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2017-12-31, 02:11 PM
The Academy of Cania

Year I



Professor Scarava was sleeping an uneasy dream in his room.

He was a mage, but not any mage, oh no. He was the world-famous prophet, master of magic both divine and arcane, and rarely his second sight was wrong. And now he had another vision. The vision full of darkness, apocalyptic even, and he craved to wake up and sleep longer at the same time, for though the nightmare was scary, it was important too.

The light of the full moon was falling to the room by an open window, with curtains dancing slowly with the wind. It was shining on room in chaos, for though professor Scarava was a headmaster of the Academy of Cania and the whole school was on his mind and he was leading it in the right direction, he was also a free soul and the order he established in his profession never truly entered his private life. So, sheets of paper, academic proposals, forms, spells and pieces of clothing were everywhere, on desks, chairs and floor. Only his bed was free of this, so he could get a good night sleep.

But enough of the room, back to the vision.

Scarava had a terrible nightmare. He was standing, a small person, in the center of the end of the world.

He saw a lady, beautiful, graceful, sweet and innocent, and a dark shadow lurking behind her, with a blade in their hand. He tried to shout, but he couldn’t find his voice. He watched, horrified, as the assassin cut the throat of the beautiful woman.

He heard a laughter, cold and cruel, ringing in his ears. And wondered which female, cuz it was a feminine voice, could be so happy for such a sad reason. Was she mad? Wicked? Was she a lover of the killer? His mother, sister, friend? What did the innocent lady to deserve such a hate and twisted joy from her?

Then, as the whole earth rang with the laughter, flames enveloped the world and his body. He shrieked, shouted, cried, and his tears boiled on his face.

Then, he woke up, screaming, wet with sweat. The cold, night’s wind caressed his silhouette, reminding him that it was only a dream, that he is safe now and should ease his mind.

But, at the same time, he knew that it wasn’t true. It was a vision, and it has been sent to him for a reason. He had to stop what he saw, or otherwise, the flames would be real.

He closed his eyes, trying to calm down. In his mind appeared another sight, this time of hope and salvation. He saw a group of mages, young but with potential, standing at the door of his school. He knew that if he would teach them well and prepare for what was coming, they could change the turn of the wheel of fate.

With this in mind, he laid on his bed and went back to sleep. All was well, there still was a chance. He wouldn’t waste it.


[End of music]



The Academy of Cania was located in a beautiful, picturesque valley between mountains in the Silver Marches, south-east of Sundabar. It was a castle on a high hill, with towers, library, dining hall, dormitories, classrooms, training grounds, a garden and everything else one could expect of leading heroes school.

As of Cania, she was a half-mythic, half-historical warrior-mage of Silverymoon, who has established this academy with her group of adventurers in order to foster new generations of patriots and heroes ready to save her beloved motherlands from future invaders and evil-doers. In time, as the school became more and more famous, it has turned international boarding academy, more focused on training the new champions for the whole of Faerun than just helping the local country. Nowadays, students of all trades and origins were there to push forward their abilities and knowledge. It was a melting pot of people from all sides of the Toril working together towards shared future.

And today was the beginning of a new school year.


All the student, old and new, were gathered in the Great Hall. On the scene, professor Scarava was giving a speech.


- Welcome, welcome, old friends and friends we have yet to get to know. Welcome, after another year had passed. This is a great and joyous honor to educate such brave, young persons. As you well know, this is the Academy of Cania, established over a thousand years ago, in order to bring the most talented people here and turn them into new heroes the world needs. During your three years here, and maybe two more if that’s your choice, we will teach you all you need to know – the ways of magic, faith, sword, and dagger, among others. Study hard, because only the very best will graduate. Listen to your teachers, meet new friends and develop, to become the best you could. It shall pay in the future. Also…

As professor was speaking, in a small room behind the scene, a group of new students was sitting. Yet, they weren’t ordinary students. They got special invitation letters and unlike other students, they got scholarships, covering their stay at the Academy. They were talented, and were about to be presented to the whole school during a special ceremony – it is, in a few moments. They didn’t know each other, and it seemed like they would spend a lot of time together, so maybe now was the right time to introduce themselves?

