View Full Version : I created a basis for a new homebrew world, come tell me what you think.

Dankus Memakus
2018-01-10, 08:42 PM
So today bored in class I came up with a very basic idea for a new campaign world. I just wanted to post it here cuz i I thought it was kinda odd and some may like it.

Please excuse any poor grammar or weird sentances I got kinda hyped while writing this.

everything in the world is the same as like forgotten realms in terms race and class (not lore) except everyone is robots. So like robot dwarves were made to craft. Robot elves to do magic (which is really just high tech) robo orcs as warriors etc etc. It's set 5,000,000 years in the future and the robots were created to protect humanity but humanity has vanished and the robots have sustained themselves for so long they don't know why. No one remebers human disappearance cuz they have just been building "prototypes" which are like their offspring basically and humanity has faded into like legend so all these robots tried to find a purpose and have crafted like a medevil/sci fi society (because they were built able to process food into fuel and use natural lubricants and tools to repair themselves cuz oil was running out) so they have like a nice little feudal society running but odd creatures are in the woods cuz everything has evolved and changed (including earth) and most robots know nothing about the monsters cuz they stay in their castles so the adventurers would be robots searching the wilderness for humanity.

If anybody has any thoughts I'd love to hear them.

Edit: needed to clarify

Honest Tiefling
2018-01-10, 08:48 PM
1) The World-building forum might be able to help, so I'd gather some ideas, polish it, and repost and see what happens.

2) Robots wouldn't have much animal husbandry. No need for leather, plant life is more energy efficient, and no need for protein or calcium in their diet.

3) No leather means no leather armor. You'd need a new substance for that, or have them just ranch/hunt animals just for skins.

4) No one would ever learn curative spells, because...Why? A lot of disabling spells would become useless as everyone is a construct.

5) What monsters are there? The robots would still probably need to leave on occasion, if only to maintain contact with others. They'd have to leave eventually.

Dankus Memakus
2018-01-10, 08:55 PM
1) The World-building forum might be able to help, so I'd gather some ideas, polish it, and repost and see what happens.

2) Robots wouldn't have much animal husbandry. No need for leather, plant life is more energy efficient, and no need for protein or calcium in their diet.

3) No leather means no leather armor. You'd need a new substance for that, or have them just ranch/hunt animals just for skins.

4) No one would ever learn curative spells, because...Why? A lot of disabling spells would become useless as everyone is a construct.

5) What monsters are there? The robots would still probably need to leave on occasion, if only to maintain contact with others. They'd have to leave eventually.

1. Didn't know about that forum I do most my business here lol

I'll figure out what they do eventually when i flesh out their culture a bit more but thats a solid point

4 I really think I wouldn't count them as constructs, they are like so advanced as robots they are obscenely close to lifeforms so I may classify them as something completely different

5. More of the warrior/traveler types would leave to trade and explore and such but the peasants don't really. I want most of the world to be unexplored and kinda scary. But yes some do leave, just not most. And monsters. I would probably use some classic ones like minotaurs or maybe undead or something but I'd really like the chance to make up my own monsters to really throw off the PCs and make the world odd.

2018-01-10, 09:10 PM
To keep the race simple I probably base it off of the Warforged. Instead of having humans just disappear how about a robotic colonizing ship crash lands on the planet. Perhaps the ship went through some kind of magnetic storm causing many of the protocols and memories to be erased or altered.

You could even have humans arriving on the planet as an invasive creature the robots have to deal with.

2018-01-10, 09:13 PM
How robotic are these robots? If they're all shiny metal, that will create different resource demands than if they're warforged-like with more organic parts (which can be wood just as easily as flesh), who in turn are different from tiny nanomachine-based robots that might as well be basically cellular life.

The other big issue is that constructing new life forms works very differently from letting biology do most of the heavy lifting for you. Two humans making a third human requires a lot of time and resources devoted to raising the baby, but doesn't require knowing anything about protein synthesis or comparative anatomy. A robot making another robot has to know a fair deal about robotics, which requires a certain amount of knowledge about engineering and probably materials science.

