View Full Version : If you were a fantasy land NPC what kind of npc would you like to be?

2017-12-31, 01:10 PM
So you don't get to be an adventurer this time, you are an NPC, what kind of npc would you like to be?

2017-12-31, 04:00 PM
Having bartended IRL and not liking it (but I've never really liked anything I was paid to do), they're probably better choices, but my first instinct is to be a Tavern Keeper, as I'd get to hear Travellers and Adventurers tales (maybe some Bardic performances as well), but not risk my neck much (I hope).

To match my RL job I'd be a Guild Artisan.

2017-12-31, 04:16 PM
Probably a sage. Something where I can sit around and read old scrolls all day and not have to get in any scary fights. Plus, I get to be the old guy dispensing wisdom to the young whippersnappers... Ya, I could see doing that.:smallbiggrin:

Of course, my memory isn't great, which would be much more of a problem for fantasy-sages than modern 'knowledge workers'. No Google.

2017-12-31, 10:39 PM
I could go Tarquin and be the evil overlord, but I'm too nice for that.

I dunno. Maybe the bit NPC who's there to show off how happy and prosperous the kingdom is, with a nice family, reliable job, decent wealth...

2018-01-01, 01:16 AM
I'm not sure. I was thinking maybe I could be a baker, but I'm not a baker IRL, and I'm not a good cook. (My worst dishes was "mush and cheese" and a batch of mac and cheese that still had some raw flour in it).

In a fantasy setting, I'd be a farmer, since I've taken care of chickens and goats IRL.

2018-01-01, 01:21 AM
I don't know what an fnasty land is to give you an answer.

2018-01-01, 04:34 AM
I'd be the one who wasn't eaten by a dragon, kidnapped by goblins, robbed by bandits, murdered by the BBEG's armies, beaten up by a passing lord, dying to a supernatural plague, haunted by the local ghost, etc. etc. etc.

The one who isn't victimized so passing heroes can say 'this is terrible, we need to go fight something'.

2018-01-01, 10:08 AM
I'd like to be a princess, but I feel like that job would come with too much risk of kidnapping. How about a noble's daughter? That's almost as good, and they don't get kidnapped as often, do they? Then again, most fantasy worlds enforce a pseudo-medieval setting, so chances are the noble's daughter would end up in an arranged marriage at some point. That's not good. I guess I can bump down to daughter of a rich merchant, then? That'll come with a decent amount of comfort without any strings attached. That seems to be the best option.

2018-01-01, 11:00 AM
well thanks for the board spectrum of fantasy.
I can reliably work as research and development in any sci-fi setting so nothing changes from my life.

The Glyphstone
2018-01-01, 11:10 AM
I'd be a bartender/innkeeper in the Forgotten Realms, because that comes with a standard package of 10-15 adventuring class levels even though I'm retired.

Scarlet Knight
2018-01-01, 08:20 PM
Charismatic smuggler with his own ship. Always good coin to be made getting PCs in and out of places.

And fess up; how many of you female PCs end up spending some time with the NPC smuggler with the high CHA?

2018-01-01, 08:21 PM
Charismatic smuggler with his own ship. Always good coin to be made getting PCs in and out of places.

And fess up; how many of you female PCs end up spending some time with the NPC smuggler with the high CHA?

That made me laugh. Good on you, Knight!

2018-01-01, 08:42 PM
I'd be the town drunk. Every Fantasy land needs a town drunk. Spewing out nonsense. Being ignored and trying to keep the hellish things that haunt my nightmares away.

Lord Joeltion
2018-01-02, 10:39 AM
Well, blacksmith, of course. Everyone needs a blacksmith. Even the bartender would need to call me every once and then to reforge the hinge of his doors whenever a bar brawl will spontaneously manifest (and given this is NPC Town, that would be any other Tuesday).

It's profitable, it doesn't require me to leave my home, and if given enough free time I could cross-train in wizardly knowledge to expand business into enchanted apparel. Either that, or I could endorse my own team of adventurers, if corporative expansion is possible within the setting.