2018-01-01, 03:20 AM
Loki seems nonchalant about the whole thing. On the inside he was quaking though. It was a big step from the streets to the Academy. It seemed that just yesterday he was figuring out how to stop throwing fire. To quell his nerves he talks to the Aasimar girl. He had seen a couple of her race before and they were supposed to be nice. He stretches out his hand and says Pleasure to meet you. Loki, Wizard-Sorcerer extraordinaire! What's your name?

2018-01-02, 06:48 AM
Artimis wasn't pleased. He wasn't particularly angry, but he most certainly wasn't pleased. While the bulk of the student body was out in the main hall, he was stuffed in a back room like an old coat, with a bunch of other freshmen, apparently not fit for general population.

"What a great way to start the day" he thought to himself as he watched one of his fellow 'inmates' clumsy attempt at flirting with the Aasimar girl. "Well....if your going to be shoved into a back room, being shoved in with a couple of attractive girls is at least a little consolation."

He plopped himself down in a nearby chair, and began a meditation exercise to calm himself. His old masters back home would chastise him for being so full of negative emotions. A few quick breaths calmed his mind and body, and he resolved himself to wait patiently.

*Italics text is inner monologue.

2018-01-04, 07:55 AM
Ashlie raise an eyebrow at Artimis. "I was unaware a simple introduction can be confused for flirting, but I supose an idiot has his ways."

She softly grabs Lokis hand. her touch feels like a silk slowly wrapped around. Dhe shakes hand delikatly as if handdling a flower petal. "nice to mee you. My name is Ashlie"

2018-01-04, 09:10 AM
FYI all of that was inner monologue. He didn't say a thing out loud, lol

2018-01-04, 09:19 AM
"Great to meet you too Ashlie!" He turns around to different student who seemed to be meditating for some reason. He sticks out his hand to shake with him too.

2018-01-04, 01:21 PM
Umbri Akbay is lounged in a chair with his feet up on his trunk reading a travelogue written over two thousand years ago. He is utterly nonchalant, confident that his ability to pick up and retain random knowledge will let him glide through the academy like it had all his previous schooling. He'd been extremely lucky in life so far, why wouldn't it continue now?

When his fellow students start talking he closes his book with a snap, drops his feet to the floor, and leans forward to pay attention.

2018-01-04, 01:31 PM
"Looks like I'm and only girl in the class. That's a shame~. Anyways. That's me and loki. What about rest of you guys"

2018-01-04, 02:11 PM
"I'm Umbri Akbay, known for being both socially and magically gifted. I'm from Lantan, what about the rest of you?"

2018-01-04, 02:41 PM
"I'm from Ilkay near the capital. I've been all over though. "

2018-01-04, 04:17 PM
"What do you mean by all over?"

2018-01-05, 06:45 AM
"I would assume that means you are well traveled. Perhaps you heard about Eldenesbourg. That's where I'm from"

2018-01-05, 07:13 AM
"What do you mean by all over?"
I've been all over this side of the country. Usually stay in one place till it gets boring. Or they throw me out! Loki laughs at the end of the sentence.

"I would assume that means you are well traveled. Perhaps you heard about Eldenesbourg. That's where I'm from"
I'm afraid not. I may have traveled through there once but not read the name. He shrugs. Anyway. When is this thing going to start? I want out of this room. You'd think the princi would talk faster.

2018-01-06, 01:00 AM
Artimis cracked an eye open.

"Artimis, from Alzhedo. It is an honor to meet you all." He let the trance state slip a way, but remained seated. "I don't know about you all, but I would have much preferred to be out in the general crowd, rather than being shown off like prized livestock."

