View Full Version : Player Help Paladin holy symbol on greatsword?

pwning doodes
2018-01-06, 12:51 PM
I've rolled up a Paladin, and I have the cool idea that he could have his holy symbol on the crossguard of his greatsword. Then when he casts an offensive spell, he can thrust it forward and say something dramatic. (I know this is really hammy and I love it anyway.) In the 5e PHB, it says the caster must "hold [the symbol] in hand, wear it visibly, or bear it on a shield." This seems to be sort of like the shield thing, or it might count as being "held in hand".

Only problem: if the symbol is on the sword, he'd have to have it out any time he cast other spells, such as heals. I'm just imagining this guy saying, "Let me heal you," and unsheathing the giant sword he just used to kill an orc. Not necessarily the best idea, RP-wise. Not to mention, it would be inconvenient to pull out the sword in the middle of a city to use Detect Good and Evil. Imagine the guards' reactions!

How hard is it to get a second holy symbol? I'm quite attached to the idea of the greatsword holy symbol, so that might be a compromise.

Alternatively, I could just pull out the sword all the time, and deal with the consequences. The character's WIS mod is -1, after all.

What say you in the Playground?

2018-01-06, 01:19 PM
Do the sword thing. It's hilarious.

"The power of light will heal you!" *Unsheathes a blood stained greatsword*

Xuc Xac
2018-01-06, 01:41 PM
Only problem: if the symbol is on the sword, he'd have to have it out any time he cast other spells, such as heals. I'm just imagining this guy saying, "Let me heal you," and unsheathing the giant sword he just used to kill an orc.

The crossguard is not inside the sheath. You don't need to unsheathe it and wave it menacingly. Just hold it in front of you with the point down like every other praying knight.

Not to mention, it would be inconvenient to pull out the sword in the middle of a city to use Detect Good and Evil. Imagine the guards' reactions!

It's a big two-handed sword. If you have it with you, it's already "out" because there's no place to put it away. It's not exactly hidden in your back pocket unless you're a cartoon character and you keep it next to your giant wooden mallet.

2018-01-06, 01:45 PM
I don't see any reason you can't have multiple spellcasting foci for a given character. As a GM, I would require a sword that can be used as a spellcasting focus have the additional cost of the focus added in (so, your Holy Symbol greatsword would cost 55gp, not 50), so you'd be shelling out a bit more, but it's perfectly doable.

2018-01-06, 02:13 PM
Assuming your GM is cool with it, you wouldn't even really need to pull it out. Just put a hand on the hilt and you're fine.

Though with a big over-the-shoulder greatsword that could be a lot trickier to pull off subtly.

2018-01-06, 02:18 PM
Most spells don't have M component. Including all healing spells and Detect Evil and Good. Paladin, especially, has a lot of spells with only V component.

Getting another symbol is as hard as paying 5 gold pieces, either during character creation, or during the game.

2018-01-06, 02:20 PM
I could have sworn some of the spells had language that required presenting the holy symbol or holding it out, but I might be mistaken. Honestly though, it wouldn't be out of character or weird for a religious-focused character (note I didn't say holy) to have several symbols of their faith, especially if it was part of a uniform of some sort. I'm a fan of the idea of having a fake eye with a holy emblem on it hidden behind an eyepatch for a Trickery cleric.

pwning doodes
2018-01-06, 02:28 PM
It's a big two-handed sword. If you have it with you, it's already "out" because there's no place to put it away. It's not exactly hidden in your back pocket unless you're a cartoon character and you keep it next to your giant wooden mallet.

Huh. I always assumed it would be strapped to the character's back and they would reach over one shoulder to pull it out of the sheath. Guess I got that idea from OOTS. (Excuse me while I find a bunch of panels with Roy drawing the Greenhilt sword.) So are you saying a character would just carry the sword with both hands at all times? Or they just wear it very openly by nature? Regardless, I agree that it's not exactly subtle.

