View Full Version : Pathfinder Spells / effects that could be put on a skull permanently.

Draconi Redfir
2018-01-02, 10:49 PM
okay so, 99.9% making this thread because i'm bored, BUT! it's still a thing I've been looking into lately.

long story short, my evil bugbear / hobgoblin hybrid character forged himself a trident that has the skull of a famous paladin he killed embedded into it's shaft. It's known for sure that we will encounter member's of this paladin's family, and we already are / have encountered one as it is.

What i'm wondering is, what kind of spells or effects could i possibly enchant this skull with to mess with people? members of the guy's family most of all. I'm thinking something relevant to speech, like a pseudo speak-with-dead, but not quite. something that can dispense advice, prophecies, or cast some kind of spell X times / day etc. The skull is physically part of the Trident, so something that requires the skull to move would likely be unavailable. i'm sure moving it's jaw would be fine though.

Prefily considered Cackling Skull (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/cackling-skull/) for example, but that would affect my character as the trident's wielder more often then the enemies. Ideally i'm hoping for something that won't / i can choose not to affect me, or has no harmful effect. The skull doesn't need to be undead itself, it could just give the illusion of undeath, or even just have something scary on it like a glyph of warding for example. Something i could use to really scare / upset my enemies and / or the guy's family while possibly also providing my character with some kind of benefit, be it advice, a buff, or just a good laugh at their expense.

If you can think of anything that would work but can't be hit by a permanency spell, let me know anyways. i'll bring it up with my DM and see what he thinks of the idea.

Edit: Idle thought / possibility as i look up spells:

Absorbing Inhalation. (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/featuredRaces/sylphs.html#absorbing-inhalation) If the skull could cast that on itself... i could just have my weapon inhale a cloud / breath weapon, hold it, and then release it again as a breath weapon. That'd be neat.

edit 2:
Could make it a beheaded familiar. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/familiar-bond/).. get it to cast it's own spells maybe? that would be a lot of feats though. at least three, iron will, familiar's bond, and improved familiar.