It's also probably the cheapest way to become a good fencer ever :smallbiggrin:

The Fury
2018-01-02, 08:14 PM
Seeing as how I usually end up in customer service jobs in real life, the NPC class best suited for me is "Killed by the Player Party."

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-01-03, 03:48 AM
Some sort of alchemist, potion brewer or healer. Relatively high class job with all the benefits that brings, typically rare for some reason, and thus decent pay, getting to be out and about collecting ingredients, and anything I need from far away I'd just buy out of my income. I get to use both my lab and my outdoor skills but since this is a fantasy world what I do spontaneously gets awesome magical effects. Because anyone can cure mummy's curse if they can take a decent guess at which plants to throw together based on previous experiments for similar cases. Most fantasy worlds would let an NPC get away with quite a bit of magical power as long as it is ritual or otherwise slow in nature and isn't build for immediate in battle effect.

Backup plan is something like a leather worker or beer brewer or spice trader or anyone else ensuring acces to sort of semi-luxury goods. The demand is high enough that you can live of serving a relatively small area, yet there's not as much competition bringing prices down as for someone producing daily needs.

2018-01-03, 03:55 AM
Oh, sage. Absolutely sage. I mean, I get to make a living reading books and studying whatever I want? Yes please!

(How do generic sages make their living, anyway?)

2018-01-03, 04:51 AM
*holds an empty a mug*

Have pity, good people, I have not eaten for days.

For a few coppers, I can tell you about this lord who I heard needs adventurers to do his dirty work..
For a few silvers, I can tell you where to find him!
If you give me a sword and keep buying me food, I can come with you and risk my own neck, too.

2018-01-03, 01:07 PM
Annoyed, harassed, peevish minor clerk or secretary working for some major magical university or library. The NPC who pointedly explains to the heroes that no, they may not go into the restricted section to examine the cursed grimoire, and no, the arch-wizard can't see them right now he's a very busy man, and please tell your half-orc to leave the ficus alone.

2018-01-03, 01:32 PM
I'd be a 10-year-old kid. Unless you're playing some serious grimdark, they're basically indestructible. Plus, there's a small chance I'll actually turn out to be some super-powered extradimensional being.

Baby Gary
2018-01-03, 02:43 PM
In a D&D world I would like to be the Arch Mage of wherever, that comes with a lot of wizard levels, and maybe even epic spellcasting. In a non D&D world a rich (like very rich) merchant who uses his money to help the politicians he likes, well thats one way you could put it:smalltongue:.

2018-01-03, 08:34 PM
Nathan Paminita Carivar.

Your typical Kidnaped plot-hook dude. Except the party finds the dungeons loot before they find him. And then they leave without ever knowing he was their.

Scarlet Knight
2018-01-04, 12:55 AM
Annoyed, harassed, peevish minor clerk or secretary working for some major magical university or library. The NPC who pointedly explains to the heroes that no, they may not go into the restricted section to examine the cursed grimoire, and no, the arch-wizard can't see them right now he's a very busy man, and please tell your half-orc to leave the ficus alone.

YES! What is it with half-orc PCs? Always shaking my compass, touching my charts, and messing with the ballista! It's as if they WANT me crazy so I drop them off on a deserted island while telling them it's the right destination!

2018-01-04, 05:21 PM
I would be a very, very charismatic half-elven bard with all the PCs wrapped around her little finger. Holding up the campaign with stupid side quests and infighting.

Because it would be fun.

2018-01-04, 06:22 PM
Al though my first instinct would be King (this name was chosen for a reason after all :smalltongue:) but on second thought, you're mortality sky rockets as NPC King as soon as PCs start appearing in or near your country.

