View Full Version : Rules Q&A Vampiric Touch and Steeds

2018-01-03, 09:04 AM
So the spells Find Good Horse and Find Even Better Horse say that you can cast spells with with range of self on/ through them. Quick look through and sure enough I find spells like Alter self and Vampiric touch.

Questions on Vampiric touch:
1. The initial melee spell attack, who makes that me of my trusty steed?

2. My steed starts making melee spell attacks, does it use my spell attack modifier or its own and which is its casting stat if so?

3. Who receives the healing? Me or steed or both?

2018-01-03, 09:07 AM
1. You

2. Yours

3. The one attacking.

2018-01-03, 09:14 AM
1. You

2. Yours

3. The one attacking.

Ok and I’m assuming I’m the one maintaining concentration?

2018-01-03, 09:22 AM
Yes, if you break concentration both loses its effects.

2018-01-03, 12:37 PM
How is it with attacking anyway? I mean under normal circumstances the steed is under your control. Can you force out a melee spell attack from the steed anyway?

2018-01-03, 07:13 PM
1. You

2. Yours

3. The one attacking.
2: Need a source for that, please. Currently using Crown of Stars and +0 Ranged Spell Attack mod was that killer my DM allowed me to craft it a Cloak/Caparison of Charisma, and my helmet which already made it a Ritual to grant it my Prof bonus when I ride it to actually allow it to be useful.

2018-01-03, 09:58 PM
With JC's definitions of targets in spells, Vampiric touch targets you and everyone you attack.

It ultimately targets multiple creatures, so would be ineligible for steed-twinning.

2018-01-03, 10:10 PM
With JC's definitions of targets in spells, Vampiric touch targets you and everyone you attack.

It ultimately targets multiple creatures, so would be ineligible for steed-twinning.

It also renders Twinning Spell ineligible for twinning a y spell, because without twinning spell being available, it is eligible for twinning, but with twinning present, it is ineligible for twinning.

Gotta loveJC's recursions.