View Full Version : Building a noble villa

2017-12-31, 02:57 AM
Ok so our party acquired a plot of land roughly the size of 2 football fields. My character has laid claim to the basement. She is a soulknife (gifted blade) monk. The basement can be really any size to a reasonable degree. What kind of psychic things can I put into the place? Money really isn't an object because we are level 3 and have a lot of time and future money to put into it.

Ps we got the plot of land through some really funny stuff. Basically shadow demons replaced a noble family and we cleared them out with sunrods. The last living heir then sold us it for 1 gold about 30 seconds before killing himself. Sad stuff but hey we got basically a free plot of land.

2017-12-31, 05:05 AM
Ok so our party acquired a plot of land roughly the size of 2 football fields. My character has laid claim to the basement. She is a soulknife (gifted blade) monk. The basement can be really any size to a reasonable degree. What kind of psychic things can I put into the place? Money really isn't an object because we are level 3 and have a lot of time and future money to put into it.

Ps we got the plot of land through some really funny stuff. Basically shadow demons replaced a noble family and we cleared them out with sunrods. The last living heir then sold us it for 1 gold about 30 seconds before killing himself. Sad stuff but hey we got basically a free plot of land.

I would be wary about suddenly investing into a piece of land you got through such means, because, unless your DM's world is completely oblivious, there's likely going to be a formal investigation into what happened, and any legal contract made under duress, or while one of the parties wasn't in an acceptable state of mind would be void. If there was absolutely nobody else for the land to go it, it would most likely go to the crown, to sell so they can pad their treasury.

It just seems incredibly implausible that nobody would question anything about that at all.

2017-12-31, 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by keeper2161
The last living heir then sold us it for 1 gold about 30 seconds before killing himself.

That sounds…convenient.

Yeah, I wouldn’t trust this transaction.

2017-12-31, 10:56 AM
The house and all the buildings got purified and burned down by clerics. There still might be two bodies on the property. It is now known as a cursed land. The reason the dude killed himself is because we found his father's head. Our cleric thought it would be a good idea to bring the guy the head in a box. The guy sold it to us because we went to him to buy. We thought no one else would want it and he wouldn't want it in his family any more.

2017-12-31, 11:51 AM
Well, you'd put in a bedroom, nice bathroom with bubble bath (maybe a sauna), bit of a lounging area, library if you're so inclined (monks are not know for their book learning, but why not), a dojo, an armoury (for all that armour you aren't wearing), dining room, kitchen (if not using the upstairs kitchen), and a portal to the other side of the basement just to create an infinite corridor.