So instead I'd go with Royal Advisor, be the power behind the throne. Take none of the public blame but still live with a lot of the benefits. I'd be a relatively loyal NPC to, having no desire to take the King's throne or scheme behind his back (though I can't guarantee that my advise doesn't come with a personal agenda either) but I'm also mainly a survivor and if the chips do go down expect me to escape on my own (though my advise, if followed on, should make it that worst-case scenario damn near impossible :smallwink:)

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-01-05, 05:16 AM
Al though my first instinct would be King (this name was chosen for a reason after all :smalltongue:) but on second thought, you're mortality sky rockets as NPC King as soon as PCs start appearing in or near your country.

So instead I'd go with Royal Advisor, be the power behind the throne. Take none of the public blame but still live with a lot of the benefits. I'd be a relatively loyal NPC to, having no desire to take the King's throne or scheme behind his back (though I can't guarantee that my advise doesn't come with a personal agenda either) but I'm also mainly a survivor and if the chips do go down expect me to escape on my own (though my advise, if followed on, should make it that worst-case scenario damn near impossible :smallwink:)

You figure the king has too high a chance of dying, so you choose to be the grand vizier? Because the PC's blowing you up before you even meet them as a precaution is better than getting hit by assassins as a way to start up the plot?

I mean, sure, my alchemist is getting chased up a tree by a gang of orcs as soon as PC's are around, but at least he has a 50/50 chance of the PC's themselves actually sort of tolerating him as a creature that may continue living.

2018-01-05, 03:40 PM
You figure the king has too high a chance of dying, so you choose to be the grand vizier? Because the PC's blowing you up before you even meet them as a precaution is better than getting hit by assassins as a way to start up the plot?

I mean, sure, my alchemist is getting chased up a tree by a gang of orcs as soon as PC's are around, but at least he has a 50/50 chance of the PC's themselves actually sort of tolerating him as a creature that may continue living.

Everyone needs friends in high places, and my reputation precedes me as a reasonable negotiating partner. I do not hatch schemes to increase my power, I simply wait for opportunities to make, shall we say, mutually beneficial agreements. I'm certain the PCs and I can come to some kind of understanding which would make my overal usefulness outweigh their intolerance for my personal character. As someone who has the ear of the King in his pocket I'm better to have as friend than as foe (or corpse) and if the faith of the world is not as risk and they do seek an audiance with the King or the aid of the Kingdom than our brave heroes will at least find much in our Capital magnificent market place. We are Merchant State with trade deals across the continent and beyond and with the keys of the city in my hands I can function Gatekeeper for the PCs would they pose a threat to me.

I'm harmless, but a humble civil servant who alive isn't a threat to anyone. Dead however, I am of no use to anyone and so my life insurance policy is simply to be needed by everyone. PCs be warned, kill me and I'm taking the whole structure with me!

The Fury
2018-01-06, 01:38 AM
I would be a very, very charismatic half-elven bard with all the PCs wrapped around her little finger. Holding up the campaign with stupid side quests and infighting.

Because it would be fun.

It would be, but be careful with this one. If our heroes get annoyed they might just kill you out of spite. Or drag you along on their adventure which could be amazing! Or terrifying...

You figure the king has too high a chance of dying, so you choose to be the grand vizier? Because the PC's blowing you up before you even meet them as a precaution is better than getting hit by assassins as a way to start up the plot?

I mean, sure, my alchemist is getting chased up a tree by a gang of orcs as soon as PC's are around, but at least he has a 50/50 chance of the PC's themselves actually sort of tolerating him as a creature that may continue living.

It's true. Logic aside, it's genre convention that the royal adviser is secretly manipulating the kingdom and/or is planning some sort of coup. So much so that if the adviser isn't doing any of that, it's practically a plot twist.

Though it's possible that I'm just assuming the worst about our hypothetical player party. I did say that they'd likely kill me in whatever work-a-day function I might fulfill. Maybe I just need to be less negative.

2018-01-06, 01:47 AM
I would be the poopsmith. Hopefully the party leaves me alone and doesn't harvest my kidneys.

