View Full Version : Roles in a party

2018-01-08, 02:31 PM
I've seen plenty of threads where people are asking for a class to "fill" a spot in the group. I think that the role a Player is playing is just as equal to the question of what class is the best addition to a party.

With that in mind, what roles are out there? There will be quite a few that are covered by backgrounds, such as Sage or Soldier, and that's ok. What we're looking to try and show is a list of roles that might hold value in a campaign. They might not be important to all types of campaigns, and some might step on toes of others a bit or be pretty niche, but I'd still like to see what roles have been in your games. As more responses come in, I'll add them to this list.

Roles you might have in your party.
Moral Compass: "We should do what's right, and save the orphanage."
Negotiator: "We can work this out. Surely there is something we can do for you."
Preacher: "And so Lathander said..."
Trap-Finder: (Walking forward through a dungeon. Is hit by darts pouring out of a wall.)"Ow ow ow!"
Trap-Disabler: (Disarms the dart-trap, allowing party to get by.) "Thanks Trap-Finder!"
Face: "Your Majesty, we are but your humble servants..."
Thug/Brute: (Punches you with your own hands.) "Quit hitting yourself. Quit hitting yourself!"
Assassin: "Who's the target, what's the pay, how do you want it done, and is there anything special I should know?"
Burglar: "Do you really need 17 sets of fancy silverware?"
Mercenary: "Whoever's paying the most has my loyalty."
Casanova: "I roll to seduce..."
Entertainer: "Is there an Inn nearby that I can perform at?"
Cook: "Dinner will be ready when it's ready!"
Medic/Doctor: (Panting as they run from one injured party member to the next.) "Be more careful next time!"
Merchant: "You're only giving us 1,000 gold for these Dragon Eyes?! I ripped them out of the Dragon myself!"
Sage: (Rambles on about some random bit of lore picked up in a library or somewhere of the like.)
Outlander: "Don't touch the green plants with 4 leaves. They're poisonous and will kill you in 10 seconds flat."
Cartographer: "Let's check the map."
Sailor/Pirate: "What would you do with a drunken sailor.."
Soldier: "Quit your belly aching! I ate way worse then this back during the Orc Wars of..."
Scout: (Silently reappears back with the party.) "Danger up ahead, 7 Goblins and 2 Bugbears.
Leader: "We should go down that hall. You first trap finder."
Screwball: "Don't worry! I know exactly what I'm doing. We just have to collect 77 more purple teacups and we'll be able to complete the ritual! What, don't look at me like that."
Maniac: "Orphanage? What orphanage?" (Hides bloody chainsaws)
Distraction: "Hey fartface, I just had some fun with your mom down this distant hallway!"
Instigator: "Nice try, not interested. I roll to attack."
Team Mom: "How's everyone doing on HP? Enough arrows and javelins? We'll need to wash up before meeting the queen too."
Note Taker: "Well actually, in session 4 the leader of the guards was named Ronald not Roland."
Clever Girl: (Player actually follows all of the DM's clues/hints, puts them all together and correctly ascertains what's going on and how to solve the problem) "Nice try bad guy. I got you all figured out."
Strategist: "First, we ready the right spells and ambush them. Then with the artifact on hand, we can face the boss. If all goes wrong... well, it won't."
Bumbling Fool: ""The fate of the quest/party/kingdom/world/universe rides on this..." (Natural 1.)
Macguyver: "We are out of spells, out of potions, all our stuff is broke and the bad guy is five minutes from victory. Five minutes, some rope, chalk, and that old Mess Kit is all I need."
Coward: "Why do we have to go fight the monsters, again? They haven't attacked us yet. They'll probably leave us alone! I hope they leave ME alone..."
Chivalrous Hero: "AHH someone in danger. I SHALL SAVE YOU!! Right after I slay the dragon."
Paranoid: (Everything is a trap. Everyone is out to get them. Always takes every precaution before making any decisions.)
Immoral Compass: "I know a guy who knows a guy we can sell the kids to, and we need to loot the orphanage before we desecrate and burn it."
Backstabber: "Our band of heroes will welcome whatever help the thieves guild has to offer. An Illithid sorcerer would certainly be a great assistance to our honorable quest!"
Edgelord: "I work alone. I sit in a corner of the tavern, away from everyone else."

