the door, which causes the one gathering your order to mutter [Elvel] "Ugh.. I told her to stop serving them a few rounds ago" while shaking her head.

2018-01-06, 02:33 PM
Aticoll sat down at the table. As the waitress asked them what they want, he replied “Thanks! Something to eat would be fine“

spot check: [roll0]

2018-01-06, 04:35 PM

Sasha says "A little food would be nice."

2018-01-06, 05:13 PM
Arelyn ordered some warm soup/goulash and glanced around the room.

spot: [roll0]
Going forward please feel free to roll these passive perception type things for me and just let me know what my character notices. Not only does it speed things along but I also won’t know when I have a low/high roll and thus that ooc info won’t influence my actions.

2018-01-06, 06:26 PM
Aticoll and Sasha tell the group that a couple o the guys at the table were evidently intoxicated and got a little too hands on with the serving girl, which garnered a well placed slap on one of the men's face. after a few minutes the elf comes back with food, "Its rabbit stew" she says then places a loaf of bread on the table and then walks over to the lady reading a book asks a question to which the lady nods her head and her cup in re-filled.

You all enjoy the meal it is good, maybe a bit too much pepper for some of you, but good non-the-less leagues better than the trail rations you have had the last couple of days on your journey. As you are in the middle eating, a man walks into the room, and the entire Misty Angel goes silent. The man is wearing a breast plate and with him is a woman in dark blue or maybe black robes with silver trim. The man looks over the room, sees you and both of them make their way over to your table with a purpose.

2018-01-08, 03:16 PM
Kalahad was enjoying his rabbit stew. It was always a good hearty meat, and one of his favorites, even with the pepper, which he preferred freshly cracked, but this would do. He raised an eyebrow about the barmaid, but she handled it well, and needed no help from a stranger knight such as he.

He sighed inwardly as the strangers approached them, trying to recall if the silver lined cloak meant anything.

Either way, he raised his head in greeting "Well met Ser, how can we help you"

Rolling for knowledge and diplomacy


2018-01-08, 04:53 PM
Seeing the two headed their way, Cass rises from his chair and begins to walk to the bar.

2018-01-08, 05:10 PM
Arelyn sat quietly as the two approached. She suspected they were the city officials who were supposed to meet them here, but as she wasn’t sure, she kept quiet until they spoke.

2018-01-08, 11:26 PM
The man in armor speaks, while the female remains silent "Well met Knight, I am Captain Cilhar, and this is Lada." He says indicating the robed woman, he continues "We understand that you were involved in a fatal altercation with bugbears earlier this day?"

2018-01-09, 03:55 AM
Knowing that it would be impolite to talk while eating, Aticoll continue to enjoy his meal.

2018-01-09, 06:43 PM

“well met captain. Yes, that’s right,” Arelyn replied, “we were able to save a woman and her child, but it was too late for her husband.”

She looked down at the table for a moment in silence before returning her gaze to the captain.

2018-01-10, 06:37 PM
Without being asked Captain Cilhar takes the empty seat Lord Castelroy gave up, with Lada moving to stand behind his right shoulder "Tell me.. did any of your notice anything strange about this band of bugbears, for instance their tactics, arms, or fightin style?"

You remember the sword with a blade that pitches forward towards the point, the edge being concave near the hilt, but convex near the point, something you had not seen before

2018-01-10, 07:21 PM
Cass eyes the pair with interest from the bar.

”Who are those two?” he queries the bartender.


2018-01-10, 07:26 PM
The barteneder look at you startled a bit in disbelief that you do not know who the two are at your table "The man is Captain of the Guard and the woman with him is Magistrate Lada." The bartender smiles and adds "More importantly, looks like you lost your seat, and the captain seems to be staying and chatting with your friends for a while.. Tell me.. are you wanted for some crime?"

2018-01-10, 08:18 PM
”Far from it. We broke up a pack of bugbears who attacked a family earlier. We saved the mother and child, but we’re not in time to save the husband.” Cass sighs heavily. ”As to the chair, he can have it. It takes more than a title to earn a place at our table.”

”Do they come here often?”

2018-01-10, 08:32 PM
The bartender guffaws at your statement, clapping his hands together while doing so "One of those, people with a title feel entitled, blokes are ye?" He collects himself to answer your second question "This is the first time I have seen both of them here together, so it has to be important I would wager."

2018-01-10, 08:39 PM
”I’ve found that a man’s actions are a far better measure than his titles.” Cass scrutinizes the pair and listens for a moment. Turning back to the bartender, Cass reaches into his pouch and retrieves a few gold pieces. ”If they have a usual drink, I’ll take one of each please.”

2018-01-11, 04:16 PM
Kalahad frowned. For a moment he was recalling the fight, afterwards, the strange sword.

"There was a strange sword with them." he said, honest as an open book.

2018-01-13, 12:30 PM
The woman leans forward and whispers into Captain Cilhar's ear to which he nods "Could you describe the sword. I know this is a bit of a strange thing, but trust me, it is information the Brayt needs to know."

The bartender scratches his chin for a moment "I have never seen nor heard of the magistrate drinking anything while here, not even water. But the captain has come on more than one occasion for the perry." The bartender slides one of the coins toward shim and gets a bottle and a cup to pour the contents into.

2018-01-15, 12:18 AM
Cass thanks the bartender and takes the glass from the bar. Turning, he sees the woman whispering into the man's ear as he approaches the table. He sets the drink in front of the captain and procures himself a new chair.

"Perhaps we could help you better if we knew more about what's going on." Cass nods to the drink in front of Cilhar. "We have time."

2018-01-15, 12:38 AM
Having seen the weapons up close before the gnolls turned and ran, Arelyn tried her best to describe the strange looking sword .

just trying to move things along here.

2018-01-15, 06:27 PM
The captain smiles at the offered drink "Well, there have been reports of bugbears attacks, which is not all that uncommon.. about once a generation or so we get attacks from bugbears all over the kingdom in small bands, much like the one you dealt with, the difference this time is the reports of the exotic weapons that have been described they were wielding." Captain Cilhar takes a swig of perry before continuing "The weapons described have a history in this land, a dark and deadly history. Duke Volen is interested in finding out exactly what the link is, if you would want a meeting and truly help, I am sure Magistrate Lada and I could arrange a meeting."

2018-01-17, 09:38 PM
“We’re more than happy to help get to the bottom of this. The bugbears ran off as soon as they saw us, but not quickly enough for a few of their number.” Cass looks to his companions for their input.

2018-01-18, 12:27 PM
After Aticoll finished his meal he looks at Cilhar and says “Do you have such a sword? It should be easy to find the smith if you take a look closer. Every forge leaves a “fingerprint“ on their workpieces, you know?“

2018-01-19, 05:15 PM
Kalahad perked up.

"If it would help the common folk, I am whole heartedly for it my friends."

2018-01-19, 10:52 PM
Captain Cilhar smiles at bit when Aticoll mentions forge fingerprints "The thought never occured to me, but then I am no smith, let alone a dwarven one." The captain then stands and bows at the waist "Well then meet me at the Duke's castle tomorrow at mid sun, tell the guards I sent you, and they shall let you pass"

With that Cilhar and Magistrate Lada exit The Misty Angel and make their way into the night, leaving you to discuss what exactly might be happening here.

2018-01-21, 11:42 PM
Cass sits pensievely, rapping his fingers on the table. “Well. I can’t say I’ve ever heard of something like this before. Someone arming bugbears with exotic weaponry?”

2018-01-29, 09:29 AM
You all make your way to the Duke's Castle at mid day and after explaining to the guards why armed so, they let you pass. As you make your way into the grand hall you see a handsome middle aged man with grey specs in his hair, more so in his short beard, sitting on an wooden throne leaning over petting a large white dog, while talking to Captain Cilhar. This has to be Duke Volen, He stands when you get about 20 feet away, striking a regal figure and looking still very much hale. "So, you are the band who fought and defeated the latest bugbear band I take it?" He says with a deep and husky voice. "Tell me, did the weapon you saw look like this one?" With that he pulls a sword out that is straight for a bit above the cross-guard but starts to curve inwards thereafter, another thing you find striking is the black-blue metal of the weapon.

2018-01-29, 10:51 AM

“It seems similar in shape my lord,” Arelyn replied, ”but the color is different. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a metal like that before.”

2018-01-31, 02:38 PM
Without a word Aticoll took the sword and walked away with it - to a place with better illumination. This metal was fascinating and during his apprenticeship he saw something like that before. But this was at the beginning of it, so it's been a while.

Nevertheless he took his tools and started inspecting the weapon.
craft (weaponsmithing) [roll0]

2018-01-31, 03:49 PM
Aticoll remembers his master telling him about the ore Galvorn, a rare ore that when mixed with mercury forms a dark blue or black metal. But all traces of its how to in terms of creation have been lost. What is even more strikingly odd to Aticoll is the design is vaguely elven in appearance, but then he remembers most likely why it has elven influence; Black Elves. The craftmenship is easily amongst the best smithing work Aitcoll, or anyone else has seen for that matter.

Duke Volen smiles as Aitocll lets out an 'Oh' Standing he takes a half dozen steps towards the group."I see you have figured out where the origins of this sword lie, dwarf. You care to hear the story on how I came to possess such a blade?"

Aticoll hand begins to warm a bit where he touched the blade, it leaving his palm a brighter red. he quickly sheaths the sword and hands it back to the Duke.

