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2018-01-03, 07:03 PM
I know this by far the furthest from being a operational class but i need help and you guys do amazing work with constructive criticism

Quick Build
You can make a Saiyan Class quickly by following these suggestions. First, you MUST choose the Saiyan race. Second, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by your choice of Strength or Dexterity, depending whether you want a Strength build or a Dexterity build. Third, choose the Soldier background.

Starting at 1st level, your training allows you to harness the mystic energy of ki. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of Ki Points. Your Ki points are calculated by adding the Ki Points column of the Ki Fighter table with your constitution modifier. You can spend these points to fuel various Ki Features and Special Attacks. You start knowing three such features: Flurry of Blows, Patient Defence, and Step of the Wind, as well as the Ki Blast Cantrip. You learn more ki features as you gain levels in this class. When you spend a Ki Point, it is unavailable until you finish a long rest, at the end of which you draw all of your expended ki back into yourself. Some of your ki features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Ki save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier
If a technique requires an attack roll use this(Example: the Ki Blast cantrip):
Ki Attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier
Flurry of Blows -
Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

Perfect Dodge -
You can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn. Due to your readiness to dodge your enemies have disadvantage on attacking you until your next turn.

Stand Ground -
You can spend 2 ki point to guard as a bonus action on your turn. While guarding you receive half damage from all those that hit you, however you cannot move from that spot until your next turn.

Martial Arts
At 1st level, your practice of martial arts gives you mastery of combat styles that use unarmed strikes and Martial Arts weapons, which are shortswords and any simple melee weapons that don’t have the two-handed or heavy property. You gain the following benefits while you are unarmed and you aren’t wearing armor or wielding a shield:
You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and Martial Arts weapons.
You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike or Martial Arts weapons. This die changes as you gain Saiyan Fighter levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Saiyan fighter table.
When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a Martial Arts weapons on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action, assuming you haven’t already taken a bonus action this turn.

Unarmored Defense
At 1st level while not wearing armor your AC equals 10 + Constitution Modifier + Strength or Dexterity Modifier, depending on which is higher.

Ki Blast
At 1st level, as an action, you manifest a Ki blast from either hand, striking any single opponent within range. Make a Ki attack roll. The damage is 1d8 + Constitution modifier force or radiant damage(your choice). The damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8). The range of this attack is equal to 10 x Constitution modifier. You can choose to spend 1 Ki point to make a Ki Blast as a bonus action.

Basic Training
At 2nd level, you can take ten hours to train, this does not have to be all at once. After a training session your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution increases by 1, to a maximum of 12. At level 8, the maximum increases to 14. At level 14, the maximum increases to 16. At level 20, the maximum increases to 18.

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to use your Ki to fly or levitate short distances. As you gain levels 5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, and 18th the distance you may travel increases. You can activate this technique as a bonus action. This technique remains active until you either run out of Ki points or choose to deactivate it as another bonus action. You must have at least 1 Ki point to activate this ability.

Training Path
At 3rd level, you must choose between the Primal Path, the Divine Path, and the Swordsmen Path.

Ability Score Increase
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

At 4th level, you learn two techniques, found at the bottom of the page. Techniques are considered spells. You learn two additional techniques, at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the techniques you know and replace it with another techniques from the technique list, which you must also the requirements for.

Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Ki-Empowered Strikes
Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage

Great Ape Mastery
At 6th level, you gain partial mastery over the Oozaru/Great Ape form. You can attempt to transform twice per long rest. The (DC) of the Wisdom saving throw to avoid going berserk and the Constitution saving throw to transform are reduced by 5. The Wisdom saving throw (DC) now being 10 for a Saiyan and 5 for a Half-Saiyan. The Constitution saving throw (DC) now being 5.

Super Saiyan
At 9th level, you gain the Super Saiyan transformation. As an action you transform. This form consumes 1 Ki Point per round and every 10 rounds in this form (Recurring) you make a Constitution saving throw (DC 15), if you fail you gain a level of Exhaustion.
While in this form you gain the following benefits
Your Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity increases by 2, with no maximum.
(Note- Do not add your stat bonus from Super Saiyan to your AC, that gets overpowered fast.)
Your AC increases by 1, all of your Speeds increase by 10.
You add 1d4 on Damage rolls.
You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, Intimidation checks, and rolls to avoid or resist the Frightened condition.
You are vulnerable to Psychic damage and you cannot take the Disengage action.
You radiate bright light for 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet, which gives you and creatures within 10 feet of you -10 to Stealth checks. As well in some situations you gain a level of Exhaustion.