2018-01-08, 02:39 PM
Leader:"We should go down that hall. You first trap finder." in my last dungeon I was either this or the moral compass.

2018-01-08, 02:40 PM
Maniac: Orphanage? What orphanage? (Hides bloody chainsaw)

2018-01-08, 04:40 PM
Leader:"We should go down that hall. You first trap finder." in my last dungeon I was either this or the moral compass.

How did I forget this one! Added to the list.

Maniac: Orphanage? What orphanage? (Hides bloody chainsaw)

While I've only had the pleasure of playing with such a character a few times, the games didn't tend to last long. I feel like this role would be more common in an Evil game or in one-shots/short story arcs. Regardless, it's been added to the list.

2018-01-08, 05:26 PM
Distraction: Hey fartface, I just had some fun with your mom down this distant hallway!

Instigator: Nice try, not interested. I roll to attack.

Team Mom: How's everyone doing on HP? Enough arrows and javelins? We'll need to wash up before meeting the queen too.

2018-01-08, 05:42 PM
Note taker: well actually. In session 4 the leader of the guards was named Ronald not Roland.

Clever girl: dm: and as you enter the chamber player: the evil cultists are starting the ritual to summon up orthax the vile and the only way to stop them is to pour salt water on the summoning circle. Dm: how did you... player: all your clues through the whole campaign

2018-01-08, 05:49 PM
Strategist: First, we ready the right spells and ambush them. Then with the artifact on hands, we can face the boss. If all go wrong... well, it won't.

2018-01-08, 05:59 PM
Team Mom

Love all of these. The Team Mom is something I see quite often, and it's always a fun character. The Instigator is someone you can always dependon on, to start something lol. Added to the list.

Note Taker
Clever Girl

I love the Note Taker. Even if it's something that's out of character for that particular Player Character, they're always appreciated. I've actually taken to playing my last couple characters as one's who'd actually keep a journal of what's going on, meaning both in character and out of character I'm the "Note Taker." Both added to the list.


We had one of these last night! The Paladin filled this role, as we had recently taken a fortress and were required to hold it against a fiendish army that might be showing up before our reinforcements could arrive. Spoiler, the fiends showed up and we had to defend the fort. Luckily, our Strategist was on point. Added to the list.

2018-01-08, 06:02 PM
The Bumbler: "The fate of the quest/party/kingdom/world/universe rides on this... natural 1."

2018-01-08, 06:05 PM
My favorite type of character is the Int based (wizard) combination of Clever Girl, Strategist and Note Taker (that actually takes note, not just the player taking them).

2018-01-08, 06:13 PM
Technical: "Well if the wall is 40ft high and we each have 20ft of rope..."

2018-01-08, 07:04 PM
The Bumbler

The butt of all the jokes. While I think this is usually a Player that has unlucky dice, I can see it being played in a game. Someone who just is always the last one picked for a team. Someone who always fails at the worst possible moment, etc. Added to the list.

Technical: "Well if the wall is 40ft high and we each have 20ft of rope..."

I think I get what you're getting at, but there has to be a better way to put it. As is, it's hard for me to really call Technical a role filled in a party. Maybe after a revision, I can add it to the list.

2018-01-08, 07:18 PM
The butt of all the jokes. While I think this is usually a Player that has unlucky dice, I can see it being played in a game. Someone who just is always the last one picked for a team. Someone who always fails at the worst possible moment, etc. Added to the list.
Oh, you mean the Merle Highchurch. The player who forgets his abilities, gets frequent low rolls, and sometimes even forgets his own name but still tries to act cool.

2018-01-08, 07:38 PM
I have a revision for the technical guy

Mcguyver: we are out of spells, out of potions, all our stuff is broke and the bad guy is five minutes from victory. Five minutes is all I need. Pass the rope, chalk, and mess kit we bought and never used. We got work to do.

2018-01-08, 08:03 PM
So far, the list is as follows:


2018-01-08, 08:35 PM
So far, the list is as follows:


As in, this is what makes up your party?