2018-01-06, 02:46 PM
Huh. I always assumed it would be strapped to the character's back and they would reach over one shoulder to pull it out of the sheath. Guess I got that idea from OOTS. (Excuse me while I find a bunch of panels with Roy drawing the Greenhilt sword.) So are you saying a character would just carry the sword with both hands at all times? Or they just wear it very openly by nature? Regardless, I agree that it's not exactly subtle.


Historically, greatswords were carried rested on the shoulder, but only into battle. When soldiers didn't expected combat, they left it at wagon with other supplies. Unlike RPGs and most fantasy, greatswords were specialist war weapon, not something someone would haul with himself all the time (same with armor). It's physically impossible to draw sheathed sword from the back. If you had greatsword in a sheath worn on your back, you would take the whole sheath off first, then draw the sword and either drop the sheath, or put it back.

2018-01-06, 03:51 PM
Huh. I always assumed it would be strapped to the character's back and they would reach over one shoulder to pull it out of the sheath. Guess I got that idea from OOTS. (Excuse me while I find a bunch of panels with Roy drawing the Greenhilt sword.) So are you saying a character would just carry the sword with both hands at all times? Or they just wear it very openly by nature? Regardless, I agree that it's not exactly subtle.


Historically, greatswords were carried rested on the shoulder, but only into battle. When soldiers didn't expected combat, they left it at wagon with other supplies. Unlike RPGs and most fantasy, greatswords were specialist war weapon, not something someone would haul with himself all the time (same with armor). It's physically impossible to draw sheathed sword from the back. If you had greatsword in a sheath worn on your back, you would take the whole sheath off first, then draw the sword and either drop the sheath, or put it back.


Long swords, rapiers were the pistols of the day. Something you wear over to your mother in laws, or the bank, just like you do your 1911 or M&P shield. You don't carry a pistol when you "expect" a fight, you carry it because it is the normal thing you do as a basic precaution, like looking before crossing a street, or putting on a seatbelt.

Great Swords and Pikes were weapons you carried when you expected trouble. When you were going to war, or suspect a thief in the barn. Today when you expect trouble you grab a shotgun, or a rifle. A pistol (rapier) is just what you use until you get to a real weapon.

2018-01-06, 04:57 PM
Xanathar's Guide To Everything has a common item called Ruby of the War Mage, which is an arcane focus you can attach to a weapon. Would that work?

2018-01-06, 05:08 PM
If he's a Paladin of St. Cuthbert it would work fairly well considering his holy symbol could be a sword hilt if need be. You could incorporate the War Mage's Ruby if needed as well.

Link to image since posting from phone: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/greyhawk/images/9/92/Divinità_-_Simbolo_Sacro_di_St._Cuthbert.png/revision/latest?cb=20150519090816&path-prefix=it

2018-01-06, 05:52 PM
Xanathar's Guide To Everything has a common item called Ruby of the War Mage, which is an arcane focus you can attach to a weapon. Would that work?

No. Paladins use holy symbols, not arcane foci.

2018-01-06, 06:01 PM
Xanathar's Guide To Everything has a common item called Ruby of the War Mage, which is an arcane focus you can attach to a weapon. Would that work?
No. Paladins use holy symbols, not arcane foci.Ruby of the War Mage actually makes no mention of being arcane, druidic or holy. It requires attunement by "a spellcaster" and acts as "a spellcasting focus".

2018-01-06, 06:27 PM
Millstone is right, my bad.

2018-01-06, 10:02 PM
Putting the holy symbol on a two-handed weapon is a fun idea, so as long as the DM is cool with it, I'd go for it.

Honest Tiefling
2018-01-06, 10:11 PM
It's a slight benefit, but one of those to serve making the character awesome. I'd allow it, provided it is thematically appropriate for the god and you paid the gold. Especially if its the chosen weapon of the god/order.

2018-01-07, 02:25 PM
Technically its flavor because the two handed property is only for attacks with the weapon, it can be carried in one hand. Consider it a re-skinned amulet you would hold onto with the hand other than the one that is holding the greatsword, and there is no mechanical difference.