NOTE:As this class is pretty transformation oriented consider making a character sheet for each transformation.

Mastered Super Saiyan
At 10th level, you can now go Super Saiyan as a bonus action, it only consumes 1 Ki Point initially (Doesn't consume Ki Points per round), and you no longer gain a level of exhaustion while in this form (unless you use it with Kaioken). You can leave Mastered Super Saiyan at will(meaning without taking a bonus action), though you can basically stay in this form all the time.

Super Saiyan 2
At 13th level, you gain the Super Saiyan 2 transformation. As an action you transform. This form consumes 2 Ki Points per round and every 6 rounds in this form (Recurring) you make a Constitution saving throw (DC 15), if you fail you gain a level of Exhaustion.
While in this form you gain the following benefits
Your Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity increases by 4, with no maximum.
(Note- Do not add your stat bonus from Super Saiyan to your AC, that gets overpowered fast.)
Your AC increases by 2, all of your Speeds increase by 20.
You gain 10 temporary Hit Points
You add 1d6 on Damage rolls.
You can bypass Bludgeoning Resistances.
You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, Intimidation checks, and rolls to avoid or resist the Frightened condition.
You are vulnerable to Psychic damage and you cannot take the Disengage action.
You radiate bright light for 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet, which gives you and creatures within 10 feet of you -10 to Stealth checks. As well in some situations you gain a level of Exhaustion.

Mastered Super Saiyan 2
At 15th level, Super Saiyan 2 now only consumes 1 Ki Point per round and you make the Constitution saving throw to gain level of exhaustion every 10 rounds instead of 6.

At 18th level, you become immune to the Frightened condition.

Super Saiyan 3
At 18th level, you gain the Super Saiyan 3 transformation. As an action you transform. This form consumes 3 Ki Points per round and every 4 rounds in this form (Recurring) you make a Constitution saving throw (DC 18), if you fail you gain a level of Exhaustion.
While in this form you gain the following benefits
Your Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity increases by 6, with no maximum.
(Note- Do not add your stat bonus from Super Saiyan to your AC, that gets overpowered fast.)
Your AC increases by 3, all of your Speeds increase by 30.
You gain 20 temporary Hit Points
You add 1d8 on Damage rolls.
You can bypass Bludgeoning and Slashing Resistances.
You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, Intimidation checks, and rolls to avoid or resist the Frightened condition.
You are vulnerable to Psychic damage and you cannot take the Disengage action.
You radiate bright light for 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet, which gives you and creatures within 10 feet of you -10 to Stealth checks. As well in some situations you gain a level of Exhaustion.

Primal Path
The Primal Path focuses on the natural rage and strength of the Saiyans. Primal Path saiyans using Great Ape

At 3rd level, you gain the rage feature. On your turn, you can enter a rage as a bonus action. While raging, you gain the following benefits if you aren’t wearing heavy armor:
You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. If you are in Great Ape or a Super Saiyan form you can choose to instead get advantage on Dexterity or Constitution checks and saving throws from rage.
When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.
You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while raging. Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action. You can rage 2 times, after you rage 2 times, you must finish a long rest before you can rage again. At 8th level the number of times you can rage increases to 3. At 13th level the number of times you can rage increases to 4. At 18th level the number of times you can rage increases to 5.

Primal Strength
At 7th level, your Strength or Constitution increases by 1. Your maximum Strength and Constitution increases to 22 and your maximum Strength in Great Ape Form increases to 24.

Perfected Great Ape
At 11th level, you no longer have to make a saving throw to transform into a Great Ape or to avoid going berserk. As well, you can transform into a Great Ape three times per long rest.

Rage of the Great Ape
At 14th level, when you make a melee weapon attack using Strength while raging, you gain a +4 instead of +2 bonus to the damage roll. When you rage while in Great Ape(or Golden Great Ape/Super Saiyan Great Ape) you are resistant to all damage, except psychic.

