View Full Version : Making the Eight Triagrams 64 Palms in (3.5) (Naruto)

2018-01-09, 11:13 AM
First things first I am not done watching shippuden and am on episode 36 so please do not give any spoilers.
All first party (this includes web articles) and dragon magazine are allowed, even setting specific. Please no homebrew because I want to make this work without resorting to that. Cheese allowed as this will be used on a high powered campaign as a NPC.

Ok, with that covered I wanted to make a Neji style lvl20 character that can disable spellcasting via a punch and could do that similar to the Eight Triagrams 64 Palms technique that Neji has. I know of Bestow Greater Curse and that I could refluff it but I didn't want to make it that boring. What I was able to come up with was the feat Pressure Point Strike from Dragon mag 336 using the Celestial Dragon Point for the negating Spellcasting with Rapid stunning and combine it with Whirlwind attack. That only gets to two targets being affected by the negating spellcasting and it would only last for 1d4 rounds. Also, it would be making one attack per person in reach which in the Anime is really way more. Any way to improve this? Of course to avoid the feat tax of the Whirlwind attack it would be taken as a bonus feat via Martial Monk.

Edit: I am thinking a Monks belt for more uses of stunning fist and possibly using also Pharaoh's fist with this.

2018-01-09, 11:33 AM
I'd say take spellthief, and dual-wield (if unarmed strikes are allowed to be dual-wielded by your DM, go Improved/Superior unarmed strike to stay closer to concept) or stack natural attacks. Then take the mage slayer feat to help keep up the pressure.

2018-01-09, 11:39 AM
Well, if using Psionics:
Human Wilder 10/Slayer 10

Track (1), Linked Power (Human), Psicrystal Affinity (3), Psionic Meditation (6), Twin Power (9), Expanded Knowledge (Psychic Vampire) (12), Psicrystal Containment (15), Expanded Knowledge (Hustle) (18)

Level 1 – Synchronicity, Dissipating Touch, Defensive Precognition
Level 2 – Body Equilibrium, Hustle
Level 3 – Mental Barrier, Touchsight, Ubiquitous Vision
Level 4 – Psychic Vampire
Level 5 – Psionic True Seeing, Telekinetic Buffer
Level 6 - Contingency

Jyuuken Taijutsu – Gentle Fist Martial Arts: Neji uses a form of hand to hand combat that damages the internal organs of his foes by projecting chakra from his hands into his opponent. This ability is approximated by Dissipating Touch

Byakugan – White Eyes: Neji’s bloodline limit as a member of the Hyuuga clan is the all seeing Byakugan, an eye technique that allows Neji basically unlimited power of perception. In the series Neji has used this ability to see in a 360 degree arc, determine the whereabouts of invisible and concealed opponents, detect illusions, determine chakra flow in his opponents, and see for miles in all directions. This ability is approximated by Touchsight, Ubiquitous Vision, and Psionic True Seeing

Hakkeshou Kaiten – Heaven Spin: Neji’s primary defensive technique, he spins like a top and releases chakra around him, using it to parry incoming attacks. The ability is approximated by Mental Barrier and/or Telekinetic Buffer

Striking the Tenketsu: Perhaps the most dangerous of Neji's abilities was the use of his Jyuuken style to strike an opponents chakra veins, and prevent them from using their techniques. This also had a sort of paralyzing effect on his foes as well, as repeated strikes made it difficult for them to move. This ability is approximated by Psychic Vampire.

Jyuukenhou Hakke Ryokojuu Yonshou – Divination Field 64 strikes: Neji’s penultimate offensive technique, he accelerates his Jyuuken attacks, beginning with 2 strikes, and doubling each time until reaching 64 strikes. This is emulated under the assumption that each d6 of damage dealt by dissipating touch in this attack form represents one strike. The following round by round secquence is used to perform this attack:

Round 1 (2 strikes):
Standard Action – 2d6 touch

Round 2 (4 strikes):
Standard Action – 4d6 touch

Round 3 (8 Strikes):
Standard Action – 8d6 touch

Note: Rounds 1 through 3 are more practical if compressed into a single 7d6 twinned dissipating touch

Round 4 (16 Strikes):
Standard Action – 16d6 touch linked with synchronicity
Move Action - Regain Psionic Focus

Round 5 (32 Strikes):
Synchronicity Triggers - Manifest 16d6 Touch Linked with Synchronicity
Standard Action - Manifest 16d6 Touch Linked with Synchronicity
Move Action - Regain Focus
Swift Action - Hustle
Hustle Action - Regain Focus