2018-01-31, 04:01 PM
Aticoll nods over to the Duke sure! he replied

2018-01-31, 04:21 PM
"Generations ago a mighty army came forth from the Wocal forest, an army of, what were once just mythical, black elves. In a way it broke this kingdom, My own Great grandfather fought and died against the captain who wielded that same blade, none of us knew what material it was made out of, but we knew the wounds it could cause at even the slightest cut." He takes the sword offer back to him from Aticoll. "In my youth I thought I could weild such a weapon as this, but found out the hard way, my two cousins laughed as I cried out in pain from just wielding this sword, but stopped when they saw the causes of my pain." Duke Volen removes his right glove and reveals his palm which looks as though it had been severely burned and the skin that healed has a darker color to it than the rest of his hand.

He makes his way back to the throne and sits. " There has been..a dozen or so He turns to Captain Cilhar who nods affirmitavely reports of bugbears using similarly shaped weapons though none have reported them to be black blades like this one."

2018-01-31, 04:47 PM
After the Duke took back his sword Aticoll felt better. Something evil sheats the blade, something magical must have been part of the forging.

The black elves also!
He searched for Cass and as he found his eyes he asked him Evil?, knowing that he is blessed by his god and gifted with this sight

2018-01-31, 05:54 PM
Cass catches Aticoll's eyes and nods, stepping forward. "May I inspect the weapon as well?"

Once in hand, Cass withdraws a portion of the blade from the sheath and gazes deeply at it.

Detect Evil

2018-02-01, 09:06 AM
The sword does not register as evil. You can only assume the alloy forged in the creation somehow makes the blade poisonous to touch. for, you all know mercury to be in and of itself poisonous, Aticoll explains that mercury poisoning tends to make one's vision impaired and disrupts their equilibrium as well as over-all fatigue. Perhaps the combination of mercury and galvorn react to the physiology of one's body in an extreme way?

2018-02-01, 12:40 PM
You say it is not evil by itself? At least one good point. It's bad enough how it is forged. I mean it isn't bad forged, this technique, wonderful! It's just that the smith and the wielder of a weapon like this want to spread havoc!
You all see the blue shimmering, ya? That's because of the mercury in the alloy. And we all know how poisonous mercury is! You can feel its power just by touching it. And now imagine a cut deep in your flesh!

The material, the form and the processing of the blade, all says black elfs. We should all sleep with one eye open!

Not many had ever heard Aticoll speak so much once at a time. Often he didn't speak so many words in a month. But all this had to be said.

The euphoria in his eyes faded away as he was ready with his speach and he returned looking like the stoic watchmen again.

2018-02-01, 05:55 PM
“What would you have us do, my lord?” Arelyn asked.

2018-02-02, 12:27 PM
"what is strange about all of this is that while we are used to bugbear attacks once a generation or so, this is the first time since the Black Elf invasion we have seen these same weapons, but the bugbears have not been using anything other than their usual tactics, ambushes and bully rushes. Nothing at all like the advanced ones used by the black elves." The duke says while scratching his chin in ponder.

He leans forward "We do not really have the resources to investigate such, nor the knowledge of craftsmanship as the dwarves of Dhel Faldir. I wish you to travel there and see what you can gather and what this all might mean for my land, as well as the dwarven ones and the kingdom as a whole. My uncle is not well and old, I fear the idea of another invasion would be too much for him"

2018-02-02, 12:47 PM
A short smile twinkled over Aticolls face as he heard the name Dhel Faldir. For whom knowing him better know that he is really happy to come home.

2018-02-03, 04:26 AM

“Maybe the weapons were stolen,” Arelyn said.

She listened to the Duke’s request, then nodded.

“Of course we’ll investigate,” Arelyn said, “if it means stopping the bugbear attacks or even worse, another invasion. We’ll get to the bottom of it.”

2018-02-04, 02:31 PM
The Duke stands and bows in thanks "I appreciate it, Captain Cilhar will take you to the armory, you have a thousand gold line of credit to buy any supplies that you need"

2018-02-04, 02:43 PM
Cass nods his thanks to the Duke, but hesitates in turning to follow the Captain. "There was a family attacked by the bugbears and the father killed on the road yesterday. What's going to happen to his widow and their child?"

2018-02-04, 07:15 PM
"Miro was receiving his father's military pay, as his father retired from active service with a couple years of back pay owed and died shortly thereafter. That money will be taxed and the left over given to the son, with Lidka, the mother, as the executor of the assets. That should be enough for at least a year or two, plus she can sell his pottery business or if she knows how, run it herself." Captain Cilhar answers

2018-02-04, 08:17 PM
"Very good." Cass grins and follows the man towards the armory.

2018-02-06, 12:14 PM
You all follow Captain Cilhar to the armory and gather the supplies and such you need for the treck. Aticoll is in high spirits and you all make your way to his home, a place he has not been for many a year.

2018-02-06, 04:58 PM
At the armory, he watched at the weapons and couldn't find a better one than his axe. A mithral breastplate he found but it was too expansive.
Instead he sharpened his axe and waits for his comrades to be ready.

2018-02-07, 03:58 AM
Arelyn purchased adventuring supplies for the road, but she already had most of the equipment she needed.
next pickup is masterwork mirthril breastplate, which I don’t think I have the funds for yet.

2018-02-07, 07:37 PM
As you leave with your newly purchased items, Captain Cilhar says as you leave to begin the journey "Normally Brayt gets a monthly caravan of trade good from the dwarves, while it is not unheard of for them to skip a month here or there, especially during the more harsh winters, they are overdue. I am hoping it is nothing, but with the bugbear attacks and the implications of black elven arms I want to be safe rather than sorry. The duke has enough on his plate to be worrying about what is going on with Dhel Faldir and the trade caravans."

2018-02-07, 09:37 PM
Cass’s brow furrows. “How large is the company of dwarves that passes through?”

2018-02-07, 11:24 PM
Captain Cilhar takes a moment to think before answering "Normally around a score of wagons, with guards, merchants, teamsters, and servants the number of dwarves is around a hundred fifty." He then chuckles for a moment "I know I sound like a old maid spouting nonsense, nobody in their right mind would dare attack a dwarven caravan, lets they have an army of their own. But then, bugbears would not normally have well made weapons. Let alone weapons that have a dark history with our peoples."

2018-02-16, 12:24 AM
As you all make your way to Dhel Feldir the first few days are rather uneventful. The day before you arrive at the Dwarven hold, you come across the remains of a battle site, a fresh one. Lord Castleroy is able to inspect the tracks and what conclusion he comes to is about a week or so ago a train of wagons was set upon by a few score goblins and a dozen or so bugbears. You all hurry towards the town, worried about what state you will find it in.

You arrive greeted by 14 dwarves in armor and weapons bared, they shout to you behind a spike barricade war slings (think ballista but launching rocks instead of bolts) [Dwarven]Who ye be and what business ye be having to come here so armed, answer before I count to 5 or prepared to get stoned!" 1, 2, 3..."

2018-02-16, 12:53 AM
“Any idea what they’re saying?” Arelyn whispered.

2018-02-16, 02:16 AM
”No idea.” Cass whispers back.

2018-02-16, 03:51 AM
Aticoll stepped forward, his axe held high and his massive shield unprotective away from his body. But me... he said while walking past his comrades.

[Dwarven] Moradins blessing, brothers! It's me, Aticoll, son of Alcott, Weaponsmith and Traveler.
No need for rock raining! Tell me, who's on your side of the barricade?
If they tell their names, please say which one Aticoll knows.

2018-02-16, 07:43 PM
[Dwarven] "Cousin! Where have you been these last years? You picked an odd time to come back, with friends it seems." A dwarf walks out in front of the barricade, his arm extended in the typical dwarven greeting. Aticoll recognizes his cousin Hirar and greets him in turn.

He follows the parties gaze to the barricade, war machine, and armed dwarves and nods a bit [Dwarven] "We had a trade caravan ambushed by a goblin band, and there is rumors of a horde making its way south west out of the Delar Mountains."

2018-02-17, 01:53 AM
[Dwarven] Hirar! How are you? How's your mother doing? Is greatuncle Bongo still trying to ride a stone to the moon?
If you don't mind, could we start talking in common?
My friends over here couldn't speak our language. They speak alot but with the wrong words. Muhahaha

Aticoll was laughing. Laughing. He.
Nobody of his fellows had heard this before. He was really happy to see his family again.

He introduced his friends, greeted the other dwarfs but didn't say a word about the ambush.

[Dwarven] Like I said, common would be polite. My friends will be thankful

2018-02-17, 09:57 AM
Hirar bows in apology "Deepest apologies, I forget there are other languages at times." Hirar shakes each of the humans hands. "Any friend to Aticoll is a friend to me."

The dwarves let you all pass and Hirar walks with you talking still "Bongo is recovering from a broken leg, as he made the biggest war sling ever.. his words I have no idea if its true, and tried to reach the moon that way. Mother.. well We lost Baz in the caravan ambush, seeing her favorite nephew might cheer her up though."

2018-02-17, 10:40 AM
Damn! Baz? That's sad... Do the talking with them, okay? He pointed to his friends.
It seemed that Aticoll turned back into that stoic watchman like before. Talking Common wasn't his favorite.

2018-02-22, 02:44 AM
You don't have to be shy! They are dwarfs! My family and friends!

So, we are here, because of a raid. And a sword - a beautiful but evil one. And dark elves. Ahhh come on, Cass, Arelyn?

Aticoll seemed desperate. He wasn't goid at reporting...

2018-02-22, 08:43 AM

“We’re investigating the recent attacks,” Arelyn said.