Golden Great Ape/Super Saiyan Great Ape
At 17th level, you gain the ability to go Super Saiyan while in Great Ape or Great Ape while in Super Saiyan. You can rage with Golden Great Ape/Super Saiyan Great Ape. This form consumes 1 Ki Point per round and every 10 rounds in this form (Recurring) you make a Constitution saving throw (DC 15), if you fail you gain a level of Exhaustion. You drop any equipment you were holding and any clothes or armor you were wearing is destroyed, though you can have your clothes and armor magically tailored to grow with you. While in this form you gain the following benefits:
Your Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity increases by 4, with no maximum. Your Intelligence decreases by 6, to a minimum of 2.
(Note- Do not add your stat bonus from Super Saiyan to your AC, that gets overpowered fast.)
You become Gargantuan in size.
You gain 1d6+2 temporary hit points per level.
Your AC increases by 1, all of your Speeds increase by 10.
You add 1d4 on Damage rolls.
You gain the Frightful Presence ability. Each creature that is within 60 feet of you and aware of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw(DC 15 or 10+your Intimidation modifier, whichever is higher) or become Frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to your Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours. The Wisdom saving throw is made with disadvantage.
You gain Multi-attack, when you take the attack action you make 4 Fist attacks. Fist attack Melee Attack Strength modifier + proficiency bonus to hit, reach 10 ft., dealing 4d10 + Strength modifier magical bludgeoning damage.
You gain resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage types.
You have advantage on Strength and Constitution checks, saving throws, and attack rolls, Intimidation checks, and rolls to avoid or resist the Frightened condition.
You are double vulnerable to Psychic damage(meaning when you take Psychic damage it's multiplied by 4) and you cannot take the Disengage action.
You radiate bright light for 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet, which gives you and creatures within 10 feet of you -10 to Stealth checks. As well in some situations you gain a level of Exhaustion.
The transformation ends if the moon or the planetary body that reflects sunlight is destroyed, if the Saiyan's tail is cut off, if the Saiyan reaches zero hit points, or if the Sayian is knocked unconscious.

Super Saiyan 4
At 20th level, by perfectly combining Super Saiyan and Great Ape you gain the Super Saiyan 4 transformation. This form is simultaneously more powerful and more efficient than Super Saiyan 3 making it utterly superior, as this is the perfect evolution of Super Saiyan. When a Saiyan transforms into Super Saiyan 4 they must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15), on a fail they go into a blind rage and will attack anything within sight until they leave Super Saiyan 4 and the Saiyan would not choose to leave Super Saiyan 4. On a success, the Saiyan manages to control themselves. As an action you transform. This form consumes 2 Ki Points per round and every 8 rounds in this form (Recurring) you make a Constitution saving throw (DC 18), if you fail you gain a level of Exhaustion. If you lost your tail you regrow it when you go into this form.
While in this form you gain the following benefits
Your Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity increases by 8, with no maximum.
(Note- Do not add your stat bonus from Super Saiyan to your AC, that gets overpowered fast.)
Your AC increases by 4, all of your Speeds increase by 40.
You gain 30 temporary Hit Points
You add 1d10 on Damage rolls.
You can bypass Bludgeoning, Slashing and Piercing Resistances.
You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, Intimidation checks, and rolls to avoid or resist the Frightened condition.
You are vulnerable to Psychic damage and you cannot take the Disengage action.
You radiate bright light for 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet, which gives you and creatures within 10 feet of you -10 to Stealth checks. As well in some situations you gain a level of Exhaustion.

Divine Path
The Divine Path focus on use of Ki and pushing it's limits.

Ki Recharge
At 3rd level, you can use an action to regain 1d4 Ki Points. You regain the ability to do so once per long rest.