More importantly, a robot making another robot has a lot more latitude in what the outcome is. Two orcs using biology to make another creature can only make another orc. Orc robots who want to make a crafter can make a dwarfbot, they can make an elfbot if they want magical support, and if they want someone to craft magical goodies for them it's a lot easier to hybridize a dwelfbot. And then there's the question of what enhancements can be added in if you want the new robot to have an edge, or how it's easier for a robot to upgrade another robot than it is for a biological life form to similarly enhance another biological life form. So you won't be able to justify that orc clan being an orc clan as easily, and different groups will all be bunches of different races/types because new models are made for whatever role the society needs.

Dankus Memakus
2018-01-10, 09:15 PM
To keep the race simple I probably base it off of the Warforged. Instead of having humans just disappear how about a robotic colonizing ship crash lands on the planet. Perhaps the ship went through some kind of magnetic storm causing many of the protocols and memories to be erased or altered.

You could even have humans arriving on the planet as an invasive creature the robots have to deal with.

I really don't care too much for the warforged. They give me a steampunk kinda vibe I dont really prefer in my campaigns. Plus I kinda want all my PCs to be the robots without limiting them to one race. So my players can still be a "dwarf" or "gnome" in a sense although those are just types of robots not races then I don't force my players into one race. They really enjoy the diversity of all the races.

Dankus Memakus
2018-01-10, 09:21 PM
How robotic are these robots? If they're all shiny metal, that will create different resource demands than if they're warforged-like with more organic parts (which can be wood just as easily as flesh), who in turn are different from tiny nanomachine-based robots that might as well be basically cellular life.

The other big issue is that constructing new life forms works very differently from letting biology do most of the heavy lifting for you. Two humans making a third human requires a lot of time and resources devoted to raising the baby, but doesn't require knowing anything about protein synthesis or comparative anatomy. A robot making another robot has to know a fair deal about robotics, which requires a certain amount of knowledge about engineering and probably materials science.

More importantly, a robot making another robot has a lot more latitude in what the outcome is. Two orcs using biology to make another creature can only make another orc. Orc robots who want to make a crafter can make a dwarfbot, they can make an elfbot if they want magical support, and if they want someone to craft magical goodies for them it's a lot easier to hybridize a dwelfbot. And then there's the question of what enhancements can be added in if you want the new robot to have an edge, or how it's easier for a robot to upgrade another robot than it is for a biological life form to similarly enhance another biological life form. So you won't be able to justify that orc clan being an orc clan as easily, and different groups will all be bunches of different races/types because new models are made for whatever role the society needs.

This is why I need help from others lol. I'm thinking the robots are kinda nanomachine but maybe also kinda shiny metal sci fi like bots haven t really decided. But you are correct orc bots wouldn't have whole clans. I think the races will be well mixed. However I dunno how they can mix themselves. A dwelf bot would be interesting but I'm not too sure how it works. Now I see your point with robotics so instead of every robot knowing it maybe only a small group does almost like the church or something creates a new bot when two parent bots are ready and then gives them the child they created. So all the clergy know the way to build others (this could have some cool adventure hooks too)

Edit: the "church" running the robot creations could be used as explanation of no dwelf robots. It's against their belief they only make the models that the creators told them to. Just a thought.

2018-01-11, 11:22 AM
they have been building "prototypes" which are like their offspring basically

Edit: needed to clarify

Ok, if I had to be honest, this is probably the most substantial thing in your world, for an evil campaign, getting hired by racists to bomb specific factories, good players that have to protect from wild beasts, I feel like there should be a couple BIG factories, and each should run like star wars the clone wars Kamino, this could result in these massive battles where you have to rally the untrained

Dankus Memakus
2018-01-11, 04:08 PM
Ok, if I had to be honest, this is probably the most substantial thing in your world, for an evil campaign, getting hired by racists to bomb specific factories, good players that have to protect from wild beasts, I feel like there should be a couple BIG factories, and each should run like star wars the clone wars Kamino, this could result in these massive battles where you have to rally the untrained

Yes I think thats quite cool