2018-01-06, 02:52 AM
"this is supposed to be honor as we are presented as expressly skilled. For example loki managed to be both wizard and sourcer. I think this prestige can come in handy. Ashi smiles a softly as she starts thinking about how she can do that

2018-01-06, 05:31 AM
"Ah," says Artimis, warming to the debate, "but do you not see that the rest of the student body will most likely view us as 'teachers pets', and come to resent us, before even knowing us?" He threw one leg over the arm of his chair before continuing. "It would have been better if we had been allowed to show off our talents over time. This way....." He spreads his hands, leaving the thought for the rest of the group to ponder.

"But what is done, is done."

2018-01-06, 05:39 AM
"Ah," says Artimis, warming to the debate, "but do you not see that the rest of the student body will most likely view us as 'teachers pets', and come to resent us, before even knowing us?" He threw one leg over the arm of his chair before continuing. "It would have been better if we had been allowed to show off our talents over time. This way....." He spreads his hands, leaving the thought for the rest of the group to ponder.

"But what is done, is done."

"I agree partially. We have started off the year badly with most of the students. There will be a few more intelligent ones who don't mind but on a whole they dislike us now."

2018-01-06, 08:01 AM
"lucky I have my way to fix it~. Anyways everygood wizard has a familiar.
I call mine Tiana, what about you guys?

2018-01-06, 08:15 AM
My familiars name is Katiana. Atleast that's the closest approximation in our language. I just call her Katie or Kat.
At the mention of her name a little Sprite comes out of his hair. It seems like it was sleeping there. It moves onto Loki's shoulder and observes quietly.
Speak of the Devil! Here she is. She's been with me for 10 years give or take.
She looks something like this.

DM I think we can move on to the next scene. Unless anyone else objects?

2018-01-07, 09:48 AM
Umbri stares at Katiana for a moment. "How do you do," he asks as he gives her a little bow. "I've never heard of a Sprite being a familiar before. I would very much like to hear the story of how you two came to meet at some point.

"As for myself my companion is Winky over there," says Umbri as he gestures towards a white cat draped over his trunk.

2018-01-07, 10:37 AM
Umbri stares at Katiana for a moment. "How do you do," he asks as he gives her a little bow. "I've never heard of a Sprite being a familiar before. I would very much like to hear the story of how you two came to meet at some point.

"As for myself my companion is Winky over there," says Umbri as he gestures towards a white cat draped over his trunk.

Seeing as how the principal seems to be taking a while I may as well tell it now. Back when I lived in Illkay my adopted father had an amazing garden. All the little hedge fairies and brownies loved it. He had this little bell that if rang called all the sprites to the ringer. Its how we kept them safe during his Experiments or when the Venus fly traps were blooming. Since there was no one else in the house I would ring it and look at the sprites. There was one that seemed a little off from the rest. While the others were playing around, she would try to join in and play but they would shove her out. I pitied her and gave her some human food. I had some biscuits left over for my snack. She ate it and then ran away. I did this for a few days and gradually she became used to me. That sprite, if you can’t tell, was Kat. Eventually it got to the point where I didn't even need to ring the bell, she would just be waiting for me by the window. She was my only friend and I hers. Eventually when I got around to casting a find familiar spell I wanted her to see it. Imagine my surprise when she flew into the circle and established the familiar contract!

2018-01-07, 10:48 AM
"aww that's such a cute sorry, and she herself is such a cutie" She extends her hand toward the sprite but stops mid way "Kat? mind if I touch you?"

2018-01-07, 10:52 AM
Kat blushes at being called cute and nods her head to convey that she is ok with it.

2018-01-07, 11:02 AM
"awww, that blush is just too much. I'm no jelus of you jealous of you Loki" Said Ashie brushing Cats hair with single finger. "I don't know what I do without girl friends so lets stick together Cat, ok?"

