View Full Version : At the Speed of Light! (IC)

2018-01-03, 08:47 AM
It is black.

Not dark, no, there is some light in this place, coming from nowhere. It is merely black, like the night sky, but without stars.

And also from you. A faint radiance, or a strong, distant one, regardless, you can see each other, standing on the marble stone of this round plaza in the middle of nothing.

You can also see the gate. Each of its arches a thousand suns away, as massive as nothing could be, you feel like you could reach the edges within a few steps. This is not a place of distances. Sand flows placidly into the gate in billions of great strings.

You can also see a woman standing before the gate, her eyes are golden, her hair is a dark flame, her dress is a deep blue, and her argent jewelry is of such beauty that it could have the value of an entire world.

And there are specs of dried gold at her feet. And hits of scratches and other small wounds on her skin.

“I’m so glad to see you, I need your help. I know you have questions, but stay calm and keep your voices low, we mustn’t draw the attention of Ing’dras.”

Her voice is ethereal, like shared thoughts.


Well, that said, who are you, where did you come from, what were you doing a moment ago?

2018-01-03, 03:28 PM
You are Kouta Mamoru. Defender of the Weak. Champion of Justice. The Sentinel.

From the very beginning, you were told; like countless others around you, that you were nothing, that you were worthless. You were surrounded by those that would dare to push people down into the dark, and rather than turn your back on the world, you turned yourself into a pillar to hold the defenceless up into the light. Slowly and inexorably, you pulled yourself towards the sun, every challenge and trial another stepping stone to a brighter tomorrow. Every life saved a blessing. Every life lost another burden you bear. For all the darkness has tried to pull you down, you remain bright and true. "Those who need saving, need more than just rescue, they need hope. That's why I save lives with a smile.” You've gone from smiling at bullies through broken teeth to tearing down monsters with your bare hands. You've styled yourself as a symbol of peace and justice, a red-caped guardian in blue and gold, and an inspiration for other heroes to follow in your wake.

A moment ago, you were leading the charge against a Frost Giant raiding party, your fist connecting with the Chieftain's jaw in an explosion of golden light as your allies swooped in to back you up. A few years ago, your sudden absence from the battle would worry you over the fate of your fellow heroes, but you've grown some since then. They have just as much right to put their lives on the line as you.

With a soft smile, you nod at the lady. "Miss, you're someone in need. That's enough for me." Kouta's smile breaks into a somewhat goofy grin, even as his form shrinks back to his usual size (he's gone from an 8ft tall classic musclebound superhero to a somewhat skinny 6ft 5ins youth with a somewhat childlike innocent look to him). "How can I help?"

2018-01-03, 04:53 PM
Somewhere, a very fed-up dragon went from blasting fire at that annoying girl while cursing like a sailor to discovering a whole new dimension of confusion at her just disappearing, expecting her to annoy him in an all new way any moment. Forever.

In the void, an upside-down floating Nuisica considered whether there was a middle in an endless expanse while her red energy self nudged her into becoming right-side-up again. She also wonders if by now her sudden absence is actually a more powerful deterrent for various villains than being there to fight them, with them endlessly delaying their grand plans in anticipation of her showing up. That is something she'd love to find out.

But she is in impossible space now, so first things first. Archway. Hands behind her back, Nuisica slides her feet forward one after another like an ice skater would, having the nothing move beneath and past her. When she sees the woman, the world comes to a hard stop, the sudden braking action slowly making Nuisica drift into a sideways position as she listens, beginning an agonizingly slow orbit. Clearly, serious issues are at hand, and getting to the heart of it is paramount.

Nuisica shrugs while raising her arms in the universal gesture for "wat", silently exploding into nice-and-tingly radiance for good measure, washing healing light over everyone nearby.

Nuisica uses her Warm Fuzzies illumination to heal the woman.

Lix Lorn
2018-01-03, 07:39 PM
"Don't make my mistakes."

A cultist, poised to tell the truth, dies as black fire burns him from within, and the heroes cry out in fury, the small church echoing with their disappointment.

A dagger scythes through another's throat, and the dark halls of the theatre tunnels swallow his choked deathcry.