2018-01-06, 02:39 AM
college wizard or temple cleric

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-01-06, 04:32 AM
I would be the poopsmith. Hopefully the party leaves me alone and doesn't harvest my kidneys.

Next time I have to excuse myself to go to the toilet I'm saying I have some poopsmithing to do.

At least it's better than poopsmiting.

college wizard or temple cleric

Ooh, good one. Those hardly ever get killed, except maybe to demonstrate this new villain is extremely ruthless, and even then he'll probably go for the orphanage instead.

2018-01-06, 01:11 PM
Ooh, good one. Those hardly ever get killed, except maybe to demonstrate this new villain is extremely ruthless, and even then he'll probably go for the orphanage instead.

And they get cool magic powers

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-01-06, 04:12 PM
And they get cool magic powers

And they have a decent job with grateful customers, and they have the best health plan.

Maybe church life really is the best option.

2018-01-06, 04:17 PM
Presumably I'd still be a carpenter, and with dragons and trolls and orc raids always destroying bridges, houses, and castles, work would be very good.

2018-01-07, 11:53 PM
My Guild (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Cellarers%27_%26_Plumbers%27_Guild) would typically remain armed at work.

2018-01-08, 02:00 AM
Dead, probably.

2018-01-11, 06:17 AM
still all you gents and ladies need to meet me when that macguffin and ship you have is out of power plus with good tech ideas i can be tycoon in the world were you guys need to protect me while i do my work.

2018-01-11, 07:46 AM
The eccentric wizardess who brews potions and creates devices with odd and oddly useful effects, does research into the sacred, the profane, and the just plain weird (but not too weird. Forbidden Knowledge breaks OSHA* guidelines), and has arguments with her cat.
*Occult Spells and Hexes Association, of course.

2018-01-11, 11:21 AM
Spooky tavern ghost, probably.

2018-01-11, 11:32 AM
Presumably I'd still be a carpenter, and with dragons and trolls and orc raids always destroying bridges, houses, and castles, work would be very good.

Yeah, you can't go wrong with being a bridge builder in most fantasy settings. Never lacking for work (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrokenBridge), and you get to tell the PCs to go do some sidequests while you do absolutely nothing for days on end until they obey.

I'd be the villager asking the PCs for twenty bear asses in exchange for some minor magical trinket in the second town (not the first: that one burns down way too often). You want to be early on, when the rewards are low and yet the PCs still want to do the silly fetch quests.

Grey Wolf

Red Fel
2018-01-11, 12:50 PM
Four letters, infinite possibilities:

B. B. E. G.

You're welcome.

Honest Tiefling
2018-01-11, 01:36 PM
I could go Tarquin and be the evil overlord, but I'm too nice for that.

Tarquin has STYLE. Classic red and black color scheme, and it's heavily implied he's some sort of silver fox. Only issue is that with the way his sons have turned out, he might end up dying in a epilogue due to a puppet. Still, fashion always has sacrifices.

I'd like to be a princess, but I feel like that job would come with too much risk of kidnapping. How about a noble's daughter? That's almost as good, and they don't get kidnapped as often, do they? Then again, most fantasy worlds enforce a pseudo-medieval setting, so chances are the noble's daughter would end up in an arranged marriage at some point. That's not good. I guess I can bump down to daughter of a rich merchant, then? That'll come with a decent amount of comfort without any strings attached. That seems to be the best option.

You think too small. What's the problem with an arranged marriage if you're the one doing the arranging? You're a noble's daughter, chances are a magical education either via temple or the arcane isn't beyond your reach. If we're going as far as to assume a standard fantasy world, then there's unlikely to be enough sexism to stop you from pursuing your dreams. With your new found magical powers, get yourself Mr. Tall, Dark, Studly and Stupid with rich parents. That last one will serve you well for when you want to sample some things outside of marriage or run your own schemes. Just make sure to keep his idiot genes out of the genepool or just plain adopt.

