View Full Version : Always Sunny Fans Out There (Alignment)

2018-01-05, 08:49 PM
Hey, for all your Always Sunny fans out there, I just wanted to get a consensus, what do you all think Frank's alignment is?
Personally I think CE.

2018-01-05, 09:18 PM
5e alignments are only relevant to 5e characters

Other fictions don't have the framework for it.

2018-01-05, 09:46 PM
If you do an image search there are a ton of alignment charts on this show already. There isn't a strict consensus on it. Partly because it's not a fixed point. The morality of most of the characters has steadily eroded over the seasons, so depending on what episodes you have in mind you might get a different answer.
Also there's not a huge distinction between most of the characters, really. Even characters like Charlie that can seem almost benign at times prove time and time again that they're as bad as the rest. Most of them occupy the grey area between Neutral and Evil and between Neutral and Chaotic, depending on their mood for the sake of that episode.

If I had to categorize the main cast:
Dee and Mac are Neutral.
Dennis is Neutral Evil.
Charlie is Chaotic Neutral.
Frank is Chaotic Evil.

But there are counterexamples for each of them. Some of them can switch ideals on a dime once they get a new whim in their head. At the end of the day they're comedy creations rather than consistent human beings.

No brains
2018-01-05, 09:46 PM
Hey, for all your Always Sunny fans out there, I just wanted to get a consensus, what do you all think Frank's alignment is?
Personally I think CE.

5e alignments are only relevant to 5e characters

Other fictions don't have the framework for it.

Given the disastrous results that can come from it, I'm now imagining the title card of an It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode: "The Gang Starts an Alignment Debate" *Temptation Sensation Plays*

Frank is probably not good but I'm not sure about how chaotic he is. He likes disgusting disorder, but he also relies on order to bully and cheat people. I think Neutral Evil may fit him best.

2018-01-06, 10:44 AM
Charlie is Lawful Good
- He has an extremely strict code, and everything he does is for the betterment of others. They have shown in numerous episodes that he also has an pretty extreme and extensive daily routine for everything he does. Including the Bar, the Waitress, and Frank. If he wasn't in their lives, then everything would have fallen apart by now.

Dennis is Lawful Evil
- Dennis has also been shown to have strict codes and routine like Charlie, but his motivations are all self serving. Mostly for his vain glory. He does strict planning to ruin people lives for personal gain, and attempts to enforce his disastrous laws upon others.

Mac is Chaotic Good
- Despite being a constant failure, Mac is also actively trying to help others. Each time he enters a room he tries to learn how to protect his friends as quickly as possible. He actively sacrifices himself to help others. However he is never interested in doing it properly.

Frank is Chaotic Evil
- Frank is an old man who doesn't care anymore about living the proper life he has lived. He is at a point in his life that he wants to maximize his pleasures, regardless of who gets hurt in the process. He has been shown betraying his friends on numerous occasion, if it meant he got a laugh out of it. He even betrays Charlie numerous times, despite Charlie doing everything for him.

2018-01-06, 02:08 PM
Charlie is Lawful Good
- He has an extremely strict code, and everything he does is for the betterment of others. They have shown in numerous episodes that he also has an pretty extreme and extensive daily routine for everything he does. Including the Bar, the Waitress, and Frank. If he wasn't in their lives, then everything would have fallen apart by now.

"Wildcard" Charlie, the unpredictable member of the gang? Charlie who has a lifelong addiction to sniffing glue and paint, leading to a tenuous grasp on reality, and will gorge on multiple illegal drugs if the opportunity presents itself (ignoring the fact that he is also drunk most of the time)? Whose "strict" lifestyle involves living in squalor and eating garbage, more out of preference than necessity. Charlie goes along with almost all their self-serving and illegal schemes, and is usually an enthusiastic participant. He casually degrades and humiliates people on a regular basis like the rest of them.

The stalker trying to force someone into recriprocating unwanted affection, making not only her miserable but manipulating and hurting any number of people in her vicinity for even a chance at winner her over? This starts right in the first episode (him faking cancer) and continues throughout the series (e.g. tricking Ruby, convincing Dennis to sleep with everyone's moms, got her fired, etc). Remember when she was going to get married so he personally delivers her fiance a hornets nest? Yes, he was a jerk too, but he planned it out before he knew that, and it wasn't for her benefit. Yes they did portray that his stalking was the only thing keeping her life together, but that doesn't justify the constant violations of her privacy, and it's an absurd comedy conceit that it would work out so perfectly. If your takeaway from that was that he's a good, law abiding person, I think that perspective is a bit skewed.

You're grading on an extreme curve, since the show doesn't have actual lawful good people, you're willing to overlook a ton of disqualifying behavior to arrive at that. I would agree that he's a step up from Dennis or Frank, and could possibly even be a candidate for the most good one in the gang, but that's an extremely low bar. Even the most good person in this gang is neutral at best when you look at all the things they participate in as a group.

Dennis isn't lawful either. Despite his orderly serial killer vibes, and concern for unwritten rules of social behavior, he is not at all consistent about following even his own rules, much less any external codes. He sometimes talks the talk, but he certainly doesn't actually walk it. He's a good candidate for the most lawful of the group, but again, that's a very low bar. It's grading on a curve to overlook the constant chaotic behavior of the entire group that he participates in.