Arelyn summed up recent events and did her best to make a good impression on the dwarves.

diplomacy improve attitude, take 10 for 26

2018-02-26, 03:14 PM
Hirar thinks for a moment "any questions about weapons should be directed to the weaponsmith guild as they would know more about such than anyone else I would wager."

He then turns to Aticoll and whispers [Dwarven]Baz died more to a sort of poison of a strange blade than to the weapon itself, the skin around the wound turned bright pink and bubbled as if burnt." Hirar faces back to Castleroy and Arelyn "we too have had encounters with weapons from out of our legends, there be whispers of evil coming back to the lands and goblinoid rituals in the forest to the south."

2018-02-27, 04:23 PM
[Dwarven]Hirar, tell me! Is Alchemy still frowned upon by our clan? Baz could still be alive, you know?

Aticoll knew that his clan was antiquated. In the few years he was wandering he saw alot of innovations. It isn't bad to stay at the well-tried but time doesn't stand still.
Alchemy is one of these innovations. But the clan-leaders were all white-bearded stubborns. Younger dwarves had to take the reins.

2018-02-27, 08:18 PM
”Has anyone investigated the rituals? How many goblins are in the forest?” Arelyn asked.

2018-02-28, 10:30 AM
Hirar shakes his head to Aticoll's question, you get the sense he is saying no to more than just the questions posed.

Hirar then turns to Arelyn "We never took much truth to the ritual rumors... even the 'oncoming horde' rumors but since the ambush of the caravan it has been other wise. Now the council of elders meets just about everyday arguing over if we need to assembly the army, where to march it, and who has the longest beard." He adds the last one in a frustrated tone. "With everything going on and most of the people spooked, none have been sent into the forest to check on the rumors, instead they have a platoon guarding the entrances with warslings like hey expect an assault at any time, even when not a single scout from the dozen has seen any trace of a goblin horde."

2018-02-28, 08:26 PM

“I think we should talk to the weapons guild first, then maybe investigate the forest,” Arelyn said, “unless anyone else has a better idea?”

2018-03-01, 02:40 AM
Aticoll nodded. Good idea.
Hirar, who's the leader of the guild? Is it still Ramon Bearcutter?

2018-03-01, 09:28 AM
"yes he still is, cousin. Though with the half-hearted preparations for war going on he is most likely to be found in the council ward rather the forges." Hirar then suddenly remembers he is supposed to be outside posting guard duty and slaps himself in the face with an audible *smack* "Well, I have to return to duty, probably already got a demerit or two" Hirar then hurries back to his post outside the gate.

You get the feeling that the dwarves are either moving to fast in regards to recently developments, or maybe too slow.

2018-03-05, 03:09 PM
Cass shakes his head. "I've never seen a dwarven welcome quite like this before." He laughs nervously. "It's a good thing you were here Aticoll! Though I'm starting to wonder just how large of a force we're looking at here. To take on that many dwarves..." Cass ends his thought with a low whistle. "We need to find out just what we're up against."

2018-03-05, 05:26 PM
Aticoll had the feeling he should inform his comrades a bit more about his clan.
Look guys, we're up to meet some of my clan. Maybe some of the leaders. You should know that they are --- how should I say --- they already have their opinion, no matter what you will say. And, they aren't so talkative like I am.

2018-03-09, 09:05 PM
You make your way to the forges, smoke, soot, and glowing embers fill the air, causing the non dwarves to cough. Seems Aitcoll is acclimated to such conditions. Dwarves hurry past you and though you try to get their attention they seem to either ignore you or be on to more pressing matters. After two minutes or so of attempting to talk to somebody, one of the dwarves stops in his tracks and almost walks backwards "Armed humans..?" He says with a very perplexed look on his face before he notices Aticoll. "What brings you here, here to help in the war preparations or you from Brayt and curious as to what happened to the trade caravan?"

2018-03-09, 09:31 PM

“Both. We’re hoping to meet with the guild leadership to learn more about the strange weapons the bugbears are using,” Arelyn replied.

2018-03-09, 09:42 PM
The dwarf nods "The forgemasters are further in the back, they will be the ones around one hammering less than arguing." The Dwarf then seems satisfied with the answer and moves on to whatever duties he had before he stopped.

2018-03-11, 04:01 AM
Arelyn moves off in the direction indicated, looking for the smithing dwarves.

sorry, not much for me to go on here.

2018-03-11, 11:50 AM
Aticoll took a deep breath Finally, I'm home! . He was walking to the back of the forge to meet the masters.

2018-03-12, 04:32 PM
You al 3 make your way to the rear of the forge halls. You walk for quite a way and then you see a group of elderly Dwarves surrounding a lit, but unused forge arguing. As you walk closer Aticoll can make out what their argument is about: how many weapons they need, do they even need weapons, how much should be used on armor as opposed to weapons, and who has the longest beard.

They stop and look to you as you near them "What do you want!" One says, his voice showing signs of both authority and annoyance.

2018-03-12, 05:35 PM
May your fire burning hot and your beards be long! Aticoll greeted the dwarves. You know such blades? he draw the outline of the sword into the dust.

2018-03-12, 09:37 PM
The gathered forgemasters all gasp as Aticoll draws the outline, the one who spoke to you then in a less annoyed tone states "Yes, we know of such blades, elven they be... and ancient. Tell me anything else about the blade you know of.?"

2018-03-15, 05:18 PM
Some Bugbears had these swords.
They were attacking a young family in the woods.
It's sad that the husband died there but it wasn't something special! Just evil creatures attacking some random citizens.

Why are you so afraid? It's just a sword. Darkelf, ya, but what is so frightening?

Old dwarves. Every single one had fought more battles than Atticols group together. And a simple drawing was enough to give them goosebumps? He wanted to know the story behind.

2018-03-16, 05:45 PM
Forgemaster Bearcutter shakes his head disapproval "whelp*, it is not the sword itself that has us worried so, it is what the blade represents. Think of everything you know of elves.. now picture all of that turned to pure evil with blades that are poisonous to every other race in existence. The goblin ambush and the attack you rescued the woman and child from are related. We are afraid the Black Elves are behind this, and if we find a Galvorn weapon rather than just steel or iron, you would do well to be afraid as are we.

Elves are dangerous opponents, they might now be as sturdy or competent in a fight as a dwarf, but they are more nimble and have more powerful magic. Imagine if those same elves had no qualms about what kind of magic they used or what any fallout could be of any of their rituals. This is the true reason why The council is acting as it is, not solely because of goblins..but what could, potentially, be behind the goblinoid attacks."

*This is for a dwarf an insulting term, referring to the speaker he is young, inexperienced, and foolish.

2018-03-17, 01:10 AM
You know what? The blades aren't poisonous. They have just a mercury alloy. It's some kind of metal. But what do I told you - you know this. And now you are afraid of blades and elves? Of the pointy eared tree hugger? And you call me a whelp?
By Moradin! We are dwarves! We aren't afraid of elves and blades and battles! We love axes and swords, we celebrate the fighting and we laugh over elves!

Just think a bit further than your beard is long. Only for once! Dammit! Fools! Old stubborns!!!

So much he wanted to tell them and call them. But he had learned to be quiet and not to contradict. Instead he said nothing and became the watchmen he is known for. But not before let his comrades see that he was rolling his eyes, meaning “you see? Exactly what I told you.“

2018-03-17, 06:44 PM
Bearcutter eyes Aticoll for a few, the Guild Master seems to be picking up on the vibes. "All 3 of you shall come with me to the Vault of the Ancients." Though he does not state it as a command, you all get the impression that you should do as told.

You follow Forgemaster Bearcutter to a vey old and very large stone door, which is open vastly easier than you would have suspected. He takes you to a part filled with various weapons and over to a display case with a half dozen or so bladed weapons in them, most, of course, are the same curved swords you have seen. There also happens to be what looks like a shattered glaive, a dagger and a intricate spear with a broad head (think a fancy boar spear without the wings).

He turns around and sighs at Aticoll before speaking "Do not take my previous words so light nor do not allow your dwarven pride to get in the way of truths. 12 generations ago we assisted the Elven kingdoms of Laillaterra and Graemarene in destroying the Black Elf kingdom. The war lasted almost 200 years, and the Garemarene was destroyed by three plagues, two born of insidious black magics. We dwarves might be powerful fighters and masters of warfare, but you have to realize that the elves are just as mighty. Just in a different way. It took a triple alliance to defeat the Black Elves, and one part of the alliance is no more. While the others suffered losses that are in some cases just beginning to be back to pre-war. We have the weapons, we know what they are made of. But we do not know how, and greater smiths than I have attempted to figure it out. Mercury is poisonous, yes, if ingested. somehow the combination of mercury and galvron create somekind of poisonous metal, and somehow the black elves are immune to it. Praise to Moradin for dwarven fortitude, as we are more able to resist such effect than elves or humans.."

He reaches in and picks up on of the dagger careful to hold it by the leather wraped handle. "It is not that us dwarves of Dhel Faldir are afraid of combat. It is we are afraid that there might be a war oncoming we have no chance to win. It took ourselves and two powerful elven kingdoms, one of which suffered a finality, to win the last time. Lovric with it's split political power, I am afraid, is in no shape to lend any effectual assistance. The Dark Underrising as it came to be know shattered the human kingdom, and It was not anywhere close to a real military excursion. Most likely a hot-blooded younger general who did not take time to tactically think, let alone fight. Why else do you think the supply chain was so easily broken?