And the first sight of the elf; her eyes marred with tears, young features somewhat cherubic even covered in blood. A dagger in her hand, a miasma of dark power on the other. Distrust is written plain on every inch of her, but Nebulae smiles, reaches out their hand. Minara watches, smiling beatifically, letting her beloved friend calm this strange huntress.

"Did I know? Did I know how much she would matter? How could I see her and not see the sixth part of my soul?"

Cheysa took her hand for the first time in the darkness, letting the psion squeeze her hand in comfort. This darkness would pass, as they all did.

"Will this one?"

Cheysa threw the last dagger, and the devil's smile died with it. The pain bled from Cheysa's face as the pact broke, and they turned for home.
There was an unspoken 'what now' in the air; a parting of ways as they left hell.
Minara smiled softly, and held out her hand. Cheysa took it, and never looked back.

Two weeks later, in the courtyard where Minara grew up, they would kiss for the first time, the Trespass' hand trespassing into the Princess's hair, intertwining so heavily that they might never come undone, as they drank of each other like a dying man finding an oasis in the desert.

Then they were on the battlefield, two dead already, and an axe cleaved through her. Her mouth fell into a perfect 'o' of surprise as the devil laughed, as the axe's magic flared, as Cheysa's life and soul drained out of her body as it fell, and bled into the cursed metal. Minara screamed as another love fell; another and another, until she was the only one left and all she had was screaming to drown out her own thoughts; the vain hope that if she kept screaming, kept fighting, kept killing she'd never have to realise what had happened.

But then the devils had retreated, and Minara was alive. Minara was; and they weren't. Nebulae, Tsume, Tora, Riyit, all dead; and Cheysa worse.
Minara went back to hell. Anything that stood before her died. Flames froze in place around her, brimstone frosted over. Lakes of magma became icy stone, and the legions of hell parted to show her her quarry. The devil with the black axe fell before her, and it wasn't enough. The axe made her want to vomit when she touched it, but she touched it, for there was no other choice.

The Winter Princess was gone; given way in grief to the Royal Decree. She stood alone against the darkness, staring into the void with eyes that were red from swollen, and the void blinked first.

Minara's mother broke the axe. Cheysa's spirit watched, and smiled sadly, and said "Hey you. You've looked better."
The princess laughed, choking, and hugged the spirit, and began to cry.
She fought on until there was nothing left to fight. And she rested.

She would rest until the world needed her. Until it could not do without her.

Maybe she would sleep forever.

"These nightmares are okay. They're just nightmares. If I wake up it might be true and I'd rather never wake up."

Minara shut her eyes as the cocoon formed around her, as her awareness slipped into the dreamscape, and her vision faded, shifting into another time.

"Home. You two... feel. Right. Safe. Home." said the half-orc, haltingly.

"Tsume. You knew before I did. You deserved better. All of you did."

Minara's eyes opened.
Funny. They're still wet. Did the cocoon keep them dry, or has it just been days?

She saw light. Not just her own, the pale, icy blue that emanated as she rose from her feet, onto tiptoes and then up into the air. For a moment, her heart leapt, but it was all wrong. A man - a boy? - who glows like the sun, a red girl who emanates nothing but cheer and mischief.

How long DID I sleep? Who are these new heroes, shining with the light? Nebulae would love to meet them. she thought, and then her heart plummeted. Her light dimmed, visibly, but she took a deep breath and looked up, her jaw set in determination. The tears on her cheeks glistened.

"If I am needed," said the Winter Princess, the Ancient Child, the Royal Decree, her voice like spider silk - stronger than steel, so fragile a single touch might threaten to break it. "I will answer the light. What need have you for me, goddess?"

2018-01-04, 03:52 AM
"Aww!" Escaped the Nuisica-shaped celestial body out and up, kicking like a swimmer and changing her trajectory to suddenly being behind the crying lady. Black-gloved hands snake around, smelling their prey, and successfully taking the tears away before coming to rest around the lady's shoulders for a big nice hug. Peck on the cheek, then cheek-to-cheek, the lady feeling Nuisica's big smile through skin, radiance, and the soft warmth of her body. And the red energy versions of her, three of them, coming in for a group hug from the front and sides.

There is no escape from Nuisica's Extra Warm Fuzzies!

"Hi, I'm Nuisica, and I'll be your friend from today on," the owner of said name announces like the perfectly normal thing to do it is (for her).