After all, didn't someone mention that 10 year old monarchs are indestructible? Adopt yourself one. Too young to really want anything but more pudding, and they'd probably make decent human shields. Can't murder me in front of my adopted child, paladin! Think of the trauma!

...I get the feeling I'd be some sort of imp. Too weak for the smiting and just giving people bad ideas.

2018-01-11, 01:44 PM
I'd be the sage hidden somewhere far away that teaches one of the PCs their ultimate flashy move in return for beating me in a super-hard fight. So hard, I'm somehow tougher than the main villain, but I don't do a thing to stop him cause reasons.

Fable Wright
2018-01-11, 02:45 PM
I think, based on my real job, I'd probably be an artificer of some variety, making macguffins and things I don't entirely understand. The PCs never meet The Wizard Who Did It, so I'd probably be safe enough, though there's... I'd give it an 80% chance that I'd be recruited by the BBEG to make doomsday weapons? Job security, at least.

What I'd like to be is the Sleeping Giant, the big unstoppable force that keeps to itself and follows its own relatively benign agenda until the PCs or Big Bad somehow screw up. The Lady of Pain really does seem to have a nice job...

2018-01-11, 03:09 PM
I'd probably be a keeper of an Alchemy or Magical-item shop. I've always enjoyed the mystical side of fantasy worlds and I usually play as elven or fey-type characters in my games. So being an Mystical Elven Shopkeep would be the NPC I'd like to be.

Scarlet Knight
2018-01-11, 08:24 PM
I'm reading through these NPCs ; so many good ideas / memories. Makes me miss playing D&D so much...

I'd like to be a princess, but I feel like that job would come with too much risk of kidnapping. How about a noble's daughter? That's almost as good, and they don't get kidnapped as often, do they? Then again, most fantasy worlds enforce a pseudo-medieval setting, so chances are the noble's daughter would end up in an arranged marriage at some point. That's not good. I guess I can bump down to daughter of a rich merchant, then? That'll come with a decent amount of comfort without any strings attached. That seems to be the best option.

Now that I think of it, your chances of kidnapping are the same no matter what. The only change is the level of the kidnapper.

Princess? Dragon for sure. Rich merchant's child? Orcs or bandits.

The only difference is if you're a noble's daughter it will start out as a kidnapping , but then it's discovered you ran away with a poor troubadour and the PCs have to go through some ethical gymnastics...

2018-01-11, 10:16 PM
the alcoholic shaman who offers strange wisdom to the pcs when appropriate.

this is kind of what i used to be IRL anyway lol (i don't drink anymore or have schizophrenic hallucinations voices etc.)

Lvl 2 Expert
2018-01-12, 08:22 AM
I'd probably be a keeper of an Alchemy or Magical-item shop. I've always enjoyed the mystical side of fantasy worlds and I usually play as elven or fey-type characters in my games. So being an Mystical Elven Shopkeep would be the NPC I'd like to be.

I'll come in ones every few weeks with what I haven't sold on markets or to wandering adventurers or used myself. You can have it for 85% of the handbook price, no obligation to buy the whole package.

2018-01-15, 06:18 PM
Khajiit has wares

2018-01-17, 04:01 AM
I'm thinking sage or royal archivist.

2018-02-04, 03:43 AM
I'll be the shopkeep at the magic item shop. It's a very lucrative business, I get to have all sorts of awesome wares, and if the PCs ever try to rob me, I'll probably turn out to be a retired level 30 Archmage and/or an a hidden gold great wyrm inexplicably selling treasures instead of hoarding them.

Oh, sage. Absolutely sage. I mean, I get to make a living reading books and studying whatever I want? Yes please!

(How do generic sages make their living, anyway?)

Why, they get a master's degree so they can spend all day helping people with the Xerox machine become a librarian, of course!

Chances are you'll actually spend all day getting interrupted by obnoxious adventurers who need your knowledge to complete their low-level fetch quest, rather than actually getting to finish your reading. Better practice your annoyed muttering skills!