2018-03-18, 04:26 PM
This can't be true! There has to be a way, there IS a way! We should contact the Gnomes - they know alot about alchemy. Or gather the humans and the elves - new alliances must be built. Something! Aticoll was upset.
[Dwarf] The humans may not be the strongest warriors but they are big in numbers. More importantly, most of them are honest and sincere. And especially friends. he looked over to his comrades and for a split second a smile was visible.

2018-03-19, 12:25 PM
Bearcutter nods affirmatively before he replies "We know what humans are capable of, with their short lives they strive to be greater every generation, which is something us dwarves are seldom to do. Lovric could be mighty, but the current situation with the local lords holding more power than the king does not lend well to efficient or adequate responses to such as event as an invasion."

2018-03-20, 01:33 PM
All this speaking was hard for Aticoll. He's the guy with the axe and the shield not the one with the golden tongue.

We are here in Lovrics name. We are expected back. What should we tell them? Any messages?

2018-03-21, 12:38 AM

“We don’t even know if there’s an invasion or not,” Arelyn said, “shouldn’t we find out more before we go back, at least see if there are goblins and how many?”

2018-03-21, 06:55 PM
Bearcutter places the dagger back in the case "well.. here you can help. If you do I will put in a good word at the council for Lovric. We have had a dozen or so reports, in verified of course, of goblinoids meeting in the forest and doing dark rituals. If you can investigate and return with information to affirm or refute said reports That would be good. Know this though, even if we decide to help Lovric, it may not be enough. The government has been in pieces and wasted most of their power, in all sense of the word, into a series of one up to gain more political power...without a strong, determined, and rightful central authority..not much can be done."

2018-03-21, 08:38 PM

"Well, we'll just have to collect incontrovertible evidence that all their lives are on the line, then they'll band together against the common threat," Arelyn replied with a smile.

2018-03-22, 12:50 AM
Sounds like a feasible task, right? It couldn't be so hard to find one of these goblinoids and make him talk...

2018-03-24, 02:26 PM
Forgemaster Bearcutter nods "In a weeks time, we are expecting a envoy from the church of Pholtus. I expect any finding from your search for evidence to be ready to be presented by then." He puts his hand on Aticoll's shoulder and says one last thing before dismissing you with his hand. [Dwarven] I wish you luck, lad. Be careful and keep your friends safe. Maybe if you come back with the answers we need. You can be allowed to work the forges."

2018-03-24, 08:48 PM
“Which direction do you suspect they’re in?” Arelyn asked.

2018-03-26, 01:16 PM
So we should hurry, ya? Gimme a moment!
Aticoll walked over to the next table with some ink and paper on it, grabbed a sheet and started writing.

Then he put it in an envelope and handed it over to Bearcutter [Dwarven] would you send this to Mom and Pop, please?

“Dear Mom and Pop!
After some years I'm home again but I have to leave again. No time to visit you. Bearcutter said if I finish this job, I'm allowed to work at the forges!
See you next time when I'm around.
Berronars blessing,


2018-03-27, 08:32 AM
Bearcutter nods to Aticoll as he takes the letter. "The rumors are that the are old ruins to the east 3 days travel and that is where the rituals are taking place."

2018-03-27, 09:03 AM

“Okay, why don’t we rest up tonight and leave first thing in the morning?” Arelyn suggests.

If this ends up being the course of action, she will fly up as high as she can after nightfall to see if she can spot any campfires to the east, between them and the ruins

2018-03-29, 09:24 AM
Why aren't we leaving now? There are still a few hours left until night falls...

2018-03-29, 09:42 AM

“Figured a good night’s rest and a good meal would have appealed to everyone,” Arelyn replied wryly.

“How can my weary legs possibly hold up for another mile,” she asked, back of hand to forehead with feigned exhaustion, before rising up a few inches off the ground.

“Oh wait, that’s right, I can fly,” she added with a playful snicker.
“If we want to leave right now, we can,” Arelyn said.

2018-03-29, 12:08 PM
I just thought if we start now we are arriving faster... sometimes I forget the laziness of non-dwarves. Aticoll wanted to slap his comrade on the shoulder - what wasn't easy, look at the different heights - but he was levitating, impossible for Aticoll to reach. So he lowered his hand again.

2018-03-29, 03:41 PM
Aticoll thinks for a moment and realizes they have Arelyn is correct, as his stomach grumbles lend supporting testimony. They last ate just after dawn, most likely it been close to half a day since. Last thing anybody needs is to go out in the forest on an empty stomach and fatigued from walking all day.

Dawn comes and you eat breakfast at a trader's inn that was provided to you by the smith guild. You make you way out and You are greeted by Hirar, his captain, and a group of assorted persons "Guildmaster told us what you were doing, we have some others who would like to assist you in that."

OOC: Im pausing this here until I finish adding in new players. Of course the next scene will involve combat. and combat that is more difficult than the earlier road ambush.

2018-04-08, 12:55 PM
Aticoll looked at the group, one after another.
[Dwarven]Save your grin, cousin!
He looked over to Arelyn and thought that humans aren't such a bad company.

2018-04-09, 05:46 PM
Hirar nods and says "Each here has their reason for wanting to assist you. We all wish you the best of luck and may Moradin watch over you, and your comrades cousin."

2018-04-09, 08:30 PM
Arlen M’Cade (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1538747)

A young, dark-haired human in well-worn armour steps up to the table, nodding acknowledgement to the dwarf.

“Arlen M’Cade, at your service,” he says with a polite bow.

2018-04-09, 09:00 PM

“Arelyn is a girl’s name,” Arelyn said, trying to hold back a mishevious grin, “but if you were going to have a girl’s name, that’s a good one to have. Welcome aboard!”

2018-04-10, 12:03 AM
Aticoll raised his fist for a military salute to let them know, he's a fighter. I'm Aticoll

Then he turned around and replied to Hirar once again. See you in a few days! May Moradin help you with your guard!

2018-04-10, 12:12 AM

Lyanna bows.

Greetings, I am Lyanna, a humble servant of the Dawn.

2018-04-10, 08:23 PM

Elias sits crosslegged on the ground, contemplating the situation. While we're all introducing ourselves here, my name is Elias.

2018-04-11, 02:01 PM
You all spend a few minute introducing yourselves, your various abilities, and specialities. You head on out with Arelyn looking for the ruins. The first day and a half nothing interesting happens, then just after lunch the 2nd day. Arelyn sees some old ruins. Nothing more than maybe a half dozen buildings. You spend a few hours exploring the ruins and other than disturbing a nest of dire weasels there is nothing. But, the presence of ruins fills the party with hope. If these are more than rumors.. then perhaps the goblin rituals are as well.

You continue on in the general direction and the morning of the 3rd day, Arelyn flies back excited. She tells the party good and bad news. Good news: she found the ruins and the ritual, Bad news: there is a ritual going on now and several bugbears as well as some other creature she has never seen before. It look like a female elf, or maybe slight built human is tied on a stone sacrificial altar.

Map: Evil Forest Temple Tab (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RPkx0_cXj6Y-wDhv-Tqrg5TO9UqS_-pS9hpIF88u3HE/edit#gid=1733199095)

2018-04-11, 02:50 PM
Last introduction

Ahead of the party, just beyond the outskirts of the ruins, Arelyn may have noticed a horse drawn carriage positioned in the shelter of trees and shrubbery. Separate and hidden from happenings at the ritual.

A young female human nervously worked to quiet the animals while constantly checking in the direction of the ruins. Just beyond her a stout dwarf handling a hammer stood guard patiently protecting the carriage. The carriages owner however, alerted to the situation by pure luck and a need to release his bladder, was quite further ahead and hidden in the shrubbery spying on the creatures. Moving very VERY slowly and cautiously.

He was not equipped for the situation but just had to see what was going on. (Alistair can be found at his map position. Carriage is left far enough away not to be seen or heard.)

2018-04-11, 09:53 PM

Seeing the elf (half-elf? human?) completely helpless and tied to the altar, Arelyn flew straight in and hovered over the elf, igniting a long blue-white blade from one hand as she streaked overhead.

As Arelyn is already airborne, double move to 10' above the altar, activate eldritch beam as a free action. This should put Arelyn out of melee range and allow attacks of opportunity against anyone who tries to get close to the elf.

AOO: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit confirm: [roll2]
crit damage: [roll3]

AOO: [roll4]
damage: [roll5]
crit confirm: [roll6]
crit damage: [roll7]

AOO: [roll8]
damage: [roll9]
crit confirm: [roll10]
crit damage: [roll11]

AOO: [roll12]
damage: [roll13]
crit confirm: [roll14]
crit damage: [roll15]

I added str bonus in here, not sure if I'm supposed to.

2018-04-12, 10:51 AM

“We might need a system so we don’t confuse our names with one another,” Arlen says upon meeting this delightful Arelyn.

“Perhaps I can be “Pretty Arlen” and we can call you “Tough Arelyn”.”


Approaching the altar and seeing his new “twin” racing into battle, the holy librarian chants a prayer to aid her charge.

Bless ("http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/bless.htm”) all of you within 50 radius; 6 minutes duration.

2018-04-12, 03:07 PM
[Dwarf] Foolish Human! Everytime the same... Aticoll whispered as he started to accelerate. Arelyn, hey! he shouted while running to fight at the side of his comrade. He let his run end in a hard single strike against one of these bugbears.

charge-attack vs the bugbear @ p10 and I choose this dude for my dodge-feat.
Charge attack: [roll0]
Crit [roll1]

Damage [roll2]
Crit [roll3]

2018-04-12, 10:24 PM
Elias rushes for one of the bugbears standing on the fringe of the scene. "Moradin, open my eyes," he whispers as he throws a punch at the bugbear.