2018-01-04, 01:41 PM
For Raina, it was a decent enough evening; some bandits were kicked, the village was saved, the party was head, including music and dancing and drinking and... she didn't really remember where she fell asleep, but it certainly wasn't in the bed of any kind. No surprise, then, that she'd have some pretty weird dreams...

But it didn't feel like a dream, not really. For one thing, Raina knew pretty well how her mind worked, and was sure it woudn't construct something like this... being honest, she didn't have enough imagination for that.

And she definitely didn't have enough imagination to invent that girl who just went and hugged their host.

So, she had no choice but to assume that was - to some extent, at least - real, meaning...

The warrior of light, in her long black dress with sidecuts revealing her long, toned legs in their entirety, walked forward in casual steps, drawing half-circles with her legs before placing the straight on front of the other, red ribbons flowing around, looking straight forward with a smile until she stopped right in front of the woman.

"I have questions indeed, butfor now let me ask just one... will the help you need involve..." she raised her right leg, bent at the knee, to the level of her shoulder and aske, casually straightening it to point directly up, "kicking some evil?"

2018-01-04, 10:16 PM
Morcleon and snowfire can assume their characters arrive/awaken/take notice in time for this post.

Also, Jamieth, Nuisica didn't go for the host, she went for Minara, I think.

The goddess smiles, specially at Nuisica's attempt to help, but that doesn't appear to do anything.

"Such selfless kindness, regardless of past or present... Your efforts are appreciated, but this is a projection of me, I am not truly here. I am trapped."

She moves closer to the gate, and sure enough, the puddles at her feet vanish at the edges, as if covered by a veil, but more of them appear ever so often.

"I am Syviina, daughter of Valmyr, The Red Sun and disciple of Ing'dras, The Vast Gate, Goddess of Prophecy."

She's not changing the way she speaks for those names, they just flow strangely into the ears. The first feels familiar, even if you have never heard it before, although it speaks to a more vicious side of yourselves, the later feels wholly alien and described in full as such, evokes the slightest shudder.

Regardless, she arrives at the weave of light and sand in between the arches of the gate, and touches it with her hand, causing the swirl of colors to change into the vision of a whole world.

"This is Tamuz, a world inhabited by followers of mine, as well as others. Three years ago, I was summoned to this world personally for the first time, I thought it would be a joyous moment."

The image of the world changes, to that of a gaunt, towering creature dressed in robes and layered metal, its head fully enclosed in a featureless helmet, its limbs overly long as far as humanoid proportions are considered.

"To my horror I learned then, that the khen-zai had invaded and almost fully suppressed the locals. They were the ones to summon me, by the time I realized that, however, I was trapped in their vile devices, and they have been siphoning energy from me ever since. I can't contact my followers like this, but I know they still fight for their world, you are the only hope I have of freeing myself and them from this scourge. Which can involve kicking, I suppose."

Khen-zai, as most of you should know, are Ethergaunts. You can roll Knowledge (Arcana),
(Dungeoneering) and (The Planes) to have see what your characters know of these beings, however.

2018-01-05, 03:41 AM
"Aww!!" Nuisica multitasks a second group hug into existance, this one for Syviina, red figures exactly where they should be if Syviina were physical right now. The Art of the Hug is one she has mastered. Sure, that second hug doesn't last long, but it doesn't need to, it's the gesture that counts right now.

"Yup, let's get to it. And I'll be your friend, too. Where do we start?" The question, flowing out from Nuisica's curled lips and through dimples into the formerly-crying lady's cheek, most likely is about both of what she said before it.

Lix Lorn
2018-01-05, 06:29 PM
Had it been a few moments/centuries earlier, Nuisicia might have met a flurry of frost for her sudden gesture. As it turns out, though, having a nightmare-filled, regret-driven five hundred year coma is not tremendously restful, and she didn't have the reaction time to be rash.

She tensed, then, instead, but when all the strange girl did was wipe her tears away, and embrace her, she gave a choked laugh, disbelief and wonderment mixing into a strange sensation.
Riyit would have done that. She never could refuse someone who looked sad.

"That's sweet of you. I..." she pauses, almost choking on the word. "I am in need of friends, it seems."

