View Full Version : OotA in Eberron

2018-01-06, 10:41 PM
I'm looking at beginning an OotA game in a few weeks set in eberron, and I was wondering if there are any good homebrew 5e monster stats for 5e and also generally advice on changing lore and running a module from the book, as I'm knew to it.
For lore, the main things I'm looking at right now is changing all normal drow to umbragen drow and having the daelkyr lords be behind the demon outbreak. Alos I'm going to have there be less of a war between umbragen drow and daelyr lords in order to have the plot be that they manipulated the drow all along.
I am generally unsure about how to use the book, I have read about 2/5 of it currently and it seems like it will be a pain to have to flip back to look for survival rules, so I'm thinking of making a cheat sheet of them, any other advice?
Miscellaneous concerns I have is that all the underdark places have so many insane and out of the ordinary npcs I'm worried the players will never get a sense of what is ordinary for these underdark locations, and are not concerned that these npcs are acting against how they're told these people usually act.

2018-01-06, 11:36 PM
OotA is the hardest 5e campaign to convert to Eberron. None of the trappings fit. There's no Abyss, there are no demon lords (and if they are, they are spread across the planes instead of living in a single convenient location), Khyber's inhabitants are very different from the Underdark and while you could try to map some of the demon lords to Overlords (Orcus makes for a nice Katashka the Gatekeeper stand-in), once they are free in Khyber, you can't banish them, because they are natives there.

Given the theme of madness, I think the Demon Lords would be better to be changed into Daelkyr, and the whole demon invasion should be replaced with aberrations. Some are pretty easy (Juiblex and Kyrzin the Prince of Slimes are both ooze focused, Zuggtmoy's fungi aren't that far from the daelkyr's usual interests, and Demogorgon has strong madness theme), others are harder (Daelkyr don't concern themselves with undead, so Orcus doesn't fit, and they are more subtle than the savage DLs like Yeenoghu or Baphomet). Sadly, I can't help you much with the adventure itself (I'm about to participate in OotA game myself, so I'm activelly reading the book to avoid spoilers beyond those I remember from reading the adventure when it was released). I can give some general points, but nothing specific to the adventure itself.

Draconic Prophecy would be needed both to free and banish (or re-bind) the demon lords (whether they represent Daelkyr or freed and extremely weakened Overlords... well, Daelkyr already are free to roam the depths of Khyber, they just can't leave). Perhaps you could include both: Daelkyr for the demon lords with similar themes, and Overlords for the rest. It would give you greater variation in the enemies.