So, Elias is targeting the bugbear in I9. Also, he's using Insight on him as a swift action.

2018-04-12, 10:32 PM
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-04-12, 10:45 PM

Seeing her fellows spring into action, Lyanna rushes forward to defend the...elf? woman. She is suspicious of treachery and ambush, bugbears are known for fighting dirty, and keeps her eyes open to see any traps and ascertain if the woman has any injuries.

"I WILL CHECK ON THE GIRL" Lyanna shouts.

Double moving to the elf@I16, I should be 10ft short I believe this round
Using Spot and Heal to see if I can see if all is on the up and up and if the woman is injured
Sense Motive to see if the woman is a willing or unwilling sacrifice

Spot [roll]1d20+3
Sense Motive [roll0]
Heal [roll1]

2018-04-13, 07:07 PM
You all rush to save the sacrifice victim, which Lyanna can tell is most definitely not willing, as she is covered in bruises, cuts, and looks a bit worn. This time the bugbears are not taken by surprise and respond, though maybe not the best way tactically. Aticoll manages to land a deadly blow, and though his target does stumble, he does not fall. Elias lands a solid punch with a lout 'thud' in the bugbear's chest, but that just seems to make it more angry. One of the bugbears armed with a bow move and takes aim at the dwarf while the other loose arrows at Arelyn's flying and energy weapon bearing self. Taking to the air itself to meet Arelyn is the mysterious creature, which looks like some kind of cross between a crow or raven and a man, seemingly careless about avoiding any blows.

One of the shaman's chant a few words and a brief shimmer falls over him. Another does a longer chants and tiny motes of gold fall over his allies. The last turns towards Lyanna and a gout of flame issues forth.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Fire Damage: [roll6]

Attack: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]
Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Attack: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]

2018-04-13, 08:02 PM
Alistair was nearly scared to death as a barrage of warriors burst out onto the scene. He couldn't tell if they were extremely brave or stupid. He cursed silently to himself in multiple languages. He decided to delay acting untill he saw a bit more of what was happening.
Alistair delays his turn untill after the bugbears

2018-04-13, 09:40 PM
Lyanna does her best to avoid the flames....ducking in a clumsy roll....

Reflex Save vs DC:12 [roll0]

....avoiding some but not all of the conflagration, Lyanna interposes herself between the shaman and the girl and casts a spell of protection upon her....


Casting protection from energy: Fire on the elf and interposing myself between the pyro and the elf. I am under a perptual Sanctuary effect, requires a DC16 Will save to be the target of attacks and spells.

2018-04-13, 10:04 PM

did Arelyn hit the bird man with a touch attack and do damage? She has sickening blasts so if she hit he should have to make a save right? Sickening blast 2 + 3 for cha +1 fey power = 16 dc.

Arelyn shrugged off the blows as her fey blood protected her and attempted to strike the bird man, both hands on the beam of energy.

“Who are you, why are you hurting this woman??” Arelyn yelled.

dr 8 / cold iron negates all damage
attack: [roll0] touch
Damage: [roll1]
On hit: Dc 16 fort save or be sickened.

2018-04-14, 01:58 AM
Aticoll was unimpressed by the attacks of the the bugbears. The arrow and the strike, both he blocked with his shield.

IS THIS ALL YOU CAN DO? COME ON! BRING ME YOUR LEADER! he shouted out. Then he continued to hit the bugbear with his axe.

as a swift action, he starts a “Test of Mettle“. Every enemy within 100ft WILL DC 13 or must attack me for 5 rounds.

Full attack action to strike the bugbear - except if he goes down after the first, then he stops (knights code). Attack with +1 because he's a dwarf and the enemy a goblinoid.

+1dodge AC not changed Attack#1[roll0]
Attack#2 [roll1]

Damage#1 [roll2]
Damage#2 [roll3]

2018-04-14, 01:53 PM

Arlen winces as the bugbears all gang up on Arelyn, but then laughs as her get skin turns the blows like plate steel.

“Let’s see what we can do about this pesky beast,” he says, turning his attention the the flier.

Gauging distance, Arlen beseeches the gods of fire to remind the creature’s chain of a time it was molten steel.

40 foot range, 7 round duration DC will 16 negates

2018-04-15, 09:36 AM
Elias laughs somewhat merrily. "Your blows are somewhat lacking, monster." His body moves lithely as he continues to pelt the bugbear with blows.

Elias uses Flurry of Blows on the same bugbear.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2018-04-15, 06:47 PM
Arlen chants a spell and the man-bird looks down at its chest, seemingly discomfortable. Elias does a series of rapid punches to the bubear in front of him, who falls to the earth with a grunt. Lyanna get past the shaman and casts a spell on the bound victim. Aticoll manages to cleave his weapon deep into the bugbear facing him, severing its left arm. He then shouts a challenge and seemingly most of the bugbears and the birdman seem to be affected. The birdman attempts to fly off, but is quickly cut down by a fast reacting Arelyn. One of the bugbear archer seem to be focus on the flying human still as he looses another arrow. One makes his run around the ruin to get into better position to fire upon Aticoll while the third archer does fire an arrow at the armored dwarf. One shaman runs up and get about half way up the stairs to the altar. The shaman who cast Burning hands now steps back and creates a cloud of think misty fog. The third looks up to Arelyn and stands there, seemingly waiting on her action to respond.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

OOC: Some rolls I make hidden, it makes things go faster. such as the save for Lyanna's sanctuary aura, and Arelyn's sickening blast invocation. I will also use previous rolls cuz I just do not like the fact that rolls youhave done go wasted.

2018-04-15, 08:45 PM
OOC: Some rolls I make hidden, it makes things go faster. such as the save for Lyanna's sanctuary aura, and Arelyn's sickening blast invocation. I will also use previous rolls cuz I just do not like the fact that rolls youhave done go wasted.

The victim protected, Lyanna turns her attentions to her wounded comrades, disregarding the smoldering from her cloak.

Lyanna points at Aticoll and Arelyn in rapid succession

Neme! Neme Vulneri! Aticoll! Neme Sangre! Arelyn!

No worries, just making sure you were taking the Sanctuary into account, it's easy to miss.

Spending a swift action to cast Close Wounds on Arelyn
Healing: [roll0]
Spending a standard action to cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Aticoll
Healing: [roll1]

2018-04-15, 08:52 PM

Arelyn grimaced as another hole tore through her clothing, thankful for the blessings which kept her flesh from suffering the same fate. She didn’t like the look of the shaman watching her but she liked the fact that another one had gotten so close to the elf even less. She drifted down until she was hovering just over the prisoner and swung her energy blade at his ugly face.

Attack: [roll0] touch
Damage: [roll1]

2018-04-15, 08:59 PM
Elias chuckles to himself, bobs and weaves his way through the combat to reach the archer attacking Aticoll before roundhouse kicking the ugly.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-04-15, 09:09 PM
"Oh shee" Alistair mutters to himself, his words trailing off as he finds himself doing something stupid. He could have just carried on his way, this wasn't his business, these guys seemed to have it under control, wasn't his problem.
Yet for some unknown reason he found himself running towards the trouble. His second step sent an ache radiating through his bad knee but he carried on. He had decided that he had to do something to help. Dressed as a noble and not a warrior like the rest, he stood out as he fled across the battle field to swing his walking cane at the unoccupied enemy nearest the sacrifice.

Alistair would do what he could to help.

Delayed action
- move to N16
- 5ft step to N17
- Attack N18
- Ready for AOO (should anyone near the alter)

+1 quarter staff [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

+1 quarter staff [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2018-04-15, 09:29 PM

“That might have been overkill,” says Arlen.

He shrugs and draws out his sling instead, drawing a bead on the nearest bugbear.


2018-04-16, 03:04 AM
Aticoll saw a gap between two other bugbears which he could use for his advantage. While walking to the enemies he pointed at one and said You!.
With two bugbears around him, Aticoll started to enjoy this fight.

Move action: walking over to M10.
Free action: I designate bugbear @L10 for my special opponent (+1 dodge AC)
Standart action: attack bugbear @L10

~ Aticoll has improved uncanny dodge. And elusive target - I will use Diverting Defense (if L10 strikes me, he strikes N9 instead. N9 is flatfooted for this strike) ~Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Thanks for the healing, Ancient, but Aticoll wasn't wounded...

2018-04-16, 07:27 PM
The skirmish begins to turn heavily in the favor of the group as the bugbears are not only injured, but no longer have the numbers they did. Most are still focused on Aticoll and his taunt, but the one archer still tries to hit Arelyn. The remaining shaman stays hidden inside the cloud.

Attack: [roll0]

Attack: [roll2]

Attack: [roll4]

Attack: [roll6]

Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Map: Evil Forest Temple Tab (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RPkx0_cXj6Y-wDhv-Tqrg5TO9UqS_-pS9hpIF88u3HE/edit#gid=1733199095) ((Round 3)

2018-04-16, 09:12 PM

Arelyn flinched as another arrow zipped past her hand, then a guy with a freakin' cane charged up took out the shaman beneath her. Must be friendly.

Holding her eldritch blade in one hand, she used her other to first make a rude gesture to the archer who shot at her, then unleashed a bolt of energy at him.

With the newcomer and and Lyanna both watching over the elf, she flew north to help Aticoll.

eldritch blast, attack the east most archer: [roll0] ranged touch
damage: [roll1]
sickening blast fort save DC 16 to avoid effects
Move north 6 squares to threaten all three bugbears engaging with Aticoll and Elias.