The name Valmyr gives her a memory of an unearthly scream, a banshee's wail. She flinches.
"Nobody deserves to be trapped; especially not for such a cruel and impersonal purpose." she says, quietly. "I will do what I can."

2018-01-06, 11:39 AM
"You can count on us ma'am." With a simple wave of his hand, Kouta conjures a white shield that bears the symbol of a roaring lion. "Your people are in need. Let's bring them some hope." There's a sharp certainty to his voice that wasn't there before, like an edge of steel. With a soft smile, Kouta gently places his hand on Minara's shoulder "Together." And as if it had never existed, that edge is gone.

I am not a knowledge character, but on the off chance I know something
Knowledge Dungeoneering: [roll0]

2018-01-20, 03:41 PM
The life of a champion is a long one. The life of a steward, longer still. Yet none is quite so put upon and yet so very vital to a world as a visionary. Someone who sees the good, and the bad, and has the power to tip the scales just a little in the right direction. Where magic can grant vast power so easily to those without morality, the world needs a champion. When the world shifts, and the fabric of laws that bind it flow together like quicksand, it needs a steward. You've been both those things, across a long life filled with the triumph of success and the most crushing of failures. And yet not a single one of them have ever been enough to make you stop being what you are.

You've had rivals, most lie dead now. The few that do not escaped into the planes, where you have no ability to follow. Magic, again. To bind, break and, when both those fail, to flee. The silver flame that rests in your soul brought many low, but some are too clever or quick to fall easily. Yet they always return, to carve a kingdom they do not deserve into the world to which you have entrusted yourself. This is not a gift, a privilege, or even a burden. It is simply who you are, and what you must be. A candle is easily snuffed out in the wind without a lamp to guard its light, after all. And yet, for the first time in longer than you would admit to being able to remember, there was peace. A time for you to rest, and simply be part of the world. To walk its paths, dance in the festivals of its people. To be human again, in other words. Not a ruler, or a champion, or even a visionary. Just another part of the world that was everything to you. And now? Interrupted.

"You know, just once, it would be nice for a deity to ask before they pluck you from the other side of the multiverse and ask you to fight a war for them." She noted drily. "But then, I guess it wouldn't be a surprise." She sighed, looking around at her apparent fellows, then back to the not-a-woman responsible for drawing them all here. "So, is this a charitable crusade deal, or is there actually something to be had at the end of it if we succeed?" A visionary she might be, but always a practical one. Magebane was only the most well known of the titles her world had given her.

Know. Arcane: [roll0]
Know. Dungeoneering: [roll1]
Know. Planes: [roll2]

Lix Lorn
2018-01-20, 04:07 PM
Minara blinked as the other champion spoke, her irritation a marked difference to the beaming friendship of the others here. But when she asked her mercantile question, Minara paused.
Anyone watching who knew might be concerned; how would a child of the light, an ancient champion of innocence, react to such a thing?

Minara smiled, faintly.
"You remind me of an old companion." she said, softly. "She used to ask that, too. Not that she wouldn't do it anyway, but she always asked."

2018-01-21, 02:50 AM
Kobayashi Riko

A librarian is rarely one to be involved in the great events of history. They stand on the sidelines, observing and chronicling and analyzing. And this simple lifestyle is exactly why Kobayashi Riko became one. Naturally, the world decided that she would be a star instead. A shining, brilliant hero to fight darkness and bring happiness to the people. Again and again, the world conspired to force her into being the key to success, and with each victory she secured, her halcyon days slipped further and further from her grasp. She didn't have a choice though. She couldn't stop now, not with the expectations of a world resting on her shoulders.

This sort of life does not lend itself well to suddenly waking up in a strange dark room. With a muted glow, her nightgown was replaced with a dark blue dress and she spun into a crouch, mind still processing the situation. Taking a deep breath, Riko stood up straight and clenched her fists up tightly to stop the shaking. She stared back at the radiant goddess, suspicious at first, but relaxing after she heard the situation. Saving a world was something she could do. It was something she was used to.

Stepping forward with a confident stance, Riko bowed to the goddess, replying with a voice like honey on steel. "Worry not, Syviina. My power is yours to command. I will cleanse your world of darkness."

