View Full Version : What's you favorite sublcass so far?

2017-12-31, 11:49 PM
I don't expect everyone to have played every subclass, but I'd like to feel out what people have enjoyed playing thus far. Personally, I'm having a blast playing a vengeance paladin; the angsty, grey knight persona alongside the ability to go nova on enemies while still supporting its allies has been awesome from both a role-playing and viability perspective.

2017-12-31, 11:51 PM
Phb Beast master ranger. Lots of roll play options, lots of fun anxiety moments in combat, a lot more tactical.

Illusionist wizard. All the creativity anyone could ask for

2018-01-01, 12:48 AM
strangely enough i am really digging on champion right now i am playing a half Orc 4/1 champion/ celestial warlock and it has been amazballs

2018-01-01, 01:04 AM
Oh man, I don't think I could possibly narrow down my favorite subclass period. I can pretty easily pick out my favorite subclass for most classes, though!

Barbarian: Ancestral Guardians entirely for their flavor, Totem and Storm after that. Least favorite: Zealot.
Bard: This one is hard, though if I can name UA options, Satire is far and away my favorite. Of the official subclasses, Glamour has great flavor. No least favorite.
Cleric: Grave. Nature, Trickery, Death, and Forge are runners up. Least favorite: War.
Druid: Shepherd. Dreams is runner up just for the flavor. No least favorite.
Fighter: Samurai. Banneret and Cavalier are runners up. No least favorite.
Monk: Drunken Master. I was going to list runners up but I'd just end up listing nearly all the rest. Least favorite: Four Elements.
Paladin: Redemption. Ancients is runner up. Least favorites: Conquest and Oathbreakers.
Ranger: Super, super hard to pick. Hunter, Gloom Stalker, and Monster Slayer are all super good. I was going to say I don't have a least favorite, but Horizon Walker's flavor doesn't appeal to me at all, so there's that.
Rogue: Swashbuckler. Arcane Trickster and Mastermind are runners up. Least favorite: I wish I liked Inquisitive a lot more than I do.
Sorcerer: Shadow Magic. If UA is included, Phoenix is a runner up. No least favorite.
Warlock: Great Old One. Archfey, Undying, and (if UA) Raven Queen are runners up. Least favorite: Hexblade, actually. I just find it more boring than the other options; though Fiend comes close it's does have some potential to it.
Wizard: This one is also kinda hard! Probably a tie between Divination and Bladesinger. Illusion and Transmutation are runners up. Least favorite: War Magic.
Artificer (UA): Alchemist. I guess Gunsmith is my least favorite by default in that case, but I still like it, so that doesn't mean much!
Mystic (UA): Awakened. Immortal is a runner up. Least favorite: Soul Knife.

I guess, listing them out like that, my favorite-favorites might be a four-way tie between Satire Bard, Drunken Master Monk, Great Old One Warlock, and Awakened Mystic. Grave Cleric, Shepherd Druid, and Samurai Fighter all come pretty close, though!

2018-01-01, 01:32 AM
Most fun I had was a Halfling Revised Ranger Beastmaster. Landren the son of an Adventurer who left home with his faithful family dog Amaryllis. Adventuring together in the big city. The only downside to it was that the game turned into a sewer crawl so getting her down to placed was annoying. She finally died at lvl 6 and he didnt have the heart to bring her back to life and was debating it. Like hard core. Game ended before I could decide.

Mechanics wise it was great. 3 attacks with the handcrossbow and 2 from the pet with its reaction.

2018-01-01, 05:06 AM
Champion Fighter. Because you don't need abilities to be cool.

2018-01-01, 05:45 AM
At the moment: tempest cleric. Nice flavour, and great all rounder: buffing, debuffing, some battlefield controll, melee, tankish, strong area of effect spells.

2018-01-01, 06:20 AM
Avoid trying to role play as pwent, you can be a normal dwarf outside of combat. In combat? Go full pwent to cause maximum chaos amongst your foes.

Ones I'd like to try are a dragon born conquest paladin and a whisper bard in a role play heavy campaign