Round 6 (64 Strikes):
Synchronicity 1 Triggers - Manifest 16d6 Touch {Linked with Synchronicity}
Synchronicity 2 Triggers - Manifest 16d6 Touch {Linked with Synchronicity}
Move Action - Regain Focus
{Swift Action - Manifest Hustle Linked with Synchronicity
Hustle Action - Refocus}
Standard Action - Manifest Twin 16d6 Touch
{Contingent Hustle Triggers - Refocus}

Going to 128 Strikes: Once during the series when sorely pressed, Neji uses a 128 strike version of this attack, the actions in braces in round six are required to make the final 128 die attack on the seventh round. Doing so requires an active contingency containing a Hustle Linked to a Twin Hustle

Round 7 (128 Strikes):
Synchronicity 1 Triggers - Twin 16d6 Touch
Twin Hustle Triggers - Refocus Twice
Synchronicity 2 Triggers - Twin 16d6 Touch
Synchronicity 3 Triggers - Twin 16d6 Touch
Move Action - Refocus
Standard Action - Twin 16d6 Touch

Or Lurker 20

Linked Power (1)*, Psicrystal Affinity (Human), Psicrystal Containment (Flaw), Delay Power (3), Expanded Knowledge (Dissipating Touch) (6), Psionic Meditaton (9), Twin Power (12), Expanded Knowledge (Synchronicity) (15), Metapower (Twin Power/Dissipating Touch)* (18)

* - Complete Psionic

Shaky - Neji is a close combat specialist, as such his ranged attacks suffer slightly due to a lack of training.

1st - Synchronicity*, Dissipating Touch, Mighty Spring*, Skate
2nd - Body Equilibrium, Evade Attack*, Hustle
3rd - Danger Sense, Evade Burst, Mental Barrier, Touchsight, Ubiquitous Vision
5th - True Seeing
6th - Contingency

* - Complete Psionic (Synchronicity can also be found in Races of Destiny)

Neji's Signature Abilities:

Jyuuken Taijutsu – Gentle Fist Martial Arts: Neji uses a form of hand to hand combat that damages the internal organs of his foes by projecting chakra from his hands into his opponent. This ability is approximated by Dissipating Touch. In addition, Neji's mastery of Jyuuken is such that he can manipulate the flow of his opponents chakra to induce a number of effects including paralysis (using the lurk augment Stunning Attack), chakra drain (Lurk Augment: Drain Power, or Greater Drain Power), disabling the foes ability to mold chakra (Mental Assault on a casting stat or Synaptic Disconnect)

Byakugan – White Eyes: Neji’s bloodline limit as a member of the Hyuuga clan is the all seeing Byakugan, an eye technique that allows Neji basically unlimited power of perception. In the series Neji has used this ability to see in a 360 degree arc, determine the whereabouts of invisible and concealed opponents, detect illusions, determine chakra flow in his opponents, and see for miles in all directions. This ability is approximated by Touchsight, Ubiquitous Vision, and Psionic True Seeing

Hakkeshou Kaiten – Heaven Spin: Neji’s primary defensive technique, he spins like a top and releases chakra around him, using it to parry incoming attacks. The ability is approximated by Mental Barrier.

Jyuukenhou Hakke Ryokojuu Yonshou – Divination Field 64 strikes: Neji’s penultimate offensive technique, he accelerates his Jyuuken attacks, beginning with 2 strikes, and doubling each time until reaching 64 strikes. This is emulated under the assumption that each d6 of damage dealt by dissipating touch in this attack form represents one strike. The following round by round secquence is used to perform this attack (thanks to RT for coming up with most of this sequence):

Round 1 - "Jyuukenpou: Hakke Rokujyuu Yonshou!"
Swift: Manifest a delayed hustle (for round 4) : 5 pp, 1/2 focus
Move: Refocus, 2/2 focus
Standard: Feint in combat

Round 2 - "2 strikes! 4 strikes! 8 strikes!" 5 pp spent so far
Swift action - Lurk Augment: Stunning Attack, Greater Power Drain
Standard: Manifest 10 pp DT (10d6+4d6 SA = 14d6 [2 + 4 + 8]): 10 pp (GPD provides an average of 49 pp for use next round)

Round 3 - "16 strikes!" 15 pp spent so far (49 power points for use this round)
Swift action - Lurk Augment: Stunning Attack, Greater Power Drain
Standard: Manifest 12 pp DT (16d6 total) linked to a synchronicity : 13 pp (GPD provides an average of 56 pp for next round), 1/2 focus
Move: Refocus, 2/2 focus