Even as she speaks to the goddess, her eyes wandered over the projected images, taking in everything about them and analyzing. She was so caught up in her thoughts that it was only when a second (conceptually improbable, she thought) group hug enveloped the goddess that she really noticed her other companions for this crusade. They were all rather strange, but not in any particularly surprising way. Except... except for one woman with copper hair and blue eyes. She seemed rather familiar as well. With a loud gasp, all pretense of confidence and poise dropped from Riko, and her voiced cracked as the hint of tears came to her eyes.


Arcana: [roll0]
Dungeoneering: [roll1]
The Planes: [roll2]

2018-01-21, 11:48 AM
Syviina smiles wryly at Adia's questions.

"I am asking first, we are nowhere and at no time, standing outside the cosmos before the Vast Gate. If you merely cross it, you will return to your proper place in the universe, from where I called you, it will take some work on my part to move you to Tamuz."

"As for repayment, lesser I may be, but I am a goddess, I should be able to offer you anything you ask for, once my world and myself are free of this scourge. If I can't provide, my uncle Velharam, the very source of your light, should acquiesce to any reasonable request in the universe."

Surely, there are those who would probe your minds and timelines to check for your deepest desires and offer them, but it is likely that Syviina not only can't afford to do that in her state, and might find it distasteful.

Riko, and Minara's comments earn a silent smile, until Riko calls the other by name and in tears, at which she expresses mild surprise on her face.

2018-01-21, 01:19 PM
Kouta palms his fist with a loud of shout of "AHA!", immediately growing in height and muscle-mass. He points dramatically at Syviina's face "HAVE NO FEAR! You have my word that by the end of this, that face will be smiling!" He bangs his fist against his armoured chest. "Let's go show these villains the pressure of heroes!"

His brief declaration is cut somewhat short by a tearful reunion, and despite his boldness, he remains quiet, but warm. Radiating a comforting presence. Kouta seems to bring a brief solidity to things. Not enough to hold the world at bay forever, but enough to let those who have stumbled find their feet again.

Lix Lorn
2018-01-21, 02:07 PM
Minara, still smiling faintly at the memories of a lost friend, is jolted from it by her name, called by someone she does not know.

She blinks, turns, stares at the blue girl, looking at her closely. Finally, she is forced to give a soft, apologetic smile.
"I am so sorry; miss, I do not recall you. Have we met before?"

2018-01-21, 11:38 PM
Kobayashi Riko

"Ah... no." Riko muttered, continuing to stare at this legendary figure from history standing in front of her. After a few moments, she shook herself out of her reverie and sighed. "You're, um, you're kinda famous. Minara, the Winter Princess. The heroine best known as "The tragedy of the girl who stormed hell." . . ."

Slipping into a lecturing stance with all her weight on one hip and hand resting on her hip, Riko continued for a solid minute, detailing Minara's life in incredible detail. When she finished, a blush appeared on her face as she realized what she had been doing. "...anyway, you're pretty famous and all."

Lix Lorn
2018-01-22, 03:49 PM
Minara... goes through quite a journey as Riko infodumps. Shock and embarrassment at 'famous', a visible, pained wince at the title, and... pain. Longing, as Riko talks obliviously about her lost loves - a squeak of embarrassment, when Riko forges shamelessly on, mentioning a petname that... how does history even know that??

She closes her eyes when the story turns sour. It would be a painful reminder, had Minara ever managed to forget.

2018-01-22, 04:51 PM
Nuisica makes a :smallannoyed: face at Riko and sends a red image to shut her mouth, quite literally pinching it shut, while real-sica administers a tighter hug to Minara.

"You must be a riot at parties. And refugee camps."

She turns to the goddess. "So, before Gossip Girl gets going again, lemme ask again: where do we start?"

2018-01-22, 09:00 PM
Syviina steps to the side of the Vast Gate, and the image of the Khen-Zai shifts back into the image of Tamuz, before focusing further into the image of a ruined city. Her face visibly cramps. This must have been a small metropolis in its day, but now it shows signs of... Just about every form of eldritch warfare imaginable. Signs of elemental damage everywhere, force-shearing, disintegration and even the lingering glow of arcane contamination in the more thoroughly blasted zones. The perfect place for absolutely nothing, not even for a desperate resistance to bunker in.