2018-01-09, 10:24 AM
Professor Scarava was continuing, in the other room – Alright, I think that’s enough for now. Let’s the ceremony begin.

The door to the room of the chosen students opened itself magically, and a little bell by them rang. The wizard knew they were summoned. They have risen from their chairs and went to the bigger room, a little bit scared, a little bit excited.

Professor looked at them, his bright blue eyes smiling from behind his glasses – Welcome. They are, as you can guess, very special students that received scholarships. We, it is, the educational staff, have the best hopes for them. Although young, they have the potential to achieve great things. All of you should look up to them – he explained to the rest of students, staring at them from chairs in the auditorium.

- And now – he continued – is a little bit of tradition. This very special object – a female servant has brought into the podium a small table containing little ball made of gold, silver, and copper – is a Sphere of Innej Self. We use is always to introduce new students to the school. According to our tradition, we divide people into three broad categories, it is: Hearts, Minds, and Souls. Every person is naturally oriented towards all three categories, yet every has one, that is superseding the two others.

- Hearts are all about other people. A student who follows the Path of Hearth is interested in others, tries to help them and understand them, and the biggest values for him or her are empathy and good relationships with friends. They are easygoing, popular and well connected. They are the typical bards.

- Minds are all about the intellectual pursuits, the force of knowledge and theories. They are interested in books, schooling, and desire to understand and comprehend with the force of their own analysis. Many great wizards are following the Path of Mind.

- The third category is the most mysterious. The Path of Soul is all about understanding oneself, own personality, emotions, good and weak sides, limitations. People following this path are usually quiet, contemplative, keep to themselves. Many mystics and priest are into this group.

- Now, every new student, starting with chosen ones, will touch the Sphere of Inne Self. It will connect to his mind and declare what type you are, for education is not only about grades and abilities, but also about self-discovery. After a short moment, the Sphere will create for you a pin, either in shape of heart, book or a miniature holy symbol of your deity, for each category respectively. Wear it with pride, for it is a symbol of your membership to our school.

- So, who’s gonna be first? - asked professor Scarava gently, looking at the wizards.

2018-01-09, 10:47 AM
Loki steps forward. "I volunteer to go first,"
He hopes to become hearts. Soul was too mystical and stuff. Mind sounded like a bunch of eggheads who would impose all their rules and crap on him. Heart seemed like the party house. Besides he prided himself on his charisma and people skills. Hearts was a natural fit. He makes a show of walking toward the orb. He touches the sphere and silently wills it toward heart. "Oh great Orb I will sacrifice a marble to you if you get me in hearts. Cool?"

2018-01-09, 11:06 AM
"Well then I will go second . This was we and everyone else all know where we are" Said Ashlie. She couldn't tell whether heart or soul. She did spend a lot of her time on self improvement. Then again she found herself lining for company. Both maybe suitable. Harts perhaps alittle batter as she would always put helping other over studding herself.

2018-01-10, 01:24 AM
Interesting. thought Aritims, as he stepped forward to take part in the little ceremony, curious as to how he would be classified.

2018-01-15, 01:13 PM
The young wizards moved closer to the professor, each touching the Orb in order. After a few seconds of feeling an alien, yet not unkind presence in their very mind, on the pillow, in front of Orb, between it and the person it was touched, materialized a tiny pin of various aspect.

Then, professor Scarava have shaken the hands of each of the wizards, pointing at the second row in the auditorium, when they could have sit (the first row was full of teachers).

After they have sit, other students moved closer, each getting their own special pin and handshake from the headmaster.

Yet after that, everyone moved to the next room, which was a dining area. There were one long table for all the students and second, shorter, for the teachers north of it. The student’s dining table was almost as long as the room, and the second table was about ¾ of it’s width. It took a while for everyone to sit down, but after all were seated, they could eat many delicious dishes already present at the board.

Th feast was really tasty and everyone was filled afterwards. One by one, people were leaving the table, wishing their companions goodnight. In due time, the chosen students also left the board and moved to their bedrooms.

