View Full Version : Best adventures to prepare new DMs?

2017-12-30, 10:28 PM
Does anyone have a list of adventures to prepare a new DM to DMing? A friend of mine has always been a player but wants to run a session now. He has an original plot and characters and such prepared, but what might be a good premade adventure? Officially or unoffically published, as long as its good. While any starting level would be okay, we plan to start at L3. Shouldn't stop you from recommending something but its something to keep in mind. Also, how easily would it be able to lead into an original game?

2017-12-31, 10:03 AM
Lost Mine of Phandelver is often named, its Wizards introduction adventure.

2017-12-31, 10:08 AM
I'd second Lost Mines of Phandelver. Very approachable WotC product on How-To. Even the pre-gen PCs are well integrated, within the campaign, and with each other. A solid place to start.

2017-12-31, 04:16 PM
I agree with the others about Lost Mines of Phandelver. It can easily lead into an original adventure in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting or can be easily put into an original campaign world.

2017-12-31, 04:20 PM
I see everyone saying LMoP and it seems like a decent suggestion, I'll bring it up to the DM, but what about Forge of Fury? You start at L3 and go to L5 in that one and from what I heard it's fairly short.

2017-12-31, 10:03 PM
Forge of Fury is part of the Tales from the Yawning Portal now, if you have that book, you may as well start with the Sunless Citadel since its 1st level.

If someone is new to DMing, but experienced with 5e D&D any 1st level adventure will do. The reason LMoP always come up is that it come with advices for new DM. About the role of the DM, how to do ability check, how to award xp, role playing npcs, maps, etc...

2017-12-31, 10:10 PM
From what I remember of Sunless Citadel and Forge of Fury (been YEARS since I read or ran them) was that they were pretty straight forward.

I have run Lost Mines a few times and it was my second 5th ed run game. First was a Kobold Publishing one that used DnD Next Beta stuff and actually came out BEFORE the PHB. Lost Mines is a great module to run for First Time DMs. Simple storylines and monsters to run. Low level so starting at lvl 3 may offset the Balance a bit. Best thing is to have the DM use Milestones. That way you level when he wants you to not when you gain the XP. Like yall might be leveling slower than he wants the story to go. So BAM you are now lvl 5 instead of 4 for a few more games, and lvl 7 by the time you might of been only lvl 5 close to 6. It really does make for a better story flow overall and building Stories for the DM.