At 7th level, you learn a technique that can momentarily increases your speed and power. You can use a bonus action to activate this technique. While Kaio-ken is active, it uses concentration. There are multiple forms of this technique, you chose which one is activated. Kaio-ken is deactivated if you do not have enough Ki points to pay for another round. You can also leave Kaio-ken as a bonus action. All Super Saiyan forms can be used with Kaio-ken, but it will cost 1 extra Ki points per round, 2 hit points per round, and gain an additional point of Exhaustion after leaving Kaio-ken. While active you are surrounded by a red aura, this gives you disadvantage on Stealth rolls. While using Kaio-ken you gain the following benefits based on the form:
Kaio-ken X2-
While using form you gain the following benefits based on the form
You gain +10 movement speed.
You add 1 to all unarmed strike damage rolls.
Kaio-ken X3- This form consumes 1 Ki points per round.
While using form you gain the following benefits based on the form
You gain +15 movement speed.
You add 2 to all melee damage rolls.
Kaio-ken X5- This form consumes 2 Ki points per round.
While using form you gain the following benefits based on the form
You gain +20 movement speed.
You add 1d4 to all melee damage rolls.
Kaio-ken X10- This form consumes 3 Ki points per round.
While using form you gain the following benefits based on the form
You gain +30 movement speed.
You add 1d10 to all melee damage rolls.

Spirit Bomb
At 14th level, you gain the ability to create a Spirit Bomb. As an action you create a Spirit Bomb. This attack consumes 3 Ki points. This is a sphere attack with a 20 foot radius, creatures within this sphere must make a Dexterity saving throw. If they fail they take 8d10 + your Constitution modifier radiant damage, if they succeed they take half damage. At 17th level the damage increases to 10d10. After you use this feature you regain the ability to do so after a long rest.

Empowered Kaio-ken
At 11th level, you gain more powerful forms of Kaio-ken.
Kaio-ken X20- This form consumes 4 Ki points per round. After leaving this you gain an additional level of exhaustion.
While using form you gain the following benefits based on the form
You gain +40 movement speed.
You add 2d10 to all damage rolls.
You gain 10 temporary Hit Points.
You have advantage on Strength checks, saving throws, and attack rolls.
Kaio-ken X50- Each round you in this form you take 1d8 necrotic damage. This form consumes 5 Ki points per round. After leaving this you gain two additional level of exhaustion.
While using form you gain the following benefits based on the form
You gain +60 movement speed, swimming speed, and fly speed.
You add 5d10 to all damage rolls.
You gain 10 temporary Hit Points.
You have advantage on Strength and Constitution checks, saving throws, and attack rolls.
Kaio-ken X100- Each round you in this form you take 2d8 necrotic damage. This form consumes 6 Ki points per round. This Kaio-ken form can only be maintained for two rounds. After leaving this you gain three additional levels of exhaustion.
While using this form you gain the following benefits based on the form
You gain +100 movement speed, swimming speed, and fly speed.
You add 10d10 to all damage rolls.
You gain 20 temporary Hit Points.
You have advantage on Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity checks (excluding Stealth checks), saving throws, and attack rolls.

God Ki
At 17th level, you gain God Ki, a type of Ki only accessible to gods and very powerful beings a result of it is you gain additional Ki points equal to your Constitution modifier. Your Constitution increase by 1. Your maximum Constitution increases to 24.
Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue
At 20th level, by combining God Ki with Super Saiyan you gain the Super Saiyan God/Super Saiyan Blue transformation. As an action you transform. This form consumes 4 Ki Points per round and every 2 rounds in this form (Recurring) you make a Constitution saving throw (DC 18), if you fail you gain a level of Exhaustion.
While in this form you gain the following benefits
Your Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity increases by 12, with no maximum.
(Note- Do not add your stat bonus from Super Saiyan to your AC, that gets overpowered fast.)
Your AC increases by 5, all of your Speeds increase by 50.
You gain 40 temporary Hit Points
You add 2d8 on Damage rolls.
You can bypass Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing Resistances and Immunities.
You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, Intimidation checks, and rolls to avoid or resist the Frightened condition.
You are vulnerable to Psychic damage and you cannot take the Disengage action.
You radiate bright light for 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet, which gives you and creatures within 10 feet of you -10 to Stealth checks. As well in some situations you gain a level of

Swordsman Path

Swordsmen are saiyans that go their entire life training with swords.

