View Full Version : Holy Grail War servant ideas

2018-01-01, 04:24 PM
Me and several friends are planning a D&D game based on the Fate series, and we’re trying to find options for the different servant classes, specifically, historical and mythological people who could fit each class. We’ve had some ideas for Saber, Archer, and Rider, but have otherwise been having trouble. If anyone can suggest people and what class they could fit, it would be a great help!

2018-01-01, 04:43 PM
To be honest, in the fate series, each Servant is kinda diferent, for example, the main Saber, Arturia, would be a Paladin, but the Saber from Apocrypha, Mordred, would be a Fighter or Barbarian.
So basically it depends on which mythological figure you pick for each class, then base the DnD class on that figure.

2018-01-01, 04:50 PM
To be honest, in the fate series, each Servant is kinda diferent, for example, the main Saber, Arturia, would be a Paladin, but the Saber from Apocrypha, Mordred, would be a Fighter or Barbarian.
So basically it depends on which mythological figure you pick for each class, then base the DnD class on that figure.

Yes, thank you. I’m more asking for ideas for what historical and mythological people we can use who haven’t appeared in the fate series. Sorry, I’m still a bit tired from a New Years party last night/this morning and I think I failed to make that clear in my post.

2018-01-01, 04:57 PM
Yes, thank you. I’m more asking for ideas for what historical and mythological people we can use who haven’t appeared in the fate series. Sorry, I’m still a bit tired from a New Years party last night/this morning and I think I failed to make that clear in my post.

Oh, I see, no problem then. I haven't seen all the Fate series so if one of these have been done before I'm sorry.
Napoleon Bonaparte (His class could vary)
Emperor Julius Caesar (I know Nero has done and she was a Saber, could be another class)
Merlin (I know he has appeared in the series but I haven't seen him actually participate in a Holy Grail War, caster)
A lot of the Greek heroes and Knights of the Round table also haven't been in a Grail War
If I think of more of them I'll edit here.

2018-01-01, 06:21 PM
Casters are pretty easy. Any historically famous scientist, artist, or writer can be a caster. Leonardo Da Vinci, Nicolas Flamel, Edgar Allen Poe, etc.

The Fate series has covered many historical and legendary figures. In some cases you may just want to reimagine some of the less used ones.

Classic literature can be used too. Three Musketeers, Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, Peter Pan... I bet Don Quixote would make a strange Berserker.

2018-01-01, 07:51 PM
One source you could find some cool ideas from would be the video game SMITE.
Its a MOBA where the characters you play are Gods, Immortals and legends from a variety of pantheons.

Some of the characters in FATE have already been taken from those, including Hercules and Cú Chulainn.
While the majority of the characters are gods, there are plenty of ideas with lore built into the characters which defines their class (assassin, hunter, warrior, guardian or mage) and their abilities.
Using the in-game ultimate abilities could be super powered moves or even the noble phantasms (most aren't as crazy as the FATE noble phantasms, as I'd hate to try balance a reality marble for an online video game).

Hope this helps!

2018-01-01, 08:24 PM
Saber - Achilles
Berserker - Ajax
Lancer - Hector
Archer - Paris
Assassin - Odysseus
Caster - Helen
Rider - Patroclus