2018-02-04, 08:34 PM
I'd be the one who wasn't eaten by a dragon, kidnapped by goblins, robbed by bandits, murdered by the BBEG's armies, beaten up by a passing lord, dying to a supernatural plague, haunted by the local ghost, etc. etc. etc.

The one who isn't victimized so passing heroes can say 'this is terrible, we need to go fight something'.That's exactly what came to mind for me too.

2018-02-04, 09:09 PM
A minor Lord in a well off (but not to well off) section of the Kingdom, out of the way, but not at the frontier. Basically a nice backwater little section that noone cares about.

I'd be the villager asking the PCs for twenty bear asses in exchange for some minor magical trinket in the second town (not the first: that one burns down way too often). You want to be early on, when the rewards are low and yet the PCs still want to do the silly fetch quests.

Grey Wolf

This is my second choice. I want...a herring!!

2018-02-04, 09:31 PM
I want to be the local priest of an agricultural deity in Blackhawk748's backwater village! I can help the plants grow and do a little bit of healing when someone gets run over by their haycart, and I'd get to have a nice stable life as a respected member of the community.

Sign me up!

Scarlet Knight
2018-02-05, 09:04 PM
I want to be the local priest of an agricultural deity in Blackhawk748's backwater village! I can help the plants grow and do a little bit of healing when someone gets run over by their haycart, and I'd get to have a nice stable life as a respected member of the community.

Sign me up!

No, no. Backwater places are where the local priest always has to call in PCs when the bodies turn up and say things like:" I don't understand! This was always such a peaceful place!"

I want...a herring!!

Your new priest requested a shrubbery...

2018-02-06, 05:10 AM
A minor Lord in a well off (but not to well off) section of the Kingdom, out of the way, but not at the frontier. Basically a nice backwater little section that noone cares about.
Too bad for you that quiet, backwater villages is where the eldritch horrors always make their appearance. Actually, I think it is where I'll set up my Little Shop That Wasn't There Yesterday (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheLittleShopThatWasntThereYesterday).

2018-02-06, 05:37 AM
Too bad for you that quiet, backwater villages is where the eldritch horrors always make their appearance. Actually, I think it is where I'll set up my Little Shop That Wasn't There Yesterday (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheLittleShopThatWasntThereYesterday).

Typically you'd be right, but I'd be genre savy and could nip most of these in the bud

2018-02-06, 10:45 AM
I would be a very, very charismatic half-elven bard with all the PCs wrapped around her little finger. Holding up the campaign with stupid side quests and infighting.

Because it would be fun.

Aw shucks somebody beat me to it :smallfrown:

I would also want to be the stupid bloke who always has some stupid errand to have a bunch of high-level PCs go off and blunder with. Once they come back from slaughtering the whole goblin tribe because I lost my keepsake ring, my toilet isn't flushing right, and the PCs have to go off into the sewers...

2018-03-05, 07:38 PM
A cleric for sure, but not an adventure cleric, just an odinary cleric in a big temple or monastery.

Think about it, what do I do with most of my free time?

I read about legends, myths and gods, I also read tales of fantasy and legend.

Then I talk about the lore and discuss what is and what is not canon with likeminded individuals.

Being a cleric in a fantasy setting means that I can do that as a job, not only that but the legends and gods are undoubtedly real, I also get social, political and magical power out of this.

And I don't have to risk my life but if monster do attack I'll be able to protect myself using magic without having to learn it, in most fantasy setting magic looks a lot like math and I just hate math.

So i get away with doing what i love plus a bunch of bonus features, the perfect job.

2018-03-15, 12:23 PM
Hmm. My best bet sounds like living in a thriving city, though space might be an issue. With luck, maybe I’d have access to magical training to make sure I don’t end up the kidnapped victim, though living in a city ensures that there are more targets other than myself.

...What’s the average unwilling-evil-plot-involvement rate of magical initiates?