Swordsmen Lore
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in all Martial weapons and Smith’s tools. All swords are consider Martial Arts weapons to you(meaning you can use them with the Martial Arts feature), even if they have the two handed property or heavy property. As well you gain one of the following fighting styles. Each time you gain a Swordsmen Path feature you can change your Fighting style:
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other Weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to Damage Rolls with that weapon.

Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an Attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the Two-Handed or Versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

Two-Weapon Fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can make twice as many Attacks.

At 7th level, you gain double proficiency in all swords and Smith's tools. You no longer have a -5 penalty to weapon attacks you make with weapons you are holding in your tail. You can choose to make Unarmed Strikes you make as a bonus action from the Martial Arts feature or the Flurry of Blows feature, into a weapon attack with a weapon you are holding.

Spirit Sword
At 11th level, you gain the ability to infuse your Ki with a Sword. As long as you have 1 Ki point, weapons you wield are considered magical. You gain the Spirit Sword technique, you can cast it as a bonus action. While active it uses concentration. Your sword is surrounded by blue Ki. This technique consumes 1 Ki Point per round. While active this technique gives you the following benefit:
Your sword attacks deal an additional 2d6 radiant damage and you can spend an additional Ki point for it to deal additional d6 radiant damage.
At 14th level, you either find or make the Z-Sword using Smith’s tools. In any case you acquire the Z-Sword. After extensive training with the Z-Sword your Strength and Dexterity increases by 2, your Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity maximum increases to 24.
Items ;Cost ;Damage ;Weight ;Properties
Martial Melee Weapon

Z-Sword 100 gp 2d12 slashing 40 lbs. Heavy, reach, two-handed.

Superior Training
At 17th level, you can take ten hours to train, this does not have to be all at once. After a training session your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution increases by 1, to a maximum of 30.

Perfected Super Saiyan
At 20th level, unlike the other Paths you don't gain a new form instead you focus on truly mastering the forms you have.

Perfected Super Saiyan
While in this form you gain the following benefits
Your Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity increases by 4, with no maximum.
(Note- Do not add your stat bonus from Super Saiyan to your AC, that gets overpowered fast.)
Your AC increases by 2, all of your Speeds increase by 15.
You add 1d6 on Damage rolls.
You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, Intimidation checks, and rolls to avoid or resist the Frightened condition.
You cannot take the Disengage action.
You are no longer vulnerable to Psychic damage, while in Super Saiyan.
You can choose whether you radiate the aura or not. If you do you radiate bright light for 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet, which gives you and creatures within 10 feet of you -10 to Stealth checks. As well in some situations you gain a level of Exhaustion.

Perfected Super Saiyan 2
You can now go Super Saiyan 2 as a bonus action. You make the Constitution saving throw to gain level of exhaustion every 15 rounds instead of 10.
While in this form you gain the following benefits
Your Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity increases by 6, with no maximum.
(Note- Do not add your stat bonus from Super Saiyan to your AC, that gets overpowered fast.)
Your AC increases by 3, all of your Speeds increase by 25.
You gain 15 temporary Hit Points.
You add 1d8 on Damage rolls.
You can bypass Bludgeoning Resistances.
You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, Intimidation checks, and rolls to avoid or resist the Frightened condition.
You are vulnerable to Psychic damage and you cannot take the Disengage action.
You radiate bright light for 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet, which gives you and creatures within 10 feet of you -10 to Stealth checks. As well in some situations you gain a level of Exhaustion.

Perfected Super Saiyan 3
This form now only consumes 2 Ki Points per round and every 8 rounds in this form (Recurring) you make a Constitution saving throw (DC 15), if you fail you gain a level of Exhaustion.
While in this form you gain the following benefits
Your Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity increases by 8, with no maximum.
(Note- Do not add your stat bonus from Super Saiyan to your AC, that gets overpowered fast.)
Your AC increases by 4, all of your Speeds increase by 35.
You gain 25 temporary Hit Points.
You add 1d10 on Damage rolls.
You can bypass Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Resistances.
You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, Intimidation checks, and rolls to avoid or resist the Frightened condition.
You are vulnerable to Psychic damage and you cannot take the Disengage action.
You radiate bright light for 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet, which gives you and creatures within 10 feet of you -10 to Stealth checks. As well in some situations you gain a level of Exhaustion.