2018-04-19, 06:27 AM
Elias continues to pummel the bugbear archer with his fists. A smile slowly spreads across face as he feels the rush of adrenaline coursing through his body.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

2018-04-19, 07:15 AM
Ferling sure that the others had things under control, Alistair instead turns his attention to freeing the maiden. However he couldn't do so without turning on his charm. It also helped to calm himself.
As he cuts at her bonds with a knife, he tries to reassure her while asking of her name, where she was from and how she got here.

[roll1]Sense motive

2018-04-19, 03:07 PM

Drawing his own morningstar, Arlen mines his knowledge on bugbear physiology.

If the battle suddenly goes bad, readying Dark Knowledge

2018-04-19, 08:52 PM
Lyanna keeps her eyes peeled on the cloud waiting to see if the shaman emerges.

Readied action to nail the shaman with a whelm if he emerges from the mist.

2018-04-20, 02:02 PM
Aticoll got hit by an arrow. And this one was really well shot. Even a dwarf has to bend over after this hit. But an eyelash later he was all focused on the bugbears he was fighting in melee. With a big swing he strikes the first and in motion the one behind him.

1st attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2nd attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2018-04-20, 11:50 PM
Elias and Aticoll drop their respective targets and that seems to break the morale of the rest of the bugbears as they all turn an run regardless of the danger it puts them in. That leads to additional casualties for the bugbears as they unguarded retreat, if you will, left them open to easy attacks.

Alistair unbinds the woman, who seems to be in priestly garments of some sort, but you are unable to tell exactly due to the tears, blood, and other on the robe. She manages to say her name is Sasha before passing out.

You all surround the cloud knowing the last shaman is inside waiting for it to either exit the cloud or dismiss it.

EXP: 865

2018-04-21, 04:06 AM

“[Undercommon]Surrender!” Arelyn called from abover the cloud of smoke, energy blade held at the ready.

2018-04-21, 08:56 AM
Elias gently rises up in the air, ready to descend upon any who leave the cloud.

Elias uses Step of Wind.

2018-04-21, 02:07 PM
Come back coward, we're not done yet! Aticoll shouts. He was upset, that they were fleeing but his code didn't allow to hit an opponent that let his defense go.

Instead he walked to the cloud where he thought the shaman was in, readjusted the grip on his axe, took a deep breath and stepped inside.

2018-04-23, 08:54 AM
The cloud dissipates and the last shaman is kneeling near Aticoll, hands up in a surrender. It looks to the group and snarls, upset, afraid, and worried all at the same time.

2018-04-23, 09:16 AM

“Is everyone alright?” the mystic asks. He brandishes a wand of lesser vigor, ready to give aid.

He gives his attention to the red used elf woman.

“Are you injured badly, madam? Are there others of you needing help?”

2018-04-23, 09:37 AM
Arlen comes walks up the altar and finds Lyanna already caring for the woman, who is unconscious. Lyanna replies to his questions of her health that it is the shock of the experience and not her wounds, she just needs some rest and she will recover.

2018-04-23, 09:54 AM
We have a surrender here! Anybody with manacles or a rope? he shouted, holding his axe high to stop the shaman from doing something stupid.

I have still an arrow in my arm if that counts as injured. It bites a bit, but nothing too serious.

2018-04-23, 12:17 PM

With a nod, Arlen waves the wand over Aticoll's wound.

Always so stoic these dwarves. "Oh, my arm's torn off, but I'll just walk it off," he thinks with some bemusement.

Recover 1 HP per round for 11 rounds

2018-04-26, 05:33 AM
Arelyn leveled her energy blade at the shaman.

“[undercommon] why are you hurting this elf? Where is your army? ” she asked.

arelyn has no idea about any army, she’s basically shooting in the dark and hoping to score a hit.

2018-04-26, 09:07 AM
The Bugbear shaman looks to Arelyn his snarl turning to a bit of surprise when she mentions the army and growls saying something in goblin, though you do not speak the language you understand swearing when you hear it. [Undercommon] "We hurt for da blooding. That Erythnul may bless the war on your kind!"

2018-04-26, 08:06 PM

Arelyn brought the blade up close.

“[undercommon]Last chance, where is your army??” Arelyn asked.

If he doesn’t answer, Arelyn will ask the others to tie him up.

intimidate take 10 for 22

2018-04-26, 10:18 PM
Lyanna surveys the sacrifice site, trying to make sense of what foul rite the bugbears were intending.

Knowledge: Religion: [roll0]

2018-04-26, 10:40 PM

After asking the elf woman his questions, Arlen checks out the altar for any clue to the ritual's nature.


2018-04-27, 02:35 PM
We tie him up now and hand him over to my clan! Aticoll said. This wasn't a question or a recommendation, this was what they will do - why they are here. They had the job to investigate a ritual and come back with an evidence. And they had a living bugbear shaman and an elven women, an “offering“.

2018-04-27, 02:38 PM
Arlen and Lyanna both inspect the altar and try to ascertain the nature of the rite the bugbears were about to perform. Lyanna starts by inspecting the stone dias and memories of her own experience at 'blooding' come rushing back into her mind But Arlen is able to remember a religious practice for followers of Erythnul where they sacrifice a still living person and offer the blood as payment for their own warriors in an upcoming battle.

Upon the blade of energy getting too close for comfort the bugbear's will break. He half talks in goblin and undercommon but you make out he knows of the war camp and is willing to lead you there as long as you let him live.

You all discuss the situation; There is a unconscious priestess of Pholtus, a bugbear shaman willing to (under threat) lead you to the warcamp, a guy with a cane and a carriage and some hirelings, and the possibility that it might be about to get serious.

2018-04-27, 02:49 PM

Warily, fire spells at the ready, Arlen approaches the painted dandy who came from the carriage.

"Er. Well met... milord?"

He guessed at the last part. Only a gentle would be so impractically ostentatious.

2018-04-27, 07:54 PM

“Thanks for your help,” Arelyn called, “he says he will lead us to his camp. The priestess should go in the carriage, maybe head back to the dwarves to recover. The question is who comes to the camp and who stays with the carriage. I think I should head to the camp because I’ll be able to spot it from a distance, high up.”

2018-04-28, 04:08 AM
With a courteous bow and a fancy flourish of his hand, Alistair introduces himself along with all his titles, given and self imposed. His friendly smile never wavering, he bravely offers to escort the lady back to town and ensure she arrives safely.
He does ask what everyone else intends to do and questions why.

2018-04-29, 10:02 AM
"I believe I would be of more assistance at the camp than the carriage, unless a guard is needed. The git of flight, albeit slow flight, could be quite useful at the camp." After speaking, Elias settles to the ground slowly and closes his eyes while humming softly.

2018-04-29, 11:32 AM

Arlen shares the findings from his study of the altar.

“Ths sort of ritual usual precedes something big to the worshipers of the Lord of Slaughter.”

He raises an inquisitive eyebrow towards the bugbear, inviting it to elucidate.

2018-04-29, 12:43 PM
Aticoll winked Arelyn to his side and said silently: Arelyn, I go with you, albeit I'm thinking we should bring him to my clan. But we know both what could happen if we split up. So I'll stay. But please, I'm not as fast as you are, so slow down, ya?

2018-04-29, 04:51 PM

“Oh, you want to bring him back as a prisoner?” Arelyn asked, “I guess we could do that too. And that way we won’t have to split up. Okay, let’s do that.”

2018-04-30, 12:15 AM
Aticoll continued his conversation with Arelyn: We should go back, our job is done. We should find something out about the rituals and that we have done.
But: we have the chance now to go to a bugbear warcamp and end it right now with a huge fight. These new guys seem to be capable, too.

2018-04-30, 02:33 AM

“Oh, um, I didn’t think we were going to try and fight them,” Arelyn replied, “I just wanted to find out where their camp was.”

She chuckled nervously.

2018-04-30, 05:50 AM
Wait, what? Where is the sense in this statement? When we know where they are and... they ... and we... why?

I guess you're right... Aticoll stuttered.

as a loyal dwarven fighter he does what he is told. Except it could end in a big fight, then he wants the fight.
I know that this is a stupid idea, but Aticoll doesn't. But he is sane enough to listen to Arelyn. They are comrades long enough that he trusts her. All but this two from their former fellows are dead or crippled or whatever

2018-04-30, 10:32 AM
You all discuss the pros and cons of to go back now with the prisoner to Dhel Feldir or not. After about a half or or a bit more of back and forth you come to three equally appealing choices
Go back to the town with the prisoner and unconsious priestess
split up with some going to scout the war camp and others turning the prisoner in
Alistar putting the priestess in his carriage and his hirelings taking them to Dhel Feldir while the rest of you go to the camp

The first is basically why you are out where, to investige and return with any evidence. But, the presence of a war camp in the forest with o many unkowns attached to it is unsettling

the second seems the best until you think on it longer, and realize that if you go scouting via flying, they hd some kid of bird people with them so that advantage is most likely nullified. Then your scouting mission becomes one of running the nine hells away and hoping you live with an army afteryou

the third seems a good balance between the two. But you do now know if the carriage could get ambushed or if you need an army to assault the way camp.

2018-04-30, 12:16 PM

"Your footmen could take care of the Lady, taking her back to the fort for proper care," Arlen suggests.

"These goblins are up to something, and I have no doubt the 'thing' will not be good."

2018-04-30, 03:12 PM
"I feel I know enough about what is going on already" Alistar says from the doorway of his carriage, having already made up his mind before the conversation even started. "A war camp sounds like a little too many greenskins for my liking. Sounds like it's a job for a Dwarven army" he guests. After a moment dissappearing inside to settle the woman into comfortable position he pops his head back out.
"Besides, I wouldn't trust that bugbear not to lead us into a trap, he is magical after all. Anyway take care and good luck! I'll have a bard write ale songs about your bravery should you not return."

