View Full Version : Magic Items for a support character in combat?

2018-01-11, 12:26 PM
I'm currently playing a 10th level Seer psion that is heavily focused on utility. My character is able to do some stuff in combat but any given combat often takes up a lot of my pp even when I try to be frugal, as I find it boring just messing around in the back line with a light crossbow. So I'm wondering, does anyone know of any magic items in the 10k and below range that my character would be able to use for some battlefield control/buff/debuff tricks? Stuff like magic items that would allow me to cast Bull's Strength on the frontline fighter or allowing me to cast Web on some enemies sound like a lot of fun.

Combat is kinda rare in our campaign so I don't want to devote too much of my character/psionic powers to it

2018-01-11, 12:52 PM
I'm currently playing a 10th level Seer psion that is heavily focused on utility. My character is able to do some stuff in combat but any given combat often takes up a lot of my pp even when I try to be frugal, as I find it boring just messing around in the back line with a light crossbow. So I'm wondering, does anyone know of any magic items in the 10k and below range that my character would be able to use for some battlefield control/buff/debuff tricks? Stuff like magic items that would allow me to cast Bull's Strength on the frontline fighter or allowing me to cast Web on some enemies sound like a lot of fun.

Combat is kinda rare in our campaign so I don't want to devote too much of my character/psionic powers to it

Why don't you just get a Dorje of the spells you use most? Help reduce the amount of PP drain you place on yourself. Better yet, get a collection of power stones of powers you don't have, but are on your list so you can essentially cover the bases of powers you don't normally use. For instance, a Dorje of energy push or energy stun gives you more umph than a light crossbow and carries a rider effect.

If combat truly is rare, a fully charged dorje (4.5K gp) would probably last quite some time and serve you fairly well.