They have known the way, for it was where they left their things when they moved to the castle. In the Academy of Cania, there were many bedrooms, divided between kind of course one was taking and year they were in. But that didn’t mean that every person in the same class was sleeping together, for the people were subdivided into smaller room still.

Your dormitorium was in a tower, with marvelous view to the surroundings. From the wide windows, all aroung the oval room, you could see the landscape and other parts of the castle. It was quite pleasant.

You were sharing the room with three other wizards. You climbed the stars to find two smaller rooms, respectively for males and females. But, there was no rule that would profibit you from visiting each other, it would just be advisable, if you would not end up in the same room sleeping.

In male bedroom, you have found all of your roomies.

- Oh? Welcome? - said a boy with dense and longer than unusual for mens hair – My name is Alex, short for Alexis – he said with a smile.


He was talking with a wild elf girl – This is Katiana, from southlands – Alexis explained. She nodded her head, smiling at you slightly.


In the room there was also another person, black-haired, paled-skinned, in black robes with green elements.


- That’s Tom – whispered Alexis – he… keeps to himself I suppose?

2018-01-15, 01:25 PM
Ashie smile looking at everyone. "Nice to meet you all. My name is Ashie. Katiana don't you think that's a little unfair that we get 4 guys in live with? at least we get a room just for ourself"

2018-01-15, 05:30 PM
"Loki. Short for Loki. Pleasure to meet the three of you. Whats your specialty? Mines Sorcery. "
While talking he sets up his bed. After he finishes his bed he opens up his bag and takes out what appears to be an empty matchbox with toothpicks at the end and a bit of string. Inside the matchbox was a tiny blanket and pillow. He ties the match box up like a hammock with the string. Katiana flys into the matchbox and sits there looking at the new people.

2018-01-16, 02:48 AM
Artimis dropped his pack on his bed and made a short bow to the other students. "It is an honor to meet you all. I am Artimis."

It was a rather small pack, as monks travel light. He propped his quarter staff against the wall near the head of the bed. He didn't think he would need it any time soon.

2018-01-16, 10:47 AM
Umbri drags his gigantic trunk into the room and shoves it over next to one of the beds.

"I'm Umbri Akbay, it's a pleasure to meet you all."

If there is a window I walk over to it, open it, and look out.

2018-01-22, 03:27 PM
Umbri has moved to the window. The room was a bigger part of a circle and showed quite a lot. There were other towers in sight, many of them containing lesser or bigger lights, as well as part of the natural terrain, flat earth with grass on it and mountains farther in sight. The stars were shining brightly, and half-moon was visible in the night sky.

It was quite nice.

At the same time, behind his back, the discussions started.

- Oh, me? - asked Alex – well, from all I established we are all magicians. I, for example, am both a mage and priest, and Katiana is...

- Wizard-shaman – she interrupted. She had a strong accent, quite exotic sounding.

- Yes – continued Alexis – we aren’t sure for Tom, but most probably he’s some kind of a wizard too. Maybe sorcerer? Ah, we will learn soon enough, I guess.

- As to your question – Katiana said to Ashie - It’s hard to tell. I would like for our group to be more… diverse, but I guess it will have to suffice. It’s not like we will live with boys in one room, so that should not be any kind of problem – she explained. She had little fangs that were reflecting the light of the candles in the room, as she still smiled slightly.

Tom just sat on his bed, looking at all of you. You weren’t sure if you liked his gaze, there was something… not-right in it.

