View Full Version : Player Help Mūmakil-inspired party

Colonel Snazzy
2018-01-08, 12:08 PM
Hello all,
So our party came up with an idea for when we inevitably wipe. We want to imitate the Mūmakil from LOTR (Oliphants with Haradrim archers riding on top). I would play as a huge character (enlarged Half-ogre Half-minotaur something) and wear a Howdah, whilst the rest of the party (so far the comp is Cavalier, Malconvoker and 2 archer types -archers are new to the game so are using simple builds) rain down death to our foes from the comfort of the Howdah. Does anyone have any advice for Classes for me to take/things to look out for/avoid? Any help would be appreciated.

Allowed books are: all WOTC material +1 3rd party (drag mag or similar)

Thank you for your time

Colonel Snazzy