Round 4 - "32 strikes!" 28/15 pp spent so far (56 power points for use this round)
Swift action - Lurk Augment: Stunning Attack, Greater Power Drain
Linked Synchronicity: manifest 12 pp DT (16d6 damage) linked to a Synchronicity : 13 pp, 1/2 focus (GPD provides an average of 56 pp for next round)
Standard: Manifest 12 pp DT (16d6 damage) linked to a Synchronicity 13 pp, 0/2 focus
Delayed Hustle from round 1: Refocus, 1/2 focus
Move: Refocus, 2/2 focus

Round 5 - "64 strikes!" 54/15 pp spent so far (56 pp to use this round) (ending version)
Linked Synchronicity 1: manifest twinned 8 pp DT (24d6 total) : 12 pp, 1/2 focus
Linked Synchronicity 2: manifest twinned 8 pp DT (24d6 total) : 12 pp, 0/2 focus
Standard: Manifest 12 pp DT (16d6 total) : 12 pp

For entire routine, only up to 64 strikes, the cost is 90 pp however 75 points of that are provided for by greater power drain assuming the opponent has sufficient power points to be drained. This process also causes the enemy to lose 161 power points.
For the 128-strike routine, follow the above for rounds 1 to 4.

Round 5 - "64 strikes!" 54/15 pp spent so far
Swift action - Lurk Augment: Stunning Attack and Greater Power Drain
Linked Synchronicity 1: manifest twinned 12 pp DT (32d6 total) : 16 pp, 1/2 focus (56 average pp provided for next round)
Move: refocus, 2/2 focus
Linked Synchronicity 2: manifest 12 pp DT (16d6 total) linked to a synchronicity : 13 pp, 1/2 focus
Manifest 12 pp DT (16d6 total) linked to a synchronicity: 13 pp, 0/2 focus
Free: trigger contingent twinned hustle linked to a synchronicity, 2/2 focus

Round 6 - "Hakke Hyaku Nijuuhashou!" 96/15 pp spent so far (56 pp average provided for this round)
Linked Synchronicity 1: manifest twinned 16 pp DT (16d6+4d6 SA= 20d6, x2=40d6) : 20 pp, 1/2 focus
Linked Synchronicity 2: manifest twinned 16 pp DT (40d6) : 20 pp, 0/2 focus
Move: refocus, 1/2 focus
Linked Synchronicity 3: manifest twinned 16 pp DT (40d6) : 20 pp, 0/2 focus
Standard: manifest 4 pp DT (4d6 + 4d6 SA = 8d6) : 4 pp

Total power point expenditure against a non-psionic foe: 160 power points (Neji would require 18 intelligence to have this many power points in a day)
Minimum Potential Power Point Expenditure against a powerful psionic foe: 15 power points

This attack routine causes a total of 254d6 points of damage over 6 rounds and eliminates on average 217 power points from the opponent (minimum 62, maximum 372).

2018-01-09, 10:55 PM
Pharaoh's Fist always felt like a wash to me. It affects all creatures adjacent to whomever you hit - which, since you just punched them, presumably will include yourself. Do you really want to take a feat that gives you the opportunity to possibly stun yourself? Especially since the more you pump your Wisdom, the more likely it becomes.

2018-01-09, 11:26 PM
Pharaoh's Fist always felt like a wash to me. It affects all creatures adjacent to whomever you hit - which, since you just punched them, presumably will include yourself. Do you really want to take a feat that gives you the opportunity to possibly stun yourself? Especially since the more you pump your Wisdom, the more likely it becomes.

Well, reach is always an option or just getting stun immunity for myself.

2018-01-10, 01:01 AM
Have a look at the Arcanopath Monk from dragon compendium.

- progresses monk abilities: AC, movement, unarmed dmg, Flurry of Blows (!)

- Clap of Deafness

- Chop of Silence

- Strike of Confusion

- Deflect Spell

- Slap of Forgetfulness : enemy loses some prepared spells / spell slots

- See Invisible permanent

- Ki Strike: cold iron and later can strike ethereal creatures

- Reflect Spell

- Sundering Strike of Oblivion : target loses knowledge of some spells permanent

The special attacks are limited per day and can only be used once per round. But they can be combined with whirlwind.

As a sidenote: consider to build in some ubercharger stuff since it would work with the build: (Power Attack & Shock Trooper)
If you dip Barb1 for ACF Pounce, you can now use Whirlwind on a charge.

btw, you can also use your stunning fist in the (Charge +) Whirlwind combo. A single charge (of special attack/day) for all enemies in reach is really efficient.

edit: btw, since all the special effects are just "rider" effects on top of a regular attack and don't consume actions on their own, you can combine everything together to give your enemies a bunch of Saves to do^^