View Full Version : Shapeshifting and buffs.

2018-01-11, 06:29 AM
What happens when you buff a body part, and then change shape?

1 Let's say, a druid in tiger form casts greater magic fang on his claws.

Then he casts bite of a werebear, and his claws change from cat to bear-like. Do they keep the gmf buff or not?

2 What about a druid/warshaper that buffs his claws, and then applies morphic weapons to grow them bigger? would the gmf stick, or end?

3 And finally, to compelte the example - transformed druid with morphic wepon claws, casts bite of a werebear.
Will the now bear-like claws keep the morphic weapons buff he applied earlier?

2018-01-11, 07:12 AM
If changing into a form without the said appendage, I think an argument could be made for the buff spell ending. But if the weapon just changes shape, I'd say it's pretty reasonable to argue that the buff would remain; after all, if you buff a sword and then change it into a whip or whatever (there are weapon enhancements that do that), it's still the same object.

2018-01-11, 08:22 AM
What happens when you buff a body part, and then change shape?

1 Let's say, a druid in tiger form casts greater magic fang on his claws.

Then he casts bite of a werebear, and his claws change from cat to bear-like. Do they keep the gmf buff or not?

2 What about a druid/warshaper that buffs his claws, and then applies morphic weapons to grow them bigger? would the gmf stick, or end?

3 And finally, to compelte the example - transformed druid with morphic wepon claws, casts bite of a werebear.
Will the now bear-like claws keep the morphic weapons buff he applied earlier?

1. Mechanically, your claws don’t change from being catlike to bear like. Your claws in bear form are a different set of claws than your cat form claws, so the spell fizzles out, since they no longer have a valid target.

2. Using similar logic to the above, they’re still the same set of claws. Morpnic weapon lets you increase the damage, but it’s still the same set of claws, much like how a sword with GMW on it is still the same sword.

3. Er, can you clarify exactly what you mean by this, I’m having trouble parsing it. To answer, I’ll be making some assumptions as to what you meant, which I’ll list in the spoiler below1. Druid is Wild Shaped into a tiger.
2. The Druid using his Morphic Weapons ability to increase the damage of his claws by one size (to 2d6).
3. Druid then casts Bite of the Werebear. What happens?
Now, a strict mechanical reading of the situation above would say that you have 4 claw attacks. Your Tiger claws enhanced by Morphic Weapons are seperate from your BotW claws that don’t have the bonus (yet). I know PF has rules against this, but 3.5 doesn’t, to the best of my knowledge.

A slightly less literal reading, in which your new claws replace the old ones, would still say that Morphic Weapon wouldn’t auto-boost the new claws. They are seperate from your old ones. However, you could use Morphic Weapons on said claws after you cast the spell for a boost, as the cost of actions.

2018-01-11, 09:34 AM
The actions are the issue obviously - since bite line spells have a very short duration, so ideally should be cast last.

2018-01-11, 02:50 PM
I think I would probably rule the other way. If you cast GMF and specify a single natural weapon (i.e. left or right claw attack) then the buff will last for any left (or right) claw attack until the spell ends. Whilst I would not allow the spell to be cast on a weapon the recipient does not possess at the time of casting (so no buffing left claw while in orca form) I would allow the buff to affect the left claw attack if the recient wild-shaped/polymorphed from a tiger (starting form with claw attacks) into a wolf (no claw attack so no benefit from spell) and then into a bear (claw attack so spell is useful again).

I have not checked but I don't think the rules are sufficently explict on this to be confident in any interpretation.