Alistair had recently found himself feeling adventurous, but even that had its limits. He was adventurous not suicidal. He would take the lady and any others that wished to accompany him back to the dwarves.

2018-04-30, 07:04 PM
Arelyn thinks on it a bit more.

”Let’s head back, the elf might be able to tell us more too, and we can always interrogate the prisoner there,” Arelyn said.

2018-04-30, 10:32 PM
Lyanna slowly feels the blood return to her face as she recovers from the horrors of her dark reverie.

I too feel we should return. Our duty is to provide intelligence to the Dwarven Army and provide for the safety of this woman. If we bite off more than we can chew, we might seriously hurt the settlement, they have to be warned of this danger.

2018-05-01, 01:40 AM

“Then it’s settled,” Arelyn said, “we’ll all head back to the settlement together.”

2018-05-01, 02:28 AM
"Allright, everyone, squeeze in or climb aboard. Don't mind the dog, jus don't touch her food." He chuckles as he claps on the side of the carriage and gives a high pitch whistle to signal to the driver to get ready.

2018-05-01, 02:52 AM
At least we're back faster...
Aticoll was a bit upset because of the battle they avoided.
He still was threatening the shaman. You never know

2018-05-01, 08:36 AM
Elias clambers on top of the carriage. He doesn't take up much room, but he still doesn't like crowds.

2018-05-01, 03:07 PM

Stampeded by committee, he thought wryly.

To be honest he preferred some battle-hardened dwarves dealt with the goblins.

He joins the others, sitting inside the carriage, monitoring the elf lady's heath as they go.

2018-05-02, 09:44 AM
You all decide that getting back to Dhel Feldir and rousing the dwarven army is the best thing to do. Both for the safety of the town and the safety of the group.

You make it back pretty uneventfully with Sasha waking up about halfway there. She tells you she was a member of a group of Pholtan clerics who were on their way to Dhel Feldir but were attacked few days ago. She is not sure if there are any other survivors of the group.

As you arrive at Dhel Feldir there is much hustle and bustle going on. You are greeted with a handful of dwarves better armed than your previous welcomes and one with his grey beard tied into 5 longs braids He rests upon his axe, that seems to hum with energy "Greeting, I am Norafod High General of Dhel Feldir, scouts reported a strange caravan of bugbears heading this way. Seems the times have gotten to the imaginations of my fellows. I believe you are the group that Forgemaster Bearcutter sent out to investigate the ritual rumors?

2018-05-02, 01:43 PM
[Dwarven] Moradins blessing, my brother. Aticoll greeted him back with a salute and enough respect a general deserves.
Yes, sir, we are the group. And we managed to take a prisoner and to save this lady from beeing sacrificed. The shaman said something about a warcamp and he continued with a small grin, looking to the shaman maybe you should ask him about it downstairs.

2018-05-02, 04:05 PM

"Hold, good dwarf."

Arlen takes Aticoll aside and whispers to him.

[roll0] Bluff?
[roll1] Silently?

"The goblinoid offered surrender, and by rights he is under our protection. I will personally not condone torture. There are lives to save however. We should attempt trickery or magical compulsion first."

2018-05-02, 04:41 PM
Sorry? Nobody said something about torture. Even these bugbears are hatred by my clan as orcs are, nobody in Dhel Feldir will actually torture someone. We are honorable dwarves and know for sure the Humanoid Rights Charta by Kwofy Ahn'narn! But scaring one a bit isn't against the law.

You aren't one of us and you don't know me, so I'll excuse it, but don't question my loyalty or my code of honor again!

Aticoll wasn't aggressive or threatening, he just stood there, still, and made his point.

I tried here to show Aticolls mistrust against new persons. Maybe not mistrust, it's more of the inability to open himself for new comrades. That's another reason why he's silent most of the time.

Don't know if you all would understand what I wanted to write, because of language barrier and so...

2018-05-02, 06:25 PM

Neither conceding or apologizing, Arlen simply nods, satisfied with the dwarf's word of honor.

"Thank you."

2018-05-02, 07:49 PM
During the caravan ride Alistair warms to the rescued elf with friendly banter. He is curious about what she has seen. Where she was attacked, by how many and where the rest of her party might have ended up. Those curiosity's are subtly and masterfully hidden in supportive counselling, gentle compassion and light complimentive flirting.

Back at Dhel Feldir
Convinced that there is more information out there Alistair talks amongst the others that are around.

Diplomacy [roll0]
Gather info[roll1]

2018-05-03, 10:17 AM
Alistar manages to soothe Sasha's worries and during his conversations with her finds out that the delegation of Pholtan clerics consisted of a number of young priestesses and one Knight General Khellan. She states they were all fresh acolytes who has just finished their schooling and were on the way to Dhel Feldir to engage in talks with the dwarven council of elders, though only Knight General Khellan knew the exact details.

High General Norafod walks up to the carriage and grabs the bugbear shaman by the shoulders pushing him in front of him, he barks orders at one of the gathered soldiers to get the priests they have some information they need to know.

OOC: Whispering is not a skill check to perform the action but a listen check against a certain DC http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/listen.htm

2018-05-03, 11:08 PM
Lyanna listens to the banter.

Knight General Khellan? He fell in the battle? Was he perhaps carrying letters or correspondence? It is troubling if intelligence on Phlotus were to fall into the hands of the bugbears.

2018-05-06, 03:31 PM
Sasha does not know if Khellan had any important papers or even precisely what was the reason or purpose for the envoy.

You all wait around at Dhel Feldir for a couple of days anxious on how the interrogations are going with the captured shaman. At last your wait is over, the High General and a couple other distinguished older dwarves are present, members of the council you would assume. One of them, in gilded robes steps forward and in a very heavy dwarven accent says "The situation is every bit as dire as we thought. There are actually thee separate war camps. the main fortified one that used to be a fort of some sort, a much smaller one that the leaders and the elite forces are housed at and a third newer war camp we found through divinations that the shaman did no know about that is not as well fortified as the main camp." He pauses for any questions and continues once those have been satisfied "We would like to ask for you one more favor, though we understand you do not owe us any. Norafod, in his opinion, thinks striking now would be best, even without the use of our siege weapon, we could take the war camps. But, only if the leaders are not there to lead a cohesive counter attack. and that leads us to the last request. Will you, as we ourselves are marching to war, assault the leader's camp? There will not be much resistance there for you as the goblins will be focused on our army moving towards them."

2018-05-06, 07:08 PM
During those couple of days Alistair would keep busy with meetings in the morning, gaining favour with anyone of importance over lunch, courting the rescued elf mid evening and performing at high end establishments at night.
He touched base with the adventurers every now and again to keep updated.

Gather info [roll0]
Gather info [roll1]
Diplomacy [roll2]
Diplomacy [roll3]
Perform [roll4]
Perform [roll5]
Sense Motive [roll6]

2018-05-06, 08:12 PM

“Umm, do we know anything about what’s at the leader’s camp, who are the leaders and how strong they are?” Arelyn asked, raising her hand as if she was in class.

2018-05-07, 01:36 PM

In the last few days Aticoll helped out in the smithy. A war was imminent and some new axes and shields had to be forged.

My axe is waiting! he replied. He didn't care what camp they were attacking as long as they will fight.

2018-05-07, 02:10 PM

Given the sudden down time, Arlen makes efforts to introduce himself to him new associates, then he offered his services to the dwarf garrison, using his healing skills to help craft first-aid kits for their sortie into bugbear country.

When asked, he bows deeply to the dwarf elder, as befits his station.

"It would benefit all goodly folk who just seek a peaceful existence. I do not truck with assassins, but I consider this excising an infection. I will help you," he says, eventually.

2018-05-08, 02:31 PM
The Elder looks to Arelyn perplexed for a second then just assumes that it is some type of human custom and answers the question. 'What we know about the warcamp is the leader is a chieftain of some prowess, he has a handful of shamans with him as well as his personal hand picked guard. In all I would not wager more than a score or so are there as that has been the number mostly encountered during our divinations and interrogations. The camp is set in a glade in the forest with a palisade wall and a couple lookout towers."

As Alistair makes his rounds at Dhel Feldir he finds that the dwarves are taking the upcoming war, not battle, serious. As he attempts to court Sasha she politely tells him she took an oath as a Sister of Light, in fact all the acolytes took the oath to either be a brother or sister now that she thinks about it for a moment. His performances go over well and seem to cheer up the dwarves from being completely somber.

2018-05-10, 09:36 AM
Elias spends his time meditating, practicing his martial arts technique, and contemplating the mysteries of life.

I apologise for not being as active as hoped. I just moved back into my house from college, so things have been rather hectic.

2018-05-10, 10:21 AM

”I’m okay with this, I guess,” Arelyn replied, “what about you guys?”

2018-05-10, 11:25 AM

Ready to go! The thought of the coming fight set a fire in his eyes aflame.

2018-05-11, 06:59 PM
The Elder bows in thanks "The army will start out now, as you will not be weighed down by a supply train you can leave tomorrow, our clerics have prepared special draughts for you to drink before you exit the gate. So finish up anything you are on and be prepare to leave tomorrow. it is imperative that you wait until tomorrow, as our attacks need to be as close to simultaneous as possible"

2018-05-12, 12:24 AM
Then tomorrow...
Aticoll was a bit upset, that he had to wait another day to start, but he knew that striking simultaneously was important.