2018-01-08, 08:47 PM
The Cowardly Tag-along: "Why do we have to go fight the monsters, again? They haven't attacked us yet. They'll probably leave us alone! I hope they leave ME alone..."

The Antipodal Moral Compass: "I know a guy who knows a guy we can sell the kids to, and we need to loot the orphanage before we desecrate and burn it."

The Exotic Weapon Proficiency Guy: "Sword... Dagger... Sword... Axe... When are we going to find some magical Triple-Flail-Chuks!? Also, I need to pick up some blow-dart poison at the next town!"

2018-01-08, 08:51 PM
As in, this is what makes up your party?

It's a reference to the roles that are assigned to members of an Acquisitions Incorporated franchise such as The "C' Team, and it was meant to be a funny reference rather than a serious contribution to the discussion.

See: http://www.acq-inc.com/

2018-01-09, 07:37 AM
The Blackhat Metagamer: (having read the campaign beforehand) "Let me pop up a Fire Resistance before going into the room..."
The Greyhat Metagamer: "I dunno guys, they often use 'alluring' to describe Succubuses. Let me cast Prot from Evil, just in case."
The Whitehat Metagamer: "Guys, I think the story wants us to follow that man."

2018-01-09, 07:45 AM
Oldfag: "Third edition was better! These rules don't make any sense!".

2018-01-09, 11:52 AM
I have a revision for the technical guy. Mcguyver

Nicely done. Added to the list.

The Cowardly Tag-along, The Antipodal Moral Compass, The Exotic Weapon Proficiency Guy.

The coward is probably one of the most rarely played roles I've seen in a game. It always seems to me such a character would simply be better off having stayed home then joining an adventuring party. Added to the list.

There has to be a better way to describe the role of someone then Antipodal Moral Compass. While I like where it's going, and I've definitely seen the type, I'll only add it to the list once it's called something else.

The Exotic Weapon Aficionado seems more like a character trait then a role in the party. Have you been in situations where someone who's into exotic weapons had a purpose that any other Fighter wouldn't be able to attempt to achieve successfully? With a bit more clarification, I'll add this one to the list.

The Blackhat Metagamer, The Greyhat Metagamer, The Whitehat Metagamer.

While I've seen all of these at a table, these feel more like attributes to describe a Player rather then roles played by a Player Character, so I won't be adding them to the list. I appreciate the IT nod though. ;)


Again, as described for the hat-wearing Metagamers, this sounds more like something used to describe a Player and not a role played by a Player Character. I'm not 100 percent sure, but this also might be something you shouldn't be posting on these forums. Not added to the list.

2018-01-09, 11:58 AM
The excited aka Finn the human: wait we get to go to the swamp of sorrows,battle the undead legions of hellfalan, and slay the dracolich droogawhatsit. *happy squee* ADVENTURE!

2018-01-09, 12:00 PM
Has anyone done anything like a hero/Chivalrous

Chivalrous: AHH someone in danger. I SHALL SAVE YOU!! Right after I slay the dragon.

2018-01-09, 12:01 PM
The Reaver: "Look! There's a ship! I'll bet it has treasure in it!

2018-01-09, 02:13 PM
The Paranoid: "Absolutely everything could be trying to kill you. Plan accordingly."

Possibly more of a player type than a character, although it does describe character behavior. This person probably had too many characters die too many times in TSR-era D&D, and their current characters are all hyper-paranoid nutcases.

The Paranoid: "Wait! That shallow, clear puddle of water that dripped off those stalactites in this generally-damp limestone cave could be dangerous. It could have a Water Weird, Water Elemental, Crystal Ooze, or Death Minnow in it. Also, those stalactites might be Piercers. And there might be Lurkers Above on the ceiling, and Trappers on the floor. And those stalactites might be Ropers. And that boulder might be a Bowler. We should all ready ranged weapons and send an Unseen Servant, reanimated skeleton, or redshirt hireling to prod everything with a 10ft pole before we go in. And throw some flour around to check for invisible enemies while they're at it. Then the Magic-User can cast Detect Magic and the Thief can check for traps."