2018-03-15, 12:47 PM
I guess it depends on how ambitious you are. Aprendices looking for an easy way to power often end up evil even if they didn't plan to.

2018-03-15, 01:33 PM
In the novel A Darker Shade of Magic, and it's sequels by Victoria E. Schwab

Kell is one of the last Antari—magicians with a rare, coveted ability to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and, once upon a time, Black

Each "London" is in a different world (and two of them have a nearly identical tavern/Inn), and the worlds are distinct.

"Grey" London is in what's presumably the 19th century of our real world and it smells of smoke, "Red" London is a bright shining world filled with magic and it smells of flowers, "White" London also has magic, but it's a grim world that smells of blood, and "Black" London no longer has human life.

This ability to travel to different world's, some wondrous, others less so, almost instantly, really intrigues me, I suppose the D&D "Planeshift" ability is similar, so I'm nodding for that.

2018-03-15, 06:18 PM
Knowing my luck, I'd be the guard the adventurers(hopefully) knock out on their way to the BBEG's lair :P

Preferably, though, I'd be the innkeeper. Noones ever killed an innkeeper in any campaign I've seen... yet.

2018-03-15, 08:18 PM
The all-knowing mysterious oracle on some remote, hard-to-reach island/mountaintop/plane who'll answer some questions in exchange for tribute but otherwise doesn't interfere with the plot. Who also may or may not be a dragon or some other powerful immortal. Barring that, a college mage.

Realistically, though? I'd probably end up as some peasant farmer. (https://youtu.be/iJfPV7HU1IM?t=11)

2018-03-16, 07:19 AM
i dunno, probably the town drunk/madman, stumbling around in a stupor, occasionally screaming warnings at people. shouting my mad ravings and terrible prophecies to the sky! and drinking, to dull the horrible visions of a unholy future!

Giggling Ghast
2018-03-16, 05:05 PM
I'd like to be the mysterious NPC that sits in the dark corner of every tavern.

2018-03-16, 05:19 PM
There's only one type of NPC I would ever want to be in a fantasy land. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwNb53uuSVc)

2018-03-17, 07:11 AM
Aristocrat. No debate. I would be born into wealth, live my life with wealth and influence, be able to afford all the best health care for me and my family, good schools for my son. I'd study whatever field I wished to know, because I could just bring in a sage to teach me. My spouse would be free to pursue her passions and ambitions because I'd never have to say, "it's not in the budget" ever again.

Heck, I might even pass some legislation now and again... do my area of influence some good.

2018-03-18, 05:45 PM
Easy: Crazy old lady

Chaos Paladin
2018-03-19, 03:38 PM
I have to go with the mostly-retired sea captain, who has an easy smile and a ~mysterious past.~ Is she an ex-pirate? A bronze dragon in disguise? A randomly-rolled collection of stats that the party is reading way too much into? Who knows?? Definitely not the PCs!

2018-03-19, 07:13 PM
In the novel A Darker Shade of Magic, and it's sequels by Victoria E. Schwab

Kell is one of the last Antari—magicians with a rare, coveted ability to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and, once upon a time, Black

Each "London" is in a different world (and two of them have a nearly identical tavern/Inn), and the worlds are distinct.

"Grey" London is in what's presumably the 19th century of our real world and it smells of smoke, "Red" London is a bright shining world filled with magic and it smells of flowers, "White" London also has magic, but it's a grim world that smells of blood, and "Black" London no longer has human life.

This ability to travel to different world's, some wondrous, others less so, almost instantly, really intrigues me, I suppose the D&D "Planeshift" ability is similar, so I'm nodding for that.

Are you familiar with Planeswalkers from magic the gathering?

2018-03-19, 07:43 PM
Are you familiar with Planeswalkers from magic the gathering?

Nope, I never played the game, but my son has a little.

2018-03-19, 08:04 PM
Nope, I never played the game, but my son has a little.


First minute of this video explains how they work.

