View Full Version : Pounce Questions

2018-01-07, 07:37 PM
So the Lion's Pounce spell in the Spell Compendium recently came to the attention of our party Cavalier, who happens to be wielding a Lance of the Unending Charge, and that discovery prompted a pretty big argument between the party, who are pretty evenly divided.
So the spell grants pounce for a single round, meaning that he gets his iterative attacks on a Charge attack. As a member of the Cavalier prestige class, he can use Deadly Charge to quadruple the amount of damage he deals on a charge. If he Deadly Charges while Lion's Pounce is active, does he quadruple the amount of damage his iteratives deal, or just the first? Does he get the +2 to attacks from charging on all his iteratives, or just the first? And should he kill his first target, and the Lance of the Unending Charge lets him continue his charge into the next opponent in a straight line, does he deal quadruple damage to that next guy? Does he get the +2?

2018-01-07, 08:17 PM
Each attack is treated as a charge, so benefits that apply on a charge should all apply to the iteratives. One the main reasons Spirit Lion Barb makes a useful martial dip.

2018-01-07, 10:10 PM
RAW, unless it says it only works on one attack, it works on all the attacks.

However, any DM should be able to tell that most of those bonuses and multipliers were designed for single attacks, and rule on pounce combinations accordingly. If the DM refuses to be a DM and make rulings, then don't be surprised if pounce combos immediately dominate the melee part of your game.