The Paranoid: "Once I'm in my room in the inn for the night, I cast Detect Magic to see if there's any in the room, lock the window—without actually getting in front of it, to avoid snipers or spies—by using Mage Hand, check everywhere to make sure there's no one hiding here, check for secret panels or doors to make sure there's no way for a non-spellcaster to slip in undetected, prod every piece of furniture with a 10ft pole to make sure it's not a Mimic or Sheet Phantom or some other monster-that-looks-like-an-inanimate-object, turn the mirror to face the wall, check for holes in the walls, ceiling, and floors that an assassin or spy might use to look theough or shoot a dart through, get multiple light sources going so there's no areas of dim light or darkness for a Shadow Monk to teleport into or for a Shadow to hide in, lock the door, stack the furniture in front of the locked door, set something large and heavy on the windowsill that will make a loud noise if knocked over, set up Alarm spells all around, cast Leomund's Tiny Hut, set up a Glyph of Warding inside the Tiny Hut set to go off if anyone tries to come up under the Tiny Hut through the floor, cast Nondetection, and cast Nystul's Magic Aura. I sleep sitting upright in a chair inside the Tiny Hut, wearing dark clothes and studded-leather armor and all my usual magical gear, with a loaded crossbow and a dagger in my hands, and keep all the rest of my stuff in a Bag of Holding which I'll keep securely tied to my belt."

The Paranoid: "I surrepetitiously ask our party Cleric to cast Purify Food And Drink on the meal the villagers say they've prepared for us in gratitude for saving them from the bandits, in case they're secretly trying to poison us. Then I still only eat and drink from my own stash of food and water that the Cleric created with Create Food and Water earlier."

The Paranoid: "We're not getting on the boat. We'll take the long way around, on land."
DM: "It'll take three months to go by land, and the BBEG can complete their evil plan and destroy the entire world in half that time."
The Paranoid: "Still safer than getting on a boat in D&D."

2018-01-09, 02:38 PM
The Antipodal Moral Compass: "I know a guy who knows a guy we can sell the kids to, and we need to loot the orphanage before we desecrate and burn it."
The Immoral Compass

Dr. Cliché
2018-01-09, 02:54 PM
The Immoral Compass

You beat me to it. :smallbiggrin:

2018-01-09, 03:01 PM
The Paranoid: "Absolutely everything could be trying to kill you. Plan accordingly."

Possibly more of a player type than a character, although it does describe character behavior. This person probably had too many characters die too many times in TSR-era D&D, and their current characters are all hyper-paranoid nutcases.
It not Paraoia if the DM-created universe really is out to get you. :smallbiggrin:

2018-01-09, 03:08 PM
Instigator: I wonder what happens if I pull this chain...a chain devil fell from the celing...I wonder if they all do that...

2018-01-09, 03:52 PM
The Merchant:Orphans don't really have a good weight to gold ratio, even before considering feeding and that nobody wants them. Check the kitchen for salt or wine then we should leave.

2018-01-09, 03:55 PM
The power game: Wants to be the best at what they do. Or, best at everything.

2018-01-09, 04:17 PM
It not Paraoia if the DM-created universe really is out to get you. :smallbiggrin:

This is the D&D 5e forum, but I'll just point out:

It certainly can be Paranoia if the DM-created universe is out to get you...

The computer is your friend.

I have a Coward player in my current game. It's... interesting, to say the least. The trick is: he has so many enemies (by accident) that leaving his allies (the adventuring party) would be a (quick) death sentence.

The Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal: "Our band of heroes will welcome whatever help the thieves guild has to offer. An Illithid sorcerer would certainly be a great assistance to our honorable quest!"

2018-01-09, 04:19 PM
Maniac: Orphanage? What orphanage? (Hides bloody chainsaw)

B"ut everyone saw you walk into the padwan daycare Anakin!" -Moral Compass Jedi probably

2018-01-09, 05:59 PM
The Merchant:Orphans don't really have a good weight to gold ratio, even before considering feeding and that nobody wants them. Check the kitchen for salt or wine then we should leave.

You can sell them as slaves though!!!:smallbiggrin:... WOW I really need to stop playing CE.

2018-01-09, 06:07 PM
The slut: I'll sleep with it. After I am finished sleeping with the guard. No, not because of any advantages. Just because I want to.