And yet, they are here, as the image shifts further to the underground. Humans, elves, dwarves, lizardfolk, orcs, ogres and more, living in cramped tunnels and surviving on fungal crops. Clearly, this was the edge of a dwarven settlement, and signs of collapse tell of the inaccessibility of the rest of the undercity. You cannot see further, as the vision itself is centered on a radius around a shrine of Syviina, tended by a sole, elderly cleric missing an eye and an arm.

"My followers, and other survivors, in the largest cluster of resistance remaining... They are on the opposite end of the continent, compared to the heart of the Khen-Zai colony and my prison, but this should give you the best prospects of rescuing the people."

"I have primed the Vast Gate to send you there, you may cross at any time, once you are prepared."

2018-01-23, 06:47 AM
Without further ado, Nuisica lets go of Minara, gliding through the air towards the gate in a nice sine curve like an ice skater. She briefly turns around while still moving in the same direction, facing Syviina, fingers to her lips then raising her hand up with a cheeky smile. And through the gate she goes.

Where on the other side she announces, hand on hip "Hi, Syviina sent us and we got some heroing to do." She doesn't bother with explaining the us, letting the emergence of the other folks be its own dramatic ray of hope and sunshine.

2018-01-23, 11:41 AM
"This form doesn't last a very long time at all, but it'll do for an entrance." With a smile, Kouta lifts Minara atop his giant shoulders. "And you look like someone who could use either a rest or a mobile firing platform. I can manage both for you ma'am." If Minara is willing, Kouta's going to step through the gate with her atop his left shoulder.

Lix Lorn
2018-01-24, 04:45 PM
Minara is startled from her renewed sorrow by another hug, giving a faint smile to the exuberant girl.
"It is nice to know that my partners and I are remembered." she said, softly, blushing faintly. "...even the parts that I might have preferred stay otherwise."

Her bare feet are lifted from the ground by a great hand. She blinks, but the beaming smile of the young man below earns a small smile of her own.
"I've been resting for a long time, Mister... I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?"
She doesn't try to get down, though.

2018-01-25, 03:08 PM
"I know a weary heart when I see it ma'am." Kouta's voice is completely assured in what he's saying. "So let me take this little piece of your burden for a while." He beams once more. "I'm Kouta Mamoru. Though most of my world knows me as The Sentinel. Which is kinda funny, since my name means Protector of Peace." His grin shifts to a more childlike one for a moment, before his jaw sets, making him the prodigal iron-chinned hero once more. With that said and done, he steps through the gate.

2018-01-25, 04:43 PM
"I'm not much for pretty words", Raina stretches, "But it seems our help is needed, and urgently, so - why are we waiting? Evil certainly doesn't! As for preparations... I'm always ready to kick some evildoers!"​ and she leaps into the gate, ready to face whatever she might on the other side.

2018-01-25, 07:41 PM
"Your freedom for a favour, then?" Adia chuckled, embers of light flickering to life around her as she reached for towards the fiery silver blade that was her soul. "Aye, I can do that." She grasped the edge of that light inside of her, tugging it fully into the world, and the simple clothes of a traveller faded into a weathered set of leathers. The dark clothing was shot through with echoes of light, and her short-cut hair danced an impossible breeze. Asi remained sheathed, but within her instead of in a physical scabbard. To any wondering what her weapon might be, it would appear that she wielded none at all.

"My name is Adia," she said to the other Lightbearers, as she approached the Gate. Many of those among her world would have given her titles instead of that name, but they mattered little here. "If we are to fight together, I would be curious to know your own abilities. My own in exchange, of course." Ever the trader, she would not volunteer hers until another spoke.

2018-01-28, 11:54 AM
"An old friend once jokingly called me 'The Anvil against which villainy crumbles'." Kouta chuckles softly as he reminisces for a moment. "I am good at taking the attention of enemies away from others, and if I am capable of nothing else, I can take a punch with the best of them." The Sentinel opens his palm for a moment and a gentle golden glow appears within the centre. "This light of mine has been called a shield, but to me it is a smile through broken teeth, and above all a promise." He clenches his fist with a determined smile. "While I still stand, I will not let you fall."