Technique List

Ki Blast Volley
As an action, you fire a volley of normal Ki Blast. This attack consumes 2 Ki points. Roll 1d4 + Constitution modifier to determine the number of Ki Blasts.

Rush Attack
As an action, you dash toward your target and hit with multiple unarmed attacks. This attack consumes 1 Ki points. Roll 1d6 + Dexterity modifier to determine the number of attacks.

Kamehameha/Galick Gun
As an action, you fire a blue or purple line attack with a foot width at the target. This attack consumes 3 Ki points. The range of this technique is 100 feet. Make a Ki attack roll. The damage is 1d12 + Constitution modifier force or radiant damage(your choice). The damage increases by 1d12 when you reach 5th level (2d12), 11th level (3d12), and 17th level (4d12).

Solar Flare
As an action, you place your hands close to the center of your face with the fingers spread toward your eyes and you send out a bright white light. This technique consumes 2 Ki points. The range of this technique is 50 feet. Creatures within range must make a Wisdom saving throw vs. your Ki save DC, or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.

Ki Armor
As a reaction or bonus action, you surround your body with a thin, but concentrated layer of Ki that helps deflect attacks against you. This technique consumes 1 Ki points. Until the start of your next turn you have additional AC equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier.

Energy Barrier
As an action, you surround yourself in a dense sphere of Ki. If someone breaks the AC of the barrier, the barrier dissipates. This technique consumes 2 Ki point per round. Requires concentration. This barrier lets in only gas and creatures that you let in. You can fit up to other two medium creatures, four small creatures, or eight tiny creatures, you cannot fit a creature large in size or larger. The AC of the barrier is equal your AC + your Constitution modifier. Spells cast at your sphere that require any saves to be rolled instead require the caster to make a spell attack against the barriers AC. This technique remains active until you either run out of Ki points or choose to deactivate it as another bonus action.

Instantaneous Movement
Requirements: Must be level 10
As a bonus action, you teleport to another location by placing two fingers on your forehead and focusing your Ki. You can also chose to bring any creatures that are touching you. This technique consumes 2 Ki points, it consumes 1 extra Ki point for each creature you bring. You must have an image of your destination in your mind, ie having been there before, seeing a picture or being given a mental image ect. You may also teleport directly to creature you know regardless of their plane of existence. If you are unable to place your fingers on your forehead, you must make a Constitution saving throw for any concentration spells that are active, if you fail you lose concentration.

Ki Blade
Requirements: Must be level 12
As a bonus action, you surround your hands with concentrated Ki shaped like a blade. This technique consumes 1 Ki points per round. Requires concentration. While active your unarmed strikes do an extra 1d6 piercing or slashing damage, (The damage type depends on how you describe the attack, the damage does count as magical). While using this technique you can spend 2 Ki points to add +1 to an attack roll(You can only add up to +2). This technique remains active until you either run out of Ki points or choose to deactivate it as another bonus action.

Ascended Super Saiyan
Requirements: Must have Super Saiyan
You gain the Ascended Super Saiyan transformation. As an action you transform. This form consumes 1 Ki Point per round and every 10 rounds in this form (Recurring) you make a Constitution saving throw (DC 18), if you fail you gain a level of Exhaustion. This form focuses on Strength which causes your muscles to bulge, however, a result of this is that you cannot move with the same dexterity.
While in this form you gain the following benefits
Your Strength and Constitution increases by 4, with no maximum.
Your Dexterity decreases by 2.
(Note- Do not add your stat bonus from Super Saiyan to your AC, that gets overpowered fast.)
Your AC increases by 2.
You add 1d6 on Damage rolls.
You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws, Intimidation checks, and rolls to avoid or resist the Frightened condition.
You have disadvantage on Dexterity checks, saving throws, and attack rolls.
You are vulnerable to Psychic damage and you cannot take the Disengage action.
You radiate bright light for 5 feet and dim light for another 5 feet, which gives you and creatures within 10 feet of you -10 to Stealth checks. As well in some situations you gain a level of Exhaustion.