2018-01-09, 06:15 PM
The slut: I'll sleep with it. After I am finished sleeping with the guard. No, not because of any advantages. Just because I want to.

This brought me back to my 14 your old self playing Rifts. Not so much Slut as Attempted Slut though. Still my poor GM. :smalleek:

2018-01-09, 06:17 PM
Chivalrous Hero.

Nope! I was thinking a Knight initially, but realized you don't have to be a Knight to be a Chivalrous Hero. Added to the list.


This feels more like a Pirate to me then anything else, and I've already got Sailor/Pirate on the list. Thanks though!

The Paranoid.

Agreed on this being a Player type rather then a role, but I've seen enough Players create a Paranoid that I'll put it up here. Added to the list.

The Immoral Compass.

Thanks! Added to the list.


Already on the list, thanks though!

The Merchant.

Already on the list, thanks though!

The Power Gamer.

This seems more like a Player type then a a Player's role. Thanks though!

The computer is your friend.

All hail Friend Computer! (Looks around suspiciously, ensuring no one is watching me use my mutant powers to enter the Secret Society's secret entrance.)

The Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal.

The person who is very obviously going to betray you. There has to be a shorter/easier way to describe this role, as it's definitely something I see in a party. It's more often played by NPC's in my experience, but can definitely be done by PC's. Once we come up with something a bit shorter, I'll add it to the list.

Moral Compass Jedi probably.

Moral Compass was the first one on the list! Thanks for the contribution though!

2018-01-09, 06:20 PM
The person who is very obviously going to betray you. There has to be a shorter/easier way to describe this role, as it's definitely something I see in a party. It's more often played by NPC's in my experience, but can definitely be done by PC's. Once we come up with something a bit shorter, I'll add it to the list.

The Backstabber

2018-01-09, 06:20 PM
The person who is very obviously going to betray you. There has to be a shorter/easier way to describe this role, as it's definitely something I see in a party. It's more often played by NPC's in my experience, but can definitely be done by PC's. Once we come up with something a bit shorter, I'll add it to the list.

2018-01-09, 06:22 PM
Dang you beat me to it. One second sooner...:smallsmile:

2018-01-09, 07:47 PM

Not a fan of that particular role's title. However, already on the list is something called, The Player who seduces anything and everything. It's longer then I'd like, but if you can come up with a more suitable title for the role that isn't as derogatory, I'd happily change what's already on the list.


Perfect. Added to the list.

2018-01-09, 07:57 PM
Not a fan of that particular role's title. However, already on the list is something called, The Player who seduces anything and everything. It's longer then I'd like, but if you can come up with a more suitable title for the role that isn't as derogatory, I'd happily change what's already on the list.

Perfect. Added to the list.

For the first one you could do "The Playa"

2018-01-09, 08:07 PM
Jokes aside... I think this thread is misnamed. Ya'll are having a great time describing character personalities, but that's not the same thing as a role, which is a *job*.


narcissist -> personality trait
party face -> role
paranoid -> personality trait
scout -> role

Some personalities might be better suited to some roles, but a personality is no more a role than a race is a class.

A list of standard party roles should probably not even hit double digits.

If you're serious about this being a mini-guide of sorts, you may want to pause and hammer our your definitions first.

(If you just want to have fun, feel free to ignore me.)

2018-01-09, 08:10 PM
The Genre Savvy: "I'm not opening that door until somebody else does."
The Genre Blind: "The inscription says 'I prepared explosi-'" Boom!

2018-01-09, 08:12 PM
Point of order: Many of these so-called personality traits will affect the characters job in the party far more than a typical role description does. :smallbiggrin:

2018-01-09, 08:23 PM
Edgelord: "I work alone...", "Hmph...", "I sit in a corner of the tavern, away from everyone else...", "I think Linkin Park's songs have a deeper meaning than people think. They really speak to me."

2018-01-09, 10:21 PM
Jokes aside... I think this thread is misnamed. Ya'll are having a great time describing character personalities, but that's not the same thing as a role, which is a *job*.

Some personalities might be better suited to some roles, but a personality is no more a role than a race is a class.

A list of standard party roles should probably not even hit double digits.