Lix Lorn
2018-01-29, 04:16 PM
"I imagine that one could tell you my skills better than I could." Minara smiles faintly, nodding at Riko. "But I have a focused mind; I can use it to strike, to heal myself, to float, and more besides. My Light is for protecting. Not hurting." she says, firmly.

Given that it all comes from her, one might question why it's okay for her to shoot you with her mind but not her light, but she seems quite convinced it's important.

2018-01-29, 08:03 PM
"Both very different to me, then," Adia chuckled drily, trailing a strand of Light-infused Spellfire between her fingers. "My light is a sword against the dark, and a fire to strip away the powers of magic. Given the nature of our foe, the latter half of that nature may well prove invaluable." She reached into the Gate as they reached it, sliding a hand across its strands and watching as the strand of Spellfire broke apart within the endless strands of divine power. "Shall we?"

She stepped through the Gate, into a far more present desperation.

2018-01-29, 09:37 PM


It takes no time to reach the other side. But no time can last quite awhile, and go for a stretch. It is a steady march through the cobblestone floor, surrounded by tunnel walls of swirling, silver sand. Vast shadows sometimes move beyond that wall, great spiders weaving the loom of fate. Or darker things, made by the gods of the great dark, Ing'dras and its siblings.

Nothing too important.

The gate's way ends on a closed door, old and battered, but clean, and marked with a holy symbol, the same as the one you saw in Syviina's temple when she showed the undercity of the survivors, a fitting point of arrival, if it is the same place on the other side.

So, you can use this trip-time for further discussions.

You can open the door immediately, or make a Spot/Listen check before doing so if you prefer.

I will often offer these options, feel free to take a third whenever you think you have a better plan. This is a particular situation where I can't really think of much else to do, however. Don't jump into the walls of coruscating space-time that separate you from the weave of existence, however.

2018-02-01, 05:44 PM
Kobayashi Riko

Riko had the self-awareness to blush at Minara's pointed comment and glanced away briefly. "Aah... w-well, you were kinda one of my focuses in my studies. It's only natural that I know a lot about you..."

"Anyway, my skill is in my knowledge and versatility. My light is a weapon and I shall wield it in the protection of the world," she continued, regaining a bit of her composure and gesturing at the glowing blue lantern floating beside her. Speaking of which, it seemed that she was floating as well, feet hovering a few inches off the ground.

2018-02-02, 04:26 AM
So Nuisica made her big leave, expecting to cross over in an instant, all magic-like. Only to find her on an interdimensional escalator. So she drifts forward, slowly rotating counter-clockwise as she goes, given how deflated the whole moment is now.

With everyone boasting about how awesome they are, Nuisica decides to join in to pass the time. "Folks call me the Prattling Wall, I love love love drawing all attention to me, I enjoy having fireballs and death rays chucked at me, poking holes into walls, charming lovely locks (doors', chests', and people's), and I can't stop, won't stop." Followed by a burst of red energy confetti.

Once she arrives, she does her cool entrance, only to find no one being there. Double bummer. Breathing a heavy sigh at the moment deflating yet again, Nuisica for once walks on the actual, literal ground to open the door and say hi.

2018-02-06, 12:37 PM
"While your attitude slightly confuses me, I respect your conviction and your guts as a hero! I am happy to fight alongside you!" With a clap of his hands and a smile, Kouta strides through the door to their destination with confidence.

2018-02-08, 12:31 PM
You catch a brief glimpse of someone else in the tunnel, just before Kouta slams the door open. It was a knight clad in silver, astride an armored beast. But it vanishes just as the way is open, and the time-tunnel collapses into a much more mundane one.

If you like, Snowfire, you can have Adia come from a world that knows the pantheon Syviina was talking about, there are a few changes from the original game, and other gods roped in from others you were not in, mind you.

As Kouta opens the door, the timeway starts to fade, swirls of sand coalescing into stone tunnels of likely dwarven craftsmanship, if more dilapidated than one would expect of such.

The room ahead, regardless, contains an old priest in front of an altar, and a few dirty, malnourished men and women sitting around the small temple to rest.

The priest addresses them, surprise in his eyes and voice.

"Who are you? I have not heard of any newcomers. And you look very..." - Clean? Well fed? Impressively well clothed? - "Are you soldiers? They hardly ever come to the temple anymore."

