View Full Version : Pathfinder Need ideas for a character theme song, Gestalted Shifter//Armorist

2018-01-09, 06:38 AM
Working on character idea for a game I'm applying for, trying to come up with some theme music to help set the mood for the character.

Class wise, its a Symbiotic Knight Warden Armorist//Radiant Protean Shifter. The idea for the main thing she turns into is a giant spider so that I can grapple people before entrapping them with webbing, except she'll end up eventually looking like some kind of eldritch abomination spider monster that lurks in the shadows by the time all is said and done.

Personality wise, the game world is set in the universe that is a grave yard for other universes, and when she appeared on the world after her original world died, she was fused with a latent subconscious of an elder one, and as she gains power she is slowly drifting away from the neutral good Druid she used to be as her grasp on reality becomes more warped due to the two consciousnesses slowly merging into one. (My way of explaining the bestial traits she gets as a shifter and adding them onto new forms.) Motivation wise, she's searching the new world trying to find her mate from the previous world in hopes that if he's there as well he can help her maintain what little grasp of sanity she might have left.

So far the only idea I've had for potential themes has been Unravel from Tokyo Ghoul... hoping others might be able to give me some good song suggestions since I can't really recall many songs that fit this kind of character.

2018-01-09, 09:51 AM

2018-01-09, 10:17 AM
Anything from Turn Off the Dark?