View Full Version : Pathfinder Race Points for Race Building, do these two abilities interact well?

2018-01-11, 03:31 AM
Working on a character for a game where I'm allowed to pick a pathfinder race and modify it to where it's up to 15RP.

Using Elf as my base, and I'm making a stealthy wildshaping grappler.

My question is do the racial abilities Swift as Shadows and Silent Hunter interact or stack with each other? And if not, which one would be better to keep and which one should I dump?

Swift as Shadows gives me: Members of this race reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving at full speed by 5, and reduce the Stealth check penalty for sniping by 10;

While Silent Hunter gives me: Members of this race reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can make Stealth checks while running at a –20 penalty (this number includes the penalty reduction from this trait).

I guess what I'm mostly wondering would be does Swift as Shadows further reduce the penalty from making a stealth check while running to be a -15? Also just thinking about it, does anyone else think that Paizo possibly should have reversed the names for these traits? Mostly since Swift as Shadows focuses on stealthy sniping, while Silent Hunter focuses on stealthy running?

2018-01-12, 08:59 AM
I would say they likely stack, as the benefits are untyped and don't specify, but not in your instance of running. Running and moving full speed are different. An argument could be made that they don't stack, because the source is the same (Racial Traits,) so take that into consideration as well.