2018-02-08, 01:34 PM
Adia's eyes widen as she sees the silver knight, jogging old memories from the tales of strange beings that had come from the sky many years past, but had done so in peace. Syviina hadn't been a name she'd known from them, but she remembered the image they'd shown of the god to which they gave thanks for safe journeys. She's opening her mouth to say something, although she's not sure what, when Kouta throws the door in front of them open and the entire pathway fades into common stone.


But perhaps it was a good thing. From what those strangers had told her, the watcher in the gate was fair, but rare to suffer trespass. She put it out of her mind, to address another time, and focused on the room in front of her. An old priest, a shrunken and fearful flock...this was a story she knew, although not lived in a long time. There'd been a reason for her frustration with Syviina, after all. Conjuring a mantle of Light and spellfire with a thought, she stepped past the more boisterous members of their company, the small act of magic hopefully more than enough to draw the eye.

"Soldiers, yes," she nodded, "but more than that, too. You are followers of Syviina, yes?" She waited for a reply, then once given an affirmative, continued. "She brought us here, to be champions in your fight for Tamuz, and help you set it free from those who wish its fall. I would ask that you direct us to your leader, but the nearest nest of Khen-zai would do nicely as well." She speaks clearly, and without fear. There are few strangers on a battlefield, and this room of tired souls is just as much of one as a skirmish line.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2018-02-08, 02:16 PM
The old priest answers, taken aback a bit.

"Not all of us, I am one of the few priests of the lady remaining, but-"

One of the men in the area cuts him short, shouting in anger.

"Ah! Silent for years and then suddenly 'the lady' sends us six girls in fancy dresses? Did she finally get tired of the temple being just another sleeping bunk?" - Yes, Kouta is not a girl.

Another woman mumbles near one of the walls.

"Goblin nests, everywhere above... Everywhere... You won't reach their masters, they will burn you, kill you and eat you and worse."

The old priest approaches under the mumbles and jeers, and occasional whisper of subdued hope.

"... We shouldn't talk of such matters in here, let these people rest. I will take you to our leaders, there you can explain yourselves."

Adia has the distinctive feeling that her words riled up the residents, but not really in the best way possible. The priest also doesn't look too happy with her. Just a sort of stern anger, however a 'what do you think you are you doing?' sort of feeling.

2018-02-08, 02:40 PM
"Goblins?" Raina shrugs, "Well, I don't know what goblins are like here, but back home, I'm reasonably sure I could deal with a couple dozen of them... per minute" she adds humbly, "And from what I saw of my new-found companions... that might be on the low side..."

2018-02-08, 02:57 PM
"Let us say that we are here to help then. I get the feeling some hope would be a welcome change." Kouta frowns at the man's comment, but lets it slide, these people have suffered enough, even if their lady did what she could, their anger is understandable. "Somewhere quieter then. Please, lead the way." Kouta gestures with one hand for the priestess to lead the way.

2018-02-08, 03:15 PM
"Ah! Silent for years and then suddenly 'the lady' sends us six girls in fancy dresses?
"The fanciest," Nuisica smirks back, strutting forward through the air as if she were on a catwalk. When she assumed the pose of a moderately ridiculous model, light bursts from her and her dress especially, washing over them with warmth, getting rid of all those nasty cuts and bruises and pimples. Hand on her hip, she awaits being lead to the leader, snapping her fingers to the rhythm unheard by ears, but very much seen in the sway of every step, every few seconds letting another bit of healing light wash over the crowd.

If possible, Nuisica does some Diplomancing on the way with her healing strut. As per Tall Tale, she uses her Bluff in place of her Diplomacy modifier. She has Skill Mastery with it and can take 12 instead of take 10. So she has a Diplomacy result of 40.

The healing light is her Warm Fuzzies illumination, which heals 12d6 in a 15ft pulse.

Lix Lorn
2018-02-20, 11:12 AM
"We can't promise to fix everything." says Minara, softly. "That would be a cruel thing to promise. But I will promise I will do all I can."
As she speaks, she gently disentangles herself from her perch on Kouta, letting herself drift slowly downwards, floating serenely several inches from the ground, toes hanging down, the image of purity, good, and compassion.

Also note that due to the Ancestral Radiant feat, good-aligned creatures treat me as one step more friendly by default!