He packed his stuff and went early to bed to be ready before the sun raises.

2018-05-12, 10:42 PM
You all watch the dwarven army, well some of it. march off in all of its glory and you are pretty sure you saw a tear drop form in Aticoll's eye, though you are even more certain the stoic dwarf will never admit it.

You spend the next few hours finishing up any person errands seeking divine guidance, and any other miscellany.

You all gather at the gates after dawn and a good breakfast and one of the priest hands each of you a flask "Drink this it will help on your journey" You drink the content but feel no difference. As you head to where the leader camp is you notice you are moving faster and are not getting fatigued at all.

You come near the glade where the camp is, you notice a looktout tower made of wood with some bugbears atop it as well as one of those bird things flying close by.

MAP: Encampment Tab (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RPkx0_cXj6Y-wDhv-Tqrg5TO9UqS_-pS9hpIF88u3HE/edit#gid=1364031549)

2018-05-13, 10:56 PM

The recent events troubled her deeply, and the violence brought back the past. Her days were filled with prayer and mediation, but her nights were filled with nightmares of her capture and tormet. Still she resolved to press on. She eats little at breakfast, but accepts the priests flask and drinks dutifully.

As the glade comes near, she steels herself for more confrontation.

2018-05-24, 01:33 AM

Do we have a plan? Easiest would be to chop 'em down, right? he pointed with the head of his axe to the wooden tower. With 3 legs it may still stand, but with two it falls! Who's in? he whispered.

2018-05-27, 08:20 PM

I’m going to fly around the back, cause as much havoc as I can,” Arelyn said, “maybe I can flush them towards you, but umm... come save me if I get unto trouble, okay?”

The young human grinned.

2018-05-28, 05:15 PM

With a nod and a wish of good luck, Arlen casts invisibility on his female namesake.

"It's bad luck for someone with my name to die. Keep us safe!"

6 minutes. Go moon a goblin.

2018-05-28, 08:56 PM

“Oh, you’re my new best friend,” Arelyn said as she faded from sight.

She flew wide around the encampment over the top of the trees to the rear entrance, and cast a swarm of spiders just outside the entrance, making sure to keep the enemies out of the summoning area to avoid breaking the invisibility spell.

casting summon swarm, somatic only so from 40’ away or so the enemies hopefully won’t notice the summon until the spiders are on them. Ai15-aj16.
Arelyn is 20’ in the air over ak16.

2018-05-29, 08:02 PM
Arelyn flies around the back end, summon hundreds of creep crawling eight legged creatures. Their sudden appearance startles the lookouts in the watch tower. The one better armored manages to collect himself and yell down to the chief.

2018-05-30, 02:46 PM
[Dwarven] By Moradin! Everytime the same! This girl flies away and has all the fun!
Angry Aticoll stepped out of the woods, started running and attacked the first leg of the watchout-tower.

charge attack vs wooden tower (leg) EDIT: @B9
Damage? [roll1]

2018-06-01, 06:57 PM
Aticoll runs out of the tree line and takes a swing at the leg of the lookout tower. The bird man flies down and takes a swing at the dwarf with his glaive, while one of the guards blows on a horn. The eastern side of the encampment rushes to the entrance, but are still some distance a ways.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2018-06-01, 08:32 PM
Arelyn kept above the swarm as it crawled and jumped its way into the encampment. She kept an eye on the engagement on the other side to make sure her friends didn’t get into too much trouble.

2018-06-02, 12:09 AM

Good, call more of you he thought as a response of the sound from the horn.
He continued chopping the leg of the tower while shouting ssh! ssh! Go away! - Anyone want to handle this annoying fly? I'm busy right now.... One of his eyes on the birdman all the time, ready to dodge another of his blows

using the dodge feat on the birdman -> +1 dodge AC

Attack the leg: do I need to roll attack? Just in case [roll0] (EDIT: I knew it. It is an automatic hit when taking a full round action to attack the leg)
Damage [roll1]

2018-06-02, 01:21 AM
Alistair, watching the scene unfurling, couldn't act. He had just one worrying and unnerving thought holding him back and occupying his mind. 'These people were all bloody mad!'

2018-06-07, 03:46 PM

Satisfied with the chaos unleashed, Arlen rushes towards the tower, invoking a flame of the God of Fire into his hand as he proceeds.

Cast produce flame, move towards Aticollas far as full movement speed allows.

2018-06-07, 07:49 PM
The group moves to help Aticoll he does his best lumberjack impression as the second chop seem to dig a little deeper and shake the watchtower. The bugbears atop it quickly yell and hurry down the stairs so they are on the ground. Bird man switches his attention to the newcomer with fire in his hands nd swings his glaive hoping it does more than it did to the dwarf.

Lord Castelroy spurs Quickfire onto help support Arelyn, ho's swarm managed to cimb the eastern watchtower and attack the sentries.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Round 3 MAP: Encampment Tab (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RPkx0_cXj6Y-wDhv-Tqrg5TO9UqS_-pS9hpIF88u3HE/edit#gid=1364031549)

2018-06-07, 08:38 PM
Arelyn moved with the swarm, staying 20’ above it, maintained her concentration, and kept one eye on the battle to make sure her friends didn’t get into Too much trouble.

2018-06-07, 08:44 PM

The Glaive tears through Arlen, but he grits his teeth through the pain.

“That’s right! Focus on me!”

With a needless wind-up, the scholar flings a flame at the feathered foe.

[roll1] fire

2018-06-13, 03:32 PM
Without a single word, Aticoll continued to destroy the leg of the tower.

attack [roll0] and [roll1]
Damage [roll2] and [roll3]

2018-06-18, 08:42 AM
A half dozen of the bugbears are moving closer to the gathered party, within striking distance a handful of seconds away. The man-bird takes a swing at Arlen again, squawking, the smell of burnt feathers not the best. Aticoll continues to try to hew down the watchtower, and is assaulted by the arriving lookouts who swing their morning stars at the dwarf.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Damage: [roll5]

Round 4: MAP: Encampment tab (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RPkx0_cXj6Y-wDhv-Tqrg5TO9UqS_-pS9hpIF88u3HE/edit#gid=1364031549)

2018-06-18, 09:32 AM

“The fires of Heaven judge you, and find you are wicked.”

Flicking his flame underhand, Arlen tosses the fire at the bird-thing.


2018-06-18, 09:58 AM
Arelyn continues to stay above the swarm, still keeping watch on the right at the main entrance. She’s surprised the bugbears below her haven’t scattered, but she won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

i didn’t see any damage for the swarm, just making sure they and their saves and damage weren’t forgotten.

2018-06-18, 10:37 AM
Watch out! Aticoll shouted to the human [=Arlen] and raised his shield to defend him from the blow. Partially Aticoll could block the strike with his shield.
And then it all went fast. More and more Bugbears came and attacked the dwarf. [Dwarven]Good, come and try it, weaklings!
But all this trouble didn't hinder Aticoll from chopping the tower leg

Shield Ally on Arlen -> half damage for Aticoll (11 damage / 6 Arlen 5 Aticoll?)
One of the two bugbears is my dodge target

Attack the leg: [roll0] [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] [roll3]

2018-06-22, 08:45 AM
Aticoll manages to finally cut down the support of the watchtower which collapses (aticoll-roll reflex DC 15 or take 3d4 damage) The falling tower manages to crush one of the bugbear sentries and hurt the other one, as well as create a very loud crash which Arelyn can see motivates the rest of the encampment to move to the entrance. The first responders of the bugbear finally close into melee and begin their attacks as the first bird-man falls to Arlen's flame attacks. The shaman in the first group casts a spell of some sort, and you can see the arrival of more bird-men, one of which holds a glaive that is crackling with lightning

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

2018-06-22, 02:43 PM

"I am a scholar, not a warrior, Mister bugbear! Please have mercy!"

His action don't confer with his words, as the scholar brushes his burning hand against the goblinoid.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage
That was an heroic effort.

2018-06-22, 04:11 PM
Focus on me! Aticoll shouted and again blocked the blow against Arlen. He had to dodge so as not to get hit by the tower.

And now, that more and more bugbears come, he started to strike them.

Reflex [roll0] if failure [roll1] damage
Attack (the nearest bugbear) [roll2], [roll3]
Damage [roll4], [roll5]

Dodge feat against the other bugbear,
shield other for Arlen [3 for you, 2 for me]

2018-06-29, 07:52 PM
The bugbears move to surround the part as best they can considering the collapsed tower provides an excellent flank cover. Elias moves to help Aicoll, but is met with one of the more elite looking bugbears who swings his Morningstar at the Halfling. A bird man also take a jab at Elias as it flies over the party. The spider swarm moves down the tower leaving 2 non-moving and swollen bodies of bugbears atop it.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Damage; [roll9]

Round 6: MAP; Encampment Tab (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RPkx0_cXj6Y-wDhv-Tqrg5TO9UqS_-pS9hpIF88u3HE/edit#gid=1364031549)

2018-06-29, 09:13 PM
Arelyn stayed over the swarm as they moved towards the engagement at the main entrance. If they manage to make it to the enemy, she’ll activate her eldritch beam and take attacks of opportunity if the bugbears flee the swarm.

the spiders will move 8 squares a round. Not sure where they are now.

2018-06-30, 10:29 PM

As the bugbear presses his attack, Arlen again brandishes flames at the goblin. The flames flickers out with a final gasp.

One round duration lost with each use 6-3 equals goodbye Produce Flame

[roll0] touch
[roll1] fire