If you're serious about this being a mini-guide of sorts, you may want to pause and hammer our your definitions first.

(If you just want to have fun, feel free to ignore me.)

You are correct in that plenty of these "jobs" are more of a description of personality rather then an actual job. However, I completely agree with Tanarii in that these traits play a role in more closely identifying what a Player does or contributes to the party.

Sure, if you were describing a group of Players to someone new, you would initially include their Class in the description. Following that up might be what the Player does for the party, and that might include something from a background (like Sage or Outlander) or something "critical" to an effective party (like Face or Scout). There are also times that a Player just doesn't fit any of those roles. That's where this list comes into play. Plenty of the roles listed can overlap with one another, as a Moral Compass can also be a Team Mom. These are two distinct personalities and neither is necessary for a party to succeed. But upon hearing these terms as what Players consider the PC brings to the party, they very effectively describe what the PC does to contribute to the team. Does that make sense? Is there a way you can think of that I can better word my initial opening paragraphs to avoid confusing people?

I don't intend on this being a mini-guide of any sorts. If someone wants to take that initiative, feel free to use this thread as a springboard for things that are Roles and things that are Personality Traits. This was simply intended to be an interesting list of what I (and the fellow forum-goers) consider as a viable "role" for someone in a party.

The Genre Savvy and The Genre Blind.

These ones confuse me. Is there more to them that I'm not seeing? As they are, they don't really say much about a Player's role in the party imo, other then they know what D&D is.


I completely forgot about the Edgelords! Added to the list.

I think that's working as intended though. Edgelords know, that no matter how hard you try and how far you go, it doesn't matter in the end.

2018-01-09, 10:24 PM
For the first one you could do "The Playa"

That still doesn't quite do it for me. This trait is one I typically see associated with Bards, and Players I've played with simply called this person, "The Bard." That's not what a Bard is about to me, and I've never really heard it called something else. I'll look for a more eloquent way to describe or "label" such a character and try to have it updated tonight. Thanks for the contribution though!

2018-01-09, 10:38 PM
Nope! I was thinking a Knight initially, but realized you don't have to be a Knight to be a Chivalrous Hero. Added to the list.

This feels more like a Pirate to me then anything else, and I've already got Sailor/Pirate on the list. Thanks though!

Agreed on this being a Player type rather then a role, but I've seen enough Players create a Paranoid that I'll put it up here. Added to the list.

Thanks! Added to the list.

Already on the list, thanks though!

Already on the list, thanks though!

This seems more like a Player type then a a Player's role. Thanks though!

All hail Friend Computer! (Looks around suspiciously, ensuring no one is watching me use my mutant powers to enter the Secret Society's secret entrance.)

The person who is very obviously going to betray you. There has to be a shorter/easier way to describe this role, as it's definitely something I see in a party. It's more often played by NPC's in my experience, but can definitely be done by PC's. Once we come up with something a bit shorter, I'll add it to the list.

Moral Compass was the first one on the list! Thanks for the contribution though!

Fair enough on the instigator. As my party's instigator I see it less of a "That's nice I attack" and more of a "what would happen if" character. A good instigator is about initiating movement when others are at a loss for what to do than specifically starting fights.

2018-01-09, 11:18 PM
The Genre Blind: "The inscription says 'I prepared explosi-'" Boom!

I had a character who died that way in League a while ago. I was the only one in the party who could read Draconic, so I cracked open the magical book we found. And, well, immediately exploded.

I'm chiming in because I said almost the exact thing as the quote after I stopped laughing at my level-1 character being instakilled. Something like:

Cleric: Here, I'll translate. Let me see...my Draconic is a bit rusty...this word means "rapidly combusting," and this word means "arcane script," so the translation is "Explosive Runes." ...OH SH--*BOOM*

That still doesn't quite do it for me. This trait is one I typically see associated with Bards, and Players I've played with simply called this person, "The Bard." That's not what a Bard is about to me, and I've never really heard it called something else. I'll look for a more eloquent way to describe or "label" such a character and try to have it updated tonight. Thanks for the contribution though!

The Casanova perhaps?