2018-01-22, 03:46 PM
Ashie nods "yes it is true, also Loki has a super adorable fay for familiar. I wonder if we can get her to sleep in our room

2018-01-23, 02:26 AM
"A Priest? Which God? Judging by the fact that you're a mage as well I'm Guessing Mystra? It's been a while since I've met a Shaman. Last one I met Was an old guy who tried to electrocute me. Nice man if you get past the whole "Sacrafice for the spirits" thing. Also I cant recognize your accent. May I have the pleasure of knowing where You're from?
While talking Loki seems to be fiddling with some clay and some other items that he took out of his bag. When he finishes he shows off a little chunk of clay attached to string. He hangs it up near the bottom bunk and casts "Light" on it. He explains "Book Light. Also keeps the Mosquitoes away"

2018-01-24, 01:14 AM
Ashie nods "yes it is true, also Loki has a super adorable fay for familiar. I wonder if we can get her to sleep in our room

Artimis chuckles "While I hesitate to presume upon Loki's character, I would remind you ladies that a wizard can see through his familiar's eyes. Having his familiar in the private room of two attractive ladies may prove to be a bit too tempting for a young man."

2018-01-24, 04:56 AM
Artimis chuckles "While I hesitate to presume upon Loki's character, I would remind you ladies that a wizard can see through his familiar's eyes. Having his familiar in the private room of two attractive ladies may prove to be a bit too tempting for a young man."

"Young Man? I'm pretty sure we're about the same age. True on te Sight thing. Not saying I would do it, but should you really give that much trust to her within an hour of meeting us? Also she may look cute now but wait until she wakes you up at 4 in the morning and doesn't let you sleep until you make her a cup of Honeycomb Tea."

2018-01-24, 05:23 AM
"oh well I will let you deal. Looks like I will have to look for girl friends somewhere else.
What do you say Katiana, want to go with me?

2018-01-26, 05:50 PM
Umbri finds an unoccupied bed, pulls his trunk up to the foot of it and opens the top, it is crammed with books.

"Are all three of you first year students as well?"

2018-01-29, 12:20 PM
- Close, but not quite - said Alexis - I serve Selune, the moon goddess. Yes, I know, kind of unusual combination, mage-priest of Selune, but hey, that's what I am!

- I'm from the Forest of Tethir - explained Katiana -I guess that in Silverymoon area people of my homeland are pretty rare - she added.

- And yes, we are all students of the arcane - Alexis has spoken.

- Yes Ashlie, I believe I could go with you - answered the wild elf girl - Just maybe... not this exact moment? I would like to stay with the guys a little more.

2018-01-30, 09:02 AM
Ashley nods but of course. Others are moust likely unpacking. We should probably do it as well, given my backpack is empty

2018-01-30, 03:43 PM
Loki goes off to the bathroom and changes into a sleeveless shirt and short pants. He had had enough of the formal wear the school gave.
"Well I don't bout the rest of you but I'm going to bed. If this school is anything like the other ones they'll give a ton of work in the morning."

shall we skip to the morning?

2018-02-06, 11:38 AM
The young wizards talked a bit longer, about thieir plans for future, excitement of starning new school and other things. Yet, everyone was sleepy, so quite fast they went to their respective beds. Katiana and Ashley leaved the room and went to their own bedroom, and the boys changed into their pijamas and went to sleep.

The next morning the light of morning sun fell through the windows. It was beautiful, but also very early, so nobody was in the mood to spend a while and admire the view. Everybody slowly changed clothes and washed their teeth, wondering what the day will bring into their lives.

They wend down the spiral staircases to their common room, when they could study and relax later, and leaved the dormitory tower. The castle was big, but with the helps of maps (which were laying on the table in the main room) they found their way to the Dining Hall. It was different now, in the light of the sun, and they could lost their way otherwise.

In the Dining Hall they have found, aside from fellow students and food, stalls with timetables according to year and main profession. They were piles of timetables for 2nd year warriors, 3rd year priests, and, among others, first year mages. The protagonists moved closer, taking one sheet per person.


