View Full Version : Two different games, two different Gishes. Build Advice

2018-01-11, 02:34 AM
I'm currently running two characters through two separate campaigns, an Eladrin Bladesinger in SKT, and a Half Elf Hexblade through a homebrew world. I just got XGtE and these are the first chances to use material from it. The Bladesinger took a bunch of the new spells, and the Hexblade is making use of the Invocations.

Since reaching 5th level on both last time they were played, a thought ran through my mind--Is multiclassing worth it? For the Bladesinger, I have been using Shadow Blade along with stuff like Zephyr Strike, Enemies Abound, and the usual protection spells like Shield, and SCAG Cantrips to be a pretty effective Striker. In the encounter against the 3 Frost Giants and 2 Winter Wolves in the Ten Towns area at the start of actual SKT, I crit all 3 Frost Giants with an upcasted SB + BB combo during the fight killing them off when it landed. Also, a well placed Enemies Abound at the start combined with a Bard Cutting Words'ing the save every round took the leader giant out of the fight for 3 rounds while we killed the wolves, then finished off the weakened remaining Giants.

I am genuinely having fun, and love the combination of Shadow Blade and Elven Accuracy, plus the Flanking variant. However, I did notice something, I am squishy if a hit does get through. I took one hit from an OA when banking of Bladesong + Shield AC didn't save me, and went from full to 8 hp. I was wondering if sopping where I am at Wiz 5 and going EK Fighter 7 for War Magic, as well as hp, action surge, and defense style would work, despite losing a bunch of Higher end spells. The DM told me if I wanted, I could drop Wiz 5 for Fighter 1, and go from there, likely finishing the campaign right around when I get to EK 7.

On the Hexblade side, I am loving that Bladelocks are no longer forced to dip Fighter, I love Imp Pact Weapon as a much needed QoL invocation, and combined with something like Flame Tongue or Vicious weapons, is a nice little boost. Since I already have Elven Accuracy and a 20 Cha because of rolled stats, I don't need to boost any other stats with ASIs, and at 8th I can take Resilient to get a 20 Con. I was debating getting weird with MC combos again though. The DM claims we will likely get to atleast 15th level before we wrap the game story up, higher if we get into side quests or he throws stuff from Yawning Portal at us as filler content. An idea of dipping either Shadow Sorcerer, or some flavor of Paladin(Conquest looked good), or both if I felt froggy crossed my mind. At the same time, missing Lifedrinker and other high end warlock stuff sounds painful. Any advice on this end? Full Hexblade seems like it is too good to drop, at least until the capstone at 14th.

2018-01-11, 06:00 AM
First of all: Zephyr's Strike is Ranger only, no?

Second: Wizard 5 get a huge power spike to avoid. As a Bladesinger, I would suggest going to lv 6 at least for Extra Attack, especially if you plan on using Shadow Blade.

Third: Hexblade.. well... what to say? If you multiclass or not, you already got it's juice. You WILL be strong. It's always strong. If you want more raw power, go the Sorlock or Palalock path and shine even more.

2018-01-11, 07:44 AM
If your DM is OK with you retraining, perhaps he would be OK with letting you trade out your Elven Accuracy feat for... Can't remember the name offhand, but the one that gives you 2 extra HP per level.

As for the warlock, I'd say don't multi class; It's really solid as is. And if you want paladin smites, there's an invocation for that now.