2018-01-09, 11:52 PM
These ones confuse me. Is there more to them that I'm not seeing? As they are, they don't really say much about a Player's role in the party imo, other then they know what D&D is.

The Genre Savvy is the player that knows that usually behind every door, behind every corner and under each rug in every dungeon, there's probably a trap waiting to be sprung. So they'd rather let the Trap Finder go ahead while they take a couple cautionary steps back. They're usually experienced players.

The Genre Blind is the one The Genre Savvy uses as a Trap Finder. The type of player that never rolls anything, falls into obvious traps(like trying to bullrush an ooze) and is ALWAYS in character, even when he doesn't mean to. They're usually newbies or oblivious players.

Here's a couple more:
The SWAT: His whole plan consists on breaking in and start killing everything that moves until only the party is left. Usually plays Barbarians and loose-cannon Paladins who live on the edge and don't go by the rules.
The Next Campaign NPC: Puts more effort in his downtime activities than actual adventuring, wants to set up a business of sorts and settle down.
The Time Bomb: Purposefully makes a character of opposite alignment than the rest of the party(If the party's all good, he's evil, and viceversa). Will definitely try to create drama that will inevitably lead to either his or the party's death.

And a classic:
The DM's Girlfriend.


2018-01-10, 07:10 AM
That still doesn't quite do it for me. This trait is one I typically see associated with Bards, and Players I've played with simply called this person, "The Bard." That's not what a Bard is about to me, and I've never really heard it called something else. I'll look for a more eloquent way to describe or "label" such a character and try to have it updated tonight. Thanks for the contribution though!

We have one too. College of glamor bard (brazenburn).

2018-01-10, 12:50 PM
Dang you beat me to it. One second sooner...:smallsmile:

I know! I posted and as soon as the page refreshed yours was right there!

The Casanova perhaps?

My favorite for this so far.

2018-01-10, 01:05 PM
Team Mom: How's everyone doing on HP? Enough arrows and javelins? We'll need to wash up before meeting the queen too.

Team mom, that’s how my tunes keep ending up lol

2018-01-10, 02:00 PM
The SWAT The Next Campaign NPC The Time Bomb The DM's Girlfriend.

I still feel like the Genre Blind/Savvy is more of a knowledge based trait that really shouldn't have much impact on your play. Just because you know that a Troll is weak to fire doesn't mean you as a PC know they're weak to fire. There are plenty of other examples in which I can think of a new Player who is blind to genre, acting exactly like an experienced Player because of other traits/roles they've taken upon themselves. There are plenty of examples in which I can think of experienced Players playing in a fashion that would appear to be blind to genre, because it's what their character would know or think. Overall neither of these feel like a role to me. Anyone else here care to chime in?

SWAT, NC-NPC, and Time Bomb all sound like roles we've already covered, or are covered by something already on the list.. However, in your description of SWAT you talked about Loose-Cannon. That is definitely a role I'd put up there, despite it's similarities to Instigator.

DM's Girlfriend. Nope. No thank you. This is definitely not a nice thing to declare as someone's role in the party. Your group shouldn't accept it, and neither will I.

I do appreciate the different look at roles though. Thank you for contributing!

The Casanova

Yesss! That'll work! Added/updated role on the list.

2018-01-10, 02:12 PM
The Blank ........ (says nothing, just let him know when he needs to roll dice and he will look up from the laptop)

Captain Ego "I have got this, I will be doing everything, I will make all the checks."

Lore Wizard "So we are going to the Waterdeep in year X? Cool, Xanathar was there then, it was right after...."

The Questioner "Before we go see the King, do I like the guy, what are his policies, how old is he, have I met him...."

The Showboat "I know I could just walk across the room but I backflip off the railing, swing on the chandelier, throw my dagger at the wall and use it as a step to jump to the other side."

2018-01-10, 03:55 PM
The Casanova implies success at seduction. What about the players who recklessly attempt to hump every NPC without any tact?

The Cocky Ham: "FEAR NOT, citizens! I can totally handle this Pit Fiend by myself!"

2018-01-10, 03:59 PM
The Casanova implies success at seduction. What about the players who recklessly attempt to hump every NPC without any tact]

I believe you are referring to the frat-bro.