Theory of Magic
Introduction to adventuring and heroic lifestyle
Religions and Theology
History of Faerun
Elective course

Basic arcane spells - practice
Planar theory
Arts of diplomacy and non-violent solutions
Languages - Draconic
Elective course

Intercultural awareness
Decyphering scripts
Basic mathematics
Elective course

Basic arcane spells - practice
Theory of magic
Elective course

It seemed pretty filled, but after all, they were here for the learning. Plus, they had some open windows for relax and regeneration of mental strength.

The wizards sat, noses in their timetables, contemplating what they will study. When they had done, it, they grabbed something to eat. They were bowls of scrambled eggs, hot tea and coffe, dices of sugar, some milk and fresh bread plus vegetable salad. It looked delicious and light-on-stomach.

In the morning chaos nobody at first recognized them, but quite soon people started to stare and gossip „it’s THEM!”, „look, look!”, „Oh, the chosen ones!” and so on. It slowly started to get irritating.

2018-02-06, 01:35 PM
Ashley smirks enjoying the fame. Busy graphic will make it difficult but she definitely can find some time mess around. She should also make a copy of the map, maybe someone can do it for her, perhaps invisible servent can do it's. It's definitely worth testing. She pounders it standing proudly and enjoying a moment of glory

2018-02-07, 06:53 AM
Loki basks in the Glory. He pretended not to even notice.

Katiana flys around and looks at all the people. she flies here to there in front of peoples faces but always staying where Loki can see her.

2018-02-08, 03:30 AM
Just as I thought, Aritmis thought to himself, showing no outward sign of noticing the commotion. He kept a careful watch, as best he could with out seeming to do so, for what he felt was a now inevitable physical (or magical) display against himself and his fellow gifted students. Even in these hallowed halls, he reasoned, there were bound to be 'bullies' who could not pass up an opportunity to publicly humiliate the group.

2018-02-12, 11:20 AM
- Oh, look! - said Katiana, looking intensively into her timetable.

- What's that? - asked Alexis, lookinng at it.

- In the back there's something written - explained the wild elf girl - "The elective courses should be registered to Madame Strix, the deputy headmistress. The major options are The art of dagger and shadow, Faith in practice and By sword and fist - the basic martiar arts training. The list of more specialized courses will be available at the boards in the dormitories. Registration to elective courses ends by the end of second week of semester." - Katiana read aloud - Hm... there's nothing about shamans, though. Do you think there will be shamanism elective? Or maybe it's too rare, especially in this part of the world? - she said her concerns aloud.

- Well, you could always try some other specialized course - Alex tried to comfort her - Anyway, it's about the future. Now we should get prepared to our Theory of Magic. Eat well, you will need your strength.

At the same time, a burst of laughter reached your ears. When you looked up, you could see Tom and group of other first-year students, pointing at you. It seemed you were laugthed at!

2018-02-12, 11:34 AM
Ashly dosn't seems faced by that. In fact she tried acting like she haven't even noticed (disguise [roll0]). She turns to Katiana let's see that are this alternative courses, I;m not fan of volience. For a secound she had a crazy idea, for starting a rumors but she decides not to go through with it as it would anger a person she wanted to befriend the most

2018-02-12, 12:09 PM
Loki Ignores them but readies a spell just incase. Magic Twirls around his fingers and his hand seems to glow Yellow before fading.

Readying Shocking Grasp

2018-02-13, 02:35 AM
Artimis finished his breakfast fairly quickly. Not out of haste....he was used to eating far less at the monastery than what was apparently considered an average breakfast at the school.

"I suppose I shall get registering for the electives out of the way, while the opportunity is available." He said to the others, rising. "If you will excuse me..."

As he made his way out of the hall, his route just happened to take him close to the source of burst of laughter.

2018-02-21, 09:01 AM
The young mages seemed unshaken by the people laughting at them. When Tom and his new friends had his fun, they finished their meal and went outside of the Dining Hall.

According to their maps, the office of Madame Strix was located on the third floor, in a wing of the castle, where bursts of voices of students weren’t as loud. You went there, knocking gently on the door.

