View Full Version : To dip or not to dip

2018-01-10, 11:40 PM
Making a level 15 character, need some advice. Going illusionist wizard, 14 levels for sure. Not sure if I should do all 15 to get an 8th level spell (Illusory Dragon) or take a level of light cleric (for some more cantrips, a few low level cleric spells, and medium armor w/ shield proficiency). Looking for some advice please!

2018-01-10, 11:58 PM
So, either way you'll have an 8th level slot, the question is whether or not you have an 8th level spell to cast with it.

Armor, cleric spells, cleric cantrips, 2 7th level spells
7th level spell and 8th level spell

What 7th level spells are you planning on having? Which 8th level spells would you take? (based on what you expect to be doing in this game)

2018-01-11, 03:10 AM
If you're going to dip, you should go for the biggest bang out of that lost level. Light cleric isn't really going to be it. I'd go for one of the heavy armor clerics, or one with a really unique level 1 ability such as grave clerics bonus action stabilize or trickery's blessing of the trickster. If you're content with medium armor, it does open up the option of taking a level of druid instead of cleric, but again that's not going to be the best use of the level.

If you aren't going to go for a power grab, I'd just keep the character pure wizard unless there's something thematically important about having that character level of cleric.

2018-01-11, 04:26 AM
Wiz - said by many - dominates the high levels. A dip in cleric early in the game to help bring up zero'd allies makes sense - at this level, I'm not sure it does. I don't have the phb on me but look at the capstone - if you're going to 20 make sure you can afford losing it.

2018-01-11, 01:59 PM
Though this may not be a min max combo you could go 2 warlock and take the invocations misty visions and the mask of many faces invocations and then go wizard 18. You may be a level behind in spells, but you'd have way more utility and power. You can cast disguise self and silent image as many times as you want and it works with illusionist class bonuses aka (illusory reality).Meaning you can create illusory walls or restrain people in illusory objects every round with hitpoints and ac without expending a spell slot. Hiding inside objects would be hilarious. Sure you'd lose out on your signature spell, but this is arguably more useful. Oh yeah and take mirage arcane that thing is frikin amazing. (Unlimited blade works)
Website:(wall info)

2018-01-11, 02:34 PM
The character will be level 15, and not going any further. The only 8th level spell I would really care enough about would be Illusory Dragon (XGtE). I actually really like the idea of the trickster ability, even if it only has limited usage, it does fit the scheme for this character, who is an illusionist primarily.