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View Full Version : The Littles Go To War. Tiny Combat Alternatives

2018-01-07, 03:14 PM
I'm curious if anyone has seen or developed their own rules for combat with characters six inches tall in DnD5e?

It seems to me that the UA Tiny rules don't quite cover it, at least to my satisfaction.

My players have been shrunk. They are escaping the evil lord's hall and seeking a cure for their curse. They may be this way for several more sessions of play at the least.

Right now I'm reclassifying monsters based on the size of the PCs. For example, I'm using Lion stats for a Common Rat, and Young Dragon stats for a big Tom Cat (minus the breath weapon and magical perks of course.)

In addition, I've scaled down spell effects to inches instead of feet.

If they face an enemy of regular proportions, I'm multiplying/dividing the damage by 10, but giving them a +2 AC. Seriously dangerous stuff, but fitting I think.

Also giving auto advantage on Stealth vs. Bigs.

Very curious to see what others think, and have come up with.