2018-03-21, 10:15 PM

First minute of this video explains how they work.

That was really neat!



Jay R
2018-03-22, 05:24 PM
Running a magic shop, buying and selling with a 100% markup.

2018-04-14, 12:06 AM
I'd be an architect that specializes in rebuilding taverns. Those PCs are always wrecking the joint. I'd be rich!

2018-04-23, 12:40 PM
The kind that actually ends up attacking the PCs at the end of the quest like a Werewolf Blacksmith or something

2018-04-29, 11:49 AM
Four letters, infinite possibilities:

B. B. E. G.

You're welcome.

Big Bad Egg Gatherer? Is that like a chocobo farmer?

I think I'd want to either be a hermit deep in the woods, or have a tavern someplace far out on a trade route. Either way I'd want lycanthropy of some sort for protection.

2018-05-01, 12:15 AM
I'd have to go with the tower wizard hermit. It seems like a career with a reasonable degree of safety, and for a nominal hermitage there's inevitably a great deal of social interaction, which suits me fine.

2018-05-01, 06:36 AM
I'd have to go with the tower wizard hermit. It seems like a career with a reasonable degree of safety, and for a nominal hermitage there's inevitably a great deal of social interaction, which suits me fine.

Maybe, but all those stairs would be murder on your knees as you get older.

2018-05-06, 04:30 AM
Maybe, but all those stairs would be murder on your knees as you get older.
at that point he will be flying in his sleep so no problem at all or made teleport into cantrip and did not bother at all

2018-05-06, 08:19 PM
I would want to be a friendly old druid living in a forest.

2018-05-19, 01:03 PM
Personally I think being some sort of arcane biologist would be interesting, especially with all the strange creatures that exist in different fantasy worlds. In fact, I think that's what I'll have my D&D character become if they make it to the end of the campaign and retire. Would definitely focus my research on the creatures of the various plains... more so if I got an awesome airship or something... kinda like Spelljamer from 2nd ed D&D.

Some Android
2018-05-19, 01:05 PM
I'm the guy who repeatedly says "I heard a rumor monsters are returning," then I get killed when the evil empire destroys the protagonist's/protagonists' home town in the first act.

2018-05-19, 03:49 PM
I'd like to be a princess, but I feel like that job would come with too much risk of kidnapping. How about a noble's daughter? That's almost as good, and they don't get kidnapped as often, do they? Then again, most fantasy worlds enforce a pseudo-medieval setting, so chances are the noble's daughter would end up in an arranged marriage at some point. That's not good. I guess I can bump down to daughter of a rich merchant, then? That'll come with a decent amount of comfort without any strings attached. That seems to be the best option.

No problem we would call you Cinderella. But hey you get three step sisters!

2018-05-19, 08:08 PM
(...) then I get killed when the evil empire destroys the protagonist's/protagonists' home town in the first act.

Are you ok there buddy?

2018-06-03, 03:02 PM
Dwarven smith! Just keep that purple guy with the chin away from me.

2018-06-03, 04:10 PM
Dwarven smith! Just keep that purple guy with the chin away from me.

You mean a Giant dwarf smith or just a regular dwarven smith?

2018-06-05, 01:39 PM
You mean a Giant dwarf smith or just a regular dwarven smith?

Either, just no purple dudes with weird chins thank you.

Some Android
2018-06-05, 04:06 PM
Are you ok there buddy?

What? No? I don't even - what are you even talking about? That question - what? No? I'm fine. I'm fine as finest fine. And if I wasn't I'd never admit it. I'd just leave a nonsensical post followed by a video to a youtube video:

Who wants to here a joke:


2018-06-26, 09:04 AM
Junior cleric at the tmple, handing out healing for money. I always seem to buy healing when I don't really need it - just in case - so I reckon it'd be a decent money spinner and I'd be fairly safe.

Hail Sithis
2018-06-26, 12:39 PM
college wizard or temple cleric

Same for me