Burning Attack
As an action, you manifest a flaming ball. This attack consumes 3 Ki points. The range of this technique is 60 feet. Make a Ki attack roll. The damage is 1d10 + Constitution modifier fire damage. The damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10). The creature catches fire. While it's on fire it takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of it's turn, the creature can put the fire out by using a bonus action to pour water on itself(if it can touch water) or by using an action to attempt to pat it out by making a Strength check against your Ki save DC.

Ki Sense
You are granted awareness of the life energy around you. You can perceive your surroundings without relying on sight or sound, within a 60 foot radius. You have advantage on Perception checks. You have +5 to Passive Perception. In addition, you may spend 1 Ki point to perceive targets obstructed from view or behind cover. While blinded you do not have disadvantage on attacks and attacks against you do not have advantage.

Stunning Strike
You can interfere with the flow of ki in an opponent’s body. When you hit another creature with a melee weapon attack, you can spend 1 ki point to attempt a stunning strike. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your Ki save DC or be stunned until the end of your next turn.

False Moon
As a bonus action, you create a False Moon and throw it to an area within 30 ft. of you. It floats around 60 ft. above the ground wherever it is thrown and sheds bright light for 30 ft. and dim light for another 30 ft. This technique consumes 2 Ki points. A False Moon is a 1 foot diameter sphere of condensed Blutz Waves, it emits the kind of light needed to transform. A False Moon can be destroyed in which case any Great Apes leave this form. It has an AC of 15 and hp of 5+your con. mod. Note: Unless someone already knows what it is they would have to make an Int. check to figure out what it is and therefore if they should attack it. A False Moon allows Saiyans to attempt to transform into a Great Ape without the need of a moon or planetary body, as well the saving throw to transform with advantage. You have +5 to the Wisdom saving throw.

2018-01-05, 06:58 AM
Next time you post a homebrew, make a class table, because this is very hard to keep track of. Tables are hard to do on this site, but you can just link to a PDF or Google doc or something.

I'll give whatever input I can. I'm not gonna pay too much attention to the high level abilities (12+) though, because high level play doesn't really exist as far as I'm concerned.

Semantic Issues
The Ki feature lists Patient Defence and Step of the Wind, which this class doesn't get.

You should avoid including flavour text that sounds like rules text, like in the second sentence of Perfect Dodge. The Dodge action already has a stated effect, and your additional explanation muddies the water by defining it in a slightly different way.

Stand Ground: "you receive half damage from all those that hit you" is a vague description that opens up a lot of debate on what it does or doesn't work on. Just say you have resistance to all damage.

The Ki feature refers to Ki Blast as a cantrip, but later it's listed as a feature.

There's some inconsistency on how you refer to the (nonexistent) class table. Sometimes it's Ki Fighter, sometimes it's Saiyan Fighter.

The first line under the Primal Path header has a random unfinished sentence.

Ki Recharge: "You regain the ability to do so once per long rest." I know what you mean, but this sentence doesn't mean what you intended.

Spirit Sword: "you gain the ability to infuse your Ki with a Sword" You... infuse your sword into your Ki? Or vice versa?

Z-Sword increases your Con maximum without increasing your actual Con. That's a bit odd.

Game Play / Balance Issues
No hit dice or proficiencies are given.

Basic Training is really bizarre. Since the time cost is meaningless, it just raises your low stats for free. It encourages a very strange type of character building, where you raise your primary stats (Con and either Str or Dex) as usual, but deliberately dump the third physical stat as low as possible. If you're going for a Str-based character, then your Dex should definitely be set to 8. Because it automatically goes up to 12 at level 2. Doing the reasonable thing of not making your guy inherently clumsy gets you punished, because those points are straight-up wasted. This feature really goes against several of the core assumptions of D&D.

Getting Flight at 2nd level is pretty absurd, but since it's totally unclear how it works (assumedly due to the lack of a class table) I can't judge how game-breaking it is.

It says Techniques are considered spells, but what does that actually mean? If someone uses, for example, Rush Attack, can they be Counterspelled? Does Rage prevent you from using them?

I can't say anything about Great Ape Mastery because the Saiyan race is not included.

