View Full Version : Player Help Build Direction Help?

2018-01-07, 11:39 PM
I'm currently playing in a campaign with a particularly brutal totalitarian setting. The city is closed off, slave trading runs rampant, and guards pillage and slaughter as they see fit. We're using an adapted version of AD&D Greyhawk fledgling rules, converted into 3.5e. I'm currently at level zero, and I'm debating what path I should take with a character. My character is a gambling addict who benefits off of the chaos of the city. He's a caste 11 member, the most wealthy caste available to player characters, and this gives him a lot of influence and power. He's gotten his fill of the city and wants to leave it, but NO ONE leaves Roh. However, recently, he found out about warlocks.. Warlocks are a cheap and easy way to get the power that he craves to ensure his own protection and the power to exercise his own will. The only issue is that being a warlock chains you down to your patron.

In this specific setting, warlock patrons can lose their power, thus making you lose your own powers. Since this character craves freedom above all, freedom to travel, do as he pleases, and gamble his life away, he's having second thoughts. I really like the play style of warlocks but another factor is that he promised to take someone with him when he escaped Roh, and warlocks do not have the ability to transport anyone but themselves. If anything, he wants to find out a way to use teleportation magics to escape, and to completely erase his identity so no one can come and track him down. He wants to leave the town and become anonymous, and I don't know what class is best to choose for that path.

tl;dr: I wanted to be a warlock but warlocks don't have much freedom. What's a good class progression / strategy that allows a character to escape a high-security city, gain their freedom, and become anonymous?

2018-01-08, 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by Matrota
We're using an adapted version of AD&D Greyhawk fledgling rules, converted into 3.5e.

Where are those fledgling rules to be found? And how did you convert them to 3.5?

Originally Posted by Matrota
If anything, he wants to find out a way to use teleportation magics to escape, and to completely erase his identity so no one can come and track him down.

I’m not sure if you mean he wants to cast the teleportation spell himself, ex nihilo, or just take advantage of teleportation magic that’s already present in the city, such as portals and the like. Presumably Wizard 9 would handle the former, but that’s a hella long way off from level zero. Are you looking for a shortcut?

And is teleportation your only option? Is there any kind of black market trade that runs back and forth between the city and outside? Is there magical containment and/or scrying that makes it difficult to use classic techniques, like being rolled up in a carpet, etc.?

Also, what sources are available?

2018-01-08, 01:52 AM
I too want to know answers to panalan's questions.

Personally, he's right. Generally speaking, the way to go is probably wizard for high levels of sneaky-sneaky. Or more precisely having some sort of access to the wizard spell list.

Personally, with the way you are explaining your character, having some desire for power quickly, and through means similar to a pact, I would definitely say Sha'ir.

Think Aladdin https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ShockingWarmheartedAlligatorsnappingturtle-size_restricted.gif
Or even better think [I]Aladdin

Anyhow, the whole aim of the class is taming Genie-kind into following your commands. Initially you start out with a small little Daemon who grabs spells (which are like little wishes), and then later you get the ability to summon janni, then full fledged Djinn, and finally the ability to trap them in items.

Spell wise, they work like wizards, but with an altered spell preparation mechanic.
You basically
>Ask for a spell
>Wait a few rounds,Minutes, OR HOURS based on what type of spell it is [Known, Seen but Unknown, Domain]
>Your Familiar brings the spell back and you absorb it.
>You cast it, OR it turns back into an unused spell slot.

So unlike wizards that constantly prepare their spells, it is more beneficial to simply retrieve only spells for combat. If you are in a downtime, and can spend a few minutes to wait, the Sha'ir can potentially cast any spell on the wiz/sorc list, if you have seen it.

Having a ton of resources, you have the ability to witness a large amount of spells simply by gathering scrolls, or hiring spell casters. Take spells that are essential as your spells known so that you can always get them as soon as possible. If you are a gambler, and a cheat, consider spells like telekinetic hand initially, and then as you get stronger, spells that deal with illusion, divination, and enchantment and conjuration.

And all the other spells that are handy, but you don't necessarily need them fast, you can just watch them being cast, and retrieve them more slowly.

This is a Charisma based caster, so you can definitely buff diplomacy for your whole confidence man role.

2018-01-08, 02:11 AM
Adding to DMVerdandi's suggestion, Sha'ir is pretty great to theurge with Warlock via Eldritch Theurge; they've got Cha Synergy, and Invocations/Eldritch Blast make sure you've got things to contribute in combat while you wait for spells.

Edit: plus you can treat it as a dual-parton thing, true it may be double the indebtedness, but you've got a fallback if something happens to one of your patrons...

2018-01-08, 06:36 AM
Adding to DMVerdandi's suggestion, Sha'ir is pretty great to theurge with Warlock via Eldritch Theurge; they've got Cha Synergy, and Invocations/Eldritch Blast make sure you've got things to contribute in combat while you wait for spells.

Edit: plus you can treat it as a dual-parton thing, true it may be double the indebtedness, but you've got a fallback if something happens to one of your patrons...

That's one route, but what do you think about Sha'ir 10 /Anima mage 10 ???

Qualifying through Vestige feats[Bind Vestige/Improved vestige/etc]?

Now you don't give up on spell caster levels, and you get REALLY flavorful abilities from vestiges.

Red Fel
2018-01-08, 01:03 PM
Another idea, if you're open to homebrew, is to use the Mythos answer to Warlocks, which can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?394792-3-5-quot-Deal-quot). (More on Mythos classes can be found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?517754-Mythos-Compendium-2-0).)

Basically, you take a Mythos class (look over the second link for a list of options), then this feat, which connects you to a patron, functioning exactly how Warlocks function in your setting. But at a certain point (generally level 13), you gain access to Legendary Mythos. At that point, you take the Legendary Mythos listed in the first link, "Consider This My Letter of Resignation." This Mythos represents your character, having accumulated power at the hands of your patron, ultimately rebelling against and consuming his master. Thus, you keep your powers, but gain your freedom. You even have the option of seeking out a new master if you so desire.