Inside, there was a room with a lot of boks on shelves, desk with papers on it, some chairs and an old-looking lady. She was wearing a creme-colored robe and a big hat in the same coloration.


- Oh, welcome – she said – You are the new students, the one’s introduced by Professor Scaravia, isn’t it? My name is Madame Strix, as you had to read on the door leading here. You are here to pick your electives, aren’t you? There are forms – she pointed at one pile of documents on her desk – and full list of electives if you hadn’t chosen yet – she made a gesture towards another pile.

2018-02-21, 09:09 AM
nice to meet you miss. she goes to the pail. She takes the first sheet and leans against the wall as she reads. She looks some focusing on knowledge and not including too much combat.

2018-02-21, 09:41 AM
Loki Grabs one and goes through the list.

2018-03-05, 07:54 AM
There were many courses available. The young magicians saw that the most promising were "Introduction to subtle magic" -according to the description focused on illusions, enchantments and their applications - and "History of magic use". There were also many more, as for school with a broad focus.

Madame Strix was just sitting there, waiting patiently for your decision and the forms.

2018-03-05, 08:06 AM
After a while of concentration, running up and down the list Ashie puts it back on the stack "I must say Introduction to subtle magic look rather interesting. Do you have your picks Katrina?"

2018-03-09, 04:13 PM
"History of Magic Use sounds easy enough, I think I'll go with that one."

2018-03-28, 05:31 AM
The young mages have chosen their own electives. Madame Strix has smiled gently as she took the forms from them. It wasn’t much to do otherwise, and there was their first lesson coming, so they said their goodbyes and went in the direction of the classroom.

Their first challenge in the school was Theory of Magic.


They had sat in a big, conference-sized room. There was a podium for their teacher, and a lot of chairs for they, it is, students. It looked quite like any other magical school in the Realms, just was bigger and more crowded.

Quite soon the teacher appeared. He was a gnome, rather small even for his race. He had a wild mass of white-and-auburn hair and rather big glasses.

- Welcome, welcome, everyone. My name is Quirk Johanson and I will be your teacher for this semester. My subject is, as you probably know, Theory of Magic. Now, can anyone tell me what’s it about and why we study it on our first semester? - he asked his audience.

2018-03-28, 05:44 AM
'Theory of Magic, Theory of Magic, Theory of Magic' Ashie repeats in her, before reaching a bit of idea what can that be. "is this a study of inherit nature of magic happing to crate formulas of how it react in ordinary cases"

This is my wild guess to that it maybe, Ashie is naturally trying to give correct answer so it may a more appropriate to give an answer based on knowledge check, and that would be [roll0]

2018-03-28, 09:52 AM
- Yes, indeed. Very well phrased. Your name miss...? - asked the teacher before going forward.

- Before we will learn advanced magic, the headmaster (and many teachers agreed with him) deemed appropriate for you to learn basic. There is nothing more basic than the theory of magic itself. You will learn the theory bahind all spells, especially arcane magic, so it will be easier for you to understand, learn and develop spells. Now, what do you think, what we will be learning here?

2018-04-09, 10:35 AM
Suddenly, Mr. Johanson stopped. There seemed to be some kind of commotion behind the main door leading to the class - Hm, what could it be? - asked he, looking at his students.

His question got instantenous response, when the room was attacked. Gray-skinned and haired woman went fastly to the crassroom, behind her her summoned fire elemental.


She wasted no time. She cast fastly a fire spell at the teacher, who was completely unprepared. A fireball hit him hard in his chest, exploding with his scream.

- Take care of the students, the old fool is mine - she commanded her ally.

Roll initiative in OOC.

2018-04-09, 11:29 AM
"come on everyone we can do it~!" she says as she get and fiers a magic missal. Her only battle spell. While earcing to her mind trying to recall any informations about fire elementer she made have come by previously.

Knowledge (arcade): [roll0]
Demage: [roll1]