A few thoughts about Super Saiyan:
- It seems a bit strange to me that going Super Saiyan is a 9th level ability. Apparently a Super Saiyan is about as powerful as an extremely competent swordsman? Other Saiyan classes I've seen had the Super Saiyan transformation at level 20, which frankly makes more sense within the framework of D&D. Depends on how accurate you want to be to the source material.
- What do you mean "don't add your stat bonus from Super Saiyan to your AC"?? Why give a stat bonus if you're not willing to deal with the inherent benefits of those stats? Getting +2 AC from your stat boosts isn't ok, but you give out a separate +1 AC anyways?
- I don't know why you feel the need to state that your shedding light causes a penalty to Stealth checks. The fact that light makes it harder to stealth is already built into the game. Is this light special somehow?
- In some situations you gain a level of exhaustion? Wat?

Mastered Super Saiyan: You introduce the Super Saiyan transformation with these harsh costs attached (ki points and exhaustion), and then almost completely remove those costs the very next level. I'm not even sure what to say about that.

Divine Path has no feature at 11th level.

Swordsmen: Come on man, we don't do double proficiency in weapons. That's a +17 attack bonus at high level, even ignoring the stat boosts from going Super Saiyan. That should be avoided on general principle.

Holy mother of God. I didn't intend to pay attention to things above level 12, but I just can't ignore Superior Training. Because time cost is meaningless (because who wouldn't take a month off from adventuring to achieve physical perfection), this straight up sets your Str, Dex and Con to 30. Wat.

I like the idea behind Ki Blast Volley and Rush Attack, but they're totally borked. You can get Rush Attack at level 4, before you even have Extra Attack, and use it to make FOUR TO NINE attacks in one round. That is hilariously out of line. You need to bring this way down, and make it scale with your Extra Attack in some way, so that it isn't twice as powerful before level 5. Maybe you make a number of extra attacks equal to half your Proficiency or something.

Ki Blade: You can spend 2 Ki points to add +1 to a single attack roll? Out of all the crazy powerful things you can spend your ki on, this one is hilariously weak.

Stunning Strike: I just want to point out that, throughout reading this class, I kept thinking "Well this is clearly better than the monk in almost every way, but at least the monk still has their Stunning Strike, so maybe it doesn't render them totally obsolete." Then you added Stunning Strike as an option. I think it goes without Saiyan (badum-tsshh) that giving a homebrew class all of the core tools of an existing class, plus much more, does not lead to balanced design.

Overall Verdict
As you said, this design is extremely rough. And that's understandable given how different DBZ characters are from anything in D&D. I can't give you any direct solutions for how to make it a balanced whole, because there's just too much to address, so instead I'll give you two general guidelines to adhere to.

1. DBZ characters are not easily compatible with the D&D system. I mean, Goku is probably like a level 200 character by the current iteration. So you need to adjust your expectations to fit with how D&D is supposed to work. When you're determining what features to put in, don't just ask yourself what abilities a Saiyan has and put those in. Instead, ask yourself which abilities truly set them apart, and be critical about whether it's reasonable to put those into the D&D system. It's easy to think "Saiyans are superhumanly strong, so I'll let them boost their Strength to 30", but D&D 5e isn't made to accommodate that. Instead, picture what a Saiyan would be like if they were bound to vaguely human limits (to the same degree that a monk or barbarian is), and work from there.

2. The best way to determine balance is the most obvious way: running some numbers. Once you tend to all the specific issues I mentioned, just go and run some comparisons. Compare the damage output of a 5th level Saiyan with a 5th level fighter for instance. Consider their sustained damage, their burst damage, and how often they can burst. If one has better damage than the other, consider if that power is offset by weaker defences or worse mobility. This should make the balance point a lot clearer.

I'll give you a convenient starting point. A 5th level Champion with a greatsword is likely to deal 26 damage per round (including crits), with a +7 attack bonus. They'll probably have 49 HP and AC 18. Once per short rest they can double their damage output for the round, and once per short rest they can heal themselves for about 11 HP. They have no special utility or mobility features. Go ahead and compare a level 5 Saiyan with this, and if it turns out considerably more powerful (it probably will), consider what you can do to make them approximately equal.

(It should be noted that the Champion is considered pretty mediocre and so you can afford to be